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外研版初二英语下册Module5辅导要点 篇1

  外研初二下学期module 6辅导


  1. all the time 一直,总是

  my parents keep busy all the time. 我父母一直很忙。

  2. at a time 每次,一次

  the giant panda has one or two babies at a time. 大熊猫每次只产仔一两只。

  3. at one time 往昔,曾有一时

  at one time there were not so many cars on the road. 从前公路上没有这么多汽车。

  4. at the same time同时

  the two runners passed the finishing line at the same time. 两名运动员同时冲过了终点线。

  5. from time to time 有时,偶尔

  mr chen misses his old friends from time to time. 陈先生偶尔会想念老朋友。

  6. in no time很快,立刻

  in no time, the hungry boy ate up all the food on the table. 很快,饥饿的男孩吃光了桌上所有的食物。

  7. in time及时;on time准时

  we were lucky enough to arrive in time/on time. 我们幸运地及时(准时)赶到了。

  8. have a good/nice/wonderful/great time玩得高兴,玩得开心

  what a good time we had last sunday! 上周日我们玩得多么开心啊!

  模 块 要 点 点 击


  1. 根据汉语提示完成句子。

  do you know who is the tallest _________ (在……当中) these students?

  【要点点击】 between和among这两个词都有“在……中间”,“在……之中”之意。between一般用于两者之间,而among用于三者或三者以上之间。between也可用于三者或三者以上之间,不过是把这些事物分别看待,指每两者之间。如:a treaty was concluded between the three countries. 三国之间缔结了一项条约。

  【原文再现】 so she knows that she’s among friends.


  2. 单项选择。

  ben’s composition is almost perfect _______ one spelling mistake.

  a. except    b. except for  

  c. besides       d. beside

  【要点点击】 本题考查except, besides, except for等表示“除了”含义的词或短语的用法及区别,请看下表:

  单词或短语 意义及用法

  except  从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分,表示递减的概念,含义是否定的,译为“除……之外”。



  except for  用来表示对主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定,常译为“要不是”。

  【拓展】 except和besides用在否定句中,意义相同。如: i didn’t look anywhere except / besides in your bedroom. 除了在你的卧室里外,我哪儿也没去找。

  【原文再现】 but except for that, it’s an excellent film.


  3. 根据汉语提示完成句子。每空一词。


  have a good rest and drink ________ ________ water.

  【要点点击】英语中表示“许多”的词或短语很多。a lot of (或lots of) 一般用在陈述句中,可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词;plenty of意为“许多,大量的,足够的”,常用来修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词;many修饰可数名词复数;much用来修饰不可数名词。

  【原文再现】 there’s plenty of food and drink, so no one is hungry.

  1. among    2. b   3. plenty of



  常用副词,除了表示“也”之外,还有“太,过于”之意。如:this hat is too big for me. 这顶帽子我戴太大了。

  常见结构为“主语 + too + 形容词 + (for + 名词或代词)+ to do”,意为“由于太……以致于不能……”。如:the box is too heavy for me to carry. 这个箱子太重了,(以致于)我搬不动。

  [拓展] 在口语中,too还有“非常地,极为”之意。如:you are too kind!你真热心!



  1. although it was snowing, it was not very cold. 虽然下着雪,但不是很冷。

  2. i was late for school although i hurried. 虽然我拼命赶路,但还是迟到了。

  在英语中,although不能和but连用,即:句中有although 就不能再用but,有but就不能再用although。

  [拓展] 作连词时,although 与though 的意思基本相同,但是口语中though 比较常见,而although 用于句首的情况较多。另外,though 可以作副词,置于句尾或插入句中,意为“但是,不过”,而although 却没有这种用法。如:it was a hard job; the young man took it though. 这是份苦差事,可年轻人还是接受了。


  可作及物或不及物动词,意为“忠告,劝告,建议”。如:i’ll do as you advise. 我会照你的建议行事。固定结构有:

  ★【advise + 名(doing)】 the doctor advised (taking) a week’s rest. 医生建议休息一个星期。

  ★【advise + 名(人) + to do (that)】 the girl advised her father to stop smoking. = the girl advised her father that he (should) stop smoking. 女孩劝她的爸爸戒烟。

  ★【advise + 名(人)+ wh- 】 please advise me which to choose. 请指点一下我应该选哪一个。

  ★【advise + 名(人)+ on 名】 could you advise me on the problem? 关于这个问题你能给我些建议吗?

