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2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇1

  i 重点词汇

  1.rank  n.军队;士兵;序列 ;对列;军阶;军衔;地位;等级 vt.  评定等级;分等

  2.recount n. v. 叙述;描述         

  3.regular adj. 有规律的;习惯性的,经常性的 

  4.rejoice vi/ vt.  欣喜;喜悦          

  5.resolve  n. v.  决心;决定

  6.respectful  adj.  恭敬的;尊重人的  

  7.respond vt.  回答;相应,有反应

  8. responsibility  n. 职责;责任       

  9.revelation  n.  启示;揭示

  10.resemble vt. 相似;类似           

  11.romantic adj.浪漫的;不切实际的 n.浪漫的人

  12.rotten adj.  腐烂的;变质的        

  13.sacrifice vt. 牺牲;祭祀

  14. salute vt./vi.向......敬礼  向  致敬   

  15.sk(c)eptical  adj. 持怀疑态度的   

  16.scold vt./vi.  骂,责骂 ;斥责      

  17. scratch vt.抓;搔 vi. 抓;搔n. 抓痕;刮痕

  ii 重点短语

  1.a painter of the first rank 一流画家       

  2.recount sb’s faults  列出某人的过失

  3.no differences in rank or in social status 取消级别和地位的差异

  4.recount one’s experiences列出某人的经历

  5. keep regular hours   生活有规则 

  6. a man of resolve 刚毅的人             

  7.make a resolve to do sth.  决意要做某事

  8. take the responsibility for 负起对……的责任

  9.take the responsibility upon oneself  自己承起责任

  10. a romantic scheme  不现实的计划     

  11.under sb’s roof  受某人的款待     

  12.scold sb for doing sth.  为某人责备某人 

  13.give sb. a scolding for 为某事训斥某人

  14.scratch a match 擦火柴


  1.critics rank him as a first-class singer.

  2.life now fell into a regular pattern.

  3.she strongly resembles her mother.

  4.the circumstances resolved him to go.

  5.they have responsibility for ensuring that the rules are enforced.

  6.we spent a good time under her roof.

  7.we agreed that the housework is both our responsibility.

  8.a mother will sacrifice her life for her children.

  9.the lark salutes the dawn.

  iv 词汇练习

  1.this is a man of high _________ (职位).

  2.often the lives of writes ____________(相似)the lives of the characters they create.

  3. it is their _______________ (责任) to ensure that the rules are enforces.

  4.a mother will ___________(牺牲) her life for her children.

  5. they ___________ (敬礼)the flag very day at school.

  6.what can you learn from this _________(浪漫故事)?


  1.new york ______ second in the production of apples, producing 850,000,000 pounds this year.

  a. ranked      b. occupied       c. arranged     d. classified

  2.the parents _______ him severely for lying to them.

  a. shout     b. said       c. scolded       d. praised 

  3.soldiers salute _______ their officer when they marched past him.

  a. to      b. towards      c.  /      d. for  

  4.some procedures involved in the manufacture of this product are _____ procedures conducted in producing tv set.

  a. same as    b. resemble   c. alike     d. similar to

  5.there is still no decision on who will be sent to work there ______ the project.

  a. to be responsible for  b. in the charge of  c. to take care of  d. to take the place of

  1, rank   2. resemble  3. responsibility  4.sacrifice  5. salute  6.roamnce

  1-5 acada

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇2

  i 重点词汇

  1.decline vt. 使下降;谢绝,拒绝vi. 下倾,下降 [c u] 下倾,下降; 衰退;衰落  

  2.demand vt.要求,需求;询问,查问 [c]要求;要求物 [u c] 需求, 要求 

  3.discount [c u] 折扣vt. 打去(若干)折扣;看轻

  4. discourage vt. 使泄气;使丧失

  5.discrimination [u] 歧视;辨别;识别率       

  6.disrespectful  adj. 失礼的,无理的

  7. distribute vt. 分发,分配 ;分散,分布      

  8.dominate vt. /vi.  支配;占优势

  9.dynamic adj. (动)力的;动态的; 有生气的

  10.drunk adj. 醉的 

  11.educator  n.教育工作者, 教育家          

  12. efficient adj.  效率高的,有效率的

  13.endurance n. 忍耐; 持久                 

  14.en/inquire vt. 询问

  15.enquiry n. 询问;打听;调查              

  16.equlity  [u] 相等;相同;平等

  17.evident adj. 明显的;清楚的;明白的       

  18.explicit adj.清楚的;明确的;详细的

  ii 重点短语

  1.delay doing sth.耽搁做某事           

  2.without delay立刻,马上

  3.meet one’s demands 满足......需要      

  4.at 15% discount 打八五折

  5.discourage sb. from doing 阻止某人做…..

