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Unit 12 A birthday party 教案(精选3篇)

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Unit 12 A birthday party 教案(精选3篇)

Unit 12 A birthday party 教案 篇1

  unit 12  a birthday party教案

  content: unit12 reading


  teaching aims and demands:

  1 to learn new words and phrases about "reading "

  2 to catch the meaning of this passage

  key points:

  to catch the meaning of this passage

  difficult points:

  to learn new words and phrases about "reading "

  teaching aids:

  some objects; a tape recorder ;some pictures about the birthday party

  teaching methods:

  1 task-based teaching approach

  2 cooperative learning approach

  teaching procedures:

  step presentation

  1 check the homework.

  2 revision. revise the dialogue last period.

  talk about the pictures the students have drawn and learn the new words:  look,this is a wonderful picture.there are lots of things in it,such as--- look at this one.i think it is very interesting.the boy looks cool---

  i'm glad to see your wonderful pictures.i feel very excited.

  3   look at the pictures on p.64 and talk about them.

  picture 1.

  t:what can you see on the table in picture 1?

  s: i can see cds, hair clips---

  t:how does millie look?

  s:she looks excited.

  picture 2.

  t:what's this?---it's a sofa. where are the girls?

  s:they are in the sofa.

  t: where are the boys? ---oh,they're on the balcony.

  picture 3.

  t:what birthday presents does millie get from her friends?

  s:millie's friends have cds,hair clips,a teddy bear---for her.

  picture 4.

  t:what is millie going to so?

  s:she's going to mak a wish.


  1 read the new words and phrases after the teacher,then try to remember them.

  2 listen to the tape and put the pictures in the correct order.

  3 read the text after the tape

  4 ask some students to read the text


  1 class work . read the text and talk about the questions of part b.

  2  retell the text according to the words on the blackboard

  3  try to make sentences with these phrases.

  1 wear a pair of new jeans________

  2 look cool____________________

  3 some of her friends____________

  4 talk about______________

  5 all her friends___________

  6 have a good time_________


  1 learn the new words and phrases by heart.

  2 preview grammar ,pronunciation and task.

  a. read the new words.

  b. read the pronunciation.

  c. finish the exercise in page119 sb.



  starter unit12  a birthday party

  total periods: 3

  unit12 reading

  period: 3-2


  一、 用下列词组造句(满分20分,含卷面分2分)

  1 wear a pair of new jeans_______________________________________________________________________

  2 look cool___________________________________________________________________________________

  3 some of her friends___________________________________________________________________________

  4 talk about__________________________________________________________________________________

  5 all her friends_______________________________________________________________________________

  6 have a good time____________________________________________________________________________


  1 have a good time____________________________________

  2 chat with each other ________________________________

  3 a lot of presents____________________________________

  4 在聚会上_________________________________________

  5 分享蛋糕_________________________________________

  6 一部有趣的电影___________________________________



  1 在四月八日___________________________________________

  2 举行一个大的聚会______________________________________

  3 收到许多礼物___________________________________________

  4 来参加你的生日聚会_____________________________________

  5 一年中我最喜欢的一天_____

Unit 12 A birthday party 教案 篇2

  unit 12  a birthday party 教案

  period 5 task            课型 练习课

  预习目标:1.掌握一般现在时的特殊疑问句 。


  自主预习  掌握生日邀请函书写的格式。


  (1) would you like to go to the library with me ?

  (2) i ’d like to invite you to my birthday party .

  (3) will you please come to my home ,mary ?

  (4) can /could you come to play football  with us ?

  (5) do you want to come with us ?

  (6) i hope you can go to the cinema with us .


  (1) yes/certainly /sure. i ’d like /love to .

  (2) yes,i ’m glad to .



  1. i want to buy a pair of sports shoes as my father’s p           .

  2.my cousin jim often          (戴) a pair of sunglasses .

  3.there are many different kinds of            (衣服) in that supermarket.

  4.white is my f            colour.

  5.would you like          (have )dinner with us ?

  6.most of         (they) feel happy at the party .

  7.my father enjoys          (watch)footba ll matches .

  8.would you like          (some ) milk ?

  9.on sundays ,helen often         (fly )kites with her classmates

  in the park.

  10.every morni ng ,she waters the flowers in the garden         (one ).

  the n she goes out for a walk .

  11.betty often        (help )me          (clean) the blackboard..

  12.w        do you want to go shopping ? after school .


  1. i want to buy a toy for her .(同义句)i want to buy                 .

  2.tomorrow is my birthday .(对划线部分提问)


  3. i have the party at home . (对划线部分提问)

  you        the party ?

