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Lesson 50,(通用12篇)

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Lesson 50,(通用12篇)

Lesson 50, 篇1

  lesson 12teaching aims and demands : to demand ss to hear and speak and read these words correctly : review the words about food and vegetablesto demand ss to hear and speak the sentences correctly :can i help you ? what do we need ?.here’s the change.teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cardsteaching steps :                                        step 1 greetingst: good morning, boys and girls. glad to meet you.step 2 presentationplay a guessing game (1)t: what am i going to buy? what do i want? just guess and say: "you want ..."(2)t= the teacher    c= the computer  ss= the studentsc: can i help you?(learn to say: "can i help you?")t: i want a sweater, sir. c: how about this one? ss: it's too small.c: how about this one? t: the size is ok, sir. but i don't like this color.c: what's your favorite color?t: (take out a purple sweater)i like this purple sweater. how much is it?c: it’s ...yuan (2) play a game: guess the price of the sweater.ss: how much is it?s1 : ...yuan .(if the price s1 guess is too low, the teacher will say: "up, up, up."; if too high, the teacher will say:'' down, down, down." each students has three chances to guess.)after the students guess the price right, the teacher puts on the purple sweater and asks the students "am i cool?"step 3 practice(1)listen to the dialogue.t: what have you heard in the dialogue?(2)listen to the dialogue and repeat it sentence by sentence.(3)practice in groups of three.step 4 consolidation(1)divide all the students into 4 groups: toy shop, clothes shop, fruit shop and food shop. put some goods in eachshop. get the students to do the shopping in groups.   (2)ask the students to go to different shops and buy different things. step 5 homework  listen to the tape & repeat for some times .finish off the activity book of lesson 12.

Lesson 50, 篇2

  Teaching Objectives

  Countable nouns & uncountable nouns and measure words

  Language Focus

  a piece of the other, another

  Teaching Procedures

  I. Organizing the class

  Teacher: Good morning, class.

  Students: Good morning, teacher

  Teacher: Who’s on duty?

  Student 1: I am.

  The student will give a duty report about shopping.

  Teacher: Very Good. Thank you very much.

  II. Revision

  Teacher: If you need some more food, where can you buy them?

  If you need some more clothes.

  Where to buy, in the shop?

  Student 1 is to be a buyer.

  We call him “customer”.

  Student 2 is to be a seller.

  We call him “shop assistant”.

  Suppose you were a customer you want something to buy. Helping the customer in making a decision

  1. What do you think of the color/style?

  2. What size do you take/wear?

  3. This T - shirt/skirt/woolen/sweater looks good/too big/too small/too tight/ just right on(正好适合) you.

  4. You may try it on, the fitting room is over there.

  5. It’s very fashionable, it looks wonderful on you.

  6. It fits you very well.

  7. I thinks it also suits you.

  8. You look great/nice in red/in blue/in gray etc.

  III. Leading - in

  Get the students to understand the main ideas about .

  Ask them to read the text and questions about Part 1.

  1. Who's Ann?

  2. Why does Ann need to buy some meat?

  3. Who has bought it?

  4. When did she buy it?

  5. Did Ann buy sth. for her party?

  6. What party?

  7. How many friends of hers are coming for the party?

  8. What else did Ann need?

  9. Where?

  10. Are the oranges still there?


  IV. Presentation

  Get the students to know the word ‘buy’, past form ‘bought’. you can't have it in the following sentence.

  “I have bought it for half a day.”

  You should say “I have had it for half a day.” The second word “more” not a comparative degree, but sth you get again.

  eg. ―Is there anyone in the room?

  ―One more.

  It means there is still one.

  The word “have” in the text means “eat”.

  eg. What did you have/eat for breakfast?

  Get the students to master another usage of this word “have”.

  eg. P.E teacher had his students trained just now.

  V. Learn Part 1. 2. 3

  Use these dialogues as models for revision. Get them to make up similar dialogues, and then give them 2 or 3 minutes to work in pairs.

  Here is a dialogue for reference.

  Shop assistant: Good evening. Can I help you?

  Customer: Yes, would you please show me that sweater?

  S: Sure.

  C: It s very fashionable, isn't it?

  S: Yes, it is.

  C: But do you have a yellow one of the same style (风格)? I want it to match my jeans.