  6.do everything in one’s power to竭尽全力做…..

  7. racial equality 种族平等             

  8.it’s evident that…(很)明显……

  9.hold an enquiry into a case 对一桩案子进行调查 

  10.make enquiries of sb. about sth.向某人询问某事

  11demand sth. of/from sb.向某人要求东西 


  1.i offer to give them a lift but they decline.

  2.at first, in spite of disliking him, she did not discount his affection, and was sensitive to the pain she was going to cause him when she declined his offer of marriage

  3.he demanded that the task be finished in time.

  4.but there will also be a rise in the demand for health care professionals.

  5.we discourage you from smoking except in specific area.

  6.thank you for your enquiry(enquiries) about my health.

  iv 词汇练习

  1.he was ____________(明显的)about an affair.

  2.the hardship she faced _____________(使 泄气) her.

  3. the old man ____________ (分发)sweets to children.

  4.we had a ________________ (充满活力的) english teacher.

  5. she divided the cake into four ____________(平均)parts.

  6. she politely _____________ (拒绝) their invitation.

  7.there is no time to ____________ (拖延).

  8.she politely _________(拒绝)their invitation.


  1.john was late for the business meeting because his flight had been______ by a heavy storm.

  a. kept      b. stopped      c. showed       d. delayed

  2.the opposition have demanded that all the facts _______ make public.

  a. make        b. are made   c. be made     d. should make

  3.since last year, the crime in chicago has sharply ________.

  a. declined    b. lessened   c. descended   d. slipped.

  4.the students _________ the teacher, but he couldn’t remember the exact exam results of everyone.

  a. enquired at   b. enquired after   c. enquired into    d. enquired for

  5.the secret of his success is that he does everything_______.

  a. efficiently  b. curiously    c. anxiously     d. sufficiently

  6. if we can          our present difficulties, then everything should be all right?

  a.come across b.get over     c.come over d.get off


  1. explicit 2.discouraged 3.distributed 4.dynamic  5.equal 6. declined

  1-5 dcaaab

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇3

  i 重点词汇

  1.terminal n.末端;终点(站)adj. 末端的;极限的

  2. tiresome adj. 使人疲劳的;累人的

  3.tradition  n. 传统;惯例;常规          

  4. traditional adj.  传统的;惯例的

  5.troop  n.  pl.军队;部队;士兵           

  6.unbearable adj.  难以容忍的;不能容忍的

  7.underneath adv. 在下面prep.  在 下面   

  8.unjust  adj.  不公平的;不公正的

  9.unwilling  adj.不愿意的,不情愿的;厌恶的

  10.urgent  adj.  急迫的;紧要的;催促的

  12.vague  adj.  模糊地的;,含糊的       

  13.vain  adj. 徒劳的;自负的;爱虚荣的

  14.venture [c u]    冒险;冒险的行动     

  15.vital  adj.  生命攸关的;有生命力的;必不可少的

  16.vacant  adj.  空的;头脑空虚的;神情茫然的;空闲的

  ii 重点短语

  1. a terminal examination 期中考试       

  2. think ill of 对...评价不高   

  3.think better of  对…有高度的评价     

  4.think of  考虑; 想起;想象;对  有看法 

  5.think of …as                        

  6. under the name of  用…名字;在 …名义下

  7.a vain man 爱虚荣的人               

  8.a vague idea   模糊的想法

  9.call sb. names 辱骂某人              

  10. in name  在名义上

  11.in sb.’s name  以某人的名义         

  12.make a name  成名;出名

  13.by/ of/ under the name of 名叫         

  14.a vital question 生命攸关的问题

  15.up to一直到;相当于;忙于…,在做…;由……决定的


  1. i could never think of giving up the project.

  2. …and in the winter the total absence of daylight can be tiresome, and for some, depressing.

  3. he is a scholar in name but not in reality.

  4. he applied for a vacant position in an office.

  janet's answer to my question was vague and did not help me understand my problem any better.

  5. nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  6.up to now he has been very quiet.

  7.what have you been up to lately?

  8.it’s up to the cleaners to lock the doors at night.

  iv 词汇练习

  1.we will pick you up at the railway__________ (终点站)

  2. it was a __________(令人厌倦的) speech.

