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牛津小学英语5A Unit 2 试题设计(通用2篇)

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牛津小学英语5A Unit 2 试题设计(通用2篇)

牛津小学英语5A Unit 2 试题设计 篇1


  a                   b                  c

  (    )  1.  these                 three                 there

  (    )  2.  black                 white                brown

  (    )  3.  my books             nine books            nice books

  (    )  4.  a new house           three houses           an old house

  (    )  5.  near her house         near his house          near your house

  (    )  6.  a map of the world      a map on the wall       a map of china

  (    )  7.  beside the door         behind the door         behind the doors

  (    )  8.  under the bed          on the bed             under the bag

  (    )  9.  two bedrooms          three bedrooms         five bedrooms

  (    )  10. there is a garden.       there isn’t a garden.     let’s go to the garden.



  (    )  1. there are some trees between the buildings.

  (    )  2. there aren’t any glasses on the table.

  (    )  3. there is an umbrella on the window.

  (    )  4. there isn’t a football under the bed.

  (    )  5. there are forty students in my classroom.


  yang ling lives      a new house now. it’s very        . there are        bedrooms, _________bathrooms, a        , a kitchen , a dining room and a         sitting-room. there _________a garden. in yang ling’s          , there’s a bed, a map on the        and a telephone            _________to the bed.



  1. near my bed                          2. 在墙上                       

  3. in the cat’s mouth                     4. 在我的巧克力旁              

  5. in the black hat ________________       6. 两个电话_______________

  7. a large kitchen_____________           8. 一处新住宅________________

  9. some eggs ________________           10. 居住在南京_________________


  1. aunt(同音词)                      2. desk(近义词)                 

  3. big(反义词)                       4. photo(复数形式)              

  5. we(宾格)                          6. go(反义词)                  

  7. study(复数形式)                    8. houses(单数)                 

  9. a lot of(同义词)                    10. some(同义词)                


  (   )1.        is the hat? it’s black.

  a. whose         b. where          c. what colour

  (   )2. there aren’t _________ books in the study.

  a. some    b. any    c. many

  (   )3. where_____ the computer rooms?

  a. am    b. is    c. are

  (   )4. there ______ any pictures on the wall.

  a. isn’t        b. are        c. aren’t

  (   )5. my dog is ________ the door.

  a. behind     b. under       c. in

  (   )6. are there _____ on the blackboard?

  a. some pictures    b. any picture    c. any pictures

  (   )7. there are ______ in the _______.

  a. twenty rooms; building  b. twenty buildings; room c. a building; room

  (   )8. ―where is your umbrella?    ―look, it’s on ______ orange chair.

  a. the    b. a    c. an

  (    ) 9. how many          are there in your house? there      only one.

  a. study, is     b. studies, is     c. studies, are

  (   )10. here _____ a crayon for you.

  a. am   b. is    c. are


  (    ) 1. this is mr green t-shirt.                  ______________

  a     b   c

  (    ) 2. the girl in the blue is nancy.               ______________

  a         b    c

  (    ) 3. the pen is between the crayon.              ______________

  a    b        c

  (    ) 4. it’s on first floor.                         ______________

  a   b   c

  (    ) 5. are there some slides in your garden?         ______________

  a        b       c


  1. there are some dolls on the table.(改为否定句)

  there                 dolls on the table.

  2. there’s a dog under the bed.(对划线部分提问)

  the bed?

  3. here’s a pencil for you.(改为复数)

  here         some           for you.

  4. there are five cars near the school.(对划线部分提问)

  _________ near the school?


  1. a: are there         pictures         the wall?

  b: no, there                   pictures.

  a:           on it?

  b:          a           of the world.

  2. a: where ________ben?

  b: he ________ ________ the door.