  S: We do (强调)have yellow ones, here you are.

  C: May I try it on?

  S: Yes, please.

  C: Oh, I think the color and the style suit me very well, but the size doesn’t fit me.

  Why don't you show me a looser one, size M.

  S: All right. There you go.

  C: This is better, much better.

  S: It looks great on you.

  C: Thank you. I'd take it.

  VI. Practice

  Call out some pairs to act out the dialogues in front of the class.

  Make sure they really understand the 1st 2nd 3rd part. Ask them to make new dialogues as they like.

  VII. Exercise in class

  1. have sb. do/have sb. done.

  2. have sth. done.

  3. help oneself to sth.

  (1)You must have your hair cut.

  (2)He has the horse trained.

  (3) Mary! Help yourself to some beef.

  (4) Help yourselves to some fish, Susie and Jack.

  (5) Would you give me another cup of tea?

  (6) Here are some/a number of pieces of news.

  (7) It's a piece of cake.


  Ⅷ. Homework

  1. Recite the dialogues in the text.

  2. Make his own dialogue.

  The design of the blackboard

  need to buy… Ten people are coming for dinner.

  need some more Help yourself to…

  have to What delicious food!

Lesson 50, 篇3

  Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Understand the text.

  2. Learn some useful words and expressions.

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showily the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  Check the homework. Then revise the dialogue in Lesson 57. Ask the students to act out the dialogue. Study the new words in this lesson.

  III. Leading in

  Ask the students this question: There is a famous animal doctor in England. He wrote many books about animals, what’s his name? Let the students read the text and answer the question.

  IV. Reading

  Ask the students to listen to the tape and answer the question: Which animal did Herriot like best? Then go through the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook. Make sure they can understand them. Ask them to read the story more carefully and discuss the answers to Exercise I in the workbook in pains. Check the answers with the whole class. Deal with any grammatical or lexical problems that arise.

  1. make up one's mind to do something

  He has made up his mind to study English well.

  2. go on with something: Let’s go on with our lesson.

  3. regard . . . as

  He regards his teacher as his mother.

  V. Reeling aloud

  Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Use any methods that you think suitable: repetition by the whole class, groups, pairs or individual students. Then give out some key words and phrases. Let the students retell the story.

  VI. Workbook

  Do Exercise 2. The answers are: for, grow up, into, that, made up, mind, treat, Before, treated, heal, treating, At, at, on, regarded

  Do Exercise 3. Let the students do it by themselves. Choose the best answer, then read the sentences together. Pay attention to the grammar. Let the students make up more sentences.

  VII. Summary

  Exercises in class

  Fill in the blanks.

  1. He made up his mind ________ (study) English well.

  2.________(treat) large animals is hard work.

  3. Ifs hard work ________ (treat) the dogs.

  4. Please go on ________ (read) the text.

  5. He grew up with a pet dog________ (name) Don.

  6. The dogs ________ never________ (treat) when they became sick.

  7. Everyday as he went to the farmers ________ (heal) sick animals.

  Answers: to study, Treating, to treat, reading, named, were treated, to heal

  VIII. Homework

  1. Learn the phrases, make sentences with them.

  2. Retell the story.

Lesson 50, 篇4

  Step 1 Revision

  Revise the dialogues in SB Lesson 34.

  Check the homework.

  Step 2 Reading

  SB page 35, Part 1. Speech Cassette . Look at the street map on colour page iv and listen to Number 1: Ss trace the route as they listen . They check their answers in pairs using the reading text . The answer is : at the Zoo . Play the tape and listen to Number 2, then check the answer with the class. The answer is: at the post office . Repeat the procedure.

  Step 3 Write and talk

  SB page 35, Part 1. Ss write a puzzle. using the ones in Part 1 as a model. They can take any place on the map on colour page iv as their starting point. They work in pairs. Get some Ss to read out their puzzle for the whole class.

  Step 4 Listening

  SB page 35, Part 2. Wb , Ex. 1. Listening Cassette . Play the tape three times, if necessary. Ask the Ss to look at the map on page iv .

  Listening text:

  1 You are at C.Go along the road, and take the first turning on the left, the second on the left . Where are you?

  2 You are at D . Walk along the street. Take the second turning on the right, and the third turning on the left . What can you see on your left?

