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5B Unit(通用16篇)

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5B Unit(通用16篇)

5B Unit 篇1

  aims and requests:

  words: eleven  twelve  a school  breakfast  lunch  supper

  sentences: what time is it?

  it’s half past-----.

  it’s ------ o’clock.

  it’s time for------.

  teaching materials:

  taperecorder.   a clock.      a watch.  some cards.

  difficult and points:

  it’s half past-----.

  it’s time for------.

  teaching proceeding:

  1. greetings.

  2. sing a song < morning song>

  3. a. look the watch and say: “oh, it’s seven o’clock. it’s time for breakfast.”

  t do the action of having breakfast and the students guess what’s the meaning.

  teach the new words “breakfast”

  b. t take the clock and hang up the blackboard. and ask the students: “look, what time is it?”

  s answer (it’s twelve o’çlock) and t praised.

  learn the words: eleven and twelve.

  c: t show the clock and ask the student: what time is it?

  s answer.

  t teach the students: “what time is it?

  it’s ------.

  it’s time for breakfast/ lunch/ supper.

  d. practice the sentence in pairs.

  e. watch the cartoon. <.nancy’s family’s morning.>

  after watch. t ask: “in this short video, what time is it?

  s answer.

  t ask : “what’s the nancy said?”

  s: “ it’s six o’clock. it’s time for breakfast.

  t ask : “what’s the parents said?”

  s: “ it’s seven o’clock. it’s time for school.

  f. do a game.

  four students as a group. they make a circle. one is mum and the other three is her children.

  mum point the clock and ask: “ baby, what time is it?”

  children raise their hands and answer: “it’ ------.”  it’s time for ------.

  do the game one by one. which is the first, it’s the best one.

  g. act this game in front of the front.

  h. listen to the tape and read after it.

  4. summary

  in this class, everyone did a good job, i’m satisfied with your work.. i hope you can use the knowledge in the ordinary life. thank you, i love you.

  5. homework.

  do a schedule time about your family. you will be explain it in the next class.


  unit 4  what time?

  what time is it?

  it’s ------ oçlock.

  it’s time for




5B Unit 篇2

  一、 教学内容

  《义务教育课程标准实验教科书・牛津小学英语》6b第四单元,第二教时(look match and say)

  二、 教学目标

  1、 复习巩固形容词tall short young old heavy fat thin big small long strong及其比较级taller shorter younger older heavier fatter thinner bigger smaller longer stronger的用法。

  2、 复习部分副词及其比较级early earlier late later far farther。

  3、 复习巩固句型…taller than…. is… taller than…?

  三、 教学重点

  1、 复习巩固形容词tall short young old heavy fat thin big small long strong及其比较级taller shorter younger older heavier fatter thinner bigger smaller longer stronger的用法。

  2、 复习巩固句型…taller than…. is… taller than…?

  四、 教学难点

  1、 形容词比较级的用法。

  2、 …taller than…. is… taller than…?的熟练运用。

  五、 教学准备

  1、 教具准备:课件

  2、 板书准备:unit 4 review and check

  六、 教学过程


  1. every day english

  2. t: let’s sing a song< i wish i was taller>.

  3. free talk

  t: how old are you?

  s: i am thirteen.

  t: are you as older as ?

  s: no, i am older than .

  t: is older than you?

  s: yes, he is.

  4. 分小组练习

  5. 学生总结形容词比较级规则。

  b: look match and say.

  1. 出示第一幅图

  (1) t: look! helen and her partner are having a chat!

  (2) 教师指导学生看图

  who can you see in the picture?

  can you say sth. about them?

  (3) work in pairs

  (4) 学生完成第一幅图。

  (5) 学生朗读对话。

  2. 同法学生完成2、3、4、幅图。

  3. t:work in pairs with your partner then act the dialogues.





  name: age: height: weight: 



  3.play a game





5B Unit 篇3

  teaching materials:

  《义务教育课程标准实验教科书・牛津小学英语5b》第六单元第三课时( part h, part e )

  teaching aims:


  put your feet together.

  put your hands on your head.

  move your legs to the left.

  jump up and down.

  bend your knees.

  do handstands.

  do push ups.

  do some exercise.


  2.sing a song: do some exercise with me.

  teaching emphases and difficulties:




  do handstands/push ups.

  2.sing a song: do some exercise with me.

  teaching preparations:

  1.blackboard show:

  unit 6  at a pe lessongive orders:

  jump up and down.

  move your legs to the left.

  /m  v/

  bend your knees.

  /b nd/

  put your feet together.

  your hands on your head.

  touch … with…

  try to follow the orders.

  2.small blackboard:

  do some exercise with mebe healthy:

  /h l  /    turn left.   bend down.   jump.

  do push ups.  do handstands.

  /p  /  

  3.tape recorder.

  teacher’s steps:

  a.  free talk and revision:

  1.t: good morning.

  ss: good morning.

  t: hello.how are you?

  s1: fine, thank you. and you?

  t: not bad. thank you.

  s2, do you like suzhou?

  s2: yes, i like the city very much.

  t: s3,what do you usually do on sundays?

  s3: i usually…

  t: s1.s2 and s3 stand in a line.

  now listen carefully. turn right. lift up your left leg. touch your knees with your hands 3 times.

  very good. thank you.

  2.s choose someone to give orders.

  b.   presentation:

  1.new orders:

  1)ss read and learn the orders on the blackboard in groups.

  2)ss read them out in groups. t corrects.

  3)read the orders together/one by one/in teams.

  4)guess their meanings according to the verbs.

  attention: the chinese meaning of “move”(移动).

  emphasis: touch … with…means: 用……碰……

  (touch=碰, with=用)

  5)t says chinese, ss say in english.