  ★ 【advise + 名(人)+ against 名】 mr  brown advised his daughter against driving in such heavy traffic. = mr brown advised his daughter not to drive in such heavy traffic. 布郎先生建议女儿不要在如此拥挤的路上开车。

  [趁热打铁] 翻译下面的句子。

  1. 虽然李爷爷已经60多岁了,但看上去很健壮。


  2. 史密斯先生建议吉姆去看医生。


  3. 我该买哪条裙子,你能给我提点儿建议吗?


  4. 水太烫,不能喝。


  1. although he is over 60, grandpa li looks very strong.

  2. mr smith advises jim to go to see a doctor / (that) he (should) go to see a doctor.

  3. could you advise me which dress to buy / i should buy?

  4. the water is too hot to drink.


  awake,  asleep,  wake,  sleep,  sleepy

  1. be quiet, or you will ________ the baby up.

  2. although i was very ________, i didn’t go to bed until i finished my homework last night.

  3. tom told me to stay ________ till 10 o’clock because there would be his interview on tv at


  4. the old professor is ________ now. let’s wait a few minutes.

  5. awake or ________, linda grasped(抓) the doll tightly(紧紧地)in her hand.

  6. mr zhang was too tired. he fell ________ as soon as he lay in the bed.

  7. ― are the children still ________?

  ― yes. they are talking happily.

  【一点就通】新 课 标 第一网


  ★awake和asleep 是一对反义形容词,只能作表语。



  ★sleepy 意为“欲睡的,困倦的”,可作表语,也可作定语。

  ★awake 还可以作动词,意为“醒来,唤醒”。如:

  1. i awoke early in the morning. 我一大早就醒来了。

  2. the song of birds awoke him. 鸟的鸣叫声唤醒了他。


  1. wake/awake  2. sleepy  3. awake  4. sleeping/asleep  5. asleep  6. asleep  7. awake

外研版初二英语下册Module5辅导要点 篇2

  外研初二下学期module 5 辅导


  1. 根据汉语意思,完成下面的句子。


  she telephoned him ________ ________ explained to him in person.

  【要点点击】 rather为副词,表示“相当,有点儿”之意,可修饰形容词、副词、形容词或副词的比较级等。如:i am rather tired. 我有点儿累了。

  rather还有“宁可,而不,倒不如”之意,常与than连用。如: he ran rather than walked. 他与其说是走,倒不如说是跑。

  【原文再现】 rather you than me!

  2. 根据汉语意思,完成下面的句子。


  don’t eat ________ ________ sweet food.

  【要点点击】 too much意为“太多(的)”,用来修饰不可数名词,其中too修饰much。而much too意为“太,非常”,修饰形容词或副词,其中much修饰too。如:to him, the car is much too expensive. 对于他来说,这辆车太贵了。

  【原文再现】 if she spends too much time with the orchestra, they’ll ...

  3. 选择正确答案。新 课标 第一网

  he is ________ a little boy, but he knows

  ________ many english words.

  a. so; such    b. such; such

  c. so; so    d. such; so

  4. 根据汉语意思,完成下面的句子。


  ________ ________ ________! you missed such a nice movie.

  【要点点击1】 such和so都可以表程度。二者的区别在于:such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组;so是副词,修饰形容词或副词。如:such a funny movie = so funny a movie 如此有趣的电影

  另外,当many, much, few, little这些表示“多”、“少”的形容词修饰复数名词或不可数名词时,只能用so修饰,而不能用such。

  【要点点击2】 对某人或某事感到遗憾一般用what a pity!(相当于that’s a shame.) 这是一个省略了主语和谓语的感叹句,全句为:what a pity it is!

  【原文再现】 but that’s such a pity!you play

  so well.

  5. 同义句转换。

  hurry up. there are only five minutes left.

  ________ ________. there are only five minutes left.

  【要点点击】 hurry up意为“匆忙,赶快”,相当于come on/be quick。

  【拓展】由hurry组成的短语有:in a hurry 匆忙;no hurry 不用急;hurry off匆忙动身等。

  【原文再现】 hurry up!we’ll be late!

  6. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

  instead  of ________ (travel) far, we’re going to visit some places in our city.

  【要点点击】 instead of是短语介词,意思是“代替”、“而不是”。它后面一般要接名词、代词、v-ing形式或介词短语作宾语。如:

  1) shall we have vegetables instead of meat today? 我们今天吃蔬菜不吃肉,好吗?

  2) they’ll have some tea in the garden instead of in the house. 他们将在花园里,而不在屋子里喝茶。

  【原文再现】 ... i was doing my homework at the library instead of tidying up the shelves.