  本套试题所涉及的知识与能力目标紧扣牛津小学英语5a unit 2 “a new house”的教材内容。

  本单元的话题是谈论“家庭设施”。主要学习there be的否定句式以及掌握一些新的介词,如under, behind等。其具体的知识与能力目标有:(1)能听、说、读、写以下一些单词及词组:live, study, a bedroom, large, a wall, behind, a bed, under, a door.(2)能对以下一些句型达到四会要求:what’s in/on/under/behind…?there’s/there isn’t a/an…. there are some/aren’t any…。(3) 能听得懂、会说和会读以下一些日常交际用语:i live in a new house now. they like the … very much. here’s a/an… for you. here are some… for you.(4)能够了解元音字母a在单词中的读音,并能读出书上的例词和例句。(5)会诵读歌谣“do you like my house?”





  1. there  2. black  3. nine books  4. an old house  5. near her house  6. a map of china   7. beside the door  8. under the bag  9. five bedrooms  10. there isn’t a garden.

  keys:1.c  2.a  3.b  4.c  5.a  6.c  7.a  8.c  9.c  10.b


  1. there is an old photo on the wall.

  2. a: what’s under the bed?

  b: there are some shoes.

  3. a: are there any bananas in mum’s bag?

  b: yes, there are.

  4. a: can you see some balls behind the door?

  b: no, i can’t. but i can see some balls under the table.

  5. a: where’s the girl? is she next to miss gao?

  b: yes, she is.

  keys:1.e  2.b  3.d  4.a  5.c


  keys:5  2  1  4  3 

  四、yang ling lives in a new house now. it’s very big. there are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study , a kitchen , a dining room and a large sitting-room. there isn’t a garden. in yang ling’s bedroom, there’s a bed, a map on the wall and a telephone next to the bed.

  五、1.在我的床附近    2。on the wall       3.在猫的嘴里       4。 beside my chocolate

  5.戴着黑色的帽子    6.two telephones   7.一个大的厨房    8。a new house

  9.一些蛋         10。live in nanjing

  六、1.aren’t    2.table     3.small     4.photos    5. us 

  6.come        7.studies   8.house     9.lots of   10.any

  七、1.c  2。b  3。c  4。c  5。a  6。c  7。a  8。a  9。c  10。b

  八、1.c  mr green’s   2.b in blue   3.c crayons   4.c the first floor   5.b any

  九、1.aren’t any    2.what’s under   3.are pencils    4.how many cars are there

  十、1、any  on  aren’t  any  what’s  there’s  map

  2、is  is  behind

牛津小学英语5A Unit 2 试题设计 篇2





  (   ) 1. a. not at all.        b. i’m sorry.             c. thank you very much.

  (   ) 2. a. yes, i can.        b. no, i can play the violin. c. i like music.

  (   ) 3. a. no, we can’t.      b. no, he can’t.          c. no, she can’t.

  (   ) 4. a. no, i don’t.       b. me, too.              c. all right.

  (   ) 5. a. he’s ill.          b. he can play the violin. .  c. perhaps he’s at home.

  四、听录音,完成下列对话 。(听三遍)(10分)

  a: hello, mike.                     b: hello, su yang.

  a: can you         ?              b: no, i          .

  a:                   you do?      b: i can         .

  a: shall we                  ?     b:         a good        .

  a:       go.


  五、判断下列划线部分的读音是否相同,用“√”或“ ×”表示。(5分)

  (     )  1.  after     class        (     )  2.  beside    nine 

  (     )  3.  skate     face         (     )  4.  some      hot

  (     )  5.  clock     song     


  1.her parents                          5.学一首歌                          

  2. under the teacher’s desk              6.吃一个冰淇淋            

  3. a music lesson                       7.听                     

  4. after class                           8.做一架模型飞机              

  5. in the classroom                      10.把钢笔放在课桌上          


  1. you,can,a,head,book,put ,your,on

  _________ you ______ a  ________ ________ your _________?

  2. beside , he’s, teacher’s, the , desk

  he’s _________ the _________ _________ .

  3. like  , we, playing, after, basketball, class

  we _______ _________ basketball _________ _________ .