  6)t gives orders, ss follow them. then s gives orders, others try to follow them.

  7)t acts, ss say the orders in english.

  8)ss act and give orders freely.

  2.sing a song:

  1)show the small blackboard.

  2)read the words on the small blackboard. clap and read.

  3)listen to the song.

  4)sing after the tape.

  5)sing the song together.

  6)ss sing and act.

  3.game: give orders:

  1)t gives orders. ss follow them together.

  2)ss read the orders in groups. then one gives orders, others try to follow them.

  4.part e:

  1)listen to the tape.

  2)act according to the tape.

  3)ss act, others make up dialogues according to their action.

  4)read the dialogues.

  5.sing a song:

  c. homework:

  1.sing the song after the tape 3 times.

  2.write the orders 4 times.

  3.read the text after the tape 5 times.

5B Unit 篇4

  一、 教学内容


  二、 教学目标  

  1、 能熟练掌握本单元所学的字母、单词和短语。

  2、 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的礼貌用语和日常交际用语。

  3、 继续欣赏字母歌曲abc

  三、 教学重点

  1、  能综合运用本单元学过的单词、短语以及日常交际用语


  1、  能正确理解、运用介词in, on。

  五、 课前准备 

  1、 教具准备 课前准备 本课的文具玩具图片和实物若干。 情景图片,磁带,录音机  ,教学挂图。

  六、 教学过程

  step1. free talk:

  1. 听 abc song

  2.a game" what's missing?"

  游戏规则:教师出示本单元单词图片若干,快速抽去一张并问“what's missing?"学生抢答少了哪张。

  step2. revision

  1、a game 

  "guessing game "  猜单词游戏:


  运用句型“what's this/ that in english? it's a..."

  2、出示含有介词词组的投影片,如:a knife , on the book


  a:excuse me, what's that on the book?

  b: it's a knife

  a: thank you./ oh, i see.


  3、t: (出示情景图片,一个房间,内有各种物品)

  s:   认真看图, 看清楚位置关系。

  t:  come here , . what's this in english?

  s: it's a ..

  t:  thank you.

  , what's that on the ...?

  s : it's a .../

  t: oh, i see.

  make dialogue like this , can you?

  s: 两人一组编对话。


  step3 a short break

  learn a song

  1、让学生欣赏或跟学市教研室编写的《易捷儿童韵律英语》3a或3b上的歌谣及歌曲。 必要时,教师可对其中的歌词作适当的解释。

  2、 跟唱,并配以动作。

5B Unit 篇5

  1. 问路        2. 来自澳大利亚         3. 住在中国     4. 在南京渡假                                            in                     in      5. 不认识路            6. 怎样到达那儿          7. 在那儿       8. 在上海街       not     the             to                                      shanghai     9. 打挠了,你能告诉我去博物馆的路吗?/我怎样才能到达博物馆?/博物馆在哪里?         ,     you          the        the             ?/           i           the            ?/           the           ?10. 让我想想。       11. 沿着街走,然后在第三个转弯口向右转?                       .             the     , and                       the           . 12. 在你的左边      13. 你不会弄错的。    14. 离这儿有多远?大约一公里以外。                                    it.           is it         ?     a           .15. 那是很长的一段路。     16. 为了更快地到达那儿         17. 乘5路车     a           .                                                       518. 要过几个站头?    只有两个。     19. 在电影院前面     20. 每五分钟有一班车                 are there?         .  in     of the        a bus                    21. 在中山路       22. 在第三个站头下车                      zhongshan                         the               23. 为我的朋友们买些礼物             24. 取回我的钱包        25. 正确的地点                       my                                     the             unit 31. 问路        2. 来自澳大利亚         3. 住在中国     4. 在南京渡假                                            in                     in      5. 不认识路            6. 怎样到达那儿          7. 在那儿       8. 在上海街       not     the             to                                      shanghai     9. 打挠了,你能告诉我去博物馆的路吗?/我怎样才能到达博物馆?/博物馆在哪里?         ,     you          the        the             ?/           i           the            ?/           the           ?10. 让我想想。       11. 沿着街走,然后在第三个转弯口向右转?                       .             the     , and                       the           . 12. 在你的左边      13. 你不会弄错的。    14. 离这儿有多远?大约一公里以外。                                    it.           is it         ?     a           .15. 那是很长的一段路。     16. 为了更快地到达那儿         17. 乘5路车     a           .                                                       518. 要过几个站头?    只有两个。     19. 在电影院前面     20. 每五分钟有一班车                 are there?         .  in     of the        a bus                    21. 在中山路       22. 在第三个站头下车                      zhongshan                         the               23. 为我的朋友们买些礼物             24. 取回我的钱包        25. 正确的地点                       my                                     the            

