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高二英语模块五 Unit1词汇教学案

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M5 U1词汇
1. betray vt. 出卖、背叛、(无意中)泄露、暴露。
~sb. / sth (to sb.) ~oneself
He die his country the enemy.
The expression on her face betrays her anger/ that
betrayal n. an act of ~
I saw his actions (辜负了我的信任)
2. overlook 忽略/视,俯瞰、眺望、不计较。
I the mistake I read it .
They are having dinner at a restaurant the lake.
I will ~ your bad behaviour this time.
3. admit admitted admitting vt. 承认、接纳、容纳
He admitted his mistake / making a mistake / having made a mistake/ (to us) that he had made a mistake.
You must ~ the task (难)
It is generally admitted that ….
He the school. 他已获准入学。
The hall ~s 1,000 persons.
vi. (与of 连用)容许; (与to 连用) 承认。
It ~s of no doubt.
I must ~ to (感到羞愧) of my conduct.
admission [u] 接纳,收容. [c] 承认.
4. deliberately adv. 故意地、慎重地、不慌不忙
She (故意弄坏了我的车灯。)
She is walking ~.
deliberate adj. 故意的、慎重的
~ murder 谋杀. be ~ in one’s speech. 出言审慎
5. swear swore sworn vt. vi. 起/发誓. ~ to/ that
He swore to tell the truth / not to do it again/ that he would tell the truth.
诅咒 He was so angry that he swore his boss.
保证 We will swear his honesty.
6. forgive vt. 饶/宽恕、原谅、免除。
forgive sb. sth. / forgive sb. for (doing) sth.
Please forgive me for coming late.
. 你受到饶恕。
Won’t you forgive me such a small debt?
forgiveness n. be full of ~ 宽大为怀
ask for / receive ~ 请求/受到宽恕
7. tease v. 嘲笑、取笑
Don’t get angry. ― 他不过是逗弄人。
I used to get my name.
n. 好戏弄他人者。 Tom is a great ~.
8. brilliant adj. 光辉夺目的、杰出的、聪明的。
~sunshine / jewels / stars / achievements.
She’s ~ at language.
brilliance n. the ~ of the speech 出色的演讲
9. focus v. 集中注意力、聚焦、调焦距
~ one’s eyes / attention / thoughts / efforts / mind on sb. / sth.
All eyes on the speaker.
You must try to (集中思想于)work and study.
This photo looks funny; I think you forgot to focus the camera.
n. 中心(点),焦点, the ~ of an earthquake / storm / disease
She likes to become (注意的中心)
The image is in / out of ~
10. mean. adj. (出身、地位)卑贱的、低微的、卑鄙的、吝啬的、刻薄的。
He is a man of ~ birth.
His mean words really hurt me.
He is very ~ money and won’t make a donation.
v. 意味、打算
mean to do sth./ mean sb. to be …