  4. a, the, ride, woman, can, bike

  the  ________ ________ _______ a _________ .

  5. o’clock , two, afternoon, it’s, in, the

  it’s _________ ________ _______ the ___________ .


  a                                                   b

  (    )1. what’s in the playground?            a. i can make puppets.

  (    )2. what can you sing?                  b. i can sing english songs.

  (    )3. are there any swings in the park?      c. thank you.

  (    )4. here’s a doll for you.                 d. there are many basketballs.

  (    )5. what can you do?                    e. yes, there are.


  (     ) 1.the boy can play football and the girl can play guitar.  _______________

  a         b                      c

  (     ) 2. there aren’t some slides in the park.               ________________

  a   b           c

  (     ) 3. i can making a puppet.                          ________________

  a      b     c

  (     ) 4. tom, here’s a toy car to you.                     _________________

  a    b    c

  (   ) 5. there is two maps on the wall.                                     

  a      b  c


  look at the picture on the wall. it’s a nice picture of a park. i can see a slide, three swings, some trees and a lot of flowers. how many trees can you see? oh, i can see eleven. there are some birds in the trees. they are very lovely. i like the picture very much. is this david’s picture? sorry, i don’t know.

  (    ) 1. the picture on the wall is david’s.

  (    ) 2. the picture is very nice.

  (    ) 3 there’s a slide, three swings, some trees and a lot of flowers in the picture.

  (    ) 4. it’s a picture of a garden.

  (    ) 5. the birds in the trees are very lovely.


  本套试题是根据牛津小学英语5a unit 3“at a music lesson”的教学要求与能力目标而设计的。

  本单元主要知识内容和目标要求是:(1)本单元的核心教学内容是“谈论能力”。要求学生能用“can you..?yes, i can. no,i can’t. what can you do? i can…”来谈论对方的能力,并达到四会要求。(2)能听得懂、会说和会读以下一些日常交际用语:“listen to… please.now,follow me,please.yes./ok/./all right.let’s start.let’s sing it together.”(3)能够听、说、读、写以下的词汇,如:a lesson,a song,can,sing,dance,play,learn,listen,swim,make,ride,put等. (4)能初步掌握情态动词can的基本用法。 (5)能够了解元音字母o在单词闭音节中的读音,并能读出书上的例词和例句。(5)会演唱歌曲“we can sing and dance”.





  1. play the guitar  2. dance  3. swim  4. ski   5. sing a song

  keys:3  1  5  4  2


  1 what can wang bing do? he can play the piano.

  2 what can nancy do? she can skate.

  3 what can liu tao do? he can ski.

  4 what can helen do ? she can play the violin.

  5 what can ben do ? he can ride a bike.

  key:1. play the piano  2.skate  3.ski  4. play the violin  5. ride a bike


  1. thank you very much.

  2. can you play the violin?

  3. can you sing the song “we can sing and dance”?

  4. i can make a puppet. how about you?

  5. where is ben?

  keys:1.a  2.a  3.a  4.b  5.c


  a: hello, mike.             b: hello, su yang.

  a: can you dance?          b: no, i can’t.

  a: what can you do?        b: i can swim.

  a: shall we go swimming?   b: that’s a good idea.

  a: let's go.

  五、1. √ 2. √ 3. √ 4. × 5. √

  六、1.她的父母亲     2.在老师的讲台下      3.一节音乐课        4.课后

  5.在教室里       6. learn a song         7.have an ice cream   8.listen to

  9.make a model plane     10.put the pen on the desk

  七、1.can  put  book  on  head           2.beside  teacher’s  desk

  3.like  playing  after  class              4.woman  can  ride  a  bike

  5.two  o’clock  in  afternoon

  八、1.d  2.b  3.e  4.c  5.a

  九、1.c play the guitar   2.b any   3.b make   4.c for   5.a are

  十、1. ×  2. √  3. √  4. ×  5. √



牛津小学英语5A Unit 2 试题设计(通用2篇)
