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2B Unit3 What can you see? 教案

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2B Unit3 What can you see? 教案

教材分析:本单元的主要教学内容是“能看见某物”。涉及到的单词为交通工具a plane, a train, a jeep, a boat.句型what can you see? i can see…这部分内容与学生生活实际联系紧密。教学中,教师要设法创设符合逻辑的语境,如采用二人信息差练习、事物模糊等方法,以增强学生运用语言的趣味性和真实性。同时,在语言实践中,要有意识地培养学生仔细观察事物的良好习惯。
学情分析:这批学生在一年级的时候已经接触到了句型what can you do? i can…因此,学生理解和朗读本部分对话并不困难。所以本单元的重点是帮助学生进一步复习巩固、归纳整理。
the  first  period(第一课时)
《牛津小学英语2b》第三单元 ,第一课时(课本a部分)
1、能听懂特殊疑问句what can you see?并能根据实际情况用i can see…作出回答,语音语调正确。
2、初步感知歌曲row, row, row your boat
多媒体   图片 
step1.  preparation
2、free  talk.
step2. presentation.
1. prepare a box with two small holes. put a plane in it.
t: boys and girls, i have a magic box. what’s in it? use your eyes and look carefully through this small hole. who’d like to try?
t: what can you see?
  you can say ‘i can see…’
s: i can see…
t: let’s open the box. what can you see, children?
ss: i can see a plane
2. teach: plane
3. read the sentences: what can you see? i can see….
4. t: today we’ll learn ‘unit 3 what can you see?’
5.learn the dialogue.
①look at the picture and talk about it.
②watch and listen .and repeat.
③listen and repeat.
④read in roles.
step3. consolidation
1. ask and answer
( four animals: dog, cat, pig, duck.)
2. listen and guess  ( 听声音,猜人物)
s1: what can you see? (背对大家)
s2: i can see…
s1: you are …
3.  magic eyes
step 4.homework
1. listen and repeat the dialogue four times.


2B Unit3  What can you see? 教案