  3 You are at E . Walk along the street, and take the third turning on the left, the second turning on the right . Where are you?

  The answers are: 1 at the train station,

  2 People's Hospital, 3 at the bookshop/ the bus station .

  Step 5 Workbook

  Wb , E . 2-4.

  Do Ex . 2 orally with the whole class . Ss may trace the route on the map on colour page iii and use the expressions of position to ask and answer questions .

  T: Which way can you find to the tigers?

  SA: Three ways , I think .

  T: Please tell me one of the ways .

  SA: Go into the gate, walk along the road and then cross the bridge, take the first turning on the left, go along the road. Then you can see the tigers there .

  There are no unique answers to these questions . Teachers can encourage Ss to find more answers . For Ex. 3, let the Ss write the missing words into the blanks before practising the dialogues. The answers are: Excuse me; I'm sorry/ Sorry ; better; quite/ very far; 'd/ had; kilometres; shall/ can; better .

  Ex. 4 is optional. If possible, get one of the Ss to draw the finished map on the Bb while the other Ss draw the map in pencil in the workbook .


  Finish off the Workbook exercises .

  Revise the new vocabulary and structures in this unit.

Lesson 50, 篇5

  教学目的(Teaching Objectives)

  (1)掌握重点单词和词组hurry up. go the wrong way, be tired。

  (2)熟练掌握be going to 结构的用法


  教具(Properties) 教学磁带,图片和卡片。Properties: tape recorder, calendar. .

  教学过程 (Teaching Procedures)

  Step 1 Organizing the class

  Greeting end a duty report

  Step 2 Review

  1. To say sentences according to the calendar about Charlie’s holiday plan.

  eg. Charlie is going to catch the nine o’clock train to his uncle’s home. etc.

  Step 3 Leading - in

  T: Last lesson, we have known the students are going to have a field trip to mountain. Today we’re going to see what they met on their trip.

  Do you think they have a good time? Are there any problems? (Encourage students to guess about their trip.)

  Students Listen to the tape with their books closed and try to write down the problems. Call one student to write on the blackboard.

  Step 4 Presentation


  A: they go to the top of the mountain to have a picnic.

  B: they have no problem getting there.


  To draw a mountain on the blackboard, teach the phrase “on the top of” pointing to the top and “at the foot of the mountain” pointing to the loot of it “To have a picnic means to carry your food. and eat in out doors” “To trip over sth means to fall down because of sth”

  e.g. I want to climb to the top of the mountain first.

  Tomorrow we are going to have a picnic in a park.” “The boy trips over a lying tree.

  Step 5 Practice

  Students listen and read the article.

  Then they ask and answer about the problems in pairs “What s the matter with Jill?”

  “She often goes the wrong way.” etc.


  Step 6 Practice


  Students guess what the people in each picture are going to say. Then check the answers.

  Then students try to find ways to help them. They work in small groups.


  If time permits, they act it out as a role play.

  Step 7 Exercises in class

  Ed trips over his shoes, so he has to 1 . Jiang Wei is very tired, he wants to 2 . Li Mu has too many things in his bag and it’s too heavy, he needs 3 . Katy wants to hike quickly, she always says 4 . But Jill often goes 5 .

  Answers:1. Wear his shoes 2. have a rest 3. help 4. hurry up! 5. the wrong way

  Step 8 Homework

  1.Do the exercise 2 in page 78 of the textbook

  2.To make a role play according to the pictures.

  Step 9 The design of the blackboard

  Lesson six

  be going to

  be doing

  the word and phrase.

  the pictures of the text.

Lesson 50, 篇6




  1.字母 A~G。

  2.句型:初步理解以下句型:1)What’s your name? 2)My name is…

  3.日常交际用语:打招呼用语(Greetings):1)Hello! 2)Good morning. 3)Nice to meet you!


  录音机;姓名卡片一张(上面写着教师自己姓名的汉语拼音);字母卡片A~G(含大、小写);字母组合卡片(Part 3);划有四线格的小黑板(为教字母的书写准备)。




  Step 1 Presentation (10 mins)

  1.教师用英语说:Now class begins.然后借助手势让学生起立,用英语向学生问好。

  T:Good morning,class!