be meant for
be meant to do
11. cruel adj. 刻毒的、伤人的、残酷的
a ~ act / punishment / war / wind.
It’s ~ him to do / say that.
Don’t be too cruel him.
n. the ~ of war.
12. stand vt. 经受,忍受 stand sth. / doing sth.
stand the test of time / history
He can’t stand waiting any longer
I can’t stand .当众被嘲笑。
stand by 站在旁边,袖手旁观,和…站在一起。
stand for 代表,象征,容忍、忍受。
stand out 显著,出色,坚持到底
①Whatever happens, I’ll you
②The dove peace.
③They until the help came.
13. blame v. 责备/怪、归咎
~sb. for sth. / ~sth. on sb. 为某事责备某人/把某事归咎于某人
He blamed his failure his teacher.
He blamed his teacher his failure.
be to blame 应受责备,应负责
n. 责怪/任,过失
bear / take the ~ (for sth.) 对…负责
put / lay the ~ on/ upon sb. (for sth.) 将某事归咎于某人
blameless adj. 无可责怪的,无过失的
I’m ~ in this matter.
blameworthy adj. 应受责备的
14. doubt 疑惑,不确定。 Vt. 怀疑 Vi. 怀疑,疑虑
There is no doubt he will come.
There is some doubt (as to ) he is guilty.
throw/ cast ~ upon sth. 对……产生怀疑
beyond / without ~毫无疑问地
in doubt 拿不准,不能确定
I’m in doubt his success/ he will succeed.
vi. He 怀疑一切
vt. I doubt the truth of it / .
I don’t doubt 他是否会守信。
doubtful adj. 怀疑的 doubtless adj. 无疑的
15. strength n. 力气,体力 a man of great strength
get back / recover / regain / renew one’s strength
build up one’s strength
too much for / beyond one’s strength 非力所能及。
He has the strength of a horse.
to one’s strength 尽力
Hard as the task may be, we must do it to our strengths.
strengthen v. 加强,巩固 strengthless adj. 无力量的
16. delay vt. n. 推迟,耽搁,延误 delay sth. / doing sth.
We’ll delay our journey for a week.
I 因交通拥挤而耽搁。
Why do you delay your home work?(上交)
without delay 毫不迟延地
You’d better 马上开工。
Excuse me for my delay in answering your letter.
17. discourage vt. 阻止,劝阻,使灰心
Don’t let one failure discourage you, try again.
He from giving up his job.
The news was really discouraging.
discouragement n. [u] 劝阻;[c]使人泄气的事
Despite my discouragement , he went out.
It was a great discouragement him.
18. anxious adj. 焦急的,焦虑的,急切的,渴望的
He is anxious / her safety.
We are anxious peace.
I’m anxious to know the result of the exam.
I’m anxious .让我哥见你
He was anxious that we should have all we want.
anxiously adv. I waited anxiously for Mr Green.
anxiety n. She was filled with anxiety about her child’s health.

M5 U1 词汇检测
I. 根据首字母或所给中文完成句子
1. A p cause of Tom’s failure is his laziness.
2. Who made these dirty m on my new book?
3. His comments about my clothes (使尴尬)me.
4. How about d our sports meeting until next Friday?
5. She felt b when she found out the truth about him.
6. I (道歉)to her for stepping on her foot.
7. He pushed against the rock with all his s .
8. Without a moment’s h he jumped into the river.
9. He says what he thinks, r of other people’s feelings.
10. She (承认)having read the letter.
11. Boys and girls have different (态度)towards friendship.
12. Mum d chatting online.
13. All eyes are f on her new clothes.
14. The house on the hill o the valley.
15. Good medicine tastes b .
II. 单项选择
( ) 1. The teacher didn’t know who was for the broken glass.
A. to be blamed B. to blameC. blamedD. blaming
( )2. Why have they delayed the new school, Mr. Wang?
A. to openB. openingC. openD. opened
( )3. If you don’t listen to me, how can I you that I am a good singer?
A. adviseB. suggestC. persuadeD. believe
( )4. Tom is always saying bad words behind me, which makes me not any more.
A. standB. speakC. knowD. understand
( )5. I have a doubt their team will win the game.
A. thatB. whetherC. whatD. when
( )6. I’ll never you for what you said to me last night.
A. forgiveB. regretC. relaxD. comfort
( )7. It was icy on the road last night , so all of us were your safety.
A. worry aboutB. care aboutC. eager forD. anxious about
( )8. My friend Mark was sick with a strange fever; , he could neither eat nor sleep.
A. after allB. as a result ofC. as a resultD. otherwise
( )9. from heart trouble for years, Professor white has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.
A. sufferedB. sufferingC. Being sufferedD. Having suffered
( )10. ―Why haven’t you bought any butter?
―I to, but I forgot about it.
A. likeB. wishedC. meantD. expected
( )11. Readers can quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.
A. get overB. get inC. get alongD. get through
( )12. Little Tom admitted in the examination, that he wouldn’t do that in future.
A. to cheat, to promiseB. having cheated , promising


高二英语模块五 Unit1词汇教学案
