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高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit(精选12篇)

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高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit(精选12篇)

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇1

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 2     unit4 & unit5

  一. 重点单词与短语

  1. suggest vt.

  (1)建议 后接名词、动名词或宾语从句,宾语从句中的谓语动词需用should +动词原形,should可省略。

  i suggest you (should) apply li yang’s method to your study.

  注明:suggest不能用于suggest sb. to do sth.


  the black clouds suggest it is going to rain.




  一个“坚持”: insist   两个“命令”:order, command

  三个“建议”suggest, propose, advise  四个“要求”:demand, require, request, ask


  _____ be sent to work there?

  a. who do you suggest       b. who you suggest that should 

  c. do you suggest who should     d. do you suggest whom should

  his smiling face suggested that he ____ really satisfied with all this.

  a. had been   b. was    c. be    d. should be

  2. contain v.包含;容纳

  区分contain 与include


  beer contains alcohol.

  the bottle contains water.


  the list included his name.


  there are 40 people on the bus, _______________ two children. =

  there are 40 people on the bus, two children ______________.

  3. affect v.影响;感动;侵袭      

  区分: affect v.   effect  n.   effective a.有效的


  have an effect/influence on对……有影响

  bring/put sth. into effect使某物开始使用

  come into effect (尤指法律/规章制度)开始实施

  take effect产生预期效果;生效

  the medicine quickly took effect.




  4. stick


  stick a fork into a potato把叉子插进土豆

  stick a stamp on a letter把邮票贴在信上

  the bus was stuck in the mud.公共汽车陷在泥里动不了了。

  the teacher was stuck by the problem.老师被难题卡住了。


  stick to sth.坚持;不放弃

  stick to a post坚守岗位

  stick to one’s words遵守诺言

  stick sth. out把……伸出来,坚持到底

  (3) n.棍;棒

  a walking stick拐杖

  chopsticks n. 筷子






  5. unknown a.未知的;不详的;不出名的

  an unknown disease一种尚未搞清的疾病

  an unknown artist一个默默无闻的艺术家


  as is well known…众所周知

  it is well known to all that…众所周知……

  be unknown to sb.不为某人所知

  mr. smith, would you please make yourself known to us? smith 先生你能向我们自我介绍一下吗?


  ______ is known to us, china is developing faster and faster.

  a. it     b. that     c. what     d. as

  二. 重点短语

  1. as a result结果


  as a result of因为……

  without result毫无结果地

  result from(动词短语)产生;发生

  result in(动词短语)导致

  nothing has ___________ _________ his efforts.他的努力终成泡影。

  acting before thinking always ____________ __________ failure.做事不先考虑总会导致失败。

  2. die out(指物种)死光;灭绝(of species=become distinct),火慢慢熄灭


  die away减弱(以至觉察不到);淡化

  die down逐渐降低;减弱

  be dying 垂死的

  be dying for/to do sth.渴望

  die of 死于(饥饿;病)

  die from死于(外界引起的)

  die hard很难改变;顽固

  old habits die hard.旧习难改。

  ex. in britain one in four people ______ smoking too much.

  a. die of    b. die from    c. die for    d. die in

  i ______ a racing bicycle when i was at middle school.

  a. died for   b. was anxious to  c. dreamt    d. was dying for

  3. come into being形成;产生(不可用于被动语态或进行时态)

  dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being.千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多。


  come into effect实施

  come into use投入使用

  come into power上台执政

  ex. before the computer _______, people could never imagine it could bring about such great changes to human life.

  a. came into being       b. was discovered

  c. was come into being      d. was formed

  4. be concerned about(for)为……担心/忧虑

  i believe that you are concerned about animals and plants disappearing.我相信你们为动植物的消失而担心。


  be concerned with与….有关

  as far as…be concerned关于;至于;就…而言

  the car is fine as far as the engine is concerned.

  as far as i’m concerned you can do what you like.

  ex. parents _____ the matters _____ the education of the children.

  a. show great concern about; concerned

  b . are concerned about; concerning

  c. concern; concerning 

  d. are concerned about; concerning about

  5. dream of梦想

  dream of /about (doing) sth.

  dream of/about sb./sth梦见某人/某物

  dream one’s life away虚度光阴


  wish for/hope for sth.希望得到…

  wish/hope/except/desire to do sth.希望做…

  long for/to do sth.渴望得到/做某事

  be anxious for/to do sth.渴望得到/做某事

  be eager for/to do sth.渴望得到/做某事

  6. break up分裂;解体;打碎;结束

  the crowd started to break up when the night fell.天快黑时人群开始散开了。

  their marriage broke up.他们的婚姻破裂了。

  the company top meeting didn’t break up until midnight.



  break away from摆脱;脱离

  break down出故障;分解;

  break into破门而入

  break out爆发

  break through突破


  1)the bus _______________ on the way to school, so i was late.

  2)the ship hit a large rock and _________________.

  3)the chinese government will never allow Chinese Taiwan _______________ our motherland.

  4)scientists say they’re beginning to ______________________ in fighting against cancer.

  5)―i don’t know how to complete such a large project?

  ―i suggest you _________ it _________ into several steps and get them down one by one.

  6)we were discussing an important issue when the guard _______________ the meeting room.

  三. 重点句型

  1. she turned around and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.她转过身看到一只羚羊带着忧郁的神色望着她


  she turned around and there was an antelope which was looking at her with a sad face.

  “with a sad face looking at her” 为with的复合结构,即with +名词、代词(介词宾语)+v.-ing(宾补)。可充当宾补的还有分词、不定式、形容词、副词及介词短语。简单总结为:with +宾语+-v.-ed /v.-ing /to do)作伴随状语或定语


  with some students _____________(follow) behind , he came in.

  with a lot of thing ____________ (solve), the new boss worried a lot.

  2. they set the number of animals to be hunted. 他们拨出一定数量的动物供人们捕猎。

  to be hunted为动词不定式的被动式,在此作animals的后置定语。不定式作定语时,在句中如果能找到不定式动作的执行者,常用不定式的主动式,找不到时常用不定式的被动式。试比较:

  the first thing to be done is to tidy up the office.

  the first thing for you to do is to tidy up the office.

  3. they may play to passer-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路者演奏,以便有一些额外收入。

  so that= in order that引导目的状语从句。so that也可引导状语从句。其区别在于so that引导目的状语从句时,从句中的谓语常含有can, could, be able to等情态动词,而结果状语从句中没有,另外结果状语从句常用逗号与主句隔开,但目的状语从句一般不用。so that引导目的状语从句在许多情况下可改写为so as to或in order to引起的不定式短语


  完成句子:he said in a loud voice ______________________________________.


  he said in a loud voice _______________________________________.




  in peace; as a result ; by chance; stick to; above all; be honest with; in danger; play a jokes on; dream of; pay attention to; or so; sort out

  1. the daughter asked her father to ___________ his health.

  2. he slipped and broke his leg. __________, he will have to be away from school for two or three months.

  3. make sure you _________ the same story when you are questioned a second time.

  4. he spent a happy afternoon ______ his coins and stamps.

  5. i met him ________ on the way home yesterday afternoon.

  6. he knew the man he _________ did not exist.

  7. my father was warned by the neighbors that we were ________.

  8. the boys _________ james. they hid his shoes and he could not find them.

  9. after such a busy life i would like to settle in the country, where i can live________.

  10. it is reported that there are thirty students ___________ in the classroom.


  1. in the school play dora gave a good ___________(perform) last weekend.

  2. jealousy is a very ____________(power) emotion.

  3. the child’s reading ___________(able) was satisfactory for his age level.

  4. as an ___________(know) author, it isn’t easy to get your work published.

  5. mother asked the little girl to hold the bird neither too ________(loose) nor too firmly.

  6. it is ____________(kind) of you to say such things that made her unhappy.

  7. more ____________(recent), banks had offered customers the opportunity to change to pc or telephone banking.

  8. vitamin c provides some __________(protect) against minor illnesses.

  9. the sunday papers are full of _____________(advertise) for cars.

  10.  “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” is an old ____________(say).


  1. 这个调皮的男孩喜欢开别人的玩笑。(play jokes on )

  2. 她戴着墨镜,以保护眼睛不受太阳的损害。(protect…from)

  3. 首先,我想告诉你们一个好消息,我们要举办一个英语联欢会。(above all)

  4. 老师要同学们多注意发音。(pay attention to)

  5. 他们到达一座农舍,农舍前面坐着一个小男孩 (非限制性定语从句)

  6. 他起床晚了,结果没赶上早班汽车。(as a result)

  7. 这位女售货员建议他改天再来。(suggest)

  8. 这台计算机正在由一位年轻的工人修理。(用现在进行时的被动语态)


  (一)1. pay attention to  2. as a result   3. stick to  4. sorting out

  5. by chance  6. dreamed of  7. in danger  8. played a joke on

  9. in peace  10. or so

  (二)1. perfomance   2. powerful 3. ability  4. unknown 5. loosely 

  6. unkind 7. recently 8. protection 9. advertisements  10.saying


  1.the naughty boy likes playing jokes on others.

  2. she is wearing a pair of dark glasses to protect her eyes from the sun.

  3. above all, i’d like to tell you a piece of good news that we are going to have an english party.

  4.the teacher asked their students to pay more attention to their pronunciation.

  5.they arrived at the farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy.

  6.he got up late. as a result, he didn’t catch the early bus.

  7.the saleswoman suggested that he should come another day.

  8.the computer is being repaired by a young worker.

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇2

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 3     unit3 & unit4


  1. scene

  n. 现场,情景,景色,发生地点,(戏剧)一场

  behind the scenes在后台

  make a scene吵架,(当众)大吵大闹


  辨析:scene, sight, view与scenery


  the scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.


  guilin is famous for its beautiful scenery.


  what a sight she looks in that old dress!她穿那件旧衣服看来是多么可笑。


  you can get a wonderful view at the top of the tower.


  there is a fine ______________ of the mountain from our hotel window.

  a. view   b. scenery    c. scene    d. sight

  2. permit

  辨析:permit, allow, let


  (1)二者用于allow/permit sb. to do sth.句型  be allowed/permitted to do sth.

  allow/ permit me to introduce miss mary to you.

  students are not allowed/permitted to enter the net bar.

  (2)二者用于allow/permit doing sth.句型

  we don’t allow/permit smoking in our office. =



  my mother wouldn’t let me __________(go) to the film.



  if time/weather permits (=time/weather permitting), i’ll go outing this weekend.



  without the professor’s permission, nobody can enter the laboratory.

  allow for考虑;顾及

  we must allow for his inexperience.我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验。

  it will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays. 把路上的耽搁算进去, 你要用半小时才能到车站。

  3. method n.方法

  with this method/by this means/ in this way用这种方法

  辨析:method, means, manner, way 与fashion


  a new teaching method新教学方法


  he climbed the tree by means of a ladder.

  by all means一定; 务必

  by means of通过; 用; 借助于

  by no means决不, 一点也不


  why are you talking in such a strange manner?



  the quickest _________________of travel is by plane.

  she has a very scientific _______________ of dealing with political problems.


  1. go ahead

  (1)――may i start now?   ――go ahead!开始吧。

  (2)could i use your dictionary?   ――go ahead!用吧。

  (3)――excuse me, would you please tell me the way to the cinema?

  ――go straight ahead for 200 meters.向前直走200米。


  ahead of time/schedule提前

  easy ahead!慢进!

  full speed ahead!全速前进。

  push ahead向前进,推进

  ahead of在……前头,早于; 超过

  2. account for解释; 说明

  she could not account for her mistake.

  i want you to account for each sum of the money you spent.


  keep an account of记录,记载    on account of因为; 由于

  bank account银行账户     open an account with在银行开个户头



  3. get into trouble惹麻烦

  ask for trouble自讨苦吃

  get out of trouble摆脱困境;免受责骂

  make trouble闹事

  take (the) trouble to do sth.不怕费事或困难尽力做某事

  thank you for taking the trouble to revise my composition.

  put sb. into the trouble of doing sth.麻烦某人做某事

  you shouldn’t constantly put him into the trouble of looking after your pet dog.



  afraid of _________________________, i am always very cautious.


  thank you for ________________________ to take the old lady home.


  i am ready to help the people _________________.


  i would not want to ___________________________ the shoes for me.


  stay away from the drunken youths. they _________________________.

  4. prevent …from = stop… from...., keep….from…..使……不做事;阻止……做某事

  5. now that既然,由于(=since),引导原因状语,从句中that可以省略

  now that you’ve passed the test, you can drive on your own.





  (4)since 与now that“既然”,可以表示已知或明显的原因



  i think tim must be at home, _____________ his room is bright.

  a. since   b. for    c. now that   d. as

  6. in time最终; 迟早sooner or later; eventually

  in time for sth./ to do sth.及时; 不迟

  will i be in time for the train/ to catch the train?


  race against time争分夺秒   all the time一直;始终; 老是

  at a time一次;每次       at no time永不……

  at one time有个时期;曾经; 一度  at times= sometimes=from time to time

  by the time到……的时候为止   for the time being暂时; 暂且

  take one’s time不着急; 慢慢来   keep bad time(钟、表)走得不准

  it’s high time that … 是做某事的时候了


  1) _____________________ he was addicted to playing web games. but now he devotes himself to writing, which delights his parents.