5B Unit 篇6

  lesson plan people who help usthe 1st period of oxford 1b unit 4learning objectives:1.      learn to use postman / fireman / policeman / milkman / driver to identify people’s occupation.2.      learn to describe people.3.      know thanks giving and be willing to help others.difficulty: the usage of the article aaids: media, exercise paper and word cards procedurecontentsmethodspurposesi.pre-task     ii while-task                                                            rhymes : five little monkeys look at you and me  wordsmilkman         driver   policeman, postman          fireman   all of the words           patternshe is a …     he is a …he is …       he is a …he is …he has got …he can … ss: say and act     screen: the elephant elmert: introduce elmer and tell a story about himscreen: elmer needs milkss: make a rhyme.   milk, milk,   i love you.   milkman, milkman,   come, come quickly. screen: elmer gets on the school busss: say hello to the driver screen: elmer sees a policeman and a postman on the road. sa: act as a policeman and a postman screen: elmer is in the school.ss: act out the story school is fun.  movie: on firess: say  something about the fireman.  ss: mime the wordspicture game: which word is missing?ss: read the wordsscreen: guessing gamess: read the word and act outscreen: different situationsss: say which one must come herescreen: different job, different help. sa: actt: say he is a …ss: guesspassing gamegroup work: what are they? ss: listen to the song on p21 then try to say what he is and how he is.screen: about a policemansa: describess: readscreen: about a milkmansa: add the sentences screen: about s postman and a drivert: ask some questionsgroup work: describe one of the postman and the driver  用儿歌进行热身,使学生进入英语学习的状态。    7个单词不同的引入方法让学生的精神始终处于兴奋状态。不同的操练方式也让学生兴趣浓厚。                          guessing game 是较常用操练的方式,可激励学生,发挥学生主动性,让他们主动地运用语言。   由单词到句子再到语段,实现了知识材料的逐步积累、知识难度的逐步加深。iii post-task          information gap movie: elmer puts off the fire pair work screen: if you can, just do it.put your shoulder to the wheel.

  鼎力相助。two heads are better than one.

  一个好汉三个帮。there is kindness to be found everywhere.

  人间处处有温情。 最后的交际性操练的游戏让学生主动使用语言,通过问答的方式及新鲜有趣的图片来刺激了学生的主观能动性。   中英文谚语的出示便于学生理解,也提升了课堂教学的立意。iv. assignment1.      words on p19: listen, read and spell2.      patterns on p20: listen and read3.      song about more jobs: enjoy (on the internet of yifu primary school) 教学反思:这节课借助sonia提出的主题people who help us, 教授职业名词 fireman/ policeman/ postman/ milkman/ driver,学生能运用he is a …描述人物的职业,同时学过的句型 he is … / he has got …/ he can …等,较详细地介绍人物。我们设定的情感目标是让学生了解职业特征,激发他们的感恩之情,培养助人为乐的好品质。实践下来,效果不错。在教学过程中,有以下亮点:ø        pre-task preparation: 用节奏明快的儿歌five little monkeys 活跃课堂气氛;用以前学过的自编儿歌look at you and me 复习描述人物的单词。ø        while-task procedure: 用故事描述的方法引出新授单词,引人入胜;通过不同的操练方式让学生体验职业特点,理解职业价值;运用多种器官活动帮助记忆。ø        post-task activity: 用出人意料的故事结尾帮助学生理解“以我所能,助人为乐”                      的现实意义。ø        assignment: 利用校园网为学生习得课外知识搭建平台。   有待改进之处:²       媒体制作的精美程度。²       单词呈现的自然顺畅。 

5B Unit 篇7

  一、单词辩音1.driver  knife (     )  2. tree trousers (    )  3. good  look (     )4. dress  tree (     )   5. their  hair (    )   6.sixty  by(    )二、翻译1、两位农民                        2、几岁                    3、大约四十岁                     4、五位警察                    5、老人                           6、他们的职业                     7、她的名字                       8、想要成为                    三、be动词填空1.who      you ?   i      new here.2.what      your job?  i      a nurse.3.how old      your mother? she      forty.4.the old man      helen’s grandfather.5.we       late for school.6.how      you?  fine thank you.7.what      their jobs? they      waitresses.8.who      the old women?  sorry. i don’t know.9.      she teacher? no, she     . she      a nurse.10.the girl in orange      helen.

5B Unit 篇8

  课题unit2  more exercises






  内容:words: low,high, far, farther, slow, early, better sentence patterns:ben runs faster than jim.do the boys jump higher than the girls?does jim swim slower than david?


  目标a.words: low,high, far, farther, slow, early, betterb. sentence patterns:ben runs faster than jim.do the boys jump higher than the girls?does jim swim slower than david?重点  难点:比较级的一般疑问句问法,及其回答。课前  准备:录音机



  a  preparationlisten and do教师可结合以前教学相关动词的动作和节奏帮助学生复习已学过的动词,特别是本课出现的:jump, run, swim, fly, skate, ski, climb, sing, dance, play football, get up, go to bed…quickly respond:说反义词复习上单元的形容词,引出本课出现的副词:big- small, fat- thin, long- short, good- bad… well- bad, near- far, high-low, fast- slow, late- early, …

  b presentation1. t: what time do you go to bed?  s1: at …  t: what about you?  s2: at …  t: oh, who goes to bed later?s: go to bed later than . (板书)此处的later解释为“晚的”2.通过提问what time do you get up?引出 gets up earlier than .(板书)3. 通过跳远比赛引出 jumps farther than .(板书)4. 通过跳舞比赛引出 dances better than . (板书)提醒学生注意这几个比较级变化,引导学生总结副词的比较级变化规则:副词的比较等级的形式变化与形容词大致相同,但以后缀-ly结尾的副词一般用more:carefully-more carefully, beautifully-more beautifully注意:early末尾的ly并非后缀。通过比赛跳高引出does jumps higher/ lower than ?yes, he does. / no, he doesn’t. jumps higher than .do and jumps higher/ lower than and ?yes, they do./ no, they don’t. 可重复1-4环节的提问或者利用b部分的挂图,引出比较级的一般疑问句

  b presentation

  c work in pairs (c )1. look and read the dialogues2.ask and answer in pair using the dialogues and words(注意书上的fat 可改为far)write down the dialogues you make

  板书设计:unit 2 more exerciseslow- lower    does jumps higher/ lower than ?slow-slower   yes, he does. / no, he doesn’t. jumps higher than .late-later    do and jumps higher/ lower than and ?early-earlier     yes, they do./ no, they don’t. far-fartherwell-better



  unit2 more  exercises






  内容:a.words: be good at, do well in, have problems with, player, trueb.daily express for communication:that’s true.jim is not as strong as the other boys.mike runs as fast as ben.c.sentence patterns:ben runs faster than jim.do the boys jump higher than the girls?does jim swim slower than david?


