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英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly revision(通用4篇)

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英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly revision(通用4篇)

英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly revision 篇1

  Lesson 90 教学设计示例(一)









  T:What’s her name?

  Ss:Her name is ×××.

  T:How old is she?

  Ss:She is twelve/thirteen.

  T:Is she tall?

  Ss:Yes,she is.


  S1:Her name is ×××. She is twelve/thirteen.She is tall.(教师可多请几位学生这样演练)


  T:Is her hair long?

  Ss:Yes.Her flair is long.

  T:What colour is her hair?

  Ss:It’s black.


  Ss:She has long hair.Her hair is clack.


  Her mouth is small.She has long arms and legs.She is wearing…


  Her name ×××. She is twelve/thirteen,She is In Row 5 and her number is 14.She is tall.She has long hair,and her hair is black.Her eyes are big and black.Her mouth is small.She has long arms and legs.She is wearing…She likes singing very much.She can draw pictures, too…




  T:Now look at Picture l.What are they doing?

  Ss:They’re going to the park.

  T:Now look at Picture 2.What are they doing now?

  Ss:They’re boating in the middle of the lake.


  It’s Saturday.Han Mei and her parents are going to the park.Look!They’re boating in the middle of the lake.Now they’re eating bread,because they’re hungry….







  Lesson 90 教学设计示例(二)

  ●Teaching Objectives


  ●Main Points




  ●Difficult Points


  ● Teaching Aids

  a tape-recorder, cards,  pictures, slide projector

  ● Teaching Procedure

  Step 1 Revision

  1. Check the students homework.

  Make a short play according to Ex. 3 of Lesson 89.

  2 .Ask the students some questions according to the dialogue they played.

  Step 2 Presentation

  1. Show a picture of a girl, ask the students to describe her.

  2. The teacher conclude the sentences.

  Step 3 Describe people

  1. Show more pictures , let the students describe them.

  2. Finish Ex. 1 on page of 108.

  Let the students describe one of the classmates.

  Step 4  Look and say

  1. Show the pictures of Part 2 one by one.

  Let the students discuss what is happening in each picture.

  2. Ask the students to describe each picture.

  3. Let the students tell a story according to the whole pictures.

  4. Explain some useful words:

  in the middle of, throw sth. to sb. , jump into, be worried about, worry about

  5. The teacher conclude the description.

  Step 5 Workbook

  Do Ex.2.

  Step 6 Practice

  The teacher show more pictures with computer and let the students talk about them.

  Step 7 Homework

  Do Ex. 3.

  板书设计 :

  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 90

  in the middle of

  throw sth. to

  jump into

  be worried about

  Lesson 90 教学设计示例(三)

  ● Teaching aims




  ● Key points




  ● Difficult points


  ● Teaching methods


  ● Teaching aids

  幻灯片、投影仪、微机、课件Lesson 90教学演示.ppt。

  ● Teaching procedures

  Step 1 Revision

  Show the sounds Listening can,复习用一般现在时,描述某人能做什么的常用语。

  Step 2 Presentation

  1.Show the Film <1-23-3describe pictures> People ,Show pictures of persons without any sounds, ask the students to describe them.

  2. The teacher play the sounds or show the text to students.

  Step 3 Presentation

  1.Show the Film <1-23-5go to the park> Pictures, Show the pictures without any sounds,Let the students discuss what is happening in each picture.

  2. Ask the students to describe each picture.

  3. Let the students tell a story according to the whole pictures.

  4. Explain some useful words:

  in the middle of, throw sth. to sb. , jump into, be worried about, worry about

  5. The teacher play the sounds or show the text to students.

  Step 4  Summary

  •The girl has long hair. Her hair is yellow. Her eyes are big and brown. Her mouth is small. She is tall. She is wearing a red dress.

  •This box is heavy.

  It’s too big.

  It’s light.

  Step 5  Practice

  Let the students describe one of the classmates, describe her/his favourite things, such as a box, a bag, a building, clothes, etc. Show the Film <1-23-4can not find box> Things, explain the main points of describe something. Let students answer:

  Where is Wang Ling from?

  Describe her box.

  What’s her telephone number?