  2) don’t try to do everything at once; take it a bit __________________.

  3) you’ll have your own office soon but _____________________ you’ll have to share one with me.

  4) with the deadline drawing near, the workers are ______________ to get the building completed.

  5) the pickpocket was so quick that my father’s wallet was in his hand ____________________________.


  1. the next morning i’d just about given myself up for lost when i was spotted by a ship.第二天早上,正当我感到绝望时一船发现了我



  1)be about to do …when…

  2)be on the point of doing…when…

  3)be doing…when…

  4)had hardly done…when…


  i was about to play games ___________ my mother broke in.

  a. while    b. when    c. as     d. the time

  2. you must come whenever you want and have whatever you like.


  (1)疑问词+ever可引导名词性从句,相当于anyone who, anything that, any time when等,用来加强语气

  whoever breaks the rule must be punished.=

  ________________________ breaks the rule must be punished.

  you can choose whatever you like in the shop. =

  you can choose _________________________you like in the shop.


  whoever breaks the rule, he must be punished. =

  __________________________ breaks the rule, he must be punished.

  whenever you have problems, you may turn to me for help. =

  ____________________________ you have problems, you may turn to me for help.


  一. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式完成下列句子(其中有两个多余选项)。

  make a bet; go ahead; by accident; account for; to be honest; in rags; get into trouble;

  even if; in time; prevent … from; now that; break out 

  1. late last night, fighting _________ between gangs of rival football fans.

  2. they ran all the way to the corner just ____________ to see the bus disappearing up the street.

  3. there were reports that some people had been __________ voting in the election.

  4. the pilot, whether __________ or design, made the plane do a sharp turn.

  5. can you ___________ your movements on that night?

  6. she’s going to have problems finding a job __________ she gets a levels.

  7. i’d like to _________ that could be settled by then.

  8. _________ , i don’t like him very much..

  9. children _________ begged money from the tourists..

  10. the company _________ when it tried to expand too quickly.

  二. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子。

  1. they told us that they had _________ (publish) a translation of leoparde’ s poems.

  2. his back injury may __________ (prevent) him from playing in tomorrow’s game.

  3. how much a person can earn ___________ (depend) on his skill.

  4. the conflict _____________ (spread) everywhere, into little villages, as well as into the cities.

  5. the boiler _____________ (explode) and many people were injured by the hot steam.

  6. listen! the baby in the next room has been _____________ (scream) for an hour.

  三. 请按照句子的语法结构及提示完成下列句子。

  1. all of them stared at him intently, as though ___________ (try) to understand something.

  2. do you doubt _________ he will succeed in passing the test?

  3. it was the boy _________ __________ (而不是) his teachers that was to blame for what the boy had done.

  4. in such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they ________ ________ _________ (be to survive).

  四. 根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子

  1. 最好的方法是你提前预定。(ahead of time)

  2. 经理就要离开时,他的秘书叫住了他。(be about to do)

  3. 这个问题将会以一种对双方都有利的方式得到解决。(in a manner)

  4. 他对她微笑着,好像在说“要有信心”。(as if)

  5. 坚强的意志是做好一切事情的基本品质。(that作指示代词)

  6. 既然雨停了,我们马上走吧。(now that)

  7. 午饭后,我们继续工作。(go ahead with)

  8. 他不能说明他犯错误的原因。(account for)



  1. broke out    2. in time     3. prevented from

  4. by accident     5. account for   6. even if 

  7. made a bet     8. to be honest    9. in rags  

  10. got into trouble


  1. published     2. prevent     3. depends 

  4. spread      5. exploded     6. screaming

  三. 1. trying   2. if /whether   3. rather than   4. are to survive 


  1. your best bet is to make reservations ahead of time.

  2. the manager was about to leave when his secretary called him back.

  3. the issue will be resolved in a manner that is fair to both sides.

  4. he smiled at her as if to say “be confident.”

  5. strong will is a kind of quality and that is what it takes to do anything well.

  6. now that it has stopped raining. let’s go at once.

  7. after lunch we went ahead with our work.

  8. he couldn’t account for the foolish mistakes he had made.

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇3

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 5unit1 & unit2


  1. expose v.使暴露; 揭露; 使接触

  expose a secret/ a plan泄露秘密/计划

  expose sth/ sb. to …把……暴露在……之下

  expose students to good art and music使学生接触美好的艺术和音乐

  expose soldiers to unnecessary risks使士兵冒不必要的危险

  the reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot.这名记者因为试图揭露一个阴谋而被杀害。


  the best way to study english is __________________________________________



  2. control v. &n.控制; 支配; 管辖

  control a school/a wild horse/one’s emotion/prices管辖学校.控制野马.控制感情.控制物价

  under control在控制之下

  out of control失去控制

  lose control of 失去对……控制





  3. puzzle

  (1)vt.使困惑,使为难, 使伤脑筋

  the math problem puzzles me.

  i am puzzled by the math problem.

  the math problem is puzzling.

  be puzzled about sth.对某事迷惑不解

  (2)n.难题; 迷惑,困惑

  be in a puzzle about sth.对某事迷惑不解


  this is really a __________________ problem and i feel ______________ about it.


  i got ______________ by his _______________ speech.(bore)

  4. available adj.

  (1)可得到的; 可利用的

  tickets are available at any time.

  many houses are available for rent in this district.

  clothes of your size are not available for the moment.

  (2)可接受探访的; 可见客人的

  is the manager available?

  5. error n.错误; 缺陷;错误思想; 过失;违法(行为); 行为不正

  by error错误地

  fall into an error误入歧途; 犯错误

  拓展:error, mistake, fault

  error比mistake要正式一些, 它不但可以指一般性的“错误,失误”,还可以指道德上的“错误,失误”。

  mistake(个人感觉,多与人有关) n.错误; 过失(anything that you do or say wrongly)。v. 误解;误会; 弄错(have the wrong idea)

  a spelling mistake 拼写错误

  i took your pen by mistake. 我拿错了你的钢笔。

  fault 缺点,错误(something which is wrong, a mistake)过失,过错(responsibility责任for being wrong)  

  who’s fault? it’s my fault.

  merits and faults 优缺点

  the fault is mine. 这是我的错。

  考点例题: “i don’t think it is my ________ that the tv blew up.  i just turned it on, that’s all,” said the boy.

  a. error    b. mistake    c. fault    d. duty


  1. put forward提出(意见/建议)

  put forward a plan提出计划


  put in打断; 插嘴

  put off延期; 推迟

  put on假装; 伪装, 上演(戏剧); 穿上

  put out扑灭; 出版

  put through接通电话

  put up举起; 抬起; 张贴; 公布

  put sb. up为……提供食宿

  to put up a notice 张贴布告; 接待

  put up with忍受; 忍耐; 受苦


  we were roommates. at that time, i have to ________________ her bad temper.

  a. put forward   b. put up with   c. put up     d. put off

  2. consist of由……组成=be made up of

  consist in 存在于

  consist with与……一致


  his job consists of helping old people who live alone.

  the beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.

  theory should consist with practice.


  as we all know, china is has a large population __________ 56 nationalities.

  a. consists of        b. is consisting of

  c. consisting of        d. making up of

  3. leave out遗漏; 省略;忽略

  leave out a letter漏掉一个字母

  leave out the problem for the moment暂不考虑这个问题


  leave sb. alone (by oneself)不打搅某人

  leave sb./ sth. behind把……忘到脑后


  leave for动身去某地

  4. take the place of代替,取代(= replace)

  take place(=happen)

  take one’s place (= take one’s seat)就座

  take one’s place代替某人



  1)i’ll take the place of our manager to attend the meeting.

  2)i’ll take my manager’s place to attend the meeting.

  3)i’ll replace our manager to attend the meeting.

  4)i’ll attend the meeting instead of our manager.

  5)i’ll attend the meeting in place of our manager.

  5. break down

  (1)破坏; 拆散; 分解

  chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.

  the robbers broke the door down.


  our truck broke down outside town.

  (3)失败; 破裂

  the peace talks are said to have broken down.

  (4)精神崩溃; 失去控制

  he broke down and wept.


  the roman empire _______________ in 476 ad.

  a. broke away from       b. broke down

  c. broke up         d. broke into


  6. lead to通向; 导致

  all roads lead to rome.条条道路通罗马。

  diligence led to his success. =

  his success lay in diligence.勤奋使他获得了成功。

  7. make sense有意义; 意思清楚; 有道理

  what he has just said makes much/no sense.

  make sense of 理解; 懂; 明白

  i can’t make sense of this poem.

  in a sense在某一方面; 就某种意义来说

  what you say is true in a sense.

  8. for convenience 为了方便起见 = for convenience’s sake

  at one’s (own) convenience在某人方便的时候

  please deliver the goods at your earliest convenience.请尽早送货。


  1. (1)so between 1510 and 1514 he worked on it, gradually improving his theory until he felt it was complete.于是在1510-15XX年期间他继续从事这项研究,逐步修改他的理论,直到他感到完善时为止。

  (2)the christian church rejected his theory, saying it was against god’s idea.基督教会拒绝接受他的理论,说它违背上帝的思想

  句(1)中gradually improving his theory until he felt it was complete和句(2)saying it was against god’s idea。

  = and gradually improved his theory until he felt it was complete.

  =and said it was against god’s idea.


  _______________________________________________(不知道怎么办), he turned to his father for help.

  _______________________________________________(担心今天的考试), i didn’t sleep well last night.

  2. there is no need to debate any more about … 没有必要再为……而辩论

  there’s no doubt sth./ that…毫无疑问……

  there’s no possibility that …不可能……

  there’s no point in doing sth.做……没用/没意义

  there is no point in complaining; they never take any notice.埋怨没用,人家根本不理睬。


  it’s no good/ no harm/ no use doing sth.做某事没有好处

  there’s no use/ no good/ no point (in)doing sth.做某事没有用处/好处


  _________________________________________(没有必要) worry about him.

  _____________________________________________(没有用处) arguing with him.



  consist, of; divide into; leave out, take the place of, break down,

  in memory of, have influence on

  1. this word is wrongly spelt. you have ___________ a letter.

  2. the professor has suddenly fallen ill. who can ___________ to give the lecture?

  3. the roman empire __________ in 476 ad.

  4. the museum was built _____________ the great writer lu xun.

  5. the country _____________ nearly 200 islands.

  6. the cake ____________ four parts for us to share.

  7. my teacher ______________ me. without his instruction, i doubt if i could be so successful.


  1. mr zhang is really a ________________(inspire) teacher. he can always inspire us to try our best to study.

  2. lincoln’s death was a piece of _______________(astonish) news. the whole nation was _____________(shock) at the sad news.

  3. i was ______________(disappoint)  for he didn’t keep his promise to study hard.

  4. you are really _____________(disappoint), how can you break your word again and again.

  5. the ____________(damage) car is beyond repair.

  6. i think the _____________(affect) patient needs to be isolated(隔离).

  7. look at the ___________(fly) kite. how beautiful it is!

  8. don’t disturb the ______________(sleep) baby.


  1. 现在很有必要马上通知他们会议取消了。

  2. 为了不让野兽接近,我们让火通宵达旦地燃烧着。(keep, have )

  3. 在那种场合下你还惹麻烦真是丢人。

  4. 当被问到为什么旷课时,他低着头不说话。

  5. 他建议教室一天打扫两次。

  6. 只有用这种方法你才能解决问题。

  7. 孩子们不应受到谴责。(不用被动形式)

  8. 你刚才说的话很有道理


  (一) 1. left out  2. take the place of him( take his place)   3.broke down

  4. in memory of   5.consists of   6. is divided into   7. has influence on 

  (二)1. inspiring  2. astonishing; shocked   3. disappointed  4. disappointing

  5. damaged  6. affected   7. flying  8. sleeping


  1. there’s a great need to tell them at once that the meeting has been called off/ cancelled.

  2. in order to keep wild animals away, we had the fire burning all night long.

  3. it’s a shame that you should have got into trouble on that occasion.

  4. when asked why he was absent from school, he dropped his head without a word.

  5. he suggests the classroom be cleaned twice a day.

  6. only in this way can you solve the problem.

  7. the children were not to blame.

  8. what you said just now makes much sense.

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇4

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 4     unit2 & unit3

  一. 重点单词

  1. reduce vt.减少,缩减

  the price of these shoes has been reduced since the new year’s day.

  the new bridge reduces the traveling time from 50 minutes to 15 minutes.

  reduce to减少到,使……变为(更小尺寸)

  reduce by减少了,(以……的比例)减少


  reduction n.缩减,减少,降低

  make a reduction打折扣

  at a reduction of打了……的折扣


  we can _________________ in price of the hat for you because we are now making a reduction.

  2. certain adj.确定的;某一个

  she is certain to do well in the examination.

  it’s about certain that the government will lose the next election.

  a certain person called on my yesterday.


  for certain 肯定地;确凿地(certainty n.)

  make certain of把……弄清楚

  make certain that+从句 把……弄清楚

  注:certainty n.确实的事情

  with certainty肯定地

  3. suitable adj.合适的;适合的(suit v.)

  they are looking for a suitable person to take over mr brown’s job.

  the film is not suitable for children it’s full of violence.


  fit 指大小、形状的合适,引申为吻合、协调。suit 指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位,以及花色、款式等与某人的皮肤、气质、身材或身份相称。match 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等的搭配

  (1)it doesn’t ________ you to have your hair cut short.

