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Unit 1 This is me(通用3篇)

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Unit 1 This is me(通用3篇)

Unit 1 This is me 篇1

  unit 1 this is me


  1. this is…这是…(用于介绍人或物) 2. look a fter=take care of照料,保管            

  3. make friends with…与……交朋友 

  4. introduce oneself to each other相互间进行自我介绍introduce a to

  5.welcome to + n. 欢迎到……来

  6.be c lever at (be good at = do well in) 在……方面聪明(在……很擅长)     

  7.in the school basketball team在校篮球队

  8.in the reading club在阅读俱乐部9.c ome from = be from来自……,……地方人       10.be born in (on) 出生于……

  11.on the football field在 足球场

  12.like doing sth. (love doing sth, enjoy doing sth.)

  13.listen to (music, the teacher) 听(音乐,老师 讲课)

  14.look at…看…..

  15.work hard (compare with: hard work) 努力工作(对比:艰苦的工作)

  16.wear glasses戴眼镜      17.play computer games玩电脑游戏

  18.after school放学以后       19.know each other相互了解

  20.the class1grade 7 students =the students in class 1, grade 7

  21.it’s time for sth. =it’s time to do sth. 是该做某事的时候了

  22.know sb. well非常了解某人       23.dark brown eyes深褐色的眼睛

  24.swimming po ol游泳池           25.play with sb.与某人玩耍

  26.talk to sb. 和某人交谈            27.at lunchtime在午餐时间

  28.take sb. for a walk带某人去散步

  29.walk home = go home on foot、步行回家    

  30 a member of (the reading club) (阅读俱乐部的)一个成员

  31write to sb. 写信给某人                 32.at the weekend在周末

  33.go running (shopping) 去跑步(购物)   34.score goals进球

  35. borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物

  36.how do you say that in english? 这在英语里怎么说?

  37.at the beginning of在……的开始

  38.sound great=sound  nice/good听起来很棒

  39. look for sth. on the internet在因特网上查找

  40.in the next world cup在下一届的世界杯中


  一般现在时:(一)定义: 1.表示经常或习惯性的动作。2. 或表示事物现在的特征,状态或客观真理。

  (二)构成:(1)当谓语动词为be时,________am , he/she/it _______, w e/you/they ______________.

  (2)当谓语动词为have时,he/she/it _________, 其余人称用have。

  (3)当谓语动词为行为动词时,主语为第三人称单数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式。基本变化规则: (请自己总结)


  (1.)表示习惯性、永久性或反复发生的动词,常与often, sometimes,usually,always, every day, on sunday, once a month等状语连用。 eg : he often talks in class. (否定)_______________________


  the earth ____________(move) around the sun.

  (3) 表示特征、能力或状态。如:she loves music.

  her mother dances well.

  (4)表示将来时间。用于表示将要发生的动作或事件,或事先安排好的动作。这样的动词有go,come, leave,start, begin等。如:

  the meeting begins at 2:00 in the afternoon.


  i will tell him the news as soon as he __________(come) back.

  if it ____________(rain) tomorrow, i’ll stay at home.


  1.tang beilei’s sister ____________(be ) born in 1995.

  2 . daniel enjoys ____________(play) computer games.

  3. i ____________(talk) to my classmates at lunchtime.

  4.li jian wants ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬________________( be) a policeman when he _______________( grow) up.

  5. __________your headteacher _________(take) a bus to school every day?

  6.mr jiang _____________(teach) maths in our school.

  7. her father ____________( not work) in a factory.

  8.------where does your cousin live? ------he _______________(live) with his family in hong kong.

  9.he watches tv _______________( two) a week.

  10. now we are doing our best _______________( learn ) english well.

  一. 根据句意,首字母或中文提示写出单词。

  1. come over to my  house this evening and enjoy the fresh ______ ______(鱼肉)。

  2. i love reading. i’m in the reading _____________(  兴趣小组)。

  3. li hua is good at playing football. he is a very good football ___________(运动员)。

  4. he used to _____________( 戴) funny hat at school.

  5. kitty often _ ______________(借) a rubber from millie.

  6. daniel is very clever. he e____________(like) playing computer games very much.

  7. simon was born in shanghai. shanghai is his b______________.

  8. if i want to s__ ___________ a role-play, i’ll begin now.

  9. the  boys often play football on w_______________afternoon.

  10.  our teacher  is very k____________and friendly to us.

  11. you must speak to the old ______________(礼貌地)。

  12. we should learn from each other and i_______________( make……better ) our english.

  13. sun yang scored 2 w_________________( quite good) goals in his match for his new  team.