  Step 6 Exercises


  1. The homework is e____ . I think you can do it.

  2. The shop is closed at half past six. But the supermarket is o ____twenty-four hours.

  3. The robot is b____ . It can’t work.

  4. My brother h____ two pens.

  5. In our class there are five A ________boys.

  6. Mum, r m h______ . Can I have supper now?

  7. I can see some k____ on the table.

  8. All the c_______ are Young Pioneers.

  9. The water in the lake is c______ . I can see the fish in it.

  10. I have only one p____ of meat for supper.

  Answers: 1. easy 2. open 3. broken 4. has 5. American 6. hungry 7. kites 8. children 9. clear 10. piece

英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly revision 篇2


  Teaching aims and demands:


  Teaching important and difficult points.


  tank, breath, exercise, fire, plastic, flow, attack, frighten, bend


  at that very moment, before long, bend over, carry away/ off, escape from, fall over, fit into, for a moment, for one thing (one reason), get away from, hold one’s breath, in front of, jump off, keep fish, lie still, look into, make a noise, the other day, pick up, put…in order, shout at, so as to, speed up, stand still, stare at, struggle to one’s feet, throw at, worse still




  I suggest (that) you do sth.

  You should do sth.

  You ought to do sth.

  You need to do sth.



  We need to find one about 30 centimetres (cm) by 30 cm by 50 cm.

  For one thing they keep the water clean.

  Thoughts rushed through her head.





  本文对话通过表达建议及要求的问与应答,对话较容易理解,对话描述Kate,Li Qun谈论如何养鱼的过程,教材中归纳出这些用语和表达法,如:I suggest (that) …. You should….. You ought to…..等,这些用语,在教材中的练习中给学生提供了练习与帮助。


  在Lesson 46中,教师主要通过图片展示、问与答,讨论及多媒体的形式来完成此课的教学内容,如以下方法:

  方法一、教师搜集本课相关的一些动物图片,作为导入  课给学生展示。





  1.frighten v.


  Sorry, I didnt mean to frighten you.

  Loud traffic frightens horses.


  The children was frightened to death by the violent thunderstorm.

  You frightened me out of my life by knocking on the window like that.

  ③吓得某人做某事 frighten sb. into doing

  News of the robberies frightened many people into fitting new locks to their doors.


  Frightened children were calling for their mothers.

  He looked very frightened as he spoke.

  It is frightening even to think of the horrors of nuclear war.

  2.fire n.


  There is no smoke without fire.


  A big fire broke out last night.

  They made a fire to keep the animals away.


  The officer ordered his men to fire.

  They fired at the running animals.


  The boy was fired after his second time to be late.



  Enough has been said on how to do it.

  He has had enough to eat.

  He was enough of a fool to do that.


  We have enough time to finish the work.

  There are seats enough for the people coming to the meeting.


  The book is easy for me to read.

  He knows well enough what I mean.

  4.agree 同意,赞同,后可接with, to, on

  agree with与某人意见一致,多接人或指气候、食物适合某人或指一物与另一物相符。

  The professor agrees with what his students have said.

  The climate here doesnt agree with Xiao Wang.

  His stories agree with hers in everything.

  agree to后接具体表建议、计划、安排办法意见之类的名词。

  The patient doesnt agree to the doctors plan.

  All the pupils agree to our teachers proposal.

  agree on 就……取得一致意见

  All the members agreed on the date of the next meeting.

  Most of the workers agree on the plan of work.

  5.very adv.很,非常,修饰形容词、副词,也可作形容词,常与the, this, that ,my等连用,以加强语气,意为”正是这个,正是所要的,恰好,极其”,相当于just,但just是副词,若与名词连用,必须放在冠词之前。


  [误]This is the just book I want.

  [误]This is very the book I want.

  [正]This is just the book I want.

  [正]This is the very book I want.

  6.be about to 正准备做某事,即将做某事,通常与when连用,表示就要……突然……

  I was about to leave when the telephone rang.

  He was about to tell me the secret when she came back.

  而句型be doing…when表示正在……突然……

  I was going on my way home when I heard a call from behind.

  The teacher was just beginning the lesson when the door opened.

  教学设计方案Lesson 45

  Teaching Aims:

  1.Practise on offering suggestions.

  2.Make dialogues about keeping fish, binds, etc.

  3.Study the language items in the lesson.

  Step I Warming--up

  The teacher asks the students the questions:

  Do you keep animals?

  If yes, what kind of animal do you keep?

  Do you find keeping animals interesting?

  Tell us something important about keeping fish, birds or other animals. Divide the class into four groups. Give them a few minutes for the discussion. Then collect answers from the class. Get several students to report their discussion.

