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外研版九年级英语上册Module 12同步教案

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外研版九年级英语上册Module 12同步教案4
知识目标:能正确使用Module 12中的单词和短语;

1. 应用本模块交际用语,如:Welcome to…; Please give a warm welcome to…等;
2. 掌握下列短语make progress, fill in, place of interest, up to, take place 的用法;
3. 掌握主谓一致。

1. at the end of, by the end of 与in the end的区别;
2. provide…for和provide…with的用法;
3. 主谓一致。

1. shorts
【用法】n. 短裤
生活中有许多物品都是由两个相同的部分组成的,或是两个相同的部分一起使用的,如trousers, shorts,
sunglasses, glasses,jeans, socks, shoes, chopsticks等都是这类词,在使用时要注意:
如:The shoes are mine.
如:The pair of shoes is mine.
These pairs of shoes are made in China.
【考题链接】This pair of shoes________________ too expensive. Can you show me the pair over there?
A. is B. are C. be
2. progress
【用法】n. 进步,发展 (不可数名词)
常用短语:make progress with… 在……方面取得进步
【例句】He has made great/much progress with his work.
【考查点】make progress with… 这一短语的翻译。
With his help, I’ve _________________________________my English.
答案:made great/much progress with。
解题思路:此题考查“取得了很大的进步”的翻译,由于前面有have,所以make要用其过去分词形式,故写为made great/much progress with。
3. arrange
【用法】v. 安排
【例句】Would you like to arrange a personal interview? 你希望安排一次个别接见吗?
I’ve arranged for a taxi. 我已安排好了一辆出租车。
注意:“安排某人做某事”应表达为“arrange for sb. to do sth.”;“与某人商定做某事” 应表达为“arrange with sb. for/about sth.”
【例句】I’ve arranged for him to meet you at the airport. 我已安排他去机场接你。
I’ve arranged with the boss about the business. 我已和老板洽谈好了这项生意。
I’ve arranged __________ the meeting.
A. Mary to attend B. for Mary to attend C. for Mary attend
解题思路:此题考查“安排某人做某事”的表达, 此句意为“我已安排玛丽去参加会议”,故选B。
4. book
【用法】v. 订购
【例句】I’d like to book four tickets, please.
如:We’ve ordered supper for 6:00 p.m. at the Xiangjiang Hotel.
I have __________ you a hotel room.
A. booked B. ordered C. made
5. provide
【用法】v. 提供,供应,供给
常用短语:provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. 提供某物给某人
【例句】They provide food for us. =They provide us with food.
The teacher _______ me _______ information about students exchange program this morning.
A. provided, with B. provided, for C. provides, with
解题思路:此题考查provide的用法,由于时间状语是this morning, 要用一般过去时,排除了C,两空中间给出了me,可知要用“provide sb. with sth.”这一短语,故选A。

① ―How much ___________ the shoes? ―Five dollars _________ enough.
A. is, is B are, is C. are, are
② ―How much _________ the pair of shoes? ―100 dollars.
A. is B. are C. will
③ It has been arranged _________ by his family to marry a girl of his own class.
A. to he B. for him C. him
④ We can provide anything __________ your team.
A. with B. to C. for
⑤ He has made __________ progress _________ his study .
A. great, with B. much, for C. big, with