  (2)carpets should ________ the curtains.

  (3)does the coat ________ you?

  4. astonish vt.使惊讶

  what he said at the meeting astonished everyone present.



  i am astonished that he didn’t pass the exam.

  (2)其另一形容词astonishing 表示“令人惊讶的,惊人的”,如:

  it is astonishing to me that he should be present.

  注:astonishment n.惊讶

  in astonishment 惊讶地


  it was such an _________________________ performance that it astonished all the audiences.

  5. particular adj.特殊的;特别的

  there was nothing in the letter of particular importance.

  are there particular topics that you would like me to explain further?


  in particular特别,尤其

  you should avoid eating fat meat, pork in particular.

  be particular about 对……挑剔,讲究的

  he’s very particular about what he eats.

  二. 重点短语

  1. struggle for为……而斗争

  they had to struggle for their lives against the bad weather.

  people in that country are still struggling for peace.

  struggle with 与……作斗争

  struggle against与……作斗争

  carry on a struggle

  a life-and death struggle生死搏斗

  struggle to one’s feet

  2. thanks to幸亏,因为

  thanks to the efforts by the headmaster, i can go back to school now.

  it was thanks to his advice that i succeeded.


  because of/owing to/due to具有介词性质,后面要接something或somebody,不能接从句

  3. equip… with用……装备

  our classroom is equipped with a tv set and a tape recorder.

  equip yourself with everything that you’ll need in the future.


  equip…for/to do sth.

  equipment n.装备,设备(不可数名词)

  office equipment办公设备  

  a piece of equipment一件设备(注意不说an equipment)


  every classroom in some schools ________________________(equip) a computer for the convenience of teaching.

  4. would rather宁愿,宁可

  he’d rather work in the countryside.

  jane would rather stay at home than go to such parties.



  (1)would rather…than…是一惯用句式,表示“宁可(愿)……(而)不要(愿)……

  (2)would rather+从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,用动词的过去时表示,如:

  i would rather you didn’t go to tom’s party tomorrow evening.


  ---would you mind my smoking?   ---i would rather  _____.

  a. you don’t        b. you didn’t    

  he _____________________(rather) walk home _____________ take a bus.

  三. 其它短语

  1. lead a …life过着……的生活

  if the operation succeeds, the patient will be able to lead a normal life.

  2. supply…to  提供……给……

  the media supplies a lot of information to us every day.


  supply sth. to sb. = supply sb. with sth. = sth. be supplied to do

  the water supply供水

  in short supply供应不足

  3. be satisfied with对……表示满足或满意=be content with

  you’ve done well at school. i am really satisfied with you.

  4. refer to指的是提到,查阅

  when i said some people are stupid, i wasn’t referring to you.

  i don’t know the word. i have to refer to a dictionary.

  5. bump into (=knock into)碰撞;偶然碰到 

  he bumped/knocked into his teacher in the street yesterday.

  6. pick up捡起,(用车)接某人,学会(语言),接收(节目),(无意)获得

  she soon picked up french when she went to live in france.

  7. deal with 与do with处理;对待

  ________ can they deal with waste water in this way?

  _________ should do with the problem?

  四. 重点句型

  1. wishing for things, however, cost nothing.然而,愿望是不花本钱的。

  wishing for things为动词的-ing形式做主语.动词的-ing形式由动词原形+ing构成,如:

  collecting information is very important to businessmen.

  learning a foreign language is very useful to me.

  to do 也可以作主语,但是表示一个具体的特定的动作,而doing更强调一个抽象的平常的动作。

  ________________________ basketball is very popular with boys in our school.

  ________________________ basketball is what i want to do this afternoon.

  2. using his hybrid rice framers are producing harvests twice as large as before.用他的杂交水稻种子,农民种出比以前多一倍的粮食



  asia is four times as large as europe.


  asia is three times larger than europe.


  asia is four times the size of europe.


  the meeting room is __________________________________________(四倍大)as our classroom.

  3. do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin?你看到有人被香蕉皮滑倒会觉得可笑吗?

  句中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式to see someone sliding on a banana skin,其中sliding on a banana skin是动词-ing作宾语补足语.所以本句包括两个结构:

  (1)find it+adj.+to do sth. 觉得做……很……

  i find it difficult to understand him.

  (2)see sb. /sth. doing sth.看见某人做某事

  can you smell anything burning?

  i heard mr. smith singing in the next door.


  it is pretty well understood __________ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.

  a. that      b. when     c. what     d. how

  i hate ______ when people speak with mouthful.

  a. it      b. that      c. because    d. for


  一. 用框内所给词组的适当形式完成下列句子(其中两个是多余的)

  badly off; refer to; pick out; cut off; stare in; knock into; be content with; search for; thanks to; struggle with; make fun of; lead a …life

  1. what does all this __________ in the third sentence?

  2. the little boy ran for the football and _________ a man standing there.

  3. he was a strong, vital man, successful and _________ his life.

  4. danny aiello _________ this comedy about new york’s first big lottery winner.

  5. friends and neighbors joined police officers to ____________ clues.

  6. the us has threatened to ____________ economic and military aid.

  7. most of us have ___________ the question of what makes life meaningful.

  8. i __________ valerie’s voice from among the general conversation.

  9. he ____________ the girl because she wore strange shoes.

  10. in fact, most people in that area are ___________ than they were 5 years ago because of years of war.

  二. 根据句子意思写出括号内所给单词的恰当形式。

  1. the survey found that men got greater ___________(satisfy) from caring for their families than they did from work.

  2. applicants for the position must have ___________ (suit) work experience.

  3. new _______________(produce) methods led to a cost reduction of about 50 percent.

  4. the final scene of the play threw much of the audience into ____________(confuse).

  5. i’m stuffed. i couldn’t eat another ___________(mouth).

  6. fog and rain is common in the ____________(mountain) regions near the border.

  7. unfortunately, a small minority want to spoil everyone else’s __________(enjoy).

  8. the earthquake left thousands of people _____________(home.)

  9. the quick way is not to use any artificial fertilizers, ________(chemistry) sprays or dust.

  10. we were told to keep all our sports _____________(equip) in the lockers downstairs.

  三. 根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子。

  1. 他感觉到好好照顾他们是他的责任。(it作形式宾语)

  2. 满足的人对拥有的感到幸福,而不担心没有什么。(content; rather than)

  3. 她说她要离开,令我们大为惊讶。(astonish)

  4. 周总理是新中国历史上最杰出的领导人之一 (outstanding)

  5. 我站着看着她,不知如何是好。(动词-ing形式作状语)


  一. 1.refer to   2. knocked into     3. content with   4. stares in   5. search for

  6. cut off   7. struggled with  8. picked out    9. made fun of  10. worse off

  二. 1.satisfaction     2. suitable   3.production/producing    4. confusion

  5. mouthful   6. mountainous    7. enjoyment    8. homeless 

  9. chemical    10. equipment


  1. he felt it his duty to take good care of them.

  2. a contented person is happy with what he has, rather than worried about what he has not.

  3. she astonished us by saying she was leaving.

  4. premier zhou was one of the most outstanding leaders in the history of new china.

  5. i stood watching her, not knowing what to do.

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇5

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 1     unit3 & unit4

  一. 重点单词与短语

  1. persuade vt.说服; 劝服; 使相信

  (1)persuade sb.说服某人

  advertisers try to persuade consumers to buy their goods.

  (2)persuade sb. to do sth.= persuade sb. into doing sth.说服某人做某事

  we have persuade him to give up smoking.

  (3)persuade sb. not to do sth. = persuade sb. out of /against doing sb.说服/劝服某人别做某事

  his mother persuaded him not to give up the chance to take part in the competition.

  (4)persuade sb. of sth./ that+ clause 设法使某人相信

  he failed to persuade the workers of his honesty = to persuade the workers that he was honest.


  persuade强调说服、劝服的结果; 而只表劝说动作不表结果时需用try to persuade 或换成advise。

  考点例题:persuade/ advise

  1)i tried to ________________ my father to give up smoking, but in vain.

  2)i __________________ my father to give up smoking, but in vain.

  3)he wanted to _______________ his wife to see his cousin, but failed.

  4)he _____________________ that they should start at once.

  5)finally she _________________ him into going to the hospital.

  1. insist v.

  (1)坚决要求; 坚决主张

  insist on / upon doing sth.或insist that-clause,从句动词用(should) do

  the government insists that waste water (should) be made clean before going into the river.

  she insisted on our staying there for supper.

  (2)坚持认为; 坚持说

  insist on / upon doing sth.或insist that-clause,从句动词用陈述句语序和相应的时态

  he insisted on his innocence. (无罪)

  the farmer insisted that the neighbor had stolen his sheep.

  2. determine v.决定; 确定; 下决心

  + n.

  + to do sth.

  determine           + clause

  + on/upon sht./doing sth.

  +疑问句+to do sth.

  you had better determine a date for the meeting as soon as possible.

  it is unnecessary to determine what each word means while you are reading a passage.

  i haven’t determined where to spend the seven-day holiday.


  determination n.决心; 决定

  determined adj.决然的;果断的

  be determined to do下决心干……=make up one’s mind to do

  give sb. a determined look坚定地看某人

  a determined man意志坚定的人

  3. familiar adj.熟悉的……;通晓……

  the lady looked somewhat familiar, but i could not remember where i had seen her.


  be familiar with…熟悉……;通晓……

  be familiar to…对……熟悉的

  考点例题:the song is familiar __________me. = i am familiar ___________ the song.

  1. rise(rose, risen)


  the amount of money spent in dealing with the problem of pollution keeps rising year by year.

  (2)n. 上升,上涨,升起

  arise in price涨价

  give sb. a rise给某人提工资

  a rise in the cost of living生活费用的增加

  at the rise of the sun日出之时  


  raise vt.举起,提出,提高,饲养

  the price of rice has been raised lately.

  = the price of rice has risen lately.

  raise chickens养鸡

  rise one’s voice提高嗓音

  raise one’s hands举起手

  考点例题:the living standard of the people in nanjing ____________ since 1983.

  a. has raisen   b. had been risen  c. has risen   d. rose

  解:选c. rise是不及物动词,没有被动语态,而raise有被动语态。 

  2. injure v.受伤,伤害

  they were slightly/seriously/badly injured in the crash.

  smoking will surely injure one’s health.


  injured adj.受伤的

  injury n.伤口,受伤处






  reading in the sun harms your eyes.

  it hurts me to think that so many people died in the flood.

  in the battle, hundreds of soldiers were wounded and some were even killed.

  考点例题:although the city had been attacked by the storm several times, _____________was done. 

  a. a few damages  b. few destroy   c. little hurt   d. little damage


  1. care with关心,担忧,惦记

  what she cares about is her own future.

  i don’t care about what he is talking about.


  care for喜欢; 照顾;关心

  he had to care for his sister while studying in college.

  i care much for pop music.

  2. change one’s mind改变主意

  it is easy for him to change his mind, so don’t believe him easily.


  make up one’s mind下决心

  keep one’s mind on专心于

  read one’s mind看出某人的心思

  bear/keep sth. in mind记住某事

  speak one’s mind 坦率说出心里话




  3. give in (to)(向……)屈服,让步

  i will never give in to difficulties.


  give away泄露;送掉;赠送

  give back归还

  give up放弃(后接sth./doing sth.)

  give off发出(蒸汽、光等)

  give out分发;筋疲力尽

  give way to让位于;妥协

  we can’t give way to their demands.

  he had no choice but to give up going abroad for further education.

  4. for one thing…., for another一方面……另一方面……;一则……再则……

  i am not going to beijing for a holiday with them. for one thing, i have no time; for another, i have been there.


  on (the) one hand, on the other (hand)用以引出相互矛盾的观点和意见

  on the one hand, the concert really is worth going to, but on the other hand, the ticket is too expensive.

  5. tens of thousands of 数以万计的

  tens of thousands of people were watching the game in the stadium when it began to rain heavily.


  hundreds of数百的

  hundreds of and thousands of 成百上千的

  thousands of数千的

  millions of数百万的

  dozens of许多; 大量

  scores of 许多; 大量


  every year ________ foreign visitors come to china.

  a. tens of thousands of       b. ten thousands of

  c. over ten thousands         d. thousands upon thousands

  there were ____________ people in the hall.

  a. two scores of          b. scores of

  c.  two and score         d. two scores

  6. be known/well known as = be famous as作为……而出名

  shenzhen is well-known as a modern city.


  be known for因为……而闻名

  be known to sb.为……所熟悉

  it is known (to all) that…众所周知……

  as is known (to all), ….众所周知……

  it is well-known to us all it is very important to keep the balance of nature.

  =as is well-known to us all, it is important to keep the balance of nature.

  7. break out(战争、火灾、疫病等)突然发生,爆发

  a fire broke out in the supermarket last night.


  break down出毛病,不运转

  break away from脱离,摆脱……

  break in插话,破门进入

  break into破门闯入

  break off突然终止 

  break through突围,突破


  the fire was put out 15 minutes after it _________________.

