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第五册Teaching Plan for Lesson(通用2篇)

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第五册Teaching Plan for Lesson(通用2篇)

第五册Teaching Plan for Lesson 篇1

  一、Teaching aims:

  1. Master the Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense

  2. Understand the text

  3. Learn how to use some useful expressions

  二、Language Focus:

  a visit to …,      be interested in …

  a group of,       on display,

  be covered with,   in the 1920s’

  in the future

  三、Important points:

  1. How to use some useful expressions.

  2. Get the students to retell the story.

  四、Teaching methods:

  1.      Let the students sum up “What do you know about dinosaurs?” by reading the flashcards prepared.

  2.      Talking about the pictures.

  五、Teaching aids:

  A picture. A recorder. The flashcards

  六、Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Revision

  Let some students show their maps to the class, and tell something about their maps.

  Get the students to look at Exercises 2 in P145. Choose some pairs to make dialogues.

  Step 2 Leading in

  T: In Lesson 37, we’re known that Du Hui went to the biggest science museum. He saw many old inventions on show. They were all invented in hundreds of years ago. Do you think it is very interesting to go to the museum? Yes. Today we’ll visit the Museum of National History. We’ll learn something about dinosaurs. (showing a picture)

  Step 3 Presentation

  1.      T: Can you say something bout dinosaurs in Chinese or in English? Let the students discuss it first. Then open the workbook. Look at Exercises 1. Read through the questions first, let the students read the passage quickly and answer the questions orally. The teacher may give them correct instructions. Ask them to find the answer in the reading.

  2.      Play the tape, get the students to listen and repeat after the tape sentence by sentence.

  3.      Ask two or three students to read the passage for the class.

  4.      Show language focus:

  Be on a visit to…

  He is on a visit to Beijing.

  Be interested in …

  I am interested in English.

  Try to something

  I’ll try my best to learn English well.

  Be covered with

  The ground was covered with leaves.

  Step 4 Teaching Grammar

  T: The Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense. Let the students find out these sentences.

  1.      These eggs were laid by dinosaurs long long ago.

  2.      It was discovered in Liaoning Province.

  3.      Many dinosaurs were discovered by you.

  Let the students make up sentences with: was/were + VPP

  Step 5 Practice

  Play the tape again. Get the students to listen and repeat the dialogue of the passage. Then let them practice the dialogue in groups.

  Step 6 Summary

  Today we’ve learned something about dinosaurs. They were found in 1920s, then disappeared 65 million years ago. But there was also a dinosaur on display in the museum. It was like a bird, so many scientists believed that dinosaurs haven’t disappeared.

  Ask: What will the world be like if dinosaurs are still living today?

  How will people’s life be changed if dinosaurs are still living?

  Let the students have a group discussion about two topics.

  Step 7 Workbook

  Do Exercise 2. Write down the answers as quickly as they can.

  Exercise 3. Let them read the poem.

  Step 8 Exercises in class

  Change the active sentences into the passive sentences.

  1.      They built a new shop last year.

  2.      Did you buy a book from the market?

  3.      When did you have a meeting?

  4.      The workers made the machines.

  5.      The farmers didn’t use the bottles.

  Step 9 Homework

  Read the passage again.

  Go on discussing the two topics.

  七、Blackboard design

  Lesson 38

  A visit to the museum of natural history

  What do you know about dinosaurs?

  They were found in 1920s.


  disappeared 65 million years ago.

  Be on a visit to …

  Be interested in …

  Try to something

  Be covered with …

第五册Teaching Plan for Lesson 篇2

  Teaching Plan for Lesson 38

  Unit 10 Book III

  一、Teaching aims:

  1. Master the Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense

  2. Understand the text

  3. Learn how to use some useful expressions

  二、Language Focus:

  a visit to …,      be interested in …

  a group of,       on display,

  be covered with,   in the 1920s’

  in the future

  三、Important points:

  1. How to use some useful expressions.

  2. Get the students to retell the story.

  四、Teaching methods:

  1.      Let the students sum up “What do you know about dinosaurs?” by reading the flashcards prepared.

  2.      Talking about the pictures.

  五、Teaching aids:

  A picture. A recorder. The flashcards

  六、Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Revision

  Let some students show their maps to the class, and tell something about their maps.

  Get the students to look at Exercises 2 in P145. Choose some pairs to make dialogues.

  Step 2 Leading in

  T: In Lesson 37, we’re known that Du Hui went to the biggest science museum. He saw many old inventions on show. They were all invented in hundreds of years ago. Do you think it is very interesting to go to the museum? Yes. Today we’ll visit the Museum of National History. We’ll learn something about dinosaurs. (showing a picture)

  Step 3 Presentation

  1.      T: Can you say something bout dinosaurs in Chinese or in English? Let the students discuss it first. Then open the workbook. Look at Exercises 1. Read through the questions first, let the students read the passage quickly and answer the questions orally. The teacher may give them correct instructions. Ask them to find the answer in the reading.

  2.      Play the tape, get the students to listen and repeat after the tape sentence by sentence.

  3.      Ask two or three students to read the passage for the class.

  4.      Show language focus:

  Be on a visit to…

  He is on a visit to Beijing.

  Be interested in …

  I am interested in English.

  Try to something

  I’ll try my best to learn English well.

  Be covered with

  The ground was covered with leaves.

  Step 4 Teaching Grammar

  T: The Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense. Let the students find out these sentences.

  1.      These eggs were laid by dinosaurs long long ago.

  2.      It was discovered in Liaoning Province.

  3.      Many dinosaurs were discovered by you.

  Let the students make up sentences with: was/were + VPP

  Step 5 Practice

  Play the tape again. Get the students to listen and repeat the dialogue of the passage. Then let them practice the dialogue in groups.

  Step 6 Summary

  Today we’ve learned something about dinosaurs. They were found in 1920s, then disappeared 65 million years ago. But there was also a dinosaur on display in the museum. It was like a bird, so many scientists believed that dinosaurs haven’t disappeared.

  Ask: What will the world be like if dinosaurs are still living today?

  How will people’s life be changed if dinosaurs are still living?

  Let the students have a group discussion about two topics.

  Step 7 Workbook

  Do Exercise 2. Write down the answers as quickly as they can.

  Exercise 3. Let them read the poem.

  Step 8 Exercises in class

  Change the active sentences into the passive sentences.

  1.      They built a new shop last year.

  2.      Did you buy a book from the market?

  3.      When did you have a meeting?

  4.      The workers made the machines.

  5.      The farmers didn’t use the bottles.

  Step 9 Homework

  Read the passage again.

  Go on discussing the two topics.

  七、Blackboard design

  Lesson 38

  A visit to the museum of natural history

  What do you know about dinosaurs?

  They were found in 1920s.


  disappeared 65 million years ago.

  Be on a visit to …

  Be interested in …

  Try to something

  Be covered with …



第五册Teaching Plan for Lesson(通用2篇)