  S:Good morning,teacher!

  然后用英语说:Sit down,please.并同时做出请学生坐下的手势。

  教师向学生解释 Good morning的意思,并告诉学生下午好应说“Good afternoon”。用手势介绍teacher和class这两个词,然后要全班用相同的语句来应答。

  T:Good morning,class!

  Ss:Good morning,teacher!

  T:Good afternoon,class!

  Ss:Good afternoon,teacher!

  反复训练几次,直到学生练熟为止。教师可以反复重复:Stand up.及Sit down,please.等用语,让学生们做出相应的动作,直到确信学生已经能听懂为止。

  2.教师告诉全班学生:We’re going to learn Lesson One today.并用中文(今天我们学习第1课)重说一遍,让学生听懂即可,并板书Lesson One在黑板上。教师拿出事先准备好的写有自己姓名的汉语拼音卡片,指着自己,对学生说:My name is.

  重复几遍后,问一位学生:What’s your name? 如果学生仍不明白,可反复借助手势,引导学生答出他/她的名字。

  3.播放对话演示录像(见媒体素材视频类:对话演示 part 1)

  4.让学生看Lesson One中的两张图,教师可对图中人物及对话做些解释,也可请学生描述在图中能看到什么人,这些人在干什么。放录音,第一遍学生只听不读,从第2遍起跟读,反复几次,并要求学生认真模仿。

  5.播放Part 1的课文对话跟读(PowerPoint文件)中的的音频(见媒体素材课文对话跟读),让学生反复跟读。

  Step 2 Drill (6 mins)

  l.教师说 I’m your teacher(请自己并解释)领读teacher词。


  T: Good morning, class.

  S: Good morning, teacher.


  S: Good morning, class!

  C: Good morning, teacher!

  Step 3 Practice(8 mins)



  Step 4 Presentation(10 mins)






  Step 5 Consolidation (5 mins)

  1.拿出事先准备好的字母组合卡片,让学生读 Part 3中的字母:CD BC AD CBA CAAC ABC BBC CBC BA等。可以放录音让学生跟读。



  Step 6 Workbook ( 5 mins)

  1.先全班做Ex. l,Ex. 4,然后个别学生认读,教师纠正其发音。


  Step 7 Homework

  1.听录音带,并跟读本课所学的日常用语;反复操练Part 1的对话,并能背诵。

  2.书面做Ex. 2,Ex. 3


  1.Good morning,class!同学们,早上好!

  句中class是教师对全班同学的称呼。类似的表达法还有:boys and girls;everyone等。例如:


  Please repeat after me,boys and girls.同学们请跟我读。

  2.Good morning,teacher!老师,早上好!

  Good morning.早安!/早上好!


  A:Good morning!

  B:Good morning!


  注意,在英语中“王老师”,“李老师”等不可称为:Teacher Wang;Teacher Li. 这是因为teacher一词不能放在姓氏前作称呼语。如果是男老师,可称为:Mr. Wang或Mr. Li,如果是女老师,可称为:Ms Wang或Ms Li。但Good morning,teacher!(老师,早上好!)这个句子还是可以接受的。

Lesson 50, 篇7

  Step 1 Revision

  Revise the dialogues in SB Lesson 34.

  Check the homework.

  Step 2 Reading

  SB page 35, Part 1. Speech Cassette . Look at the street map on colour page iv and listen to Number 1: Ss trace the route as they listen . They check their answers in pairs using the reading text . The answer is : at the Zoo . Play the tape and listen to Number 2, then check the answer with the class. The answer is: at the post office . Repeat the procedure.

  Step 3 Write and talk

  SB page 35, Part 1. Ss write a puzzle. using the ones in Part 1 as a model. They can take any place on the map on colour page iv as their starting point. They work in pairs. Get some Ss to read out their puzzle for the whole class.

  Step 4 Listening

  SB page 35, Part 2. Wb , Ex. 1. Listening Cassette . Play the tape three times, if necessary. Ask the Ss to look at the map on page iv .

  Listening text:

  1 You are at C.Go along the road, and take the first turning on the left, the second on the left . Where are you?

  2 You are at D . Walk along the street. Take the second turning on the right, and the third turning on the left . What can you see on your left?