  8. lose hope绝望

  he never loses hope even when he fails.


  lose heart泄气;灰心

  lose courage沮丧

  lose face丢脸;受屈辱

  lose touch (with sb.)与某人失去联系

  lose one’s way迷路

  lose one’s breath上气不接下气

  lose one’s head昏了头

  lose one’s life丧生,遇害


  never _______________________ even after you have failed several times.


  1. it was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the mekong river from where it begins to where it ends.是我姐姐首先想到骑自行车沿湄公河从它的源头骑到终点的

  it was …who…引导的是一个强调句型。两个where引导的从句均作介词宾语从句。


  it is/was +被强调部分+that/who+其余部分 

  it was they that put forward the problem at the meeting.

  it was not until you told me that i realized that she hadn’t turned up yet.

  what is it that is happening there?


  is it in the town ________________ he worked last year ____________ he will set up a company.

  it wasn’t __________ he came __________ i knew that basketball match would be delayed.

  i am sure that it is at 10:00______________ the plane for dalian takes off.

  2. while dairy writers try to record how they feel very soon after things happen, journal writers try to better understand what has happened to them much later.





  while i admit that there are problems, i don’t agree that they can’t be solved.


  he listened to music while doing his homework.


  he fell off the bike while he was practicing riding.


  he was against the plan while the majority was/were in favor of it.


  she has golden hair when she was a child but __________ she got older and older, her hair went darker and darker. 

  a. while   b. when     c. after      d. as


  一. 用框内所给词组的适当形式完成下列句子(其中两个是多余的)

  be familiar to; change ones’ mind; give in; at an end; dig out; prepare…to…; right away; give out; persuade ..to…; a number of; no wonder; dream of

  1. the student helped the teacher _______________ english papers.

  2. it is always the husband who ___________ first when a quarrel breaks out between the young people.

  3. in my opinion, kurt will think it over and ______________.

  4. i must warn you that my patience is almost ____________.

  5. _____________ letters are never delivered because the addresses are incorrect.

  6. the song he sang at the party ____________ all of us.

  7. i must remember to ______________ that book for you.

  8. john was __________ himself ___________ sit for the examination.

  9. when i answered the telephone this morning, i knew _____________ the lady had the wrong number.

  10. have you ever ______________ there being such a good chance for further study abroad?

  二. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子。

  1. i left him, ______________(determine) never to set foot in that house again.

  2. she _____________(insist) that he must go out no more until he was cured.

  3. they have to _____________(persuade) to buy a stock, or indeed , sell it.

  4. the firemen succeeded in ________________(rescue) three women from the burning house.

  5. american airplanes helped _________________(transport) the soldiers to the front.

  三. 根据所给提示翻译下列句子。

  1. 更深入地了解他以后,我改变了对他的看法。

  2. 这次广播是事先录音的,不是现场直播

  3. 他救出了一个快要淹死的人。

  4. 那次坠机事件是今年最严重的空难。

  5. 我必须努力把生活安排得更有条理。

  6. 今天晚上我要跟peter会面。他要带我去看戏。


  一. 1. give out   2. gives in   3. change his mind  4. at an end

  5. a number of /  6. was familiar to  7. dig out    8. preparing to

  9. right away  10.dreamed of

  二. 1. determined  2. insisted   3. be persuaded  4. rescuing

  5. (to)transport

  三. 1. since getting to know him better, i’ve changed my mind about him.

  2. the broadcast was recorded in advance, not live.

  3. he rescued the man from drowning.

  4. the airplane crash was the worst air disaster this year.

  5. i must try to organize my life a bit better.

  6. i’m meeting peter tonight. he is taking me to the theater.

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇6

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 4     unit4 & unit5


  1. touch vt.触摸; 接触;(使)感动

  the branches of that big tree hung down and touched the water.

  visitors are requested not to touch the paintings.

  the hero’s speech touched the entire audience.


  get in touch with和……取得联系

  keep in touch with 和……保持联系

  lose touch (with) 和……失去联系

  2. avoid vt.避免;消除(+n./doing)

  we should learn how to avoid making the same mistakes.

  to avoid getting lost, you should always follow us.

  拓展:只能用v. -ing作宾语的动词有:imagine, escape, can’t help, enjoy, miss, allow, advise, consider, delay, excuse, feel like, finish, forbid, give up, keep, mind, permit, practice, put off, suggest等

  do you mind their making noise here?






  3. charge vt.(for)收费; n.(收取的)费用

  this hotel charged me 5 pounds for a room for a night.

  as long as you’ve paid in advance, we won’t charge you for delivery.

  the charge for a front-low seat is 5 pounds.



  he was charged with murder.

  (2)charge作理工作“主管; 掌管”用时,常用于:

  in charge of主管; 看管

  in/under the charge of在……掌管下

  take charge of 掌管; 负责; 看管


  how much do you ___________ for your eggs?

  a. take    b. charge    c. cost     d. spent

  i’ll be ___________ the whole factory next week when the director’s away.

  a. in the charge of   b. took charge of   c. in charge of

  4. cloth n.布;衣料

  how much cloth does it take to make a blouse for this girl?

  pass the cloth, please. i want to clean the window.

  拓展:cloth, clothe, clothes, clothing

  (1)cloth为名词,指“衣料”时是不可数名词,作“(特殊用途的)布”时,是可数名词,如:a table cloth; a dish-cloth


  he has to work hard to feed and clothe his large family.


  these new clothes are all for her.

  (4)clothing为名词, 指“总称衣服/被褥”,还包括“帽子/鞋袜”等,没有复数形式,后面跟单数动词,如:

  our clothing protects us from cold.

  a coat is a clothing.


  1)we have enough food and ____________________ for the winter.

  2)she’s got many beautiful  _________________.

  3)now they are able to feed and _____________________ their children better.

  4)_______________________ can be made from any kind of _________________ including wool and cotton.

  5)how much _________________________ will i need to make a pair of trousers?

  5. involve vt.包括; 使陷于

  giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence in.

  they are deeply involved in debt.


  involve with“和……混在一起; 和……有密切关系”

  don’t involve yourself with those people.

  注:involvement n.连累,包含


  1. be likely to很可能……; 有希望……

  are you likely to arrive in time?

  she likely to ring me tonight.

  likely既可以用人也可以用物作主语,除了用于be likely to外,还经常用于it’s likely that…句型,这时,它等于it’s possible/probable that…, 如:

  it’s likely/ possible /probable that the teacher will say no to our proposal.老师可能否决我们的提议。

  但是,possible和probable的主语都不能是人, 如不能说:she is possible/ probable to ring me tonight.

  考点例题:likely, possible, probable.

  1)i’ll help you if ___________________.

  2)he is _________________ to ring me tonight to discuss the plan.

  3)it is _____________ , though not ___________ that he will come tomorrow.

  2. close to(时间/空间等)接近; 靠近

  the bank is close to the supermarket.

  there is a bus-stop close to our school.

  close to还可以表示:

  (1)亲近的; 亲密的a close friend

  (2)几乎; 几近 close to 6 o’clock


  the ship kept close to the coast.(=near)

  he looked at the portrait more closely.(=carefully)


  1)first cousins are considered ________________ relations.

  2)he was following _______________ behind.

  3)she listened ___________________ while he read.

  4)scientists believe the warming of the planet is ______________ connected to the mount of pollution we generate.

  3. lose face丢脸; 丢面子

  failing in the exam made me lose face.

  in order not to lose face, he decided not to tell the truth.

  拓展与练习: lose face, lose heart, lose weight, lose touch (with), lose sight (of), lose one’s heart (to), lose one’s way, lose ones’ temper

  1)the banker ___________________ when people found out the he bet on horse racing.

  2)the steam had won no games and it ____________________.

  3)she __________________ to the soldier with the broad shoulders and deep voice.

  4)it’s no good _________________ over such things.

  5)don’t ___________________ in the storm when it’s dark.

  6)i watched the plane go higher and higher until i ________________ it.

  7)he ____________________ his family after the earthquake last week.

  8)the doctor advised john to _________________.

  4. 其它短语:

  ①take action (on)采取措施; 采取行动

  the government has promised to take swift action on its energy crisis.政府已经答应就能源危机迅速采取措施。

  at the same time, they are taking strong action to protect the wildlife.同时,他们正采取强有力的措施来保护野生动物。

  ②at ease舒适; 自由自在

  i feel at ease with my friend.我和朋友们在一起感到自在。

  ③intend to想要; 打算

  i intended to study abroad after graduation.我打算毕业后去国外留学。

  ④introduce …to/into…把……介绍给……; 把……引入/传入……

  a visit to the museum introduced the class to modern art.参观博物馆令全班同学认识了现代艺术

  tea was introduced into other countries from china.茶是从中国传入其他国家的。

  5. make a profit牟利;赚取利润

  he made a profit of five hundred dollars on the deal.他在这次交易中获取五百美元。

  6. come to life活跃起来; 苏醒

  spring is the season when everything comes to life.

  7. name after以……的名字给……命名

  he named after his daughter (rachel) after his grandmother.

  8. meet the need满足需要;满足需求

  the best cook is unable to meet everyone’s need of different tastes.


  1. this is an exciting experience for you, so you stand watching and listening.


  2. you see her step back appearing surprised, and take a few steps away from mr garcia.你看到她吃惊地往后退,离开加西亚先生几步远。

  3. the visitor from japan comes in smiling at the same time as george cook from canada.日本来客微笑着走了进来,同时进来的还有加拿大的乔治•库克

  以上三句中的划线部分都是动词的-ing作状语,表示前面动作发生时的伴随状态,又如:four people entered looking around in a curious way.

  the children ran out of the room, laughing and talking.


  seeing the teacher entering the classroom, the students stood up.(时间)

  being too excited, he couldn’t go to sleep last night.(原因)

  studying harder, you can improve your english.(条件)



  not having enough money, i decided not to buy the book then.

  (2)完成式.肯定为having done; 否定为not having done,如:

  having finished her homework, she began to watch tv.

  not having received his reply, she decided to write again.


  1)european football is played in 80 countries, ___________________ (make) it the most popular sport in the world.

  2)________________________(realize) that she couldn’t manage the heavy suitcase alone, she asked me to help her.

  3)when i got back home i saw a message pinned on the door, _________________(read) “sorry to miss you; will call later.”

  4)__________________(check) your report carefully, you can at least avoid some spelling mistakes.

  5)________________________(suffer) from heart trouble for years, professor white has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.

  6)_________________________(not prepare) well for the exam, he failed again.

  7)the old man needs a _____________________(walk) stick _____________ (walk) steadily.



  1. unlike traditional a________________ parks, theme parks offer many more things for visitors to see and do.

  2. he has t____________________ his own novels into french from english.

  3. i won’t go to that restaurant again. they c________________ me 10 yuan for a glass of beer.

  4. without teacher’s a___________, the students cannot enter the language laboratory.

  5. british a____________ won five gold medals in the last olympics.

  6. my father bought some s_____________ on his travel to dalian.

  7. the e______________ of the photographic studio was expensive.

  8. my mother is learning a_____________ english course.

  9. you didn’t really see it it was your i_____________.

  10. they are eager to see this old m________________ land with a splendid culture of more than 5,000 years.


  1. 这个村庄是以英雄的名字命名的。

  2. 我们每周在实验室做一次物理实验。

  3. 他由于种种原因离开了。

  4. 她向我收取了十美元的服务费

  5. 我的很多同学都希望能给北京第29届奥运会当志愿者。


  when a young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay 1 his food, his clothes, or his room, but he has to work 2 he wants to live 3 (comfort). if he spends most of his time 4 (play) about in the way that he used to as a child, 5 will go hungry. and if he breaks the laws of society 6 he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to 7.  8, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has 9 health, he can have the great happiness of seeing himself make steady progress in his job 10 of building up for himself his own position in society.


  (一) 1. amusement  2. translated  3. charged 4. admission  5. athletes

  6. souvenirs  7. equipment  8. advanced  9. imagination  10. mysterious

  (二)1. the village was named after the hero.

  2. we do a physics experiment in the lab once a week.

  3. he left for a variety of reasons.

  4. she charged me 10 dollars for the service.

  5. many of my classmates hope that they can work as volunteers for the 29th olympic games in beijing.

  (三)1. for  pay for为……付钱

  2. if 引导条件状语从句

  3. comfortably 副词

  4.playing    spend in (doing)

  5. he

  6. as引导方式状语从句

  7. prison  go to prison坐牢

  8. however 表转折

  9. good   good health

  10. and  连接两个of短语

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇7

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 5 unit3 & unit4

  一. 重点单词

  1. private adj.


  private property私人财产

  private school 私立学校


  a private door便门

  don’t say anything about what we’re discussing anyone; it’s private.


  is there a private corner where we can sit and talk by ourselves?


  in private私下里

  in public公开地;在公众场合

  2. impression n. 印象;感想

  be under the impression that…认为;觉得

  make/ leave an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象

  make no impression on 对……无影响/效果

  give sb. a favourable impression给某人以好的印象

  first impressions are most important.

  拓展:impress vt.

  impress sb. with使(人)印象深刻;使铭记

  she impressed me with her passion for work.

  impress sth. on sb. 使某人铭记

  his words are strongly impressed on my memory.