  The teacher sums up and says, “Today, we are going to learn Lesson 45. In the dialogue, two friends, Kate and Li Qun, are talking about keeping fish.”

  Step II Watching

  Page 67. Part one. Read the introduction to the dialogue aloud. Ask the Students to cover the dialogue silently and quickly to find out the answer to the question:

  What does Li Qun advise Kate to do?

  Allow them a few moments to carry out the task. Check the answer.

  Get a large tank to keep the fish.

  Step III Listening

  Books closed. Present more questions before playing the tape:

  Where does Kate want to keep the fish?

  What’s wrong with keeping fish in a bowl?

  What size tank should she get?

  What should she put in the tank,

  Play the tape of the dialogue. Get another 4 students to give out the answers.

  ――In a round bowl. The fish can’t get enough air in a bowl. She should get one about 30 centimetres by 30 cm by 50 cm. A few large rocks and some underwater plants.

  Step ⅣLanguage points

  A. the other day =a few days ago

  B. So are the fish; the fish are small, too.

  C. They don’t get enough air: with a bowl, only a small surface area of the water is in contact with the air. So the water does not receive any oxygen.

  D.30 cm by 30 cm by 50 cm:

  We describe two - dimensional and three - dimensional measurements using the word by. So the length of the tank is 50 cm, and the width and height both 30 cm.

  E. underwater plants: These plants oxygenate the water and keep it clear.

  F. for one thing =one reason (for putting plants in the tank)

  Step V Practice

  Page 67. Part 2. Write the question on the Bb:

  What should I do to keep a dog / a cat, etc.?

  Ask the Students to choose a specific kind of animal, and offer their suggestions by using the following expressions:

  I suggest (that) …

  You should …

  You ought to…

  You need to…

  First the teacher practises the dialogue with a good student as an example. Then the class do it in pairs. Get 2 pairs of students to come to the front and demonstrate their dialogues.

  Do similar practice using the words and phrases in part 2. This time get the students to change roles.

  Step VI Exercises

  Ex.1 Call the students’ attention to the changes of the verb tenses, personal pronouns and word older. After doing the exercise orally, ask them to do it as written work.

  Ex. 2 Let’s the students work in pairs and then check with the whole class.

  Ex. 3 Get the students to read aloud the words and tell what each of them means.

  Step VII Homework

  1. Finish the Workbook exercises.

  2. Read the dialogue

  3.Preview Lesson 46.

  教学设计方案Lesson 46

  Teaching Aims

  1.Review the language points and sentence patterns through the study of the text.

  2.Grammar- The Past Participle as Attribute and Object Compliment.

  Step I Revision

  1. Check the homework exercises.

  2. Get the students to act out their dialogue about the bird or fish.

  Step II Warming-up

  The teacher may ask the questions:

  How many animals do you know? Give out their names.

  …Dog, cat, tiger, lion, pig, rat, rabbit, cow, elephant, crocodile, monkey, ape, kangaroo, wolf, parrot, …

  What animals are dangerous? How dangerous are they?

  Present a diagram on the Bb to help the students:


  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

  Ask the students to put the names in the right order to show how dangerous the animal is. For example, a parrot might be 2 on the scale, for it can bite your finger. Then put the students into groups of four to carry out the task. The teacher goes around and helps them with spelling if necessary. Get one student from each group to report their discussion. Collect some names of animals on the Bb.

  Step III Watching

  Page 68. Read the picture on top of the page. Answering the following questions:

  What can you see in the picture?

  …House, garden, a big tree, a woman, a sleeping baby, a lion bending over the baby.

  Imagine what will be the story. Appoint a bunch of students to make up a simple story according to the picture. There stories may be different from the text.

  Step IV Listening

  Tell the students “we are going to read a story called Escape from the zoo”. Give them to read the text quickly to work out the question:

  How did the lion escape?

  …A tree fell onto its cage in the hurricane.

  Step V Reading

  Show a list of comprehension questions :

  1. What did the radio ask people to do if they saw the lion?

  2. What happened to the baby when she was cooking in the kitchen?

  3. How did Mrs. Cousins feel at the moment when she saw the animal bending over the baby?

  4. How did Mrs. Cousins manage to get the lion away from her baby?

  5. What did Mrs. Cousins do after the lion went into the bush with the meat?


  1. asked the people to telephone the zoo and the police

  2.A lion had got into her garden, jumped onto the table and was looking at her baby.