  3.do you like ____________ (传统的 )chinese art using brush and ink?

  4.the boy is quite _________(受不了的).

  5.even so there is another _________(转折)to this story.

  6.they were ____________ (不愿) for the doctor to come.

  7.in a frog everything looks ________(模糊).

  8. speed is _________(至关重要的)to success.


  1.john was dismissed because he wasn’t ______ his work.

  a. up to    b. up for   c. up in    d. up towards

  2.in ______ chinese culture . marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.

  a. traditional   b.  historical   c. remote     d. initial 

  3.mr smith, ______ of the ______ tiring speech, started to read a novel.

  a. tired ; boring   b. tiring ; bored    c. tried ; bored   d. tiring; boring

  4.---shall we go to the art exhibition right away?

  a. it’s your opinion  b. i don’t mind   c. it’s all up to you  d. that’s your decision

  5._____ team win on sunday will go through to the national championships.

  a. no matter what   b. no matter which   c. whatever    d. whichever

  1.terminal  2.tiresome  3.traditional 4.unbearable  5.twist  6.unwilling  7.vagant 8.vital


2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇4

  XX届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案: 第44天

  i. 重点单词

  1. tolerate  v.忍受,容忍,宽恕          

  2. treatment  n.对待,治疗,疗法   

  3. typewriter  n.打字机                  

  4. unbelievable  adj.不可相信的,难以置信的

  5. uniform n..制服        

  6. universal  adj.普遍的,宇宙的,全世界的,通用的,万能的  

  7. variety  n.变动,变化,多样化  various adj.不同的,各种各样的  vary  v.变化,不同 

  8. victim 牺牲者,受害者                

  9.abnormal  adj.畸形的n,异常的

  10. absolutely  adv.绝对地,完全地      

  11. abstract adj.抽象的  n..摘要 v.摘录,提取             

  ii. 重点短语

  1. 容忍做….. tolerate doing                   

  2. 学生会the students’ union

  3. 成为…的牺牲品fall/ become a victim to      

  4.种种,多种多样  a variety of   

  5. 对….上瘾 be addicted to doing              

  6. 习惯于.be/ get  accustomed to         

  7. 确凿的事实an absolute fact                 

  8. 从….提取 be abstracted from                             

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. 她拒不接受被称为撒谎者.

  she refused to tolerate being called a liar.

  2. 微笑是世界性的语言

  a smile is a universal language..


  some young people have become addicted to smoking.

  4. 我不习惯这么早起床.

  i am not accustomed to getting up so early.


  union gives strength.


  1. our world is but a small part of the         (宇宙)

  2.there are several            (多样) of red roses.

  3. he refused         (绝对).

  4.it is easy to           (滥用) one’s power.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1.--- they are quiet, aren’t they ?

  --- yes. they are accustomed         at meals.

  a. to talk      b. to not talk     c. to talking    d. to not talking

  2.          to computer games, the boy has lost all interest in his lessons.

  a. addicted    b. having addicted    c. addicting  d.  to addict

  3.---do you think there is a possibility that they’ll get married?

  ----        . they don’t have any common tastes.

  a. absolutely      b. certainly    c. absolutely not     d. absolute not

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇5

  i. 重点词汇

  1.  numb adj 麻木的 , 冷谈的 ,无感情的

  2.  occupy   vt占领 占用,使忙碌

  3.  opposite  adj对面的 , 相反的

  4.  participate  vi 参与,参加

  5.  parallel   n 可相比拟的事物, 平行线 adj  类似的,平行的 vt与...相当,比得上

  6.  optionnal adj  可以任选的

  7.  narrow  adj 狭窄的 , 目光短浅的

  8.  neat  adj 整洁的, 熟练的

  ii. 重点短语

  1.  draw in a net 收网

  2.  obey the rules 服从规则

  3.  be occupied with sth / (in ) doing sth 忙于做某事

  4   operate on  动手术

  5   out of breath  上气不接下气

  6   out of the question 不可能的

  7.   draw a parallel between 把   和 相比较

  8.   in a parallel with  和...  平行;和....   同时

  9   participate in 参与,参加

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1.if only i could participate in your good fortune


  2. he has a narrow view of the world


  3.he was occupied writing letters home .


  4 soldiers have to obey the rules .


  5. i was numb with shock .


  iv. 词汇练习

  1.we ran all the way to the cinema , arriving there quite out of _________ .

  a mind  b reach    c breath   d sight 

  2.he lives  _____(对面) the post office

  v. 短语练习

  1. ---- why hasn't she come to the party ?