  目标a.words: be good at, do well in, have problems with, player, trueb.daily express for communication:that’s true.jim is not as strong as the other boys.mike runs as fast as ben.c.sentence patterns:ben runs faster than jim.do the boys jump higher than the girls?does jim swim slower than david?

  重点 难点:


  课前 准备:



  a  preparation

  quickly respond:(说反义词)复习上单元的形容词,引出本课出现的副词:big- small, fat- thin, long- short, good- bad… well- bad, near- far, high-low, fast- slow, late- early, …2. ask and answer:does the bird fly higher than the chicken?does the horse run slower than the pig?do the ducks swim faster than the fish? …does your father get up earlier than you? 

  b presentation1.t:(承接上面的问答)does run faster than ?who like pe? who can swim? who runs faster?(根据学生的回答)oh, i think is good at pe. who’s good at pe, too?(进一步提问):who’s good at chinese/english/ maths/ music/ art/…?2. t: do you know jim? is he good at pe? listen and answer.(听第二遍回答)what is jim good at?           why doesn’t jim do well in pe? 教学not as …as…句型:不如…3. listen and read the sentences above4. read the dialogues and discuss:  what are jim’s advantages?what are jim’s disadvantage?what should jim do?小组讨论后,可派代表发言,其他同学补充5. read and learn the dialogues:边听读对话,边学习词汇: have problems with…,player, true边通过与学生的交谈学习相关语言项目do you have problems with your homework?―and you? do you have problems with your english homework?/ do you have problems with your maths?…i’m not doing well in pe?―do you doing well in pe/ computer studies/ science…?ben runs faster than me?―who runs faster/ slower than you?mike runs as fast as ben. who runs/ swims as fast as you?and you can swim fast. can you swim? can you swim fast?i’ll get up earlier every day and do more exercises before i go to school.―what exercises can jim do? 6. read in roles7. read and judge 

  c further learning(这一环节课根据班级情况选用)1. t: i’m not good at pe. i want to do more exercises. do you have any suggestions?  have ss discuss in group2. have ss make an exercise planning for each student (也可不局限于体育学科,进一步扩展到其他学科, 如英语、美术等) 

  板书设计:unit 2 more exercisesjim is good at english and maths.jim does not do well in pe. 


  课题unit2  more exercises






  内容:a. phrase: animal showb..熟练运用交际用语:that’s true.jim is not as strong as the other boys.mike runs as fast as ben.c.四会掌握句型:ben runs faster than jim.do the boys jump higher than the girls?does jim swim slower than david?


  目标a. phrase: animal showb..熟练运用交际用语:that’s true.jim is not as strong as the other boys.mike runs as fast as ben.c.四会掌握句型:ben runs faster than jim.do the boys jump higher than the girls?does jim swim slower than david?重点  难点:综合运用所学用语。课前  准备:录音机



  a  free talk

  are you good at …?what subject are you good at?who is good at pe/…?who runs faster than ?who can swim?do you get up early?how do you go to school in the morning?do you want to do better in pe/ english/…?what do youwant to do?b revision1.read the text together/ in roles2.practise the dialogue

  c listen and write (d)1. look and answer:(要求学生回答要完整)  t: look, here’s an animal show.do you know them?what are they doing?which animals skate better, the monkeys or the bears?do the bees fly higher than the butterflies?do the fish swim faster than the ducks?which animals do you like better, the monkeys or the bears?2. listen and write3. check the answers4. have ss say and write more sentences about the picture

  d play a game (f)1.讲解游戏规则,师生示范2.根据班级情况,给于适当的时间让学生记忆,s1提问,ss抢答。3.教师也可用课外的图片补充到游戏中来,丰富游戏内容

  板书设计:unit 2 more exercises  ________ fly _______than _________.  __________ skate _______ than _________.__________ sw     _______swim______ than _________.

  教学后记1. read and recite the text2. wb e,f

  课题unit2  more exercises






  内容:a. words and phrases: traffic, heavy, well doneb..熟练运用交际用语:that’s true.jim is not as strong as the other boys.mike runs as fast as ben.c.四会掌握句型:ben runs faster than jim.do the boys jump higher than the girls?does jim swim slower than david?


  目标a. words and phrases: traffic, heavy, well doneb..熟练运用交际用语:that’s true.jim is not as strong as the other boys.mike runs as fast as ben.c.四会掌握句型:ben runs faster than jim.do the boys jump higher than the girls?does jim swim slower than david?重点 难点:综合运用及能够灵活运用熟练掌握。课前  准备:录音机



  a  say a rhyme(h)

  1.look and listen 2.read and learn: well done3. 教师可让学生结合动作,引导学生按节奏诵读b revision1. game: true of false?教师讲解游戏规则:一人随意说一句话,但要用到比较级,如the cats run faster than the ducks./ my father gets up earlier than my mother.其余人判断所说的是否正确,认为正确的stand up并说that’s true!认为错误的可以说that’s not true!2.read and practice the dialogues in text

  c look, read and judge1. have ss read and judge2. listen,read and learna. traffic:交通b.heavy(heavier) 在此处以为“多的,密集的”3. read and check the answer

  d listen and repeat ( g)1. read and compareforty, horse, morning, sports   [    ]2. listen and read the sentence3. learn more words: for, short, …

  板书设计unit 2 more exercises[    ]   forty, horse, morning, sports 

  教学后记1. read and recite the rhyme2. exercises in wb2

5B Unit 篇9


  unit 6  at a pe lesson






  b look,read and learn; h sing a song



  1 四会单词及词组:shoulder, finger, knee, toe, neck, arm, hand, leg, foot 2 四会句型:touch … with …. put… on …. all right.