  ---what’s your ___________________ of my uncle?

  --he is a handsome young man, but what ___________________ me most is his sense of humor. (impress)

  3. surrounding (常用作复数)周围的事物;环境


  to grow up in beautiful surroundings 在美丽的自然环境中长大

  to grow up in a happy environment 在快乐的生活环境中长大

  surroundings 指一个地方或一个人周围的具体东西;而environment指周围的一切,尤其指环境对人心情及发展的影响

  拓展:surrounding adj. 包围的;周围的


  ______________________ by green hills on the north and south and a blue sea on the east, this city really enjoys nice surroundings.

  4. lack vt. 缺乏;不足;没有

  lack courage/ creativity/ self-discipline / money/ time缺乏勇气、创造力、自制力、钱、时间

  lack n. 用作名词构成以下词组:

  for/ by / from/ through lack of 因缺乏……

  the project had to be abandoned for lack of money.

  no lack of不缺乏;很多

  lack in在……缺乏(不足)

  lacking adj. 缺少的;不足的

  there is something lacking in his character.

  i should say your secretary is lacking in responsibility.

  5. require vt. “需要;要求;命令”常用于以下四种句型:

  (1)it requires that…要求;必须

  it requires that i (should) give evidence.

  (2)require sth. of sb. 对某人有……的要求

  i’m not guilty. i only did what was required of by law.

  (3)require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

  the rules requires us all to be present.

  注:requirement n. 需求,要求,必要条件,需要的东西,要求必备的条件

  拓展:在it is/was suggested (ordered,demanded,proposed,etc. ) 结构以及necessary,essential,important,strange,natural等形容词后的主语从句中要使用虚拟语气如:


  it is _________________ that all students should wear the school uniform in school, but not all students obey the requirement.

  6. remind vt. “提醒,使想起”常用于以下三种句型:

  (1)remind…of…  使想起;提醒

  the film reminded him of what he had seen in china.

  (2)remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事

  please remind me to return the books to the library.

  (3)remind sb. that…  提醒某人(做)某事

  please remind me that i must call her up before nine.

  二. 重点短语

  1. concentrate on 集中;全神贯注于

  concentrate one’s mind/ attention on (upon) 把注意力集中在

  with his mobile phone ringing constantly, he can’t concentrate on his work.

  拓展:同义词组:fix one’ s attention on

  focus on

  be absorbed in


  put one’s heart into sth.

  devote oneself to sth. /doing sth.


  (1)___________________________ your study if you want to catch up with the class.

  (2)he _____________________ helping the people in need. he set a good example to us.

  2. be eager to渴望做某事,热切想做某事

  be eager for sth. 渴望得到


  辨析:be eager to do sth. 与be anxious to do sth.

  be eager to 指以极大的热情渴望实现愿望或达到目的

  he is eager to go to college.

  be anxious to do sth. 急切地希望实现愿望,但因顾虑愿望落空而心情不安,感到焦虑

  i am anxious to know the final result.


  (1)she __________________________ new skills so that she can be qualified for the job.

  (2)he took a medical examination two days ago and now he __________________ know the result.

  3. suffer vi. 受痛苦;受损害 vt. 遭受;忍受


  he died very quickly, he didn’t suffer much. 他死得很快,没有多少痛苦。


  you must be prepared to suffer consequences. 你要准备承担后果。

  suffer from


  she suffers from headache. 她患有头痛病。


  our business has suffered from lack of investment. 我们的生意因缺少投资而受损失。

  i’m suffering from a real lack of time this week.


  mrs. white’s little boy is suffering from a bad flu bug again.



  suffer the result /heavy losses /injuries承受结果/遭受大损失/负伤

  suffer from headache/illness 遭受头痛/疾病的困扰

  suffer (vt. ) 和suffer from的区别:suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等,但suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。



  _____________ heart attack for many years, he has to carry medicine with him always.

  a. suffered        b. suffered from

  c. having suffered       d. suffering

  三. 重点句型

  1. worried about the journey, i was unsettled for the first few days. 我因为为旅行担心,前几天很不安

  worried about the journey为过去分词短语在句中充当原因状语,(=as i was worried about the journey,). 过去分词短语在句中除了充当原因状语,还常充当时间、条件、伴随、方式、让步等状语。如:

  confused by the new surroundings, i was hit by the lack of fresh air.

  =while i was confused by the new surroundings, …. (时间)

  even if invited, i won’t go.

  =even if i am invited, …(让步)

  we will not attack unless attacked.

  =we will not attack unless we’re attacked. (条件)


  (1)_________________(exhaust), i slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

  (2)___________________(worry) about the time available, zhang pingyu had made a list of sites she wants to see in london.

  (3)___________________(see) from the moon, our earth, with water ______________(cover) seventy percent of its surface, appears as a “blue ball”.

  (4)____________________(follow) the guide, we started to explore the wild forest.   用现在分词或过去分词改写句子划线部分

  (5)when she found her car stolen, she hurried to a policeman for help.

  _______________________________________, she hurried to a policeman for help.

  (6)as he was lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

  _______________________________________, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

  2. never will zhou yang forget his first assignment at the office of china daily. 周阳永不会忘记他在中国日报报社第一天上班的工作任务。

  not only am i interested in photography, but i took a course at university. 我对摄影不只是感兴趣,在大学我还专修过摄影。

  only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself. 只有你见习了他们的工作以后,你才能独自进行新闻采访


  never, seldom, hardly, rarely, scarcely, not a single…, not until…, not only…, by no means(决不)等


  (1)only by practicing a few hours every day _____ be able to waste much time.

  a. you can   b. can you  c. you will  d. will you 

  (2)not until the early years of the19th century _____ what heat is.

  a. man did know          b. man knew  

  c. didn’t man know               d. did man know

  (3)_____got into the room, _____ the telephone rang.

  a. he hardly; then         b. hardly had he; when 

  c. he had not; then            d. not had he; when

  (4)______, i would have given you his address.

  a. if you asked me            b. you had asked me

  c. should you have asked me   d. had you asked me

  (5)―do you know jim quarrel with his brother?

  ―i don’t know, _______. 

  a. nor don’t i care         b. nor do i care 

  c. i don’t care neither       d. i don’t care also


  一. 用框内所给词组的适当形式完成下列句子(其中两个是多余的)

  be eager to do sth. (for sth. ), be anxious to, accuse… of, defend against, protect against, concentrate on, devote oneself to, get the facts straight

  1. we’re well prepared to _______________ any surprise attack.

  2. ____________ the polluted air, the old lady always wear a mask over her face.

  3. ___________ your study if you want to catch up with the class.

  4. he ______________ helping the people in need. he set a good example to us.

  5. he did plenty of investigation so as to ______________.

  6. i was warned by the police who told me my neighbour _____________ playing music too loudly.

  7. she ________________ new skills so that she can be qualified for the job.

  8. he took a medical examination two days ago and now he __________ know the result.

  二. 语法填空

  shu pulong has helped at least 1,000 people bitten by snakes. “it was  1  (see) people with snake bites(伤口) 2  led me to this career. ” he said. as part of his studies shu pulong had to work in the mountains. there he often heard of who 3  their arms and legs cut off after a snake bite in order to save their 4.

  “i was greatly upset by the story of an old farmer i met. 5 was a very hot afternoon. the old man was pulling grass in his fields 6  he felt a pain in his left hand. he at once realized he 7   by a poisonous snake. in 8  time he wrapped a cloth tightly around his arm to stop the poison spreading to his heart. 9  (rush) home he shouted, “bring me the knife. minutes later the man lost his arm forever. ”

  “the said story touched me so much that i decided to devote myself to 10   (help) people bitten by snakes” shu said.

  三. 根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子。

  1. 那狗躺在地上一动不动,好像死了(as if)

  2. 他一天工作12小时,就像一台不知疲倦的机器。

  3. 为了通过考试,他昨晚熬夜复习功课到深夜。(in order to)

  4. 日本生产的汽车普遍受到消费者的欢迎。(用过去分词作定语)

  5. 他一定没有走远,因为他的书还摊开放在桌子上。(lie open)


  一. 1. defend against   2. to protect herself against    3. concentrate on 

  4. devoted himself to    5. get all the facts straight    6. accused me of  

  7. is eager of   8. is anxious to

  二. 1. seeing   seeing people with snake bites为动名词短语在句中充当主语

  2. that   it is…. that强调句型 

  3. had (got)    had…done在句中表示一种遭遇

  4. lives

  5. it  it在这里表时间

  6. when  when 为并列连词,表示“这时”

  7. had been bitten

  8. no   in no time=immediately立刻,马上

  9. rushing   rushing home =as soon as he rushed home

  10. helping


  1. the dog lies still (motionless) on the ground, as if (it is ) dead.

  2. he works twelve hours a day, as if he were a machine, unaware of fatigue (not knowing fatigue).

  3. in order to pass the exam, he stayed up deep into the night, going over his lessons.

  4. cars produced in japan are popular with the consumers.

  5. he can’t have gone too far away, for his books are left lying open on the desk.

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇8

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 6     unit1 & unit2

  一. 重点单词

  1. aim 

  (1)v. 瞄准; 对准

  aim the gun at the bear把枪瞄准熊

  don’t aim the needle at his eyes. 不要用针对着他的眼睛。

  aim at向……努力; 力争; 企图

  aim high志向高远

  be aimed at目标是, 目的是; (批评,评论等)针对某人

  (2)n. 瞄准; 目的; 目标

  take careful aim before firing.

  (3)aimless adj. 无目的的, 无目标的

  aimless life


  his speech _________________________ (aim) the boy who had not play fair.

  2. focus

  (1)n. 焦点; 焦距; 使人感到兴趣所在

  the focus of my camera does not work properly.

  her fashionable dress became the focus of attention at the party.

  (2)focus (sth. ) on sth. 把……集中于……  focus the x-ray on the patient’s chest.

  i can’t focus on anything today after the tiring ride in the country.


  the beams of light moved across the stage and then _______________________(focus) the actors.

  3. transform v. 完全改变某物或某人的外观或特性

  success and wealth transformed his character.

  one’s personality can not be completely transformed.

  what was it that transformed this beautiful land into desert?

  his plans were transformed overnight into reality.


  transformable adj. 可改变的

  transformation n. 改变; 转变

  the transformation of the stated owned enterprises国有企业的转变

  transformer 变压器


  in this fair tale, the magician __________ the princess _______ a frog.

  a. charged into    b. changed for    c. transformed for    d. transformed into 

  二. 重点短语

  1. score of几十; 许多

  英语中的所有数量单位在表示概数时,同时加“s”和“of”, 如dozens of, scores of, hundreds of, millions of etc.

  当这些单位词前面有数词修饰表示确定的数目时,不加“s” “of”,如:

  two dozen eggs, three hundred pupils, five million people etc. 但three score of policemen例外


  1) every year ____________ foreign visitors come to china.

  a. tens of thousands of  b. ten thousands of 

  c. over ten thousands  d. thousands upon thousands

  2)i’ve told him of that ___________.

  a. a hundred time  b. hundred times  c. hundred of times  d. hundreds of times

  3)____________ people have visited the __________ stone bridge.

  a. two millions of; 500-foot-long  b. several millions of; 500-feet-long

  c. two million of; 500-feet-long   d. millions of; 500-foot-long

  2. take it easy放松, 别紧张

  take it easy! you won’t get into trouble with us around.


  take one’s time别急;慢慢来

  take your time. you have half an hour to go.

  take sth. apart拆开

  taking the radio is an easy job but it will be hard to put it together.

  take in收留; 欺骗; 吸收; 摄取; 包括

  consumers can be taken in easily by the exaggerating advertisement.

  take off脱掉; 起飞

  the fight will take off soon, let’s be on board.

  take sb. off sth. 使某人离开……  调离

  the player was taken off the team due to his breaking team rules too often.

  take on呈现; 带着

  her eyes took on a hurt expression.

  take sb. on雇佣; 允许搭乘

  our company is expending and it is urgent for us to take on some new office workers.

  take over控制; 接管

  the army has taken over the whole city.

  take up占据; 从事; 接下去

  the piano takes too much room.

  after the graduation, i took up a job as a journalist.





  3. let out发出(叫声); 泄露(机密)

  he let out a yell and ran home.

  i’ll never tell you another secret if you let this one out.


  let alone不要管(碰,惹等); 更不要说

  after it had scratched him several times, the boy let the cat alone.

  he can’t speak his own native language well, let alone french.

  let sb. down使失望; 失信

  he won’t let you down; he is very reliable.

  let go 放开;放手

  let it go算了

  the children teased frank, but he smiled and let it go.


  1) he accidentally ____________ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.

  a. let out    b. took care   c. made sure   d. made out

  2)there isn’t enough room for us, _____________ six dogs and two cats.

  a. let out   b. let alone   c. let go   d. let down

  4. make into制成,做成(后面跟产品,制成品)


  make up构成;化妆; 打扮; 编造    be made up of由……组成, 由……构成

  make up for补偿;弥补

  be made of用某种原材料制成(后面跟原材料)

  be made from 用某种原材料制成(后面跟原材料)

  make full use of = most the best/most of充分利用

  make up one’s mind= make a decision下决心做某事

  make fun of= large at取笑; 嘲笑

  1) bamboo is also made _____ paper.   