1. fill in
【例句】Please fill in the blank with the word.
If you want to join us, please______________________ a form.
答案:fill in.
解题思路:此题考查“填写”的翻译,故填写fill in。
2. place of interest
【例句】There are many places of interest in China.
Foshan is an old city and it has lots of __________________.
A. place of interest B. place of interests C. places of interest
解题思路:此题考查“place of interest”的复数形式,故选C。
3. up to
【用法】“多达,达到”(相当于as many as)
【例句】I can take up to six people in my car.
China’s population is _________________ 1.3 billion.
答案:up to / as many as。
解题思路:此题考查“多达”的翻译,故填写up to / as many as。
4. by the end of
【考查点】at the end of, by the end of 与in the end的区别。
辨析:at the end of, by the end of 与in the end :
at the end of:意思是“在……的末端,在……的后期”,它既可指时间,也可指位置的末端。
如:The shop is at the end of the street.
We will learn more than a thousand words at the end of this term.
by the end of:意思是“到……末为止,在……之前”,只能表示时间的概念。当它后面接表示过去的时间状语时,其谓语动词要用过去完成时。
如:Our school teaching building must be finished by the end of this year.
We had learnt 3000 words by the end of last term.
in the end:意思是“终于,最终”,相当于finally,其后不能接介词of。
如:In the end, they won the match.
【易错点】at the end of, by the end of 与in the end的用法不明确。
The girl sat __________________ the bench, smiling to herself.
A. by the end of B. in the end of C. at the end of
解题思路:此句意为“那个坐在长凳一端的女孩, 正暗自发笑”,由于by the end of只表示时间的概念, in the end后不能接介词of, 故选C。
5. take place
【例句】The story took place on a cold morning.
辨析:take place和happen:都表示“发生”,都没有被动语态。
take place:常指经过安排而发生的事,主语由“会议,活动,运动”等词充当。
如:The meeting took place in the city hall.
Happen:指人或物(偶然地)发生了什么事, 主语由accident或与此类似的代词充当,常用于“happen to sb./ sth. 某人或某物发生了……”结构中。
如:A serious accident happened to him. 他发生了严重的事故。
【考查点】take place和happen的辨析。
【考题链接】 汶川地震发生在2008年5月。
The earthquake in Wenchuan __________________ in May, 2008.

1. The park is so beautiful. Great changes ______________ in the last few years.
A. have been taken place B. have taken place C. have happened
2. A tropical(热带的)fish in America can survive(存活)out of water for ________ 66 hours.
A. up to B. from to C. to
3. We had learnt 9 units ________________ last month.
A. at the end of B. in the end C. by the end of
4. 把你的名字和地址填在这儿。
____________________your name and address here.
5. 他刻苦学习,很快就取得了很大的进步。
He studied hard and _________________________________________________ soon.
6. 他们已经参观了许多名胜古迹。
They have visited __________________________________.

Welcome to…
Welcome to + 地点名词,Welcome + 表示地点的副词
如:Welcome to my school! Welcome home!
如:They are welcoming the new students.
We welcome his idea.
如:―Thank you very much. ―You’re welcome.
(3)作名词,意为“欢迎,迎接”。常用于“give sb. a warm welcome 热烈欢迎某人”这一短语中。
如:The students give the new teacher a warm welcome.
=The students give a warm welcome to the new teacher.
=The students welcome the new teacher warmly.
【易错点】Welcome to…中的to何时省略不明确。
【考题链接】Guangzhou is hosting the 2010 Asian Games. _________________ Guangzhou.
A. Welcome B. Welcome to C. Welcoming to
解题思路:此题考查“welcome”的用法,由于Guangzhou是地点名词,welcome后要接to, 故选B。