  1. rather than   2. too much   3. d  4. what a pity / that’s a shame

  5. come on / be quick    6. travelling              




  ★ [warn+(名)+of(against)] 如:the radio bulletin warned (people) of/against the storm. 收音机新闻快报发布了暴雨警报。

  ★ [warn+(名)+to do] 告诫(人)要…… 如:the doctor warned my grandfather not to smoke. 医生告诫我祖父不要抽烟。

  ★ [warn+(名)+that] 警告(人)(某事)…… 如:i warn you that it is dangerous to go out alone at night. 我警告你,晚上一个人出去很危险。

  [拓展] warning 是warn的名词形式,表示“警告,警报”之意。 如:

  my mother gave me a warning not to play near the railway line. 妈妈告诫我别在铁路轨道附近玩耍。


  作不可数名词,意为“惭愧,羞愧,羞耻心”。如:the boy turned red with shame. 男孩羞愧得脸红了。

  常用 a shame 表示“可耻之事,令人惋惜的事,太过分的事”。如: what a shame you have to go to another school! 你必须去别的学校上学,真遗憾!

  另外,it’s a shame to do (that) ... 也是常用句型。如:it’s a shame to treat animals like that. 那样对待动物太过分了。



  ★ [prove + 名] 如:can you prove your theory to us? 你能向我们证明你的理论吗?

  ★ [prove + that ...] 证明……  如:how did you prove that he was the thief? 你是如何证明他就是那个贼的?

  ★ [prove + 名 + (to be)名(形)] 证明……是…… 如:the fingerprints on the knife proved him (to be) the murderer. 刀上的指纹证明他是杀人犯。

  ★ [prove + (oneself) + (to be)名(形)] 如:the young man proved himself to be an honest person. 这个年轻人证明了自己是个诚实的人。

  [趁热打铁] 翻译下面的句子。

  1. 老师常常告诫我们要更加努力地学习。


  2. 你必须这么早就走,这真是一件令人遗憾的事情。


  3. 妈妈警告我不要在河边玩。


  4. 你能证明你自己是正确的吗?


  1. the teacher often warns us to study harder.

  2. it’s really a shame that you have to leave so soon.

  3. mother warns me not to play by the river.

  4. can you prove yourself to be right

  beat;  win;  lose

  1. you ________ me in the race, but i will ________ you at tennis.

  2. we were excited to hear that our team ________ the football match.

  3. it was a pity that the girl ________ the match again.

  4. great!we have ________.



  ★ beat意为“打败,战胜”,常跟人作宾语。

  ★ win 意为“获胜,得胜”, 常跟game,match等比赛活动作宾语。win还可作不及物动词,意为“赢了”。与win相对的词是lose,意为“失败,输掉”。

  key:1. beat; beat   2. won    3. lost       4. won


  1. take out   取出;

  2. take up   开始从事(一项职业或行当),


  3. take off  拿掉,卸掉,脱下,起飞;

  4. take down  写下,记录;

  5. take one’s time  从容做事,慢慢来;

  6. take one’s seat  坐下,就座;

  7. take it easy  别紧张,放开些,放松些;

  8. take after  (外貌或行为等)像;

  9. take care  当心;

  10. take care of  照顾,负责;

  11. take notes  作笔记,记录;

  12. take place  发生,举行;

  13. take the place of  代替;

  14. take turns to do sth. = take turns (at) doing sth.


  新 课 标第一网


  1. all together     一起

  2. at the end of    在……结束时;在……的末尾

  3. be proud of    以……为荣

  4. send away   派遣;送走

  5. go wrong   出错 

  6. take off     卸掉;拿走;拔出

  7. make sure   确保  

  8. be angry with sb.    生某人的气

  9. at least     至少

  10. after all    不管怎样,毕竟 

  11. pocket money    零用钱

  12. hurry up     赶快 

  [趁热打铁] 从上面所总结的短语中选择适当的一项,并用其正确形式完成句子。(每条短语只能用一次)

  1. we have a final exam ________________ each term.

  2. i know you haven’t finished the work, but ________________, you have done your best.

  3. you should put on more clothes to __________

  ________ you don’t catch a cold.

  4. many parents want to ________ their children ________ to school in a foreign country.

  5. _______________!the bus is coming.

  6. when i was playing games on it, the computer ___________________. 

  7. how much ________________ do you get from your parents every day?

  8. let’s sing the song ________________.

  9. i have _________ my earphones _________ the tape recorder.  

  10. the dress costs ______________ 1,000 dollars.

  11. please don’t ______________ me. i didn’t mean

  (不是故意地) to hurt your feelings. 

  12. david has done very well this term and he ___________________ his school report(成绩单).


  1. at the end of    2. after all   3. make sure

  4. send; away    5. hurry up   

  6. went wrong    7. pocket money  

  8. all together    9. taken; off   10. at least

  11. be angry with   12. is proud of 