  3 You are at E . Walk along the street, and take the third turning on the left, the second turning on the right . Where are you?

  The answers are: 1 at the train station,

  2 People's Hospital, 3 at the bookshop/ the bus station .

  Step 5 Workbook

  Wb , E . 2-4.

  Do Ex . 2 orally with the whole class . Ss may trace the route on the map on colour page iii and use the expressions of position to ask and answer questions .

  T: Which way can you find to the tigers?

  SA: Three ways , I think .

  T: Please tell me one of the ways .

  SA: Go into the gate, walk along the road and then cross the bridge, take the first turning on the left, go along the road. Then you can see the tigers there .

  There are no unique answers to these questions . Teachers can encourage Ss to find more answers . For Ex. 3, let the Ss write the missing words into the blanks before practising the dialogues. The answers are: Excuse me; I'm sorry/ Sorry ; better; quite/ very far; 'd/ had; kilometres; shall/ can; better .

  Ex. 4 is optional. If possible, get one of the Ss to draw the finished map on the Bb while the other Ss draw the map in pencil in the workbook .


  Finish off the Workbook exercises .

  Revise the new vocabulary and structures in this unit.

Lesson 50, 篇8






  Step 1 Review


  Step 2 Presentation

  用做好的课件呈现Part 1 第一部分。教单词 sweater light 呈现下列词组 light red / blue / green / yellow... a light blue sweater light blue sweaters

  借用媒体,老师重复课文。然后老师问,同学答。在通过pair work和group work将课文背熟。

  用做好的课件呈现Part 1 第二部分。方法同上。


  Step 3 Drill

  1.练习句型 How many n+s are there? There are …


  How many people are there in your family? There are three

  How many students are there in our class? There are 45.

  How many girls are there in our class? There are 20.

  How many boys are there in our group? There are 5.



  You look very happy today.

  Your sweater looks very nice.

  She looks sad today. Why?

  You look very well toady.


  one & ones 用来代替刚提到的同一种可数的东西:

  I haven’t a pen. Can you lend me one?

  The question was a difficult one.

  ones 是复数形式

  There are one long writing-table and two small ones in the office.

  Have you any books on farming? I want to borrow ones.

  There +be (is, are) 用来引起一个句子,表示“有”“存在”等:

  There are pens and pencils in my pencil-box.

  There are many books in my bag.

  There is a clock on the desk.

  There is a blackboard on the wall.

  like 作介词,

  like 像

  I don’t do it like this.

  Don’t throw it like this.

  I want to speak English well like you.

  3.单词 want: I want a new book. I want a cup of tea.

  Listen to the tape and repeat.


  Can’t you see it? Yes, I can.

  Can’t you hear me? Yes, I can.

  Isn’t it Monday? Yes, it is.


  Step 4 practice

  练习 P154 ex4

  Step 5 consolidation



  Blackboard handwriting


  light light red / green

  sweater a light red sweater

  How many n+s are there?

  There are …


  The sweater looks nice.

  one & ones

Lesson 50, 篇9

  lesson 15class opening1.      greetingteacher: hello, class. how are you doing today? it’s a lovely day, isn’t it? are you ready for the class?2.      ask this question: who’s on duty? then listen to the student’s report.make sure the next student for “ who’s on duty?” knows who he or she is for next time.from today on, you can arrange a student to give a duty report every day.3.      ask volunteers to act out the dialogue in lesson 44.      sing a song “a plane is fast.”sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday.make a plan.what do you think of it?step1: presentation1.      play “what day is it?’2.      discuss: do you like to make plans for your life?step2: drillt: (holding a book) what do you think of the book?s: it’s ok.t: (holding a pencil case) what do you think of the pencil case?s: it’s nice.t: how about the picture?step3: practice1.      books closed! ask this question: what does li ming change in the plan? play the audiotape.2.      check the answer.3.      play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books.4.      students listen and repeat.5.      get the students to make up new dialogues in pairs.6.      explain “ write home”. it means write a letter to family members.plan of our tripstep4: presentationshow the students a calendar to review the words: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday.step5: practice1.      play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books.2.      ask and answer.students a: what do they on monday?student b: they leave shijiazhuang and arrive in beijing.student a: what do they do on tuesday?3.      explain that danny and jenny shop in shijiazhuang means danny and jenny go shopping in shjiazhuang.class closing read the story “li ming goes to the airport” the reader in the activity book and audiotape

Lesson 50, 篇10







  Step 1 Revision


  Step 2 Presentation


  It’s fine today, isn’t it? Yes, it is.