英语中的主谓一致可分为三个原则:1)语法一致的原则 2)意义一致的原则 3)邻近一致的原则
1. 语法一致的原则
To work hard is necessary for a student.
Doing morning exercise is good for your health.
Both he and I are right.
Mr Black and Mrs Black have a son called Tom.
His teacher and friend is a beautiful girl.
The poet and writer has come.
(3)主语是单数时,尽管其后接有but, except, besides, with,along with, together with, as well as 等介词短语
The teacher with his students is going to visit the museum.
Nobody but two boys was late for class.
Mary together with her parents has gone to Beijing.
He as well as I is responsible for it. 不只是我,他对这件事也负有责任。
(4)一些只有复数形式的名词,如people, police, cattle, clothes等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。例如:
A lot of people are dancing outside.
The police are looking for lost boy.
(5)由each, some, any, no, every 构成的复合代词作主语时,谓语动词都用单数。例如:
Is everybody ready?
Somebody is using the phone.
(6)由两部分构成的物体的名词,如glasses, shoes, trousers, chopsticks, scissors 等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。例如:
―Where are my shoes? ―I can’t find them.
Your trousers are dirty. You’d better change them.
如果这类名词前用了a pair of等量词,则谓语动词的单复数形式往往取决于pair的单复数形式。例如:
Here are some new pairs of shoes.
My new pair of socks is on the bed.
2. 意义一致的原则
Twenty years is not a long time.
Ten dollars is too dear.
(2)有些集合名词,如family, team,class等作主语时,如作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数;如指其中的每一个成员,则谓语动词用复数。例如:
My family is a big one.
My family are watching TV.
(3)由不定代词all, most, more, some, any, none等作主语时,也要依照这些不定代词所表示的意义来决定谓语动词的单复数形式。如果不定代词代表复数可数名词,则谓语动词用复数;如果所代词代表单数可数名词或不可数名词,则谓语动词用单数。例如:
All of the work has been finished.
All of the people have gone.
It is said that 35 per cent of the doctors are women.
Three ?fourths of the surface of the earth is sea.
(5)half, the rest等表示不定数量的名词作主语时,如果所指内容为复数意义,谓语动词用复数;如果所指内容为单数意义,谓语动词用单数。例如:
I have read a large part of the book, the rest is more difficult.
Only ten students attended the class because all the rest were off sick.
(6)由what 引导的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。例如:
What she said is correct.
The sick have been cured and the lost have been found.
The dead is a famous person.
3. 邻近一致的原则
(1)由连词or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also等连接的并列主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,则谓语动词的单复数形式按邻近一致的原则决定,即与最靠近它的主语一致。例如:
Either you or I am right.
Neither the children nor the teacher knows anything about it.
(2)在“There be” 句型中,谓语动词的单复数形式和最靠近其的主语一致。
There are two apples and one egg in it.
Here is a letter and some books for you.
【考题链接】How time flies! Ten years ________ passed.
A. have B. has C. is D. are
解题思路:该题考查主谓一致。Ten years通常被看作是一个时间整体,故谓语动词用单数形式,选B。

1. ―Two months _______ quite a long time.
―Yes. I’m afraid that he will miss a lot of lessons.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
2. ―When are you going to Kunming for your holidays?
―I haven’t decided. ______ this Sunday ______ next Sunday is OK.
A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Neither; nor D. Not only; but also
3. ______ Helen ______ Joan speaks beautiful Chinese after they came to China.
A. Neither; nor B. Not only; but also
C. Both; and D. A and B
4. _______ of them has his own opinion.
A. Both B. Some C. Every D. Each
5. Are there any _______ on the farm?
A. horse B. duck C. chicken D. sheep

下册 Module 1 Travel―Module 2 Education

重点单词:though, neither, present
重点短语:set off, get off, either…or…, be full of, because of, plenty of, two more lessons

思考问题一:both, either和neither如何使用?
思考问题二:plenty of, a number of与a lot of如何区别?
思考问题三:because of与because有区别吗?

( ) 1. When is the training course ______?
A. taking placeB. happeningC. happening toD. taking a place
( ) 2. The singer was given a warm ______ by his fans.
A. welcomesB. welcomeC. welcomingD. welcomed
( ) 3. Daming’s new jeans are _____ tight.
A. a bit of B. a kind of C. a bit D. a little of
(*)( ) 4. The rest of the money ______ him.
A. was given toB. were given toC. was givenD. were given
( ) 5. The teacher asked us to ______ the blanks.
A. full ofB. fill inC. fill withD. filling in
( ) 6. Bird’s Nest( Olympic Stadium), the Summer Palace and the Great Wall are _____ in China.
A. place of interest B. place of interests
C. places of interests D. places of interest
( ) 7. How much ____ those jeans over there, please?
A. is B. are C. am D. were
( ) 8. Look, there _____ a pair of sunglasses on the desk.
A. was B. were C. is D. are
(*)( ) 9. Not only his parents but also his brother ________ to the Summer Palace. They haven’t been back.
A. have been B. have gone C. has been D. has gone
(*)( ) 10. Neither my father ________ going to see the patient.
A. nor I am B. nor I are C. or me are D. or me is
(*)( )11.Look! There _______ playing with the tourists on Yinhe Square.
A. are a number of deer B. are a number of deers
C. is a number of deer D. is a number of deers
( ) 12. Good morning! _____ our city. I wish you have a good time today.
A. Welcome you to B. Welcome to
C. Welcome D. Welcome in
(*)( ) 13. ―-How many students are there in your school?
―-About 2000. One third of them _____ from city.
A. have B. has C. is D. are
( ) 14. ― What can I do for you? ― ________.
A. I think it is time to leaveB. I’d like to book a room
C. I like it very muchD. I’d love to
(*)( ) 15. The whole family ______ supper when I dropped in.
A. was havingB. is havingC. were havingD. had