  1 让学生掌握put … on …. touch … with ….等祈使句及其答语。







  a  greetings 1放录音 2 play a game: listen and act touch your ear/eye/head/hand/….听歌曲 跟读并做动作 b look,read and learn 1 继续刚才的游戏 touch your neck. teach: neck 2 同法教:shoulder, finger, knee, toe, arm, leg, foot(feet)跟读,个别读,齐读 跟读,个别读,齐读 c practise 1 play a game touch your neck/ shoulders/ arm/ knee/ toes/ feet/ legs/ …. 2 have a race 请四名学生上讲台,由老师发令,学生跟着做动作。 touch your …. touch your …with your …. show me your …. put … on ….跟读并做动作 部分学生比赛,其余学生做评判。 d sing a song1 放录音 听歌曲,并跟着歌曲做相应的动作。六 板书设计 shoulder        neck       arm         finger hand           knee       leg          toe      foot七 作业设计 1 抄写四会单词


  unit 6  at a pe lesson






  a read and say


  目标 1 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。 2 四会单词:time, left, right, touch, stop, 3 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和词组:put … on … touch …with …. all right. 4 能正确理解并运用句型: stand in a line. let’s do some exercise. now, listen carefully. jump up and down. do this … times. now, stand up everybody.



  1 能正确地理解对话内容并能朗读和初步表演对话。 2 能正确理解并运用put … on…. touch … with…. 等祈使句及其答语。







  a  free  talk touch your arm/hand/…. touch your toes with your fingers. ……all right./ yes, miss xu. b revision play a game: touch your ….. show me your …. put … on ….跟着命令做动作。 c read and say 1 继续刚才的游戏 boys and girls. let’s do some exercise. (请几名学生上讲台) stand in a line. put your feet together. jump up and down ten times. teach: stand in a line. up and down. time 2 now , listen carefully. put your hands on your head and turn left and right. do this ten times. teach: left, right, turn turn left. turn right. 3 boys and girls, lie on your back. put your knees together. bend your knees. move your legs to the left, then move them to the right. teach: lie, lie on one’s back, move, 4 now, lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand. then lift up your right leg and touch it with your left hand. do this ten times. teach: lift up做动作 跟读,齐读。 跟做动作。 跟读,齐读并做动作。 跟读,齐读并做动作。 跟读,齐读并做动作。 d practise 1 放录音 2 放录音 3 领读 4 听 5 指导并评价听录音 跟读 跟读 齐读 请一名学生发令,其余学生做动作。六 板书设计 put your feet together. jump up and down ten times. put your hands on your head and turn left and right. lie on your back. put your knees together. bend your knees. move your legs to the left, then move them to the right. lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand. then lift up your right leg and touch it with your left hand.七 作业设计 1 朗读并表演对话  2 根据所学的对话内容自编或改编小对话。


  unit 6  at a pe lesson






  c work in pairs; d look, read and complete


  目标 1 复习巩固第六单元的a部分内容,要求学生能熟练运用课文中的句型,并能进行表演。 2 复习巩固b部分的单词,并能熟练背诵。 3 四会句型:put … on ….  touch … with ….



  1 要求学生能熟练运用课文中的句型,并能进行表演。 2 四会句型:put … on ….  touch … with ….







  a  free  talk what day is it today? what lessons do we have in the morning? what subject do you like? today i’m your pe teacher.let’s have a pe lesson. ok?it’s …. we have …. i like … great!b revision 1 指导 2 知道 3 出示图片 4 (请4到5位学生上讲台)   stand in a line. put your feet together. jump up and down ten times. now put your hands on your head and turn left and right.   lie on your back. bend your knees. put your knees together. move them to the left. then move them to the right.   touch your left foot with your right hand and then touch your right foot with your left hand. 5 给学生分成八组,其中一人当组长发命令,其余学生根据命令做动作。齐读课文 分角色朗读 复习朗读b部分单词 根据老师的命令做动作。 c work in pairs1 touch your arms. ……. 2 出示本部分图片 3 指导 4 引导学生做扩展练习根据命令做动作。 看图,理解图意。 说句子,做动作。 边说边做动作。d look,read and complete 1 put the book on your head.  he/she is putting the book on his/her head. 2 指导 3 指导学生模仿操练。 仔细看图,根据图意填入所缺单词。 展示所填内容,读出完整句子。六 板书设计 picture 1   touch … with …. picture 2 picture 3 picture 4七 作业设计 1 完成练习册上本课练习的听力部分。


  unit 6  at a pe lesson






  e look and read,f listen and draw; g listen and repeat


  目标 1 能熟练运用本单元的四会句型及日常交际用语。 2 了解字母组合ai, ay在单词中的读音。 3 完成并讲解练习册上的听力及其他部分的内容。


  1了解字母组合ai, ay在单词中的读音







  a  free  talk what day is it today? how do you feel now? can you put … on …? ……it’s … i feel … yes, i can. no, i can’t. b revisiongive orders. 根据命令做动作。 c look and read 1 进行问答练习: can you …? where is …? 2 通过图片和演示复习单词: a pineapple, a grape, an egg, a head, a mouth 3 指导 4 指导yes,i can. no, i can’t. it’s in…. 齐读。 朗读句子。 在熟练朗读的基础上进行表演,并鼓励他们根据自己所带物品自编自演对话。 d listen and draw 1 it has four legs,two big ears and a long nose. what is it? guess. 2 进行描述 3 评价it’s an elephant. 让学生根据老师的描述进行听音画画。比一比看谁画得好。 小组比赛。e listen and repeat 1出示单词: waiter, waitress, day, say 示范读 2 指导 3 放录音跟读 找出并试着读其它含有ai, ay 字母组合的单词。 听录音并朗读句子。六 板书设计   waiter     waitress     day      play    the waiter and the waitress play table tennis every day. 七 作业设计  完成练习册上本单元的部分。