  ------ i'm afraid she can't .she is being _______ her report .

  a covered with  b filled with  c occupied  with   d crowded with

  2. everyone in the class is expected to ______ these discussion .

  a join  b share   c  contribute  to  d participate in

  3. the hospital ___ well , where many wounded ________ every  day .

  a is operated , operation  b operates   , are operated on

  c operates , are operate    d operates , operates on


  iv. 词汇练习   1.  c  2. opposite

  v. 短语练习   cdb


2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇6

  i. 重点词汇

  1. reception   n. 接待;招待会;接收

  2. regulate    vt. 调整,调节;管理,控制

  3. relic       n. 遗物;遗迹;纪念物

  4. reunite     vt. 再统一;再联合;重聚

  5. revolutionary   adj. 革命的   [c]革命者

  6. rub        vt.&vi. 摩擦;揉擦

  7. rubber      [c]橡皮;黑板擦   [u]橡胶

  8. secure      adj. 安全的,可靠的;放心的,无忧的,有把握的 

  vt. 使安全;保证;保卫;获得

  9. security     [c]& [u]安全;保护物;保证人;担保

  10. sensitive    adj. 敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的

  11. simplify     vt. 简化

  ii. 重点短语

  1. remove one’s doubts   消除某人的疑虑

  2. be removed from office   被撤职

  3. roll over   翻身;打滚

  4. secure sb. from attack   保证某人不受袭击

  5. secure a position in a firm   在一家公司找到一个职位

  6. be sensitive to    对……敏感

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. silent tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.


  2. a good fire is a security against wild beasts.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. this species of plant is becoming increasingly ________(稀少).

  2. those who have come here for celebration ceremony should sign their names at the _______(接待)desk.

  3. there is a _________(定时的)bus service to the airport.

  4. he said unmistakably that he would __________(消除)all the obstacles in his way.

  v. 短语练习

  1. our bodies are strengthened by working out. ____________, our minds are developed by learning.

  a. likely   b. similarly    c. probably   d. therefore

  2. the elderly need special care in winter, as they are _________ to the sudden changes of weather.

  a. sensitive   b. sensible   c. flexible   d. positive

  3. please remain ____________; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.

  a. seating   b. seated   c. to seat   d. to be seated


  iv.1.rare  2. reception   3. regular   4. remove

  v. 1. b   2. a  3. b

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇7

  i. 重点单词

  1.adolescence  n.青春期,青春         

  2. adolescent  n.青少年,adj.青春期的

  3. adopt  v.采用,采纳,收养          

  4. advocate  v.拥护,主张,提倡  

  5. aggressive   adj.侵略的,好斗的     

  6. allergic adj.对….过敏的

  7. anxiety  n焦虑,忧虑                

  8. appeal v/n呼吁,恳求,申述       

  9.appoint  v.任命,委派,约定           

  10.appreciate  v.欣赏,赞赏,,感激    

  11.appropriate 合适的,恰当的         

  12.ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞愧的             

  13. attempt v/n努力,试图             

  14. automatic adj.自动的,习惯性的      

  15. avenue  n.林荫道,大街            

  16.average  adj.平均的             

  17. awkward  adj.局促不安的,笨拙的   

  18.balcony  n.阳台

  ii. 重点短语

  1. 采纳某人的建议adopt one’s advice     

  2. 旨在,目标是aim at

  3. 有吸引力appeal to                  

  4.为某事向某人呼吁appeal to sb for sth   

  5.呼吁某人做某事appeal to sb to do      

  6. 与….约定make an appointment with

  7.感激做某事 appreciate doing     

  8.如果….将不胜感激i will appreciate it if             

  9. 对……而羞愧 be ashamed of        

  10. 处境危险,在危险中at risk

  11. 冒险做某事 run/take the risk of doing sth  

  12.打算/试图做make an attempt to do      

  13. 通常,平均说来 on average          

  14. 禁止某人做…..  ban….from doing                        

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. 这场反吸烟运动主要是针对青少年的.

  the anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers..

  2. 政府呼吁人人节约用水.

  the government is appealing to everyone to save water..


  i really appreciate working with someone who does such a good job.


  the government is thinking about banning smoking on public transport.


  1.students experience high levels of      (焦虑) before the college entrance examination.

  2.a lawyer was           (任命) to represent the child.