  2) our desks and chairs are made _____ wood. 

  3) this engine is made _____ _____ 490 parts.

  4) hard work can often make _____ for lack of intelligence

  5) everyone should make _____ _____ _____ time.

  6) i have made _____ _____ _____, and nothing you say will change it.

  7) they made _____ _____ my mistakes when i tried to speak english.

  三. 重点句型

  1. the impressionist period is generally recognized as the beginning of modern painting. 印象派艺术家阶段通常被认为是现代艺术的开始。

  recognize…as… 公认为……是……


  consider / imagine/ think of/ look of/ refer to

  lawrence’s novel was eventually recognized as a work of genius.

  2. we would have won, if jack had scored that goal. 如果杰克进了那个球, 我们就会赢了

  本句是虚拟语气句,if条件从句用had done, 主句用would have done,表示与过去事实相反。

  条件状语从句 主       句

  与过去事实相反 had + 过去分词 should /would/could/might + have + 过去分词

  与现在事实相反 一般过去时(be用were) would/should/could/might + 动词原形

  与将来事实相反 一般过去时或should(were to) + 动词原形 would/should/could/might + 动词原形


  1. 表示与现在事实相反

  if i ____________(have)  enough money now , i _______________________(lend) it to you.

  if i ___________(be)  you , i would go to tell him the real feeling upon him.

  2. 表示与过去事实相反

  if he ___________________(take) your advice , he wouldn’t have made such a bad mistake.

  she _____________________________(come)  to enjoy the party if she hadn’t been very busy.

  3. 表示与将来事实相反

  i would go shopping with you if it ______________________(be)sunday tomorrow.

  if he were to be given another chance to do it again, he could certainly achieve more.


  1)_________, i’d have done it myself.

  a. if i would have known it   b. if i had have known it   

  c. had i known it     d. should i known it                  

  2)if the doctor hadn’t tried their best to save you, you ______________________(not stand)hear now.        

  3) it’s high time that something _________ to prohibit selling fake commodities.

  a. must be done   b. was done   c. be done   d. were done

  4) he insisted that we all ____ in his office at one o’clock.

  a. be     b. to be   c. would be   d. shall be



  aim at; a great deal; scores of; focus on; take the place of;

  make an attempt, be worthy of, be possessed with 

  1. he has done ____________ to help me with my english.

  2. she loved her mother so much that no one could ___________ her mother.

  3. ___________ people are standing in line for registration in the hall.

  4. modern medicine has tended to ___________ developing highly complicated surgical techniques too much.

  5. the boss of our company __________ training everybody by the end of this year.

  6. she ________ the idea that something bad would happen.

  7. he __________________ to escape from the prison, but failed at last.

  8. let’s hope she proves __________ all that has been done today.


  1. if he ____________(be) here now, he would not let the matter end this way.

  2. if you ____________(put) the gold watch in a safe place, you would not have lost it.

  3. if our train should arrive on time, we ___________(have) time to visit your sister.

  4. if the doctor hadn’t tired their best to save you, you ___________(not stand) hear now.

  5. i _____________(give) you more money, but i was so poor then.

  6. the new comers talked as if they _______________(know) each other for ages.

  7. he doesn’t dare to leave the house in case he ________________(recognized)

  8. if only you _______________(not tell) him what i said! everything would have been all right.

  9. but for your help, we ______________(not succeed) in the experiment.

  10. we demanded that we _______________ (inform) any change in the plan.


  1. 我设法使他们相信了故事是真的。(convince)

  2. 我试着使他改变主意, 可是失败了。(attempt)

  3. 他来广州的目的是要找到更好的工作。(aim)

  4. 等车的时候,他看到一个老朋友经过但那个人没有注意到他。

  5. 如果我的老师现在在这里,他就会告诉我该做什么

  6. 他的表演给观众留下了深刻的印象。(impress)

  7. 一旦有一天我们用完了自然资源,后果无法想象。(run out of)

  8. 尽管有许多的困难,他还是决定独自面对。(in spite of)



  1. a great deal  2. take the place of  3. scores of   4. focus on

  5. is aiming at    6. was possessed with   7. made an attempt    8. worthy of


  1. were     2. had put    3. would have     4. wouldn’t be standing 

  5. would have given  6. had known    7. should be recognized   8. hadn’t told 

  9. couldn’t have succeeded    10. should be informed of


  1. i managed to convince them that the story was true.

  2. i attempted to make him change his mind but failed.

  3. he came to guangzhou with the aim of finding a better job.

  4. while waiting for the bus, he saw an old friend pass by him without noticing him.

  5. if my teacher were here now, he would tell me what to do.

  6. his performance made / put /left a deep impression on the audience.

  7. once we run out of natural resources, the consequence will be unimaginable.

  8. in spite of all those difficulties, he decided to face them on his own

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇9

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 7     unit4 & unit5

  一. 重点单词

  1. lay vt. (lay,laid,laid)

  (1)将某物/人置于某位置或某物表面    lay the bottle on the desk

  (2)产卵the bird lays eggs in the other birds nets. 

  lay―laid―laid―laying 放置;产蛋,下蛋

  lie―lied―lied―lying 说谎

  lie―lay―lain―lying   躺;位于


  lay eggs  产卵        lay sth. aside 把……放在一边

  lay sth. down  放下;停止使用     lay sb. off   解雇某人

  lay the table  摆放桌子

  考点例题:if only he ___ quietly as the doctor instructed,he would not suffer so much now. 

  a. lie   b. lay    c. had lain    d. should lie

  2. 辨析:prepare与prepare for

  prepare 准备;谓语动作直接体现在宾语上。

  prepare for 为……做准备,for的宾语一般只是谓语动作要达到的目标。

  the teacher is preparing lesson. 老师在备课。

  the teacher is preparing for lesson. 老师正在为上课做准备。

  拓展:prepare sb. for sth. 使某人为某事做好准备

  get/be prepared to do  有能力且愿意做某事

  be prepared for sth. 为……做好准备

  make preparations for 为……做准备

  in preparation   准备中

  3. need  n.

  1)need 名词,意思是“需要、必要”。其复数形式是“必需品”。

  there is no need to hurry. 没必要着急  

  i feel the need of exercise. 我觉得需要运动。

  we are in need of water. 我们需要水。


  many families are in great need.   许多家庭处于贫困的情况

  a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

  考点例题:it’s no use ______________ with this silly man.

  a. to argue   b. arguing   c. saying   d. to speak

  4. supply



  supply and demand  供与求

  be in short supply 供应缺乏,供应不足

  food supply   食物供应           water supply       供水

  a good supply of meat (fish,fruit)肉类(鱼,水果)大量供应


  military supplies      军需品   household supplies   家庭用品

  medical supplies       医用品

  2)用作动词时,指“供给,提供,备办”等,常用于词组supply sb. with sth. 或supply sth. to/for sb.。其同义词为provide,present,give,furnish等

  they supplied food to/for them.   




  5. glance匆匆一看,匆匆一瞥,略略地看一眼,瞥视(与at,over,through等连用)。

  she glanced at the sleeping child and then hurried away.

  before you read the internet page,glance quickly at it and answer these questions.  




  二. 重点短语

  1. call up 打电话,使……回忆起

  when i called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone, she was very upset.

  i’ll call you up tonight.

  the old photo calls up memories of my childhood.

  call back召唤某人回来;再访;回电话

  call for需要,要求,接(人或物)

  call in邀请;请来

  call on拜访(人)

  call at拜访(某地)

  考点例题: ----can i do the job?

  ----i’m afraid not, because it ______skill and patience.

  a. calls on    b. calls out    c. calls up     d. calls for

  2. a number of adj.“许多的, 若干”后接可数名词

  区别:the number of / a number of:


  the number of the trees is two thousand. (用单数谓语. 另注意trees前有限定词)

  a number of trees have been cut down.  (用复数谓语. 另注意trees前无限定词)



  1)lots of(a lot of)后接可数或不可数名词。例如:

  my parents spend a lot of their spare time on english study.

  mike had collected lots of chinese stamps when he studied in china.

  2)plenty of后接可数或不可数名词。例如:

  we have plenty of books to read.

  there is plenty of water in apple.

  (注:plenty of一般只用于肯定句,在疑问句中常改用 enough;在否定句中常改用 many或 much。另外, plenty of短语作主语时,谓语动词的数由它后面的名词的数而定。)

  3)most of后接可数或不可数名词。例如:

  most of his money is spent on books.

  most of the students in our class are fond of sports.

  4)a large quantity of后接可数或不可数名词。例如:

  a large quantity of books have been translated into foreign languages.

  there is a large quantity of coal in the coal-mine.


  1)a group of后接可数名词的复数。例如:

  a group of wounded soldiers were saved by dr bethune.

  2)a(great/large/good)number of后接可数名词的复数 例如:

  there are a number of professors in our college.

  a great(large/good) number of new machines have been sent to the country side.

  3)a great many后接可数名词的复数。例如:

  there are a great many books in our school library.

  4)scores of后接可数名词的复数。例如:

  scores of dustmen took part in the strike.


  1)a great(good deal of)后接不可数名词。例如:

  a great deal of information can be stored in computers.

  2)a large amount of 后接不可数名词。例如:

  they are going to spend a large amount of time on the research work.



  hear from,(be) dying to,come aross,make no difference,stick out,dry out,dry up,in need,provide for,

  participate in

  1.the papers were______________of his pocket.

  2.everyone in the class is expected to_______________the discussion.

  3.i ______________see the exhibit.

  4.he has left the paint to _____________.

  5.when they did not __________ her,they feared the worst.

  6.whether you go or not __________________________to me.

  7.the steam ____________________during the hot summer.

  8.i’m glad to help people____________.

  9.it is desirable that we should _______________ the poor at christmas.

  10.i ________________ an old school friend in oxford street this morning.


  1.her success ___________________ (有关) whether she works hard.

  2.you can _________________ (调整电视的色彩) by turning this knob.

  3.education used to be a privilege for____________________(特权阶级).

  4.__________________________________________(美元的购买力) has gone down.

  5.all the chickens _____________________ (已接种疫苗) against bird flu.

  6.they need your ____________________ (积极参与) making process.

  7.we are trying our best_____________________________ (建设一个节约型社会).

  8.the city of london is__________________________ (大金融中心).

  9.the passengers have to be searched _________________________ (出于安全的考虑).

  10.he _______________________________(捐款十万元) to the disaster area.


  1.this is a family of three children and all of them are studying music.

  this is a family of three children, _____ ______   ________    are studying music.

  2.the building the roof of which we can see from here is a hotel.

  the building _____ ______    we can see from here is a hotel.

  3.it has been announced that we shall have our final exam next month.

  _____ ______   ________ ________ ,we shall have our final exam next month.

  4.we must urge people who smoke to give up the habit.

  we must urge people who smoke________  ________ the habit.

  5.recent years have seen a growing social mobility.

  recent years________  ________a growing social mobility.

  6.she found something stolen.

  she________  ________that something________  ________ ________.

  7.it’s said that he is writing a novel.

  he ________  ________   ________   ________ a novel.

  8.everyone understood your view at the meeting.

  your view ________  ________at the meeting.



  1.sticking out   2.participate in   3.am dying   4.dry out   5.hear from   6.makes no difference  7.dries up   8.in need    9.provide for     10.came across 


  1.is relevant to   2.adjust the color on the tv  3.the privileged class   4.the purchasing power of dollar   5.have been vaccinated   6.active participation in  7.to build an economical society  8. a great financial center  9. for security reasons   10.donated 100,000yuan


  1.most of whom 2.whose roof   3.as has been announced  4.to abandon   5.have witnessed   6.became aware   ; had been stolen  7.is said to be writing  8.came across

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇10

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 6 unit3 & unit4

  一. 重点单词

  1. due adj. 到期(应付给或举行等)

  the dictionary of the tenth edition is due to be published next month.

  due to由于; 因…造成, 归功于; 应给予, 应属于

  due to the foggy weather, the traffic moved very slowly.

  the failure is due to his carelessness.

  the sum of $20 is due to you as a bonus.



  the failure of the scheme _________ ____________ _________ bad management.

  2. accustomed adj. 惯常的; 习惯于

  he took his accustomed seat by the window.

  拓展:accustom… to …sth. 使……习惯于

  the animals in the zoo have accustomed themselves to the life confined to a small place.

  注意:be accustomed to = be used to sth. 习惯于……

  you will soon get accustomed to the weather here.



  you will soon ____________ _____________ _____________ the climate here.

  3. manage

  (1)v. 负责; 管理; 经营

  manage a shop/ a business 管理商店/企业

  manage the personnel department负责人事部

  manage money理财

  (2)vt. &vi. 做成; 应付

  do you think we can manage without him?

  manage to do sth. = succeed in doing sth. 设法做到; 成功做到

  do you suppose you can manage to get a passport?


  manageable adj. 可管理的; 易控制的   management n. 管理; 经营

  manager n. 经理; 管理人, 经纪人      manageress n. 女管理人


  a big fire broke out in the famous hotel, but fortunately all of customers __________ escape from the hotel.

  a. possible to   b. can   c. managed to   d. succeeded in

  4. quantity n. 量, 大小; 数量

  his reputation as a painter depends more on quality than quantity.

  a large quantity of = large quantities of 许多(修饰可数和不可数名词)

  注意:当修饰不可数名词作主语时,谓语与quantity的单复数一致(同:a large amount of= large amounts of)

  large quantities of information have been collected.

  this hotel buys a vast quantity of meat every day.


  in quantity大量地

  it’s cheaper to buy goods in quantity.

