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Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?教案(精选2篇)

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Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?教案(精选2篇)

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?教案 篇1

  unit 6 how long have you been collecting shells?



  collect marathon  skate  pair  since  raise  several   stamp   kite   monster

  globe   anyone   store  cake  particularly   collector  common  extra  topic  

  capital thousand  quite  certain  miss  

  run out of       用完;用尽

  by the way      顺便;附带说说

  be interested in    对……感兴趣

  more than        比……多

  make a list of     列清单

  thanks for doing sth. 感谢某人做了某事

  think of / about sth. 想起某事  


  1. how long have you been doing…?

  2. i’ve been doing…since…

  3. how long did sb. do…?

  4. he / she did sth. for…

  5. what do you collect?

  6. when did you start?

  7. how many do you have? 

  8. what do you like to collect in the future?  

  9. what is the most common/unusual/interesting hobby? 




  1. 现在完成进行时


  肯定句:主语 + have / has been + doing




  (1) i have been learning english for ten years. 我学英语已经十年了。

  (2) she has been skating for four hours. 到现在为止她滑冰已经有四个小时了。

  (3) i have been collecting stamps since i was ten years old. 我从十岁起就一直在集邮。

  在这几个句子中,have和has是助动词,疑问形式需把助动词提前,否定形式在have或has后面加not,have not和has not可以分别缩写成haven’t和hasn’t,如:

  (1) have you been doing your homework since this morning? 从今天早晨起你就一直在写作业吧?

  (2) has he been writing the letters to his friend? 他是一直在给他的朋友写信吗?

  (3) i haven’t been seeing films for a long time. 我有很长时间没有看电影了。



  (1) 现在完成时强调动作的完成,而现在完成进行时侧重的是动作的持续进行。


  i have read a book about birds. (已经读完)

  i have been reading a book about birds. (一直都在读,现在还在读,有可能会继续读下去)

  (2) 两种时态都有延续性, 但现在完成时往往只说明一个事实,一种影响或结果,无感情色彩;现在完成进行时表示一个动作的延续、重复,有时有一定的感情色彩。


  she has been singing all the day. 她都唱了一整天了。(抱怨、厌烦)

  2. since, from和for

  (1) from是介词,后接名词、动名词,表示事情的开始点,以from短语作状语时,句中的谓语动词可用一般现在、过去和将来时, 如:

  the movie is on from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 这个电影在晚上8点到10点上映。

  they chatted at the meeting from beginning to end.他们在会议上自始至终都在聊天。

  (2) since则为介词或从属连接词,其后接名词、动名词或从句,表示从某一特定时间起直至现在或过去某一特定时间为止,依然继续着的事情的开始点,在以此为时间状语的句子中,谓语动词常用完成时。


  many things have happened since they came here.


  the teacher said that john had made great progress since last semester.


  (3) for 是介词,后接名词,可以用来计算持续的时间,表示事情从开始到结束所持续的时间,谓语动词常用过去时或完成时,for与一般现在时连用,表示时间一直持续到将来。


  the meeting lasted for hours. 会议持续了几个小时。

  i studied the piano for three years. 我学过三年钢琴。

  i've known her for five years. 我认识她已经五年了。

  how long are you here for?  你在这里要待到什么时候?


  一. 单项选择

  1. the flight from beijing to new york ______ at 9:45 am. on friday. 

  a. gets off    

  b. takes off   

  c. puts up    

  d. gets up

  2. ― ______ have you been living here?

  ― for ten years.

  a. how much 

  b. how many 

  c. how long 

  d. how soon

  3. ― _______ did you first skate?

  ― two years ago.

  a. when 

  b. what 

  c. why 

  d. how

  4. i have been skating _____ two hours.

  a. in 

  b. at

  c. for 


  5. thanks for ____ me the book.

  a. gave

  b. giving

  c. give

  d. to give

  6. we all helped him with his english so he didn’t _______ with his study. 

  a. fall off 

  b. fall down 

  c. fall behind 

  d. fall over

  7. mr green _______ in china since five years ago. 

  a. lived 

  b. has lived 

  c. lives 

  d. is going to live

  8. ___ is the meeting going to last? about twenty minutes. 

  a. how far  

  b. how soon  

  c. how long  

  d. how often

  9. what shall we do now? ___ for a walk?

  a. how's about to go  

  b. what about to go

  c. how's about going 

  d. what about going

  10. do you have another way of ___ the child?

  a. teaching  

  b. to teach  

  c. teaches   

  d. teach  

  二. 根据所给句子的意思和首字母写单词

  1. d_________say what sb./sth. is like

  2. r _________bring or collect sth. together

  3. c__________the person who collects thing as hobbies and so on

  4. s_________ give a part of sth. to others

  5. f _________the person from another country

  三. 阅读理解


  water is the “life”of our earth. it is in every living thing. it is in the air. it runs through mountains

  nature has a great water system(系统). rainwater finds its way to streams(溪) and rivers. rivers lead to the ocean. at mouths of rivers, fresh water joins the salt water of the ocean.

  thick water steam in the air becomes clouds and clouds bring us rain. plants and animal's life depends on water. where there is water,there is life. we have to clean our streams and rivers and do something against pollution(污染) because pollution does harm to the life.