  You’re from Japan, aren’t you? Yes, I am.

  They are waiting, aren’t they? No, they aren’t.

  He’s a middle school student, isn’t he? Yes, he is.

  She is at home now, isn’t she? No, she isn’t. She is at school.

  It was Sunday yesterday, wasn’t it? Yes, it was.

  Jim knows the way Australians speak, doesn’t he? Yes, he is.

  Han Meimei knows Jim a lot, doesn’t she?

  They were watching TV yesterday evening, weren’t they? Yes, they were.

  You like spring best, don’t you? No, I don’t. I like summer.


  Step 3 Drill



  Step 4 Practise pair work

  联系Part 2 可让学生自由发挥,如两人谈谈北京的四季,和你家乡的季节,但主要练习反意问句及其回答。

  教单词:true near nearly like unlike opposite

  Step 5 Listen and repeat

  Open your books and do Exercise One, Lesson 44

  Pay attention to these pronunciations.

  Read the words again.

  T: Now let’s do Exercise Two. Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers on Page 134.

  Then check the answers together.

  Step 6 Consolidation

  1.看图并谈谈北京的四季。一个学生可重点谈一个季节。练习Lesson 43 Part3.

  2.让学生编一个对话,谈谈自己所喜爱的季节。引出一个十分有用的句型:That’s true.

  仿照Lesson 44 Part3.

  A: Which season do you like best, spring, summer, autumn or winter?

  B: That’s an easy question. I think I like spring best.

  A: Why?

  B: Well, I like travelling. You can do a lot of sightseeing in spring. What about you?

  A: Can you guess?

  B: You like winter, don’t you?

  A: Yes. How did you guess?

  B: Because you like skiing.

  A: That’s true, but I like summer better than winter.

  B: Why?

  A: Because I can have a long holiday in Summer then.

  3.Listen Lesson 44 Part 4 Read.








































  quite warm



  very cold


  Mar.-- May

  longer than in China and USA

  Not too hot or too cold





  A nearly the same as China.




  The seasons are opposite of China.


  Ask the students to look at the two pictures in students Book and describe the pictures in their own words.

  Let them talk about the weather in China, in England, in the U. S. A. and in Australia.

  4. Go over Checkpoint 11

  A: Grammar

  1. disjunctive questions 2. the prepositions: in, on and at

  B: Useful expressions

  1. turn green/yellow/… 2. this year/month/… 3. the next year/month/…

  4. be different from 5. What is the date today? 6. What’s the weather like?

  Step 7 Exercises in class

  Listening practice.

  Listen to a story and try to answer the following questions.

  Everybody talks about weather. “Isn’t it a nice day?” “Do you think it will rain?” I think it s going to snow. These are common ways of starting a conversation in England.

  Many people think that they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they hardly ever agree with each other. One man may say, “Do you see it is cloudy in the east? It’s going to rain tomorrow.” Another man will say, “Yes, it’s cloudy in the east. We’re going to have fine weather tomorrow.”

  People often look for the weather they want. When farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell himself that it's going to rain. When people play in a park on a rainy day, they are sure that the weather is going to be fine soon. They even sit eating their lunch while it rains.

  Most people listen to what the weatherman says on the radio. But he doesn’t always tell them what they want to hear. Sometimes he makes a mistake, but he is still right more often than anyone else.