  3.it is        (恰当的) that you set out early.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1.he studied hard ,          the exam.

  a. aim at      b. aiming at passing    c. aiming passing   d. aimed to passing

  2.since they won’t listen to the advice , we have to         force.

  a. appeal to       b. stick to         c. keep to          d. yield to

  3.the chinese are looking forward to the first       to land on the moon after yangliwei’s successful trip to space .   a. measure       b. attempt    c. purpose        d. desire

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇8


  1.dip  vt. 浸;蘸;把……伸入          

  2.disappearance  n. 不见;消失

  3.distant  adj. 远的,遥远的            

  4.doubt  v&n. 怀疑;疑惑

  5.download  v. 下载                   

  6.dynasty  n. 朝代;王朝

  7.earn  vt. 挣得;赢得              earnings  n. 挣得的财物;收入

  8.electronic  adj. 电子的               

  9.employ  vt. 雇佣;使用

  10.endanger  vt. 危害,使受到危险     

  11.ending  n. 结尾,结局;终结

  12.entrance  n. 进入;入学等          

  13.evidence  n.证据;显而易见

  14.excitement  n. 兴奋;刺激          

  15.explode  v. 使爆炸;急速增加


  1.灭绝;消失  die out                    

  2.浏览  dip into 

  3.对某人冷淡  be distant towards sb          离……遥远  be distant from

  4.毫无疑问  there is no doubt that…        

  5.梦想;渴望  dream of/about

  6.做了个……梦  drream a…dream          

  7.谋生  earn one’s living

  8.从事于  be employed in doing sth           被雇佣来做某事  be employed to do sth

  9.很显然  it is quite evident that            

  10.平息,减弱  die down

  11.死于内因  die of                       死于外因  die from

  12.渴望  be dying for/be dying to do         

  13.相继死去  die off

  14.慢慢变弱,逐渐消失 die away           

  15.毫无疑问  beyond doubt

  16.凭空想出  dream up                    

  17.在……入口处  at the entrance to sth



  he took a distant attitude towards me.


  just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing.


  the boss puts more emphasis on personality than on capacity when he employs a staff member.


  a good ending is better than a good beginning.


  the students were heavily loaded with homework before the college entrance exmination.


  doubt is the key of knowledge.


  i have no doubt that you will succeed.


  1.tom put his heart into the wildlife research, and finally, his efforts e_______ him great success and fame.

  2.he d_____ his pen into the ink.

  3.there was a complete silence except for the occasional sound of ______(远处的) traffic.

  4.he used to d_______ information from the internet and made good use of it.

  5.but there was a happy e_____ to the story.

  6.when heated to a high enough degree, the gas in the bottle will e_______.


  1.although the wind has _____ ____(平息), the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.

  2.as a result these endangered animals may even ____ _____(灭绝).

  3.i have always _______ ___(梦想) starting my own company.

  4.at the end of the match the spectators went wild _____ _________(兴奋).



  1.earned  2. dipped  3. distant  4. download  5. ending  6.explode


  1.died down  2. die out  3. dreamed of  4. with excitement  

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇9


  1.command  n.&vt. 命令;指挥         

  2.concern  vt. 涉及;关系到 n.关心;关注

  3.congratulation  n.祝贺;庆贺          

  4.conquer  v.征服;战胜

  5.cruelty  n. 残忍;残酷               

  6.cycle  v.&n. 循环;轮转

  7.destroy  vt. 破坏;摧毁              

  8.disadvantage  n. 不利条件;缺点

  9.enrich  vt. 使富裕;充实             

  10.escape  v. 逃避;逃脱

  11.event  n.事件,比赛项目            

  12.damage  v.&n. 损害;毁坏


  1.命令某人做某事  command that sb (should) do sth 

  2.就……而言 as far as…be concerned

  3.为某事向某人祝贺  offer one’s congratulations to sb on sth/congratulate sb on sth

  4.对某人残忍  be cruel to sb                     

  5.对……造成损害  do damage to

  6.决心做某事  be determined to do sth             

  7.献身于;致力于  devote oneself to

  8.发掘出;翻找出  dig out                      

  9.和……不一致  disagree with

  10.与……相等 be equal to        胜任……  be equal to doing sth



  all my hopes were destroyed.


  it is your efforts, not your intelligence, that determine your success.


  every advantage has its disadvantage.


  reading enriches the mind.


  all human beings are equal.


  he had a narrow escape.


  it is easy to be wise after the event.


  his conduct disagrees with his words.


  1.his c_______ to his children makes my blood boil.