  1. we say water is the “life”of our earth because _______.

  a. water is in the air

  b. water can run everywhere

  c. there are living things in the water

  d. where there is water,there is life

  2. which of the following is exactly the same as what the article says?





  3. according to(按照) the article, which of the following is correct?

  a. water is in every living thing.

  b. water is everything.

  d. water runs through everything.

  4. according to the article, fresh water joins the salt water of the ocean ______.

  a. in the valleys

  b. in the mountains

  c. at mouths of rivers

  d. at mouths of oceans

  5. what does this article say we have to do against pollution?

  a. clean the steam.

  b. stop air pollution.

  c. prevent the fresh water from joining the salt water.

  d. clean our streams and rivers.



  1. if you want to go from the northwest to city center,you can take bus ______.

  a. bus no. 4

  b. bus no. 5

  c. bus no. 3

  d. bus no. 10

  2. the first hospital can be seen in the _____.

  a. west

  b. east

  c. north

  d. south

  3. you may go boating in ______.

  a. great lake and the beihai park

  b. town supermarket

  c. the history museum

  d. the football club

  4. bank of china is near _____.

  a. may airport

  b. teachers” college

  c. the public library

  d. the red star cinema

  5. -how many schools can you find in this map?


  a. one  

  b. two

  c. three  

  d. four

  四. 对话连线

  i                         ii

  1. hello, who’s that, please?       a. oh,i’d love to. thank you.

  2. i’m sorry i’m late.           b. i like them very much.

  3. what’s the date today.          c. yes. it’s on the other side of the street.

  4. would you like to come to supper?    d. that’s right.

  5. how do you like the pictures?      e. this is mary speaking.

  6. it’s a fine day for a walk.       f. it doesn’t matter.

  7. excuse me. could you tell me the way to the cinema?    g. it’s january 15.                 



  last saturday morning mr. lee left h__(1)__ early to go fishing. very soon he got to a lake. he s__(2)__ on the side of the lake and began to fish. the sun was shining b__(3)__ over his head. but he was unlucky. when the sun went down, he still hadn't caught any fish, so he felt very s__(4)__. he thought that his wife might l__(5)__ at him because he had caught n__(6)__. how to save his face? he became w__(7)__. suddenly he got an idea. he ran to the fish m__(8)__ at once and bought t__(9)__ big fish. then he h__(10)__ back happily,thinking that his wife would say something good to him.



  1. b   飞机起飞用take off。

  2. c  对时间的长短提问用how long。

  3. a  根据答语可知是对时间进行提问。

  4. c  四个选项都可以引导时间状语,但in一般用于将来时或否定词和最高级形式后面表示一段时间,而且常用于美国英语,at后接时刻,since后接开始时刻,而two hours是表示一段时间,故只能选c。

  5. b  题干中的for是介词,后面要求接动名词形式。

  6. c   落后的固定用法。

  7. b

  8. c

  9. d

  10. a  of后接名词或相当于名词的词语。


  1.describe  2. raise  3.collector  4.share  5.foreigner 



  1. d   根据短文第一段“it is in every living thing.”及第三段中“plants and animals' life depends on water.”可以推断出答案为d。

  2. d   综合短文第二、三段大自然的循环规律,并根据常识可以判断出答案为d。

  3. a   答案可以从对短文第三段“plants and animals' life depends on water. where there is water, there is life.”所叙述的内容,进行归纳概括得出。

  4. c   短文第二段最后一句“at mouths of rivers,fresh water joins the salt water of the ocean.”已提供了明显的信息。

  5. d   我们从短文最后一句中“we have to clean our streams and rivers and do something against pollution,”可以判断出d正确。