  3.She held her breath, and her whole body went cold.

  4.She picked up the leg of pork, went to the back door and opened it .

  5.Mrs. Cousins ran to the table, picked up her baby in her arms, ran inside and shut the door.

  Step VI Language points

  Go over the questions with the whole class. Make sure the students understand and what to do. Ask them to read the text carefully to figure out the answers. Check the answers with the students. Deal with language points briefly.

  A.the surprise of her life: a very great surprise

  B.stood quite still: stood without moving

  C.stared =looked in a fixed way

  D.held her breath: stopped breathing

  E.at that very moment: note the use of very to add emphasis

  F.her whole body went cold: her whole body became cold with fear

  G.worse still: what would be even worse

  H.There was not a moment to lose: she had to act quickly

  Step VII Practice

  One night a hurricane struck Green Park Zoo. A big tree _____ onto the lion’s cage, and a young lion______ from the zoo. It might be dangerous to people and animals. The radio asked people to ______ the zoo and police when they ______ it.

  The next day it was sunny. Mrs Cousins _______ her baby out into the garden. She ______ the baby in a basket on the table under a tree and ______ into the kitchen to ______ vegetables for lunch. When she had almost ______ the cooking, she ______ to the window to see. The everything was all right. She______ the young lion ______ beside her baby. She was so frightened that she did not know what to ______ . Suddenly she had an idea. She quickly took out a leg of pork from the fridge and ______ it in her hand so as to ________ the lion’s attention. Then she threw it as far as she could. The lion ______ off the table and _____ to the meat. Mrs Cousins ______ her baby buck inside the house and closed the door.

  Answers: fell escaped  telephone/call  saw/found  took  put  went  cook  finished  went    saw  standing   do   swung   attract   jumped   ran   carried  

  Step VIII Exercises

  Part 3. Go over the instructions with the whole class. Let the students do this exercise individually. Check the answers in pairs. Then check with the whole class. Focus on the structure: The Past Participle as Attribute. Ask the class to give more phrases with the same pattern. For example, a weather-beaten lace, a bent branch, sliced meat, dried food, etc.

  Part 4. Read the instruction and go over the example with the class. Make sure the students understand what to do. Try the first two with the whole class, then let the students work through the exercise. Check the answers at the end.

  Ex. 2 Read aloud the instructions of Ex.2 and check that the students understand the meaning. Then allow them several minutes to go over all the sentences and work out the correct order. Get a couple of the students to read the whole story.

  Step ⅨHomework

  1. Read the passage again.

  2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

  3. Preview the next lesson


  1.Suppose you are a keeper working in the zoo in southeast London. Say something about the young lion that escaped from the zoo and how your colleague and you caught the lion at last.

  For example:1. go to work as usual, 2. get the news---the lion had escaped 3. be told to get the “ pipes” ready 4. go out at 1:30 ,the lion appeared 5. catch the lion

  I’m a keeper working in the zoo in southeast London. This morning I drove to our zoo to work as usual. When I arrived at the zoo, my colleague, Bob, told me that a young lion had escaped from the zoo as a result of the …..


  如:1)First you should get a tank if you want to keep fish. Do not use a small round bowl, otherwise the fish will not get enough air.2)The tank can be about 30 centimetre (cm)by 30 cm by 50 cm.. Check the prices before you decide to buy one tank……….

英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly revision 篇3

  Lesson 91 教学设计示例(一)









  4.打开书,学生就本课第 2部分内容中的插图进行问答,使用 What can you see…?/How many…are there in the picure?等提问方式。





  Lesson 91 教学设计示例(二)

  ●Teaching Objectives




  ●Main Points



  ●Difficult Points

  1. be going to 表示将来。

  2. 事件描述。

  ● Teaching Aids

  a tape-recorder, pictures

  ● Teaching Procedure

  Step 1  Revision

  1. Check the students’ homework.

  2. Free talk (ask and answer sonic questions) .

  Step 2  Presentation

  1. Show a picture of a woman and a box.

  Let the students describe it.

  2. Revise how to ask the address.

  Step 3 Read and act

  1. Listen to the tape and answer these questions.

  Where is Wang Ling from?

  Describe her box.

  What’s her telephone number?

  2. Explain some phrases.

  have a look at

  be going to do

  be full of

  look like

  Thank goodness!

  Step 4  Practice

  Make a similar dialogue and ask the students some questions according to the dialogue.