  2.you must obey the captain’s c________.

  3.there are _______(不利条件,缺点) to the plan.

  4.―john and i will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.

  ―oh, _______!

  a.cheer up       b.well done       c.go ahead        d.congratulations

  5.the island is _____ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.

  a.partly         b.merely          c.nearly         d.equally


  1.one kilometer ____ ______ ____ (与……相等)1000 meters.

  2.i ____ _______ ____(决心) find out who is responsible for this.

  3.___ ____ ____ ___ _____ _______(就我而言), i’m not against your plan.

  4.if you have a job, ______ yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed.

  a.do devote       b.don’t devote     c.devoting       d.not devoting

  5.teenagers ____ their health because they play computer games too much.

  a.have damaged   b.are damaging     c.damaged      d.will damage



  1.cruelty      2.command      3.disadvantages   4.d       5.d


  1. is equal to   2.am determined to  3.as far as i am concerned     4.a     5.b

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇10

  i 重点词汇

  1.storage [c] 贮藏;蓄积                  

  2.stout  adj.  肥壮的;强壮的;坚固的  

  3strengthen vt. 加强;巩固                

  4.swear  vt. 诅咒,咒骂;宣誓,发誓

  5.suffering [u] 疼痛;痛苦 pl.苦难;疾苦   

  6. suspect  n. 嫌疑犯 v. 疑有,怀疑 

  7.symphony  n.  交响乐,交响曲         

  8.tactful adj. 机智的;圆滑的;言行得体的

  9.tend  vi.伺候;招待;关心;易于;往往  

  10.tendency  [c]  倾向;趋势;意向

  11.submit  vt./vi.(使)服从;(使)顺从;(使)屈服;提出,提交;建议,认为

  12.supreme adj. 无比的,极度的;最高的;决定性的

  ii 重点短语

  1.stand out  杰出; 坚决反对;坚持到底

  2.stand by   站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持;援助

  3.stand for  表示;象征              

  4.strengthen unity 加强团结y   

  5.struggle against  与 斗争           

  6.struggle for  为......而斗争

  7.cold storage   冷藏                

  8.submit oneself to  甘受服从

  9.submit willingly  信悦诚服         

  10.supreme courage  最大的勇气

  11.supreme good  至善              

  12 the supreme moment  决定性的时刻        

  13.swear at sb.  咒骂某人            

  14.tend to do...   倾向做.......;倾向去做某事


  1.we want to strengthen our ties with them.

  2.iwill stand by you whatever happened.

  3. he was too proud to submit to such treatment

  4. your ability to stand out in a crowd will bring you the recognition you desire.

  5. a person may be a time of adversity, tend to do better。

  6.this would create an "historic opportunity" for china to strengthen its position.

  7.he was content to stand by as an impassive spectator.

  8.if my student is a honeybee, i submit willingly pick the honey the flowers.

  iv 词汇练习

  1.he has a __________ (强壮的) makeup.

  2.difficulties ____________ (增强) the mind ,as labor does the body.

  3.the ___________ (斗争)for freedom was long and hard.

  4.he died without much __________(痛苦).

  5.i ___________ (发誓) i won’t tell anyone your secret.

  6.i ___________ (服从) to your superior judgement.

  7. we ___________ (怀疑)that it was a trick to get our money.


  1. to make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _____ and weakness.

  a. strengths  b. benefits   c. techniques    d. values 

  2.i can’t stand _____ with jane in the same office.

  a. working; stopping b. to work ; stopping  c. working ; to stop  d. to work; to stop

  3.modern plastics can ______ very high and very low temperature.

  a. stand      b. hold     c. carry      d. support

  4.competition, they believe, ____ the national character rather than corrupt.

  a. strengthen  b. strong    c. strength     d. force 

  5.jachson _______ rumors in the town and was arrested by the police.

  a. suspected to spread         b. was suspected of spreading  

  c. was suspected to spread     d. was suspected spreading

  6.the engineers _____ the project to the board for approval.

  a. admitted   b. permitted   c. submitted     d. committed

  7.their is a growing ______ for people to work at home instead of in offices

  a. temptation    b. tendency    c. tradition    d. fashion

  1. stout  2. strengthen  3. struggle   4. suffering  5. swear    6.submit  7. suspected

  1-7  acaab cb

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇11

  i. 重点单词

  1.splendid   adj.壮丽的,辉煌的

  2. statue  n.塑像,雕像   

  3. submit  v.(使)服从,(使屈服)