My parents took me to Japan when I was little. I lived there for five years. 1 I came back, my Japanese was very good. “Can I do something useful with my Japanese?” I asked myself. Then, one day last spring, I got a good opportunity . Everyone was afraid of SARS, so I stayed at home with 2 to do. My father brought me a Japanese book. “Why don’t you translate it into Chinese? It will be better than 3 computer games all day.” I promised to do 2,000 words each day. But 4 I found it was hard to keep the promise. One day in May, the weather was beautiful. But I couldn’t go out. Those 2,000 words were still 5 me. After translating only three pages, I already lost interest in the book. I looked at it for a long time. But I couldn’t make myself turn the pages. How I wished I could just go outside and 6 football with my friends! I counted the words again and again. I just wanted to give up. I felt as if two people were fighting 7 my mind. One said, “Don’t give up! Keep working hard, and you’ll do well!” But then the other one said, “Go and play! It will be more 8 than translating. Do your work tomorrow.” I stood up and would 9_ the computer. But then I remember 10 my parents had told me: “Whatever you do, don’t stop halfway(半途/中途).” So I sat down and went on with it.
( ) 1. A. Because B. Until C. Since D. When
( ) 2. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything
( ) 3. A. be played B. playing C. played D. plays
( ) 4. A. just then B. right now C. soon D. suddenly
( ) 5. A. talking to B. looking at C. smiling at D. waiting for
( ) 6. A. play B. give C. buy D. watch
( ) 7. A. in B. with C. about D. for
( ) 8. A. fun B. important C. useful D. dangerous
( ) 9. A. turn on B. turn off C. open D. close
( ) 10. A. how B. where C. which D. what

Miss Clarke works in a hospital. She’s friendly to the patients and takes good care of them. So they like her and most of them give her some presents when they come out of hospital.
It was Saturday. Miss Clarke didn’t go to work. But she had to give an old woman some medical care(医疗护理)in her house outside the town. She got on a bus and found there were many people in it and couldn’t find any seats. At that moment an old man near the door was going to stand up. The girl made him back to his seat.
“Thank you, sir”, said Miss Clarke. “But please don’t do that. I’m able to stand.”
“But, madam, let me...” began the old man. “I ask you to keep your seat,” interrupted(打断)the girl with her hands on his shoulders(肩膀).
But the old man tried to stand up, saying, “Madam, will you kindly let me?”
“No, no,” Miss Clarke said again and made him back.
At last the old man stood up, saying, “Madam, you’ve carried me three stops beyond(超过)my house.”
( ) 1. The patients give Miss Clarke some presents because _______.
A. she needs some help B. she asks them to do so
C. she’s a good nurse D. she saved them
( ) 2. Miss Clarke stood ______ after she got on the bus.
A. behind the river B. in front of the conductor
C. behind the old man D. near the door
( ) 3. The old man wanted to ______, so he tried to stand up.
A. get off B. make room for the girl
C. talk with the girl D. thank the girl
( ) 4. Miss Clarke hoped to _____ and made the old man back to his seat.
A. find a seat herself B. take another bus
C. stand for a while D. be polite
( ) 5. The old man was carried three stops beyond his house because ______.
A. he didn’t know where to get off B. Miss Clarke stopped him to stand up
C. he had forgotten his address D. it was too crowded in the bus

Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is in the north of Europe. Near Greenland is another island. It is small. It’s named Iceland. Do you think that Greenland is green and warm? Do you think that Iceland is white with ice? If you do, you are wrong. Not many people live on the big island of Greenland. There are more people in your hometown than in all of Greenland. That is because Greenland isn’t green. Greenland is white. Most of the island is covered with lots of ice. The ice covering Greenland is higher than the world’s tall building. What about Iceland? Is it colder than Greenland? No, it isn’t. Iceland has ice, but not so much as Greenland. Iceland has a lot of springs. They give out hot water and steam. The climate isn’t as cold as Greenland. And there are a lot more people who live on Iceland.
( ) 1. What does “Greenland” mean in the sentence “Greenland is the largest island in the world.” ________.
A. 格陵兰B. 绿洲C. 绿岛D. 草原
( )2. From the story we know that ______ people live on Greenland.
A. a lot B. few C. a few D. a little
( ) 3. Most of the Greenland is covered with ______.
A. trees B. water C. tall building D. ice
( ) 4. There are a lot of springs ______.
A. on Greenland B. on Iceland
C. in your hometown D. in the city
( ) 5. Which is right? _______.
A. Greenland is as large as Iceland
B. It is warmer on Greenland than on Iceland
C. There is much more ice on Greenland than on Iceland
D. Greenland is a green, warm, beautiful island

1. The man who wears __________________(太阳镜)is my uncle John.
2. John is studying a French ______________(课程)at university.
3. He ____________(订)a seat on the plane to London.
4. You may have the ______________(剩余)of the pie.
5. Lingling has made great _______________(进步)with the studying of English.
6. Miss Zhang is a very ______________________(有经验的)maths teacher in our school.
7. ________________(记忆)is the treasure of the mind.
8. The government is trying to promote good _________________(关系)with other countries.
9. Please fill in the ______________(申请)form where you will also find the list of prices.
10. You’ll have meals with an American family and do some _____________(活动)with them.

1. 自80年代以来中国发生了很大的变化。
Great changes _________________________________ in China since 1980s.
2. 我们应该热烈欢迎新同学。
We should _______________________________________ the new student.
3. 他学习不努力,因此进步不大。
He didn’t work hard, so he _______________________________.
4. 如果你感兴趣,请填写我们的申请表格。
If you are________, please_______________ our application form.
5. 泰山是山东的一处名胜。
Mount Tai is __________________________ in Shandong.

Welcome to our summer courses. The courses l___1__ one month and starts at the beginning of July. Our teachers are w______2__ and very experienced. We p____3__ weekly tests to see the p_____4_ you’re making with your language s_______5_. We arrange many a_______6_ for you after class every day. You can c____7_ to take trips around the city or go to visit places of interests. We try to give you the best possible e______8__ of learning. If you’re i______9_, please f____10_ in our application form online, our address is: .

一、1. A 2. B 3. C
4. A 解析:the rest在此处指“其余的钱”,money为不可数名词,因此the rest所指为单数意义,谓语动词要用单数。此外,“give sth. to sb.”的被动形式为“sth. be given to sb.”,故选A。
5. B 6. D 7. B 8. C
9. D 解析:该题考查主谓一致。由not only…but also连接两个并列主语,其谓语动词的单复数形式同与其最靠近的主语保持一致,故谓语动词应用单数形式。又据句意“他们都还没有回来”,可知用has gone而不用has been。
10. A 解析:该题考查主谓一致。neither…nor是一组连词,可连接两个并列主语,其谓语动词应同最靠近它的主语I保持一致,因此选A。
11. A 解析:该题考查主谓一致。这个句子的主语是a number of deer,是一个复数概念,因此谓语动词应用复数形式。(deer的单复数同形)
12. B
13. D 解析:“分数或百分数+of+名词”构成的短语作主语时,其谓语动词的单复数形式要由of后的名词而定。One third of them是指“三分之一的学生”,of后的them是指学生,为可数名词的复数,故谓语动词要用复数。
14. B
15. C 解析:此句意为“当我来访时,他们全家人正在吃晚饭”,family是指家里的每一个人,故谓语动词要用复数。
二、1~5 DABCD 6~10 AAABD
四、1. sunglasses 2. course 3. booked 4. rest 5. progress 6. experienced
7. Memory 8. relationships 9. application 10. activities
五、1. have taken place 2 give a warm welcome to 3. made little progress
4. interested, fill in 5. a place of interest
六、1. last, 2.well-trained, 3.provide, 4.progress, 5.skill, 6.activities, 7.choose,


外研版九年级英语上册Module 12同步教案