  二. 单项选择。

  (     )1.do you enjoy _______english in our class,mr green?

  a teach     b taught      c to teach     d teaching

  (     )2.----i’m simon.  ________your name?    ----my n ame is  jack.

  a  what       b who      c what's      d whose  

  (     )3. i’m going skating .would you like to go with __________?

  a me      b i        c my     d mine 

  (     )4. -----what can i _______you ?   -----simon.

  a  tell       b say        c speak      d call

  (     )5.my father is _________engineer.he works very hard.

  a a      b an      c the      d/

  (     )6.------what are you _______?   ----the nice music. it sounds sweet.

  a listening to      b listening     c hearing to     d hearing

  (     )7.the girl has black _______a ponytail.

  a hairs in     b hair in      c hairs with     d hair with

  (     )8.-----can you ______it in english ?  ------sorry, i know little english. a say      b speak     c tell    d call 

  (     )9.maybe we will go to london for a visit _________next year.

  a sometime     b som e time    c sometimes    d some times



  he ______________ ____________.he enjoys ________ __________ _________.      he is _________and____________.

  2.她 个子不高,留着短发,擅长游泳。

  she is not very__________. she _________ _______ ________,she _______ ___________ __________ __ ________________.


  he is my __________football _________in the school football ____________ .


  my brother likes ________________________________________________.


  if you don’t know_________ _________ ________it in english, you may ___________ _________ __________ ________


  1.the dictionary cost me fifty yuan.

  i _______________the dictionary __________________fifty yuan.

  2.can i borrow a book from you?    can you ____________a book ______________me?

  3. sandy is in the music club. 

  sandy is a ____________ _____________the music club.

  4.we often have a good time after school./

  we often __________ ____________after school.

  5.it’s time for dinner.     it’s time _________   ___________dinner.

Unit 1 This is me 篇2

  unit 1 this is me



  1.  how to look after your e-dog. 如何照顾你的电子狗

  疑问词+to do sth.( how  , what,  where , when etc)

  i don’t know ________ to do next.     

  he doesn’t know ________ to do it next.

  most children got a lot of pocket money from their parents at spring festival, but some didn’t know ____ they should do with it.( what/ how)

  … but some didn’t know _____ they should deal with it.( what/ how)

  2. ____38-year-old woman,   _____ 8-year-old boy

  the boy is 11( years old). = he is ________________boy.

  we will have a ____________ holiday (两天). what about going to beihai park?

  3. be good / clever at= do well in

  be good / bad for

  be good to sb.= be kind to sb.= be friendly to sb.

  i’m ___________(learning) english.

  = i___________ (learning) english. = i learn english well.

  eating too much chocolate is _________ your health.

  our english teacher is f________ to us. we like her very much.

  4. the more…,the more…                       

  the more english you speak in class, the______ you will learn.(fast)

  the ________________ you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(careful)

  the ________________ you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.(careful)

  (   )-- remember, boys and girls. ____ you work, ______ result you will get.

  a. the better; the harder       b. the harder; the better

  c. the hard; the better        d. the harder; the good

  5. it’s time for + n. àit’s time for (having) breakfast.

  it’s time to do sth.àit’s time to have breakfast.

  it’s time for sb. to do sth.             it’s time for us to play football.

  is it time for sb to do sth?     is it time for her to sweep the floor?

  6. i have an e-dog.   i ______________ an e-dog.

  i have made friends with the e-dog.  i __________friends with the e-dog. (否定句)

  he’s already well again, ______ __ he?

  he’s hardly been to guilin, __________ he?

  (  )though he has studied ____ at russian for ten months. he can still____ speak the language.

  a. hard, hard   b.hardly, hardly   c.hard, hardly    d. hardly, hard

  7. say (sth.) to sb.   say it in english    

  tell sb. about sth.    tell the story     tell a lie     tell the truth 

  tell sb (not ) to do sth.          tell the differences between a and b

  talk to/with sb. about sth. = have a talk with sb about sth.      talk about sth..

  speak to sb.    speak english/ french / japanese / chinese /russian  in class

  how to ______ that in english?

  (   )-- i hear jim is going to _____ at the school meeting.

  -- do you know what he is going to_______?

  a. say; talk    b. say; speak   c.  speak; say   d. talk; speak

  he_______ me he wanted to join us.

  8. borrow one’s sth.或borrow sth. from sb.        keep sth. for two weeks

  lend sb. sth.或lend sth. to sb.


  you can _____________________ me, but you can’t ____________________


  i _______________________yesterday. but i don’t know how long i can ______ it?

  (     )-- may i ______ your dictionary?   -- sorry, i _____ it at home.

  a. borrow; forgot  b.  borrow; left  c. lend; forgot  d. lend; left

  9. good night/ good evening

  nice to meet you/nice meeting you

  10.  wear/ put on/ be in /   dress sb/ oneself   sb. be dressed in + 衣服

  he is wearing a black coat. how cool he looks!