  4. surrounding  adj.周围的,附近的 n.(surroundings)环境     

  5. suspect  n.嫌疑犯/v. 怀疑 

  6. swallow v.吞下,抑制 n.燕子       

  7. switch  v.转换,转变  n.开关,电闸    

  8.technical adj.技术的 

  9.temporary  adj.暂时的,临时的

  10. thorough  adj.完全的,彻底的

  ii. 重点短语

  1. 辉煌的胜利 a splendid victory       

  2. 压出,挤出squeeze out of

  3.….人的塑像a statue of / to sb         

  4.屈服与/ 把….递交  submit …..to  

  5. 被…所环绕 be surrounded by/ with    

  6. 怀疑某人…. suspect sb of         

  7. 吞噬, 吞没swallow up             

  8. 打扫,横扫    sweep up      

  9. 关上(电灯,电视),断掉电源  switch off      开(电灯,收音机)  switch on                          

  10. 代替 take the place of     吸收,欺骗 take in      雇佣,承担take on 

  腾飞,起飞,成功take off      开始从事,战去take up

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. 另外三个人屈服了,但不愿这么做,她拒绝了.

  the other three submitted but rosa was unwilling to do so and she refused.

  2. 请在截止日期前将报告交给我

  please submit your reports to me before the deadline.

  3. (谚)一燕不成夏.

  one swallow does not make a summer.

  4. 文字比武器更为有力.

  the pen is more powerful than the sword.


  after he retired from office, rogers took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

  6.无论做什么工作都要干净利落.you should always try to be thorough in whatever you do.


  1. cotton is          (纺成) into thread.

  2. what a        (壮观) sight!

  3. he is the prime          (嫌疑犯)in the case .

  4.obama          (提交) a plan to the congress last week.

  5.the fire            (吞没) up the house.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1.it was at his point that her acting career really       .

  a. took up   b. took off   c. took in         d. took down

  2.mr.li is ill, so i wonder who can       of him?

  a. take place   b. in place     c. take the place   d. replace

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇12

  i. 重点单词

  1. specific adj.具体的,特有的      

  2. sponsor n.发起人    

  3. stengthen vt.加强,巩固

  4. subscribe v.捐助,订购,同意    

  5. steady adj.稳定的      

  6. suitable adj.适当的

  7. stress n.压力         

  8. sweat n. 汗水       

  9. survival adj.幸存  

  10. tease vt.嘲笑               

  11. trend n.趋势          

  12. transform v.改变  

  13. tough adj.粗暴的,严格的     

  14.tremble v.发抖

  ii. 重点短语

  1. in a poor state of health身体不好     

  2. be specific to sth.是...特有的

  3. strengths and weaknesses优缺点      

  4. subscribe to sth.订购;同意   

  5. be suited to 对...是合适的         

  6. take it easy 别在意

  7. at all risks 不管冒多大危险              

  8. thunder blows on sb. 给...以重击

  9. transform into 变成  

  iii. 佳句赏析  

  1. we mustn't risk getting caught in a storm.

  2. women tend to live longer than men.

  3. i subscribe to you idea absolutely.

  4. we haven't fixed a specific date for our meeting  

  5. survival is our first imperative.

  iv. 词汇练习   

  1. s________ your name and address, please!

  2. he s________ the importance of kindness, duty and order in society.

  3. the rise in carbon dioxide is causing a _________ increase in global warming.

  4. dr yuan's kind of rice is the most s___________ for china's farmland.

  5. the old man is a s________ of the second world war.

  6. the king of yue, goujian would taste a bitter gall-bladder(苦胆)to s__________ his determination.

  7. use a s_________ table cloth; this one tears too easily.

  8. the exhibition was s__________ by the society of culture.

  v. 短语练习

  1.match/ suit/ fit 

  ① it doesn't ________ you to have your hair cut short.  ② carpets should _______ the curtains

  ③ does the coat ________ you?        ④ military training ________ men for long marches.

  2. we can’t ______ our fate. instead, we should take a positive attitude to the present situation.

  a. submit to    b. correspond to    c. subscribe to     d. compromise to

  3. it is better to ask someone for advice rather than ___________something.

  a. risk doing       b. risk to do        c. to risk doing        d. to risk to do

  4. ---we're afraid we can't finish the task within this month.