  二. 重点短语

  1. take a risk/risks冒险

  i know that i am taking a risk, but it is all worthwhile.


  at risk处于危险中

  if you take drug, you put your life at risk.

  risk doing sth. 冒险做某事

  no one would risk putting all his money in the stock market like you.

  run the risk (of doing sth. )冒着……的风险

  he ran the risk of being trapped in the fire.



  he saved my life ____________ ________  ________ _________his own.

  2) no one is more silly than john, because he dares risk __________ life to have a trail on lottery.

  a. lose   b. losing    c. to lose    d. /

  2. go into (a bad habit)染上恶习

  he got into the habit of smoking following his father’s example.

  get into trouble惹上麻烦

  his bad reputation often gets into trouble.


  get over a difficulty克服困难

  get over a cough咳嗽好了

  get through to you打通你的电话

  get in crops收获庄稼

  get a word in插话

  get down to sth. / doing sth. 开始做某事


  it is urgent. let’s ___________ discussing the problem.

  a. get over   b. get through   c. get in    d. get down to

  3. result in产生某种作用或结果 result from(因)产生, 发生, 出现

  the tragic accident _____________ _____________ a lot of death and the destruction of several vehicles.

  the illness ______________ ____________ exhaustion possibly.

  the injure _______________ _____________ a fall kept him in bed for months.

  4. compare用于以下三种句型

  (1)compare with/to …与……比较

  compared to/with last years, we have made great progress.


  people compare teachers to candles.

  (3)compare. . with…把……与……相比较

  if you compare the climate here with that in your place, you will find ours is milder.


  compare with相比或值得相比

  i don’t think this method can compare with that one.

  compare notes (with sb. )交换意见或看法

  i wanted to find a friend to compare notes but they were all occupied.

  by comparison; when compared相比之下; 比较而言

  by comparison, the living conditions in big cities are good.

  三. 重点句型

  1. when i was taken off the school football team because i was too slow, i knew it was time to quit smoking. 当我因为动作太慢而被学校足球队开除时,我认识到是我要戒烟的时候了。

  英语中有一些关于it is time…的句式, 如:

  (1)it is time for sb. to do sth. 该是某人做某事的时候了。

  it is time for us ______________(have)  a rest.

  (2)it is (high/about) time that sb. did / should do sth. 是该做某事了(从句中用虚拟语气)

  it is high time that i _______________(go) to fetch my daughter.

  (3)it is the first/ second/ third etc. time that sb. have done sth. 某人第几次做某事

  it is the fourth time that she___________________( ring) you in a week.



  the train has arrived. it arrived half an hour ago.

  (2)用以代替提示代词this, that。

  ―what’s this? ―it’s a knife.

  ―whose watch is that? ―it’s mine.


  ―who is knocking at the door? ―it’s me.


  it was very noisy (quiet) at the very moment.


  ―what time is it? ―it’s eight o’clock.

  it often rains in summer here.


  it is a long way to the school.


  it is not easy to finish the work in two days.


  i found it very interesting to study english.


  it was xiao ming whom(that)i met in the street last night.

  2. it is only when the disease has progressed to aids that a person begins to look sick.


  本句中含有it is …that…强调句型, 强调了when引导的时间状语。

  it is all the members ______________ held a meeting in the club yesterday.

  it was in the bathroom _____________ joe found his wallet.

  it was three years ago _______________ that i first met him.


  1) it was ___________ he said ___________ disappointed me.

  a. what; that   b. that; that   c. what; what   d. that; what

  2) i hate _____ when people talk with their mouths full.

  a. it   b. that   c. these   d. then

  3)――he nearly died from cancer once?

  ――when was ________?

  ――__________ was in when he was in middle school.

  a. that ; it   b. this; this    c. this ; it   d. that; this

  4) 用it进行句型转换, 意思不变

  a. to keep order in an important football match is a hard job for the police. =

  _______________________________________ for the police to keep order in an important football match.

  b. who will take us to visit the nature park hasn’t been decided yet. =

  ________________________________________ who will take us to visit the nature park.

  c. i spend two hours writing the essay. =

  ________________________________________ to write the essay.

  d. they seem to be quarrelling about something.

  ________________________________________ they are quarrelling about something.



  addict to, on the whole, result in, get into, put up with, as long as,

  come about, make a difference, due to, accustom to

  1. does it __________ to you if you are not invited to attend jim’s birthday party?

  2. you had made some mistakes, but _________  you have done well.

  3. sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel ________.

  4. “to be frank, i can hardly ________ the noise you make” shouted tom.

  5. _________ you continue working in this way, you will catch up with the others soon.

  6. the fierce quarrel ____ both sides’ breaking up from each other.

  7. the little boy ________ computer games, and his mother is very angry with him.

  8. the company’s problems are __________ a mixture of bad luck and poor management.

  9. you should ________ the routine of saving the document you are working on every 5 minutes.

  10. he is person ___________ sleeping very late every night.


  1. of course, he ____________ associating with society people like you. (not accustom)

  2. a power failure, __________ a break in cable, brought the whole factory to a standstill. (due)

  3. all the scientist’s comments __________ large quantities of materials. (base)

  4. __________ his surprised look, he couldn’t know about the news in advance. (judge)

  5. the story you have just told __________ me _______ an experience i once had. ( remind)

  6. the government _________ measures to improve the environment so far. (measure)

  7. few writers can _________ scott as creators of romance. (compare)

  8. these youth are _________ better educated than those already in the marketplace. (average)

  9. reactions to the new __________ bitterness and hostility _________ cautious optimism. (range)

  10. ___________, i am quite satisfied with the experiment. (whole)


  1. 圣诞节在中国人中大受欢迎这事缘于改革开放的政策(due to)

  2. 吸烟的人在生理和心理上都对香烟有瘾。(addict)

  3. 这些旧照片使我想起了和你们一起度过的快乐童年。(remind)

  4. 他对营救工作起了很大作用。(make a difference)

  5. 不要在考试中冒险作弊。(risk)

  6. 喝酒常引起交通事故。(result in)

  7. 暴风雨对该城市造成的影响在继续增强。(build up)

  8. 我决定离开因为我再也受不了你的坏脾气了。(put up with)

  9. 人类能说这么多不同的语言是怎么形成的?(come about)

  10. 尽管有些缺点,他总体上仍然是一位合格的研究者。(on the whole)



  1. make a difference  2. on the whole  3. come about  4. put up with  5. as long as

  6. resulted in   7. is addicted to  8. due to    9. get into  10. accustomed to


  1. isn’t accustomed to   2. due to   3. are based on   4. judging from/by 

  5. reminds of     6. has taken measures     7. compare with

  8. on the average    9. range from, to     10. on the whole


  1. the fact that christmas is popular with the chinese people is due to the reform and opening polity of china.

  2. smokers are addicted to cigarettes both physically and mentally.

  3. these old photos remind me of the happy childhood i spent with you.

  4. he made a great difference in the rescue.

  5. never risk cheating in exams.

  6. drinking alcohol can result in traffic accidents often.

  7. the influence that the storm had on this city was building up.

  8. i decide to leave because i can’t put up with your bad temper any longer.

  9. how did it come about that humans can speak so many different languages?

  10. in spite of those shortcomings, he is on the whole a qualified research worker.

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇11

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 8     unit3 & unit4

  一. 重点单词

  1. distinguish


  i can distinguish them at a distance. 从远处我能认出他们。

  (2)(常与from, between连用)区别;区分

  can you distinguish between those two objects? 你能区分那两个物体吗?

  (3)distinguish oneself 显扬自己;使自己扬名

  the man distinguishes himself by his wisdom这个人因智慧而扬名。

  拓展:be distinguished from不同于……;与……加以区别

  distinguish …from …辨别,把……和……区别开

  be distinguished by 以……为特征

  be distinguished for 因……而著称

  distinguished adj. 著名的,出名的

  distinguishing adj. 有区别的

  distinguishable adj. 可区别的


  children should be taught to _________________________________

  2. convenient  adj. 便利的,方便的

  is it convenient for you to come next sunday?下个星期天你方便来吗?

  be convenient to sb. 对某人方便=it is convenient for sb.

  it is convenient to do sth. 做某事方便

  will 3 o’clock be convenient for you?


  (1)come and see me whenever________________.

  a. you are convenient   b. you will be convenient

  c. it is convenient to you    d. it will be convenient to you

  (2)if it is quite ______ to you, i will visit you next tuesday.

  a. convenient    b. fair   c. easy   d. comfortable

  3. convince  vt. to cause to believe or feel certain; to persuade 说服;使相信,说动 (某人)

  (1)convince sb. to do sth. 或convince that …. 说服某人做某事

  …an expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a person’s english decides his/her position in society. 一位语音学专家,认定一个人的英语水平决定这个人的社会地位

  we convinced him to go by train rather plane. 我们说服了他坐火车去,不要搭飞机去。

  (2)(be)convinced+of 短语/ that 从句意思是“坚信……”;“确信……”。例如:




  (3)convince (vt. )sb.+of 短语/that 从句,“使……坚信……”;“使……确信……”。

  i don’t think her forced smile will convince her father that she lives happily on that small lonely island. 我不认为她的强作欢颜能使她父亲相信她在那个小孤岛上过得开心。

  4. condemn vt. 谴责

  (1)condemn sb. / sth. 谴责某人/某事

  most people condemn any sort of violence. 大部分人谴责任何形式的暴力行为。

  (2)be condemned to death / be sentenced to death被判死刑

  the criminal was condemned to death. 那个罪犯被判处死刑。

  (3)condemn sb. to do sth. 迫使做……事

  his illness condemned him to be in bed all the time. 他的病使他被迫一直呆在床上。

  5. acquaintance   n. 相识; 了解

  i have some acquaintance with the language我懂得这门语言。

  i made his acquaintance long ago. 我很久以前已经认识他了。

  拓展:make one’s acquaintance / make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人

  be familiar with  / be acquainted with对……熟悉

  acquaint sb. with使某人了解

  二. 重点短语

  1. call up 打电话,使……回忆起

  when i called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone, she was very upset.

  i’ll call you up tonight.

  the old photo calls up memories of my childhood.

  call back召唤某人回来;再访;回电话

  call for需要,要求,接(人或物)

  call in邀请;请来

  call on拜访(人)

  call at拜访(某地)

  考点例题: ----can i do the job?

  ----i’m afraid not, because it ______skill and patience.

  a. calls on    b. calls out    c. calls up     d. calls for

  2. pass oneself as 冒充

  she passed herself as an experienced actress.

  pass off   逐渐消失;不加理会;(进展)顺利

  pass away            去世

  pass down/on      把……传给后世

  pass out               昏过去;失去知觉    

  pass …on to        把……传递给

  pass through       通过;穿过


  (1)on entering another country, a tourist will have to pass ____ the customs. 

  a. through    b. by  c. over      d. for

  (2)there was a thick mist at first, but it soon began to pass_____.              

  a. out    b. down    c. by    d. off

  (3)i was sorry to learn that his mother had passed ______.         

  a. out    b. away    c. over    d. through

  3. in amazement惊讶地

  i stared at him in amazement. 我吃惊地盯着他。

  i watched her in amazement. 我吃惊地看着她。

  归纳拓展:in/with amazement “惊讶地”,同义词为 in amazement, in surprise。


  amaze vt. sb. /sth. amaze sb.;  amazing adj.; amazement n.

  to one’s amazement“使某人惊讶的是”。


  in action在行动;in advance 事先;in anger 气忿地; in common共有,共同;in danger; in debt; in detail; in doubt; in excitement; in tear; in general 大体上; in operation 生效,运转着;in place 在适当的位置; in reality实际上;in return  作为报答;in safety; in secret; in shape 处于良好状态;in short 简言之;in sight被看见;in silence; in store 贮藏着;in thought 思考;in trouble; in turn依次为; in vain  白白地


  in amazement指“造成心理上的混乱或恐慌”;in astonishment 指“因为不可解释的事而吃惊”;in surprise指“由于突然或出于意外而吃惊”。

  考点例题:i heard that a burglar broke into my room last night ____. i couldn’t believe my ears.                              

  a. in silence    b. in peace   c. in amazement   d. in excitement

  4. in need of 需要

  it’ll be how to teach her grammar, not just pronunciation. she’s in need of both.