  4.millie plays happily . (同义句)[

  millie has                        .

  5.she wears a red dress . (对划线部分提问)

  she            ?



  i         to                 some bananas.


  you         to go                   ?


  millie has a                  and all her friends have                                      


  do you have                 ?


  my birthday is my                    of                       .


  1.----         do you want to go shopping ?

  -----after school.

  a.how     b. what     c. when    d .where

  2.don’t forget        to my party .

  a.to come      b. come      c. coming     d .comes

  3.what d o you get         your bi rthday ?

  a.to     b. for     c. and     d .with

  4.---       do you have the party ?-----at home .

  a.who       b. what     c. when    d .where

  5. i go home        4.30          the afternoon .

  a.in …..in      b. at ….in     c. on…. at     d .at …at

  6.his mother wants        .

  a.go to shopping     b. to go shop     c. to go sho pp ing   d .go shopping

  7.would you like        with me ?

  a.to go      b. go     c. going     d .goes

  8.          for inviting me .

  a.t hank     b. thanks      c. thanking    d .thankes

  9.she usually          tv at the weekends.

  a.watch      b. watches      c. sees   d .watchs

Unit 12 A birthday party 教案 篇3

  unit 12  a birthday party教案

  content: unit12 welcome to this unit, listening, speaking


  teaching aims and demands:

  1. leaning some new words.

  2. what do you usually get for your birthday ?  would you like to....

  3. learn to use the questions.what/ how/when/where...,

  key points:

  what do you usually get for your birthday ?  would you like to…

  difficult points:

  would you like to…

  teaching aids:

  some objects;a tape recorder and some pictures

  teaching methods:

  1 task-based teaching approach

  2 cooperative learning approach

  teaching procedures:

  step presentation

  1. check the homework.

  2. ss ask each other:--

  a: what do you usually get for your birthday?

  b:i usually get------

  what about you?

  a:i usually get------.would you like-----?

  b:i'd love-----.

  3. please cover the words in the pictures and discuss: look, soon

  4. listen to the tape and answer the questions:

  when is millie's birthday?

  what does millie usually get for her birthday?

  does she want a cd for her birthday?

  listen to the tape again and read after it.

  5. read the dialogue by yourselves.

  6. listening.

  t: tomorrow is millie's birthday. her mother wants to buy something for the party. now they're talking about the birthday shopping. this is the shopping list:

  7.listen to the tape and read the words after it, pay attention to the pronunciation.

  step practice

  1. tomorrow is millie's birthday, right?

  ----yes, it is./no, it's not.

  it's millie's birthday tomorrow, right?

  ----yes, it is./no, it isn't.

  today is your birthday, right?

  ----yes, it is./no, it isn't.

  what do you want to buy for her?

  ----i want to buy her a teddy bear.

  (buy her a present=buy a present for her)

  what does she want to buy?

  ----she wants to buy some stickers.

  where can we buy these presents?

  ----at the toy shop near our school.

  where does your mother often buy things?

  ----in the supermarket.

  when do you want to go shopping?

  ----after school.

  2.listen to the dialogue and try to find out what they will buy.

  3.listen to the tape again and answer the questions:

  where can they buy the presents?

  when do they want to go shopping?

  do they go shopping together?

  4.read the dialogue loudly and try to act it out with your partners.

  step production

  1 .discuss with your partners about what present you want to buy for millie's birthday.

  2 class work


  1 learn the new words and phrases by heart.

  2 .translate the sentences: (20分)






  3 preview reading :

  a. read the new words.

  b. read the pronunciation.

  c. finish the exercise:



  starter unit 12  a birthday party

  total periods: 3

  unit12 welcome to this unit, listening, speaking

  period: 3-1







  家庭作业 (20分)







  一 根据汉语意思或开头字母补充句子。(4分)

  1. ―what do you want to t______ me? ―some good news.

  2.ben often ______ (洗) his face after he gets up.

  3. i often get a lot of ____(卡片) from my friends before the spring festival.

  4. i always get many beautiful ____ (礼物) from my aunts every year.

  二 单项选择。(5分)

  (    )1.the little boy is very kind.he always __________ his food_________ others.

  a.shares, with  b share, for  c. share, with d.shares, for

  (    )2. daniel would like _________ uncle bob’s new flat next weekend.

  a to, visit    b visit  c visits d visiting

  (    )3.millie _______ a beautiful dress,she looks cool.

  a has b wears c put on d there

  (    )4.my birthday is ________ 1st october.

  a on b in c at d of

  (    )5. she doesn’t want __________.

  a. dance b. dancing c to dancing d dancing



Unit 12  A birthday party 教案(精选3篇)