  --- _________.

  a. don't be afraid       b. that's right   c. take your time   d.  not at all


  iv. 1 state  2 stressed 3 steady  4 suitable  5 survival  6 strengthen  7 steady  8 sponsored

  v.  1 match 、suit 、fit、 fits    2 a   3 a   4 c

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇13

  i. 重点词汇

  1  applicant  n .申请人

  2  arbitrary  adj  随意的,专横的

  3  associate  n    伙伴 adj  副的

  4  assume vt  假定  承担

  5  attain vt 获得,到达

  6  authentic   adj  真的,可信的

  7  authority  n 权利,官方

  8   bead  n  小珠子,滴

  9   boom   n 繁荣   vi,vt 使繁荣  

  10  bother vt,vi 打扰,麻烦

  ii. 重点短语

  1   apply  for   申请

  2   arrest sb for sth  因某事逮捕某人

  3  associate editor   副主编

  4   an authentic report   可靠的报道

  5   back to back   背靠背

  6   be bound to   一定,注定

  7  bear hardship   忍受痛苦

  8  bear in mind   记住

  9  beaten track   常规,惯例

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. assuming it rains tomorrow , what shall we do ?  

  假设明天下雨的话, 那我们怎么办?

  2 the lion is the king of beasts .


  3. we are bound to win the victory .


  4. you will attain your objective if you work hard .

  如果你努力, 一定可以达到目标。

  iv. 词汇练习

  1. the agent was __ for carrying a false passport .

  a  arrested   b accused  c  charged  d suspected

  2. when college students_______ future employment , they often think of status , income and prestige .

  a  anticipate  b  apply  c assume  d demand

  3. i am sorry to have ___ you wish so many questions on such an occasion .

  a attracted  b  abstracted  c impressed  d  bothered

  v. 短语练

  1. ---- why did bob cry?

  ---- he couldn't bear ____ like that before the whole class.

  a  making fun of  b  being made fun of c  to be laughed  d being made fun

  2. seeing the road ___ with snow , we had to spend the holiday at home , watching tv.

  a blocking  b to block  c blocked  d to be blocked


  iv. 词汇练习  acd 

  v. 短语练习  bc  

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第80天 篇14

  i. 重点单词

  1. panicn.&v. 恐慌      

  2. pattern n.式样,模式    

  3. persuasion n.劝说  

  4. phenomenon n. 现象  

  5. permanent adj.永久的 

  6. quantity n.数量       

  7. quit vt. 放弃        

  8. realistic adj.实际的    

  9. preference n. 偏爱   

  10. precious adj. 珍贵的    

  11. predict vt.预言      

  12. pollute v. 污染   

  ii. 重点短语

  1. at random 随意的     

  2. take possession of 占有,拥有     

  3. range from...to变动,变化        

  4.put up with忍受    

  5. have/show a preference for偏爱    

  6. cause panic 引起恐慌

  7. quit doing放弃          

  8. have a prejudice against 对..有偏见

  9. in large quantity 大量地  

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. she has got used to the new patterns of metropolitian life.

  2. many a student likes to take part in the outclass activities.

  3. large amounts of time were wasted.

  4. topics range from beauty to the risks of drinking.

  5. i got into a panic when i saw smoke coming out the kitchen.

  iv. 词汇练习

  1. he never p__________ much money,but he always keeps healthy.

  2. rumours p___________ many investors into sell their shares.

  3. the weather forecast p_________ sunshine for tomorrow.

  4. our income has got smaller, so we must be r___________ and sell our car.

  5. a teacher should not show p_________ for any one of his pupils.

  6. the yangtze river is home to a wide r________ of fish and animals.

  7. give me a p________ of cigarettes, please.

  8. it's one of common p____________ that parents offer a flat for their children in china.

  v. 短语练习

  put up with   in quantity      at random       take possession of     persuade sb out of  prefer ...to    get into panic    quit trying      a number of          range from ...to

  1. my father ___________________ smoking ever since 1998.

  2. there is no use ______________ about the exams.

  3. it's cheaper to buy goods _____________.

  4. i was wondering how she ____________________ his bad temper before they broke up.

  5. we only just started. we're not going to ___________ now.

  6. names were chosen _____________ from a list.

  7. i much ______ jazz ______ rock music.

  8. she has had ____________ jobs, ____________ chef _____ swimming instructor.


  iv.  1 possesses    2 panicked    3 predicts     4 realistic  

  5 preference    6 range       7 packet      8 phenomena

  v. 1.has been persuaded out of    2 getting into panic   3 in quantity   4 had put up with

  5 quit trying      6 at random   7 perfer   to     8 a number of     ranging from to