  (38)unit 6 at a pe lesson   (第五教时) may.9

  一 教学内容 1 默写本单元四会单词、词组和句型。 2 讲解练习册上本单元练习。

5B Unit 篇10

  unit 5 review and check





  1. 复习及巩固动词与副词的搭配.

  2. 复习问句who’s he/she…?yes, he /she does. no, he/she doesn’t.

  4. 能熟练运用“打电话”及课程的日常用语

  5. 能正确掌握like + doing的形式

  6. 通过复习,能熟练地掌握1-4单元所学的单词。

  7. 能教熟练地在情景中运用1-4单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。


  1. 复习及巩固动词与副词的搭配.

  2. 能熟练运用“打电话”及课程的日常用语

  3. 能正确掌握like + doing的形式问句whoes he/she…?yes, he /she does. no, he/she doesn’t.


  1. 能熟练地掌握1-4单元所学单词

  2. 能综合运用1-4单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。

  3. 能初步改编或扩充1-4单元所学的对话。






  第一课时:a部分look,read and write

  第二课时:c部分look,read and complete

  第三课时:b部分look,and write

  第四课时:d部分look and talk




  1. 复习及巩固动词与副词的搭配.

  2. 复习问句whoes he/she…?yes, he /she does. no, he/she doesn’t.


  1. 复习及巩固动词与副词的搭配.

  2. 复习问句whoes he/she…?yes, he /she does. no, he/she doesn’t.





  step 1.revision

  1. greetings

  2. freetalk

  1).do you have any hobbies?

  2).do you like…?

  3).does he/she…?

  4).what does he/she usually do…?

  3. answer quickly

  the way: 当一个学生说出动词时,另一个学生快速的说出相应的副词.

  step 2.look,read and write.

  1. show the pictures (1-4) and answer questions.

  1).what does the girl/boy do?

  2)do he/she…?

  2. read the sentences and fill in the blank.

  3. check the answers.

  4. show the pictures (5-8) and answer questions.

  1).does miss li like keeping goldfish?

  2).does mr black like making model ships?

  3).does mrs brown like cooking?

  4).does mr green like collecting stamps?

  step 3.look and write.

  1. show the pictures of part b.

  2. talk about the pictures.

  3. divide 8 groups and make dialogues

  4. check out.

  step 4 consolidation

  assign homework: finish part a and b.

  read it and recite it.



  1. 能熟练运用“打电话”及课程的日常用语

  2. 能正确掌握like + doing的形式


  1. 能熟练运用“打电话”及课程的日常用语

  2. 能正确掌握like + doing的形式






  2.free talk

  may i speak to…?

  this is …speaking.

  i am sorry to hear that.

  see you soon..

  sorry, wrong number.

  step 2.look read and complete of part c

  1. show the picture and describe the dialogue

  2. make a dialogue in pairs

  3. check out

  4. play a game: make friends

  the way:做两组卡片:一组是课程名称,另一组是代表该课程的图片。




  5. show the picture of part c2

  6. make a dialogue in pairs

  7. check out

  step 3.consolidation

  1. assign homework: finish part c

  2. recite it


  单词辩音 判断单词划线部分读音是否相同,用 “√”或 “×”表示.

  (    ) 1. clock     monkey           (    ) 2. music      student

  (    ) 3. dance      park             (    ) 4. eat        headache

  (    ) 5. grow     flower             (    ) 6. do         does


  1.给树浇水                      2、从周一到周五                         

  3、游得好                        4、学英文                               

  5、忙碌的一周                    6、一位中国朋友                          

  7、写一封电子邮件                8、打乒乓球                            

  9、哭得大声                         10、住在一个小镇                    



  1. 通过复习,能熟练地掌握1-4单元所学的单词。

  2. 能教熟练地在情景中运用1-4单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。


  1. 能熟练地掌握1-4单元所学单词

  2. 能综合运用1-4单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。

  3. 能初步改编或扩充1-4单元所学的对话。




  step1. revision

  1. greetings

  2. warming―up

  3. free talk

  1) do you have any hobbies?

  2) what do you like?

  i like…

  3) what do you usually do?

  4) what does he/she usually do?

  he/she usually…

  step 2.look and talk

  1. game “do and guess”

  the way: 根据动作猜词组 给名词快速说词组

  2. show the picture of part d

  3. according the model to make a new dialogue

  4. check out

  step 3.consolidation


  (    ) 1. we have eight _________ this term.

  a lessons          b subject         c subjects

  (    ) 2. i usually go to the park ______ saturday morning.

  a on              b in             c at

  (    ) 3. mike usually ______ to school from monday to friday.

  a go to            b goes to         c going to

  (    ) 4. look! my brother ______ in the playground.

  a plays            b is play          c is playing

  (    ) 5. tom is twelve. we are _______ age.

  a same            b the same        c a same

  (    ) 6. -what’s wrong with helen?