  归纳拓展 in need of 需要……,为介词短语, 后跟名词或代词

  其同义词为in want of, in need

  如: most of the people are in great need.


  in charge of 负责; in search of 搜寻; in hope of 希望; in honor of 纪念、尊重; in favor of 有利于; in spite of 尽管; in case of 以防万一; in place of 代替。考点例题:

  the saying “a friend ___is a friend indeed” is proved true in our daily life.   

  a. in silence         b. in need    c. in peace        d. in sight

  show in 带或领……进来

  5. show sb. in 领某人进来, 其反义词为:show sb. out领某人出去。

  show her in, mrs. pearce.          

  he showed me into a bedroom.   

  he showed me out.                    


  show sb. around 领某人参观某地;

  show off 炫耀;

  show up出现,来到某处; 揭露;显得好看


  (1)it is unwise to _____your greater knowledge in front of the manager.

  a. show in     b. show out      c. show up       d. show off

  (2)he didn’t show ___ in the party last night.

  a. up   b. off   c. over   d. in

  三. 重点句型

  1. generally speaking, people are more polite to those whom they think are of higher social class. 总的来说,人们对那些他们认为属于较高社会阶层的人更礼貌一些。

  (1)本句中的of 表示“从属”关系。例如:

  birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。

  (2)be of+形容词+抽象名词=be+副词+与该抽象名词同根的形容词。例如:

  what i said is of great importance.

  = what i said is very important. 我所说的非常重要

  可用于以上结构的抽象名词及相对应的形容词有:ability-able, help-helpful, importance-important, interest-interesting, significance-significant, use-useful, value- valuable


  (1)your suggestion is of ___________ for my decision.

  a. great helpful  b. great help   c. great useful  d. to use



  2. between the outside and inside walls of the bowl there is some jelly, which freezes hard when cooled.

  when cooled 为when it is cooled 的省略结构

  when/while /once/unless/ if 等连词所引导的时间状语从句中的主语与主句主语相一致,且从句中含有系动词be 时,从句中的主语和系动词be可省略,形成“连词+分词” 结构

  when( it is )seen from the top, the tall building seems not tall at all.

  if (it is)heated, it changed into steam.


  (1)_________ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.

  a. compare      b. when comparing   c. comparing   d. when compared

  (2)_____more time, we are sure to finish it.

  a. given     b. giving   c. be given    d. if giving



  set out; get through;  convince…. of….; in case; now and then; in amazement; pass…as…; ring off; in need of; in terms of

  1. why not give harry a ring _______ her forgets about it?

  2. he ___________ to work on his first novel two years ago.

  3. usually i come by car, but _________, i take a bus.

  4. i tried but i couldn’t _______ to you.

  5. i’d better _________now  --- the baby is crying. i’ll ring you back later.

  6. are you ________ help? tell me when you are in trouble?

  7. he failed to ______ the teacher ____ his honesty.

  8. she ______ herself _______ a police officer and gained his trust.

  9. i watched __________ as she tore up the contract and threw it into the bin.

  10. it’s a good book, but _______ sales it hasn’t been very successful.


  1. ________ (lose)in the fog, we were forced to spend two hours in the woods.

  2. __________(discuss)many times, the problems were settled at last.

  3. when first ____________(introduce)to the market, these products enjoyed great success.

  4. if you put a stick in a glass of water, the stick looks as if it __________(be)broken.

  5. you are very much _______ (mistake)if you think that people will agree to these changes.

  6. she stood ___________(hesitate )over whether to join the fight or not.

  7. i first made his _______________(acquaint)in 1993, when we were both at stanford university.

  8. wines are __________(classify)according to quality.


  1. 他一到那儿就着手解决问题。(set about doing sth. = set out to do sth. )

  2. 只有刻苦努力学习我们才能通过考试(only by doing sth. )

  3. 除非被告知,否则不要离开办公室。(unless…)

  4. 我不喜欢喝咖啡,我弟弟也不喜欢。(nor/ neither …)

  5. 对于青少年来说, 能够明辨是非是非常重要的。(distinguish …from …)

  6. 每一次我看见他,他都显得很忧郁。(look depressed)

  7. 我花了很长时间才让他相信我是诚实的。(convince sb. of sth. )

  8. 约翰的数学比迪克好。(be superior to)

  9. 他所说的非常重要,一定要记住。(be of importance = important)

  10. 虽然被打败了,但我们并没有泄气。(用省略句)


  (一)1. in case     2. set out     3. now and then     4. get through    5. ring off 

  6. in need of   7. convinced of    8. passed as   9. in amazement    10. in terms of

  (二)1. lost   2. discussed    3. introduced    4. were    5. mistaken 

  6. hesitating    7. acquaintance     8. classified


  1. he set about solving/ set out to solve the problem as soon as he arrived there.

  2. only by working hard can we pass the exams.

  3. do not leave the office unless asked to do so.

  4. i don’t like coffee and nor/ neither does my brother. (=and my brother doesn’t like coffee, either.

  5. it’s important for teenagers to distinguish right from wrong. 

  6. every time i see him, he looks depressed.

  7. it took me long to convince him of my honesty/ to convince him that i was honest.

  8. john is superior to dick in mathematics.

  9. what he said is of great importance/ is very important. keep/bear it in mind.

  10. though (we were)beaten, we were not discouraged.

高考英语一轮重点复习 Module 4 Unit4 & Unit 篇12

  高考英语一轮重点复习  module 1     unit1 & unit2

  一. 重点单词与短语

  1. concern


  his greatest concern is the future of his daughter.

  the report expressed the public’s concerne about/for the nuclear waste.


  the lecture concerned the environmental protection.

  what concerns us is that so many children in the area have dropped out of school.

  concerned a.关心的(about),与……有关的(with)

  he is never concerned about what is going on with his family and friends.


  have no concern for毫不关心

  be concerned about/for 关心

  as/so far as …is concerned 就……而言

  concerning  prep.关于;有关

  考点例题: it’s not necessary for you to be _______ about others’ business .

  a. concern   b. concern yourself  c. concerning   d. concerned

  2. suffer


  many provinces in our country suffered a heavy loss in the flood in 1998.


  she is suffering from loss of memory.


  suffering n.痛苦,苦难    sufferer n.受苦者

  考点例题:_______ heart attack for years, he is no longer strong.

  a. suffer    b. suffering    c. suffering from  d. suffered  from

  3. include vt.包括,包含,算入……

  the tour included a visit to the science museum.


  including 介词 词义为“包括,包含”

  the singer sang a few songs, including two of my favorites = two of my favorites included.





  the stadium can _________ over 10,000 people.

  the competition ____________ some foreigners.

  module one ____________ five unites.


  ten students will pay a visit to the science museum, tom and john ______ _______(include).

  4. advice n.意见,建议,忠告

  ask sb. for advice征求某人的意见

  follow/take sb’s advice采纳某人的建议

  give/offer sb. advice on就……给某人建议

  a piece of advice一条建议

  much/lots of advice许多建议


  advise v.建议

  advise doing sth.建议做……

  advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做……

  advise. that sb./sth. (should) do 建议

  they strongly advised that the government (should) take some measures to improve the transport.


  改错:the smiths thought of some advice that they went traveling on foot together.

  5. request


  we will make a request for help if necessary.

  his request is that the work(should) be finished as soon as possible.


  request sth.      request sb. to do sth.     request sth from sb.  

  request that sb./sth. (should) do

  6. calm


  he remained calm in time of danger.


  you’d better take a deep breath to calm yourself before answering the question.


  calm down镇静;平静    calm sb. down使某人镇静  

  the moment the famous film star appeared on the stage, the excited audience calmed down.






  二. 重点短语

  1. go through经历,经受

  go through a hard time经历一段困难时期

  go through the baggage检查行李

  go through the newspaper浏览报纸


  go after追求,追赶

  go ahead前进;请说(做)吧

  go by走过,(时间)过去

  go along with向前,(与……)一起去

  go in for爱好,从事

  go out外出;(灯,火)熄灭

  go over越过;复习 

  go up爬上,(价格等)上升

  2. do with处理

  do with pollution处理污染

  have sth./much/nothing to do with 与……有些关系/很大关系/没有关系


  what to do with….      how to deal with….

  3. get along/on with

  get along/on with sb.与某人相处

  get along/on with sth某事进展


  get along/on well/ nicely/ badly with 与……相处得好/不好,……进展顺利/不顺利

  get away离开,逃离     get down下来;写下,取下

  get down to (doing)开始认真干……  get off下(车,飞机),脱下

  get over克服,摆脱     get through通过,做完

  get together聚集

  4. have trouble/ difficulty/ problem with sb./ sth和某人相处/做某事有困难

  he has no trouble with english grammar.


  have trouble/difficulty/ problem (in) doing sth.做某事有困难

  we have some difficulty in dealing with the matter.

  三. 重点句型

  1. it was the first time in a year and a half that i had seen the night face to face.


  此句为复合句,that 引导定语从句修饰the first time.

  it/ this is / was the first /second time that sb. have/ had done sth.某人第一/二次做……








  it is (high/about) time that sb did/should do sth.是某人该干……的时候了

  it is high time that you should prepare/ prepared for the coming exams.

  1. while walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.


  while walking the dog = while you were walking the dog在时间、条件、让步状语从句中,如果主句的主语和从句的主语相同,而且从句中的谓语动词又含有be的某种形式,从句中的主语和be可以省略

  when i was traveling in beijing (=when traveling in beijing), i happened to meet a former classmate.

  though he is over sixty(= though over sixty), he still keeps on studying english.

  she won’t go to the conference unless she is invited(= unless invited).

  2. why do you think people all over the world want to learn english?


  本句为双重疑问名句,do you think在句中做插入语


  一般疑问句用疑问语序( do you think)


  可用于该句型的动词还有believe, guess, imagine, ,suppose等

  who do you suppose is the right person for the job?

  how many students do you guess have been to the great wall?



  he hadn’t turned up yet. __________ ____________ ________ has happened to him?


  how do you suppose _____ ________ ________ _________ the problem?

  3. believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard english.


  (1)believe it or not在句中做插入语,意为“信不信由你;我说的是真的”。


  generally speaking一般来说    frankly speaking坦白地说

  judging from从……来判断    to tell you the truth说真的;老实说

  to be honest说实在的     to make matters worse更糟糕的是


  no such…as没有这样的……

  such as例如


  such …that…这样……以致于……

  he is reading such a book as you borrowed from the library last week.

  他在读的书和你上周从图书馆借来的一样。( as是关系代词,引导定语从句)

  he is reading such an interesting book that i want to borrow it.



  一. 用框内所给词组的适当形式完成下列句子(其中两个是多余的)

  calm down;  go through; be concerned about; get along with; hide away; come up;

  join in; add up; on purpose; according to; set down; a series of

  1. his mother ___________ his future and his happiness.

  2. we tried to _________ her _______, but she kept shouting and crying.

  3. you will have to go over these figures again, they don’t __________ right.

  4. i have ____________ everything that happened in my diary.

  5. the old man _________ many sufferings during the war.

  6. how are you __________ your classmates in the new school?

  7. a lot of new questions __________ at the meeting yesterday.

  8. there has been __________ car accidents at the crossing.

  9. at last, i forgave them because they didn’t do it _________.

  10. i think we should adjust your plan ________ the change of circumstances.

  二. 根据句子意思写出括号内所给单词的正确形式。

  1. young people like to share their ___________(feel) with friends.

  2. i think it fun to eat ____________(outdoor) with many good friends.

  3. it is __________(nature) for a child of his age to react like this.

  4. when we receive your instructions we shall act ___________(accord).

  5. good ___________(communicate) is of great importance in a large organization.

  6. it is time for the _____________(govern) to take measures to deal with the pollution.

  7. easy stories are the best material to teach ____________(rapidly) reading.

  8. i’ve got no sense of ____________(direct) at all.

  9. he once worked as an ________(edit) in a newspaper.

  10. i do ___________(actual) think that things have improved.

  三. 根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子

  1. 他不应该告诉tom这个秘密,但是他没有恶意。(should have done)

  2. 孩子们安全到达了山顶。(形容词表状态)

  3. 这是我们第一次来到山村去见那些无家可归的孩子。(it is the first time that …)

  4. 即使我得一路走着去,我也要走到那里。(even if/though)

  5. 坐飞机旅行有很多好处,例如方便、舒服、快捷。(such as)

  6. 他问她第二天是否在那里。(间接引语)

  7. 今天的课是关于语音的。(be concerned with)

  8. 在丛林中,为了生存他们被迫采取极端行为。(in order to)

  9. 现在我们可以即时与世界另一端的人进行交流。(communicate)

  10. 你必须承认我们所面临问题的严重性。(recognize)


  一. 1. is/was concerned about      2. calm down

  3. add up    4. set down   5. went through

  6. getting along with  7. came up   8. a series of

  9. on purpose   10. according to

  二. 1. feelings    2. outdoors   3. natural

  4. accordingly   5. communication  6. government

  7. rapid    8. direction   9. editor

  10. actually

  三. 1. he shouldn’t have told tom the secret, but he meant no harm.

  2. the children reached the top of the mountain, safe.

  3. it is the first time that we have come into the mountain village to see the homeless children.

  4. even if/though i have to walk all the way, i’ll get there.

  5. there are many advantages of air travel, such as being convenient, comfortable and fast.

  6. he asked whether/ if she would be there the next day.

  7. today’s lesson is concerned with pronunciation.

  8. in the jungle, they were driven to extremes in order to survive.

  9. nowadays, we can communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world.

  10. you mush recognize the seriousness of the problems we are facing.



高考英语一轮重点复习  Module 4     Unit4 & Unit(精选12篇)
