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Unit 2 King Lear

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Unit 2 King Lear

unit 2 king lear
1. shorten  vt.  缩短。。。。。。
she shortened the skirt by an inch. 她把裙子缩短了一英寸。
2. burden  n. & vt. 担子、主题(无复数),负担、麻烦
the burden of grief made her in low spirits all day long.压在心头的悲伤使她整天郁郁寡欢。
3. responsibility  n.  责任、负责;职责、义务、任务
who bears full responsibility for the consequence?谁对后果承担全部责任?
4. allocate  vt.  配给、分配
the headmaster allocated tasks to each of us.校长给我们每一个人都分配了工作。
5. distribute  vt.  分发、分配某事物、分散放置
in a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force.在合作社中,利润是在全体劳动者中进行分配的。
6. contradict  vt. & vi. 批驳、相反、与。。。。。。相矛盾
the speaker had got confused, and started contradicting himself.演讲者弄糊涂了,说话自相矛盾起来了。
he contradicted the manager at the meeting.他在会议上顶撞了经理。
7. confirm  vt. 证实、确认、批准、肯定
please write to confirm your reservation.请来信确认你的预订项目。
after a 6-month probationary period, she was confirmed in her post.经过六个月的试用期后,她获准正式任该职。
8.corrupt  a. ; vt. & vi. 腐败(的)、使腐败、腐蚀,贿赂、收买
this corrupt film is full of sex and violence.这部堕落的影片里充斥了色情和暴力.
he was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a policeman with money.他因为试图贿赂一个警察金钱而被判刑入狱了。
9. cash  n. & vt.  现金、兑现
i have no ready cash on me, can i pay you tomorrow?我身上没有现金,能明天付给你钱吗?
10. vacant  adj.  空的、空洞的、无表情的、愚蠢的
from her vacant look we can know that she probably is in bad condition.从她发呆的样子我们可以知道她也许身体不好。
the madman gave a vacant laugh.那个疯子发出了愚蠢的大笑。
11. respond  vi. & vt.  n.  作答、回答、响应、有反应
the illness quickly responded to proper treatment.疾病经适当治疗后很快好转了。
he responded to our question with a letter.他写了一封信答复我们的问题。
12. suspect  adj. n. vt.  可疑的;嫌疑犯;猜想、怀疑
his testimony is suspect.他的证词是可疑的。
we suspect him to be a murderer.我们怀疑他是凶犯。
13. demand  n.  vt. & vi.  需要的事物、要求(知道)、需要、查问
there’s a great demand for teachers in shenzhen.深圳需要大量的老师。
14. beyond  prep.  adv. & n. 在。。。。。。的那边、超出;(在)远处、更远地
i know nothing of it beyond what he told me.除了他告诉我的以外,我就一无所知了。
i own nothing beyond the clothes on my back.除了身上的衣服我就一无所有了。



Unit 2 King Lear