  -she _______ got an earache.

  a is               b does           c has

  (    ) 7. does yang ling like _______ photos?

  a take             b takes           c taking

  (    ) 8. what _____ nancy usually do after school? she usually _____ the flowers.

  a do, water       b does, water        c does, waters

  (    ) 9. su yang has many stamps. she’s showing _____ to her classmates.

  a us              b it               c them

  (    ) 10. -________ you run fast?

  -yes, i can.

  a do              b can            c are



  (    ) 1. may i speak to helen?           a. he’s making a model plane.

  (    ) 2. how do you feel now?            b. this is helen speaking.

  (    ) 3. do you usually watch tv?         c. not bad, thanks.

  (    ) 4. what’s mike doing?              d. yes, i can.

  (    ) 5. can you make model ships?        e. i feel cold.

  (    ) 6. how are you?                   f. she likes science.

  (    ) 7. does the boy speak loudly?        g . no, i don’t.

  (    ) 8. what subject does nancy like?      h. yes, he does.













  1. -do you live in a small town?-no, i _______. (doesn’t, don’t)

  2. -show _____ his stamps, please. here you are. (we, us)

  3. my aunt likes dancing. she dances ________. (beautiful, beautifully)

  4. i_________ an e-mail to my english friend, tom. (am writing, am write)

  5. what ________ liu tao usually do on sundays? (do, does)

  6. i can get some water ______ (for, with) you.


  a: hello, li lei.

  b: hello, wang hai, come and have a look at the photo.

  a:           the boy with blue eyes?

  b: he’s my english friend, david.

  a:           does he live?

  b: he         in london.

  a: does he like            football?

  b: yes, he         . he           very well.

  a: great! we have the same hobby.


  1. lessons, do, have, what, you, morning, the, in ( ? )


  2. aunt, like, making, your, clothes, does ( ? )


  3. her, are, a, lesson, miss li, having, students, and( . )


  4. can, pretty, i, make, my, for, doll, dresses ( . )


  5. lives, small, a, my, near, town, in, beijing, grandfather ( . )


  (四) 完成句子 根据所给的汉语, 将下列句子翻译成英文.

  1. 这是新学期的第一节数学课。

  this is the ______ ________ lesson of the new ________.

  2. 海伦咳嗽的厉害,现在正卧病在床。

  helen has got a _____ ______. she is         _____ ______ now.

  3. 她母亲不喜欢做衣服。

  her mother _____ like ______  _______.

  4. -高云喜欢话画画吗?


  -______ gao yun like ______ pictures?

  -no. she ______ listening to music.













  (    ) 1. a tuesday         b thursday       c wednesday

  (    ) 2. a backache        b headache       c toothache

  (    ) 3. a chinese         b science        c computer studies

  (    ) 4. a go shopping      b collect stamps   c make clothes

  (    ) 5. a speak loudly      b sit quietly      c walk carefully

  (    ) 6. a how about you?   b see you soon.   c here you are.


  (    ) 1. a it’s fine.          b it’s friday.          c it’s 1st march.

  (    ) 2. a i’ve got a cough.   b i feel cold.          c i’m sorry to hear that.

  (    ) 3. a no, he isn’t.       b no, he can’t.        c no, he doesn’t.

  (    )4. a i am nancy.       b this is nancy.       c it is nancy.

  (    ) 5. a yes, she does.     b she often surfs the internet.   c no, he doesn’t.

  (三)根据听到的对话及问题, 选择正确的答语,将其序号填入括号内。

  (    ) 1  a. in the computer room.    b in the kitchen.   c. on the playground.

  (    ) 2  a. four.             b six.               c. two.

  (    ) 3  a. music.            b flowers.           c. hobbies.

  (    ) 4  a. she is ill.          b. she is hot.         c. she is fine.

  (    ) 5.  a. mike.            b. helen.            c. sorry, i don’t know.

  (四)阅读下面的短文, 判断正(√)误(×).


  xiao fang is a girl. she is ten. she studies at hong qi primary school. she goes to school from monday to friday. on sundays she usually helps her mother with housework. in the morning, she usually gets up at six and goes to school at seven. she has lunch at school. after lunch she likes going to the reading room. in the afternoon, she usually has three lessons. she likes english very much. she says english is very interesting and important. in the evening, she like surfing the internet and goes to bed at nine.

  (    ) 1. xiao fang studies at hong feng primary school.

  (    ) 2. she is eleven now.

  (    ) 3. xiao fang like pe very much.

  (    ) 4. after lunch, she likes going to the library with her classmates.

  (    ) 5. xiao fang doesn’t like doing housework.


  my name is peter. i live in nanjing. i have a sister. her name is mary. we go to the same school in nanjing. but we’re in different (不同的)classes. on sundays, we don’t go to school. mary and i do our homework in the morning. in the afternoon, sometimes we go to the library with my parents. our parents like reading newspapers. but i don’t. i like reading picture books. mary likes reading storybooks. we go home at about four thirty. sometimes, mary and i help my mother with housework. on sunday afternoon, we clean your rooms and sweep the floor. in the evening, we usually watch tv together.

  (    ) 1. mary and i are in the same class.

  (    ) 2. we don’t have any lessons on sundays.

  (    ) 3. we go to the library on sunday morning.

  (    ) 4. sometimes mary and i do housework on sundays.

  (    ) 5. we all like reading newspapers.