  = he ________ a black coat. how cool he looks!

  = he __________ a black coat. how cool he looks!

  (     ) the boy was able to ______ himself when he was very young.

  a.dress     b. wear    c.  put on     d. dress in

  (     )usually, betty ____ in colourful t- shirts in summer

  a. wears    b. is dressed    c. is wearing     d. dresses

  (    ) it’s very cold outside. you’d better ______ your coat.

  a.wear    b. put on     c. dress      d.  dress in

  he ___________ as father christmas(装扮成)

  11.remember sb/ sth;     forget sb/ sth

  remember to do sth  ; remember doing sth   remember sth well = have a _____ ________;

  forget to do sth ;      forget doing sth.  (forgot; forgotten )

  leave sth. at / in sp. (left; left;)    leave sth.+ adj    leave the door open

  in my dream , i remembered  _______ (step) into a supermarket and buying a woolen sweater .

  he was so careless that he always __________ (忘记) his homework at home.

  (   ) ― jim,come back,your new book is still in the drawer.

  --- oh, thank you. i have forgotten __________ it there.

  a. to put      b. put   c. putting  d. to putting

  12. _____ 1908; _____ autumn; _____ april 4 th, ;  (in , on , at )

  _____ a cold evening ; ____ night ; ____________ the night; _____ noon ; ____ breakfast time; _____ the ninth century;

  一般现在时 (every day ,often, sometimes ,usually )

  1.my hair is long.  is your hair long?  yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.

  2.simon plays football every day . simon doesn’t play football every day .

  3.does simon play football? yes, she does./ no, he doesn’t.

  4.cats eat fish.  do cats eat fish?  yes, they do./ no, they don’t.

  5, walk ---walks    fly---flies    watch---watches    go---goes  have---has

Unit 1 This is me 篇3

  unit 1 this is me 

  period 8 speak up and study skills


  (1)学习目标:1. 能使用相关话题进行交际。

  2. 养成在各种语境中说英语的习惯

  掌握词组: talk about sth./ sb.    borrow sth. from sb.  in english   practise doing sth.    the answer to …    start a role-play  

  句    型:does he often score for our school football team ? yes , he does .

  do you have a pen ?

  can i borrow your pen ?

  i’m sorry . i don’t have one .

  excuse me . how do you say that in english ?

  (2)课前预习: 预习课本 speak up 和 study skills( p 17-18)  根据实际情况回答下列问题:

  1. do you like playing football ? 

  2. who is your favourite football player ?

  3. does your favourite player often score for his team ?

  4. does your favourite player look strong ?

  5. do you have a bike ?

  6. how do you say “理解”  in english ? 

  7. if you want to a start a role-play , you say                                


  1. 动词win 表示“赢,赢得”,后面可接表示比赛、竞赛、奖杯、奖牌、奖金等名词作宾语。 如果说“赢了某人”要用动词beat

  he          a gold medal in the olympic .

  our football team           the match .

  2. really 常用于口语中, 意为“是吗?真的吗?表示惊讶,感兴趣等。

  3. the +比较级…, the + 比较级 意为“越…, 越… 。”

  the             (多) you eat , the                  (fat) you will be .

  4. how to say sth. 由”疑问句+ 不定式,常作宾语。

  他不知道做什么。 he doesn’t know                      (去哪里) .

  5.excuse me  是在打扰别人之前所说的“对不起”,后面是打扰别人的具体内容。 sorry 则用于做错事,听到不好消息后所说的歉意、难过的话

  如:                  , can i ask a question ?

  to hear your mother is ill .

  三、课内练习巩固        用所给词的正确形式填空

  1.can you         (play ) with us ?

  2. do you  enjoy          (swim) ?

  3. i don’t know how            (start ) a role-play .

  4. the question is too difficult . i            (not understand ) it .

  四、课后拓展延伸       用英语回答问题:

  1. 当你遇到不会的单词时,你如何向老师和同学询问?

  2. 你的朋友帮你分析难题,你却听不懂,你怎么对他说?

  3. 到了学校突然发现忘带橡皮了,要向同学借,怎么说?


  1. 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。

  2. my mother is ________(help) and polite and she often _______(help) others.

  3. bob is a very good ___________(play) and he __________(play) well.

  4. are you _______(fun)?

  5. my basketball team is the _________(good) in china.

  6. beibei’s sister ________(be) born in 1997.


  1. if you don’t know the answer _______ something. you say “sorry, i don’t know.”

  a  of  b  to  c  in  d  about

  2. do you like playing with ________?

  a  they  b  their  c  them  d  theirs

  3. millie is good at_________ badminton.

  a  playing  b  plays  c  play  d   to play

  4. li bing and li ming are _______.

  a  china  b  chinas  c  chineses  d  chinese




Unit 1 This is me(通用3篇)