  Step 5 Listen and answer

  Listen to the tape. Fill in the form on Page 109.Then the teacher check the answer.

  Step 6 Workbook

  Do Ex. 2.

  Step 7 Summary

  Let the students conclude how to describe things in our life.

  Step 8 Homework

  Do Ex.3.

  板书设计 :

  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 91

  have a look at

  be going to do

  be full of

  look like

  Thank goodness!

  Lesson 91 教学设计示例(三)

  ● Teaching aims


  ● Key points


  ● Difficult points

  It’s time to, on的用法

  ● Teaching methods


  ● Teaching aids


  ● Teaching procedures

  Step 1  Revision


  Step 2  Presentation

  展示动画《Talk about time.swf》Open & Closed, 先隐藏文字播放,让学生填写商店开门和关门的时间表:


  Mon.    9:00 a.m.     9:00 p.m.

  Tue.    9:00 a.m.     9:00 p.m.

  Wed.    9:00 a.m.     10:00 p.m.

  Thu.    9:00 a.m.     8:00 p.m.

  Fri.     9:00 a.m.     5:00 p.m.

  Sat.     10:00 a.m.   5:30 p.m.

  Sun.    11:30 a.m.    4:00 p.m.

  再播放一遍声音,然后点击Text, 展示出文字的答案。

  Step 3 Presentation

  展示动画《Talk about time.swf》What time然后让学生总结此对话中关于约定时间的说法,或提议约定时间的说法:

  May I come on Monday evening?

  How about…?

  Could you come on Thursday afternoon?

  What about…?

  What time?

  Step 4  Practice

  Make a similar dialogue and ask the students some questions according to the dialogue.

  Step 5 Listen and sing

  Listen to the sounds of 《Talk about time.swf》song, try to follow the words and sing the song.

  Step 6 Summary

  Let the students conclude how to speak about time.

  Step 8 Exercises


  Mary: ____________ . Do you have a ruler?

  Ann: Sorry, I have ______ruler.

  Mary: So I must go ______the shop. I want a ruler.

  Ann: I _____ the shop is open at this ______of day.

  Mary: Yes, I think it s open.

  Ann: No, look, it____________ .

  Mary: Oh, dear.

  Ann: Let’s go and ______ Kate.

  Mary: ______she have a ruler?

  Ann: I think she ______ one.

  Mary: OK. Lets go.

  Answers: Excuse me; no; to; think; time; is closed; ask; Does; has

英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly revision 篇4

  Lesson 92 教学设计示例(一)









  3.给学生几分钟时间,观察课文第二部分列出的单词。教师简单地讲解题目意义。放这部分录音,学生跟读一遍。教师可再给几个例词:1)four----book----let→foot 2)three----girl----bed→third 3)she----know→show








  Lesson 92 教学设计示例(二)

  ● Teaching aims



  ● Key points



  ● Difficult points


  ● Teaching methods


  ● Teaching aids


  ● Teaching procedures

  Step 1  Revision

  Let the students act the dialogue of the homework.

  Show a picture and let the students describe it.

  Step 2  Presentation

  Show some words and let the students read them.

  Step 3  Spelling and pronunciation

  1. Listen to the tape and find the right pronunciation of each word.

  Let the students find different spelling can have the same pronunciation.

  Let the students find out the relation between spelling and pronunciation.

  2. Give some old words and the new words.

  Let the students guess the pronunciation of the new words.

  Step 4  Read and say

  1. Listen to the tape and let the students answer the questions.

  What does A want to do?

  What happens to the shop?

  2. Let the students look at the form in Part 3 and see if they can understand the meaning.

  Step 5  Read and learn

  1. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

  Jeff on Monday evening

  Jeff on Wednesday afternoon   

  Li Fen on Thursday

  Li Fen on Friday evening   

  2. Check the answers.

  3. Explain some words.


  a.m. p.m.

  half past . . .

  What time. . . ?

  How about. . . ?

  bring sth. back

  borrow & lend

  Step 6  Complete and read

  Let the students fill in the blanks of Part 5.

  Check the answers.

  Step 7  Practice & Workbook

  1. Let the students make a similar dialogue like Part 4.

  2. Do Ex. 1-5 and Ex. 11.

  Step 8  Homework


  板书设计 :

  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 92


  a.m.  p.m.

  half past . . .

  What time. . . ?

  How about. . . ?

  bring sth. back

  borrow & lend



英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly revision(通用4篇)