  1. b  2. b  3. a  4. a  5. a


  1. e   2. f  3. g  4. a  5. b  6. d  7. c

  本题考察的是日常交际用语的运用能力。要求给每个句子配位。在理解各句的句意后,运用日常交际用语在不同场合的应答,就能逐一完成。如本题第一句的“hello, who’s that, please?”根据ii栏中e项的答语“this is mary speaking”可以推断出这里电话用语(请问您是哪位)。再如第四句“would you like to come to supper?”(你来吃晚饭好吗?)按照英美人士交际习惯,应该先说表示乐意,并致谢,就不难找到ii栏中的a项应答。


  (1)home     (2)sat     (3)brightly    (4)sad/sorry    (5)laugh 

  (6)nothing   (7)worried  (8)market    (9)two       (10)hurried

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?教案 篇2

  unit 6 how long have you been collecting shells?(2)

  课  型新授





  序  号




  班  级

  姓  名

  学习目标1)知识目标:运用现在完成进行时谈论人们做事持续多长时间。 2)能力目标:现在完成进行时的熟练掌握。

  3)情感目标:使用for 和 since表达自己的爱好持续的时间,培养学生应用英语进行交际的能力。



  导      学      内      容

  学 法 指 导





  before class: 预习课本43页,查阅资料理解下列知识点:1.students are skating to raise money for charity.

  raise   v. 筹集 【巧记提示】 raise(筹集)→rise(上升) 【经典例句】they are raising for charity. 他们正在为慈善事业募捐。 【考点聚焦】 1)用作动词,意为“募集,筹集”。 2)用作动词,意为“举起,抬起”。 3)用作动词,意为“种植,饲养,供养”。 4)raise和rise的区别: raise 是及物动词,意思是“举起;提起;抬高”,说明主语发出的动作是要作用于其他事物的。rise 是不规则变化的不及物动词,过去式为rose,过去分词为risen,意思是“升起;上升;起立;起床”,说明主语自身移向较高的位置。 下面的口诀可以帮你记忆rise与raise的用法: 日、月、云、雾、烟、热、气,河水、物价、温度计, 起立、起床与起义,皆由rise升上去。 抬头、举手、举重物,raise宾语跟着出, 再如温度与水平,声音、价格与觉悟。 【活学活用】raise your hand.(改写同义句) _________ your hand. 2.alison was the first one to start, and has been skating for the whole five hours.艾莉森是第一个开始滑的,并且已滑了足足5个小时。预习课本43页,查阅资料理解下列知识点:

  unit 6 how long have you been collecting shells?(2)

  班级:                   姓名:                序号:用since或for填空1. they have been waiting  ________ half an hour.2. the baby has been sleeping _________ eight o’clock.3. he has been studying english________ he was eight years old.4. he has been drawing _________ two hours ago.5. they have been watching tv ________ an hour and a half.


  (   )1.he has worked in the factory _______five years ago.

  a. for    b. at    c. since   d. about

  (   )2. mr. fang _________thousands of dollars for charity.

  a. bought     b. lent   c. raised   d. sold

  (   )3. i began to skate_________.

  a.for three and a half years.

  b.since three years and a half.

  c.three and a half years ago.

  d.three years and a half before.

  (   )4. the teacher told us ________story in class.

  a. a whole of b. the whole of c. the whole d. whole of the

  (   )5. i’m looking for _______pair of shoes for my daughter.

  a. the   b .a    c .an    d. some规范性               正确性                批阅日期:       

  导     学      内      容

  学 法 指 导

  【考点聚焦】the first...to do sth.表示“第一个做某事的……”。句中不定式短语to do sth.作后置定语,修饰前面的one。【活学活用】who was the first student _________the classroom yesterday afternoon?a. to leave        b. leave            c. leaving         d. left【考点聚焦】the whole five hours 意为“整整五小时”, whole adj. “整个的,完整的”,前常加“the”或物主代词。如:the whole afternoon一整下午 the whole school 整个学校【活学活用】翻译:我想了解整个故事i want to get to know                story.3.for every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity.

  每滑一小时,每个学生为慈善机构筹集10元钱。【考点聚焦】every, each 都表“每一”, every: each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;代表each与every的物主代词可以用his也可以用their. every指三个以上的人或事物的全体,和all的意思相近;every只修饰单数名词,谓语动词用单数,此外every还可表每隔(一段时间/距离)。each 的用法:1)adj.各个的,各自的,每一个的。置于单数可数名词之前。如,each car has a steering wheel.每辆汽车都有方向盘。2)pron.各个,各自。谓语动词用单数形式。如,each has his own task.每个人都有自己的工作。

  【活学活用】 1.学生都到齐了。      student is here.

  2. 每个故事都一个有趣的名字

  story has an interesting name.

  小组讨论,归纳总结。讨论交流, 释疑解难。对重点词汇的区别运用。




Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?教案(精选2篇)
