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First Aid教案

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First Aid教案
Teaching Plan
Unit 8 First Aid
Reading DR ABC
Teaching Objectives
Knowledge objectives
1. Enable the students to realize the great importance of time in emergency.
2. Let the students know more about first aid.
3. Help the students to master some useful words and expressions.
Ability objectives
1. Improve the students’ reading ability.
2. Improve the students’ speaking ability, listening ability and writing ability.
3. Train the students’ ability of co-operation.
Moral objectives
Make the students learn to care for others and be helpful.

Teaching Important Points
1. Improve the students’ reading ability.
2. How to give first aid.
3. Useful words and expression

Teaching Difficult Points
1. How to give first aid.
2. Key words and expressions

Teaching methods
1. Task-based preview assignments
2. Students-centered activities

Teaching procedure
Step1: Warming up
Show some pictures and ask the students to think of some words or phrases related to the scenes.
What will you do when you happen to see those scenes above?

Ask the students to skim the passage and then answer this question:
1. What is first aid in your opinion?
2. What does DR ABC stand for?
3. What should you do if you find a person who has stopped breathing?
A. Run to find help.
B. Try to start his or her breathing, using mouth-to-mouth way.
C. Take him or her to hospital at once.
4. What should you do if you find whose leg is bleeding?
A. Tie a piece of cloth round the leg above the bleeding point.
B. Do nothing. Just send him to hospital at once.
C. Press firmly on the bleeding point using a clean handkerchief.
5. What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake?
A. Make the person drink more water.
B. Take the person and the container to hospital.
C. Leave the person there and call the First Aid Centre
6. What should you do if you find a person has been trapped under a car?
A. Try to pull him / her out.
B. Leave him / her there and drive the car away.
C. Find enough people to lift the car safely.

Step3: Detailed reading
Read the passage carefully and divide it into several parts and give the main idea of each part.
Part1 (para1): the importance of first aid.
Part2 (para2): keep calm when dealing with an emergency.
part3 (para3-5): the principles of giving first aid: DR ABC.
part4 (para6): how to give a person first aid.

Read the passage again and explain what the people are doing in the pictures on page 60.

Perform an interview with your partner, one as a reporter, the other a doctor and ask how to give first aid using the structure below.
First, you should

Group work:
Suppose there is a certain accident. (Show the picture) act out the scene and make
conversations possibly match the picture.

Step4: language points
1. upside down: The kite hang upside down from a tree.
2. witness (vt.) : He witnessed how the accident happened.
3. seconds count:
seconds count in an emergency: every second is important
What else do seconds count? --in a basketball game, in the war...etc..:
4. keep in mind: bear in mind: Keep in mind that this selection will affect both your download and upload speeds.
5. recommend: This book is recommended by Mr. John.
6. make sure that-clause: Will you make sure that he has come back?
7. calm: He always keeps/ stays calm in an emergency.
8. panic: In case of fire, don’t panic.
9. on the way: He is on the way to success
on the way to doing sth: he is on the way to becoming a doctor.
10. save one's life: She saved an old man from the fire.

Step5: Homework
1. Find all the clauses with “if” and analyze them.
2. Do the exercise 2 on page 61.


First Aid教案