  1. How do English people start a conversation?

  2. Do many of them think they can tell what the weather is going to be like?

  3. Why do they hardly agree with each other?

  4. What kind of weather do people think it’s going to be if they go out to play in a park in the rain?

  5. Who is right more often about the weather?


  1. They usually talk about the weather.

  2. Yes, they do.

  3. Because each of them is so sure of himself that only he knows about the weather.

  4. They think it s going to be fine.

  5. The weatherman is.

  Step 8 Homework

  1. Make up a new dialogue according to Exercise Three.

  2. Write about the weather of four seasons in China.

  3. Read the text fluently and try to recite it.

  4. Review Checkpoint 11 and the whole unit.

  5. Go over disjunctive questions.

  Step 9 Blackboard Handwriting

Lesson 50, 篇11

  lesson 18teaching aims and demands : to demand ss to hear and speak these phrases correctly:go to the seaside, go camping, go swimming, go fishing.to demand ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly:what will do in the summer? i’ll play the violin / go to the seaside / go camping… can listen and sing the song: my little aeroplane.teaching materials: tape recorder; some cards.teaching steps:                                           step 1 warm-up/ reviewto review the phrases: play the violin, play the piano, draw pictures.step 2 learn to say 1.     the teacher asks: what will you do in the summer? do you want to know the friends on the book will do in the summer? look at the pictures of page85.2.     listen to the tape and repeat.3.     practice the phrases by “passing, guessing, finding” game.4.     practice the sentences by “asking and answering.”  what will you do in the summer?  i’ll…step 3 learn to sing.1.     listen to the tape.2.     to learn the words.3.     listen and sing the song.step 4 listen and numberplay the tape for the ss to listen and number.play again for the ss to check their answers . step 6 homework  finish off the activity book of lesson 18. 

Lesson 50, 篇12

  Step 1 Revision

  Greet the class. Ask What's the date today?

  Help the Ss to answer, e. g. It's September 2nd, 1996. Keep doing this in every lesson from now on.

  Revise the names of objects by playing the What's in my bay? game. Collect a number of familiar items, discuss their colour, weight, size, etc. with the Ss and put the items in a bag. Then get the Ss to describe the items in the bag one by one.

  Revise I'm sorry, it's broken and It doesn't matter and practise dialogues with the Ss using the items.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Write on the board: Lesson Two, the second lesson.

  Say Today let's learn -the second lesson. Repeat the word second.

  Teach long and short by showing the class two rulers, or pieces of wood. Say This ruler is long. This one is short. Ss listen and repeat. Ask Is this ruler long or short?

  Teach tall in the same way, by drawing two boys, one tall and one short, on the Bb. Revise a piece of paper and teach a big/small piece of paper in the same way. Note the position of big/small before piece, not paper. Teach two/three pieces f paper (never papers).

  SB page 2, Part 1. Speech Cassette . Ss listen and repeat. Then books closed! Point to a ruler/piece of paper/ picture on the Bb and ask What's this? Get the Ss to say It's a long ruler/big piece of paper/tall boy, etc.

  Step 3 Presentation

  Ask individual Ss Excuse me! May I borrow a ruler, please? Help them to answer Certainly! Here you are. Then say Thanks. Oh, sorry, this is short, Do you have a long one, please? Help the Ss to answer Oh, yes, I do or Sorry! I don't.

  Step 4 Practice

  SB page 2, Part 2. Speech Cassette . Ss listen and repeat, then practise in pairs. Contrast borrow (for an item that will be returned after use) and have (for an item that will not be returned ).

  SB page 2, Part 3. Ss make three new dialogues.

  Get some pairs to act theirs out.

  Step 5 Listening

  Read the following listening text. Demonstrate what the Ss have to do as you speak. Do not move on until the Ss have carried out an instruction.

  Listening text

  Do you all have a piece of paper like this? Hold it like this, and fold it in half like this.

  Write your name in Chinese on one side, here; on the other side, write your name in English.

  Begin your family name and your first name with a capital letter - a big letter. But use small letters for the other letters in your name.

  When you finish writing your name, put the piece of paper on your desk.

  Put it on your desk so I can see your names in English!

  This will help me to know your names!

  When the Ss have finished the exercise, talk to some of the Ss, like this: Hello, (Name). How are you?

  Step 6 Workbook

  Wb , E. 1-3.

  Ex. I is a written exercise. The answers are: a bottle of milk, four small pieces of paper, two long rulers, five bottles of water, eight pieces of bread, six small bags of tea, one big bag of rice, two kilos of fish.

  Ex. 2 may be done orally in class. The answers are: 1-d, 2 -e, 3 -b, 4 -a, 5 -c.

  Ex.3 may be done orally first, and then in writing. The missing words are: Excuse me;

  Certainly; this one; Thanks: Do you have a small one?; I don't.


  Finish off the workbook exercises.



Lesson 50,(通用12篇)