5B Unit 篇11

  牛津6b unit 6知识点整理

  unit 6 planning for the weekend

  一、 单词:

  plan计划;打算     picnic野餐     play(戏剧的)演出     give举行

  take part ( in )参加;参与         beijing opera京剧     show演出

  concert音乐会   outing短途旅游;远足 contest竞赛;比赛  africa非洲

  sports meeting运动会   still仍然   theatre戏院;剧场    zebra 斑马


  1. have school上课;有课                2.have a picnic野餐

  3. i’d love to 我很愿意…               4.go on an outing去远足

  5. by the way顺便地;附带说说           6.see a play看戏剧演出

  7. see a beijing opera show看京剧演出   8.of course当然

  9. on saturday morning在周六上午        10.give a puppet show举行木偶演出

  11. warm and sunny温暖晴朗              13.give a concert举行音乐会

  14. take part in the sports meeting参加运动会   

  15. call…    打电给…                    16.join us参加我们

  17. talk about their plans for the weekend谈论他们的周末计划

  18. still in bed还在床上                19.with us和我们在一起

  20.last year去年                        21.music club  音乐俱乐部  

  22.meet at one thirty in front of the garden theatre  一点半在花园剧院门前会面

  23.in the school在学校                  24.buy some presents买一些礼物  

  25.come with wang bing 和wang bing一起来26.at the concert在音乐会上

  27.have a class outing举行班级远足      28.your class project 你的班级课题  

  29.meet at the bus stop at 10:30  10:30在公交车站会面

  30.a new zebra from africa  来自非洲的新斑马


  1. ----what are we/you going to do?  ----were/i’m going to… (动词原形)

  ----what is he/she/liu tao going to do?  ----he/she is going to…

  ----what are liu tao and tom going to do?  ----they are going to…   

  2.(打电话)----hello, is that…?      ----yes, (this is…) speaking. /no.

  1. it is 8:30 on saturday morning.

  2. the children do not have school today.

  3. they are talking about their plans for the weekend.

  4. ----would you like to join us?   ----yes, i’d love to. /sorry, i can’t.

  i’m busy.

  5. ----shall we meet at one thirty in front of the garden theatre?  ----yes.  

  6. ----what time are you doing to come home?   ----at 4:30, i think.

  7. ---what are you going to do at 10:15 tomorrow morning?  ----i’m going to 

5B Unit 篇12


  unit 8 at the weekends 






  b look, read and learn; c ask and answer


  目标1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:ant, butterfly, dragonfly, firefly, cricket, grasshopper, bee, cicada, spend, often, weekend2能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:how do you spend your weekends? i often …. sometimes i ….


  难点1 关于昆虫类的单词的正确朗读和拼写。2能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:how do you spend your weekends? i often …. sometimes i ….


  教具准备:各种昆虫图片, 单词卡片, 录音机和磁带




  学生活动a  free  talk1 who’s on duty today? do you have any hobbies?2 do you like …?what do you usually do on saturdays/sundays?i am.yes, i do. i like ….yes, i do.no, i don’t.i usually ….bpresentation and practise1出示图片: look at my pictures.there are many insects. look, this is an ant. do you like it?teach: insect     ant 同法学习单词:butterfly, dragonfly, firefly,  grasshopper, bee2 放录音3 play a game.展示图片的一个角,让学生猜猜是什么昆虫。跟读,齐读。跟读并拼读。跟读并拼读。听录音,模仿读。cask and answer1 how do you spend your weekends?teach: spend  weekends2 (教学生回答)i often ….teach: often3 逐一出示图片,让学生操练句型teach: catch insects4 do a survey:调查班机学生在周末都干些什么。i …..跟读并拼读。how do you spend your weekends?i often ….跟读并拼读。进行调查活动,并做好记录。六 板书设计图片 an ant      图片 a butterfly   图片 a dragonfly图片  a firefly     图片 a grasshopper   图片a bee七 作业设计1 抄写四会单词及词组。


  unit 8 at the weekends







  a read and say



  1 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:talk, talk about, very, learn…from… , of course, 2 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:how do you spend your weekends? i can learn a lot from it . of course, i do.3 能正确朗读课文内容。


  1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:talk, talk about, very, learn…from… , of course, 2能正确朗读课文内容。






  学生活动a  free  talkwho’s on duty today?how do you spend your weekends?i am.i often….brevision1( 出示昆虫类图片)让学生看图片朗读单词。2 指导齐读、个别读同桌操练句型:how do you spend your weekends?i often ….c presentation and practise1 i often surf the internet at the weekends. i like surfing the internet. do you like surfing the internet? i can learn a lot from it.teach: learn … from…2 how do you spend yourweekends?教师把学生的回答总结并写在黑板上。go swimming , go climbing, catch insects,  play football, play basketball, play table tennis, …(these are sports.)teach: sports3 how does …spend his/her weekends?4 放录音5 放录音6领读7 指导yes, i do ./ no, i don’t.齐读,跟读。i often ….齐读,跟读。he/she often ….听课文录音跟读跟读齐读并分角色朗读齐读,跟读。六 板书设计go swimming,  go climbing ,  go fishing,  go skating,  go skiingplay football,  play basketball,  play volleyball,  play table tennislisten to music,  watch tv,  go shopping,  grow flowers, do housework, wash clothes,  play cards,  keep cats ,  …….七 作业设计正确朗读课文内容并能背诵。


  unit 8 at the weekends






  d  look and say;  g  listen and repeat


  目标1 复习巩固昆虫类单词2 复习并巩固本单元的课文内容。3 四会句型:how does he/she spend his/her weekends? he/she often …4 了解字母组合ee在单词中的发音。


  四会句型:how does he/she spend his/her weekends? he/she often …






  学生活动a  free  talkwho’s on duty today?what day is it today?i am.it’s …b revision1 出色昆虫类图片2 指导3 how do you spend your weekends?  how does your father spend his weekends?  how does your mother spend her weekends?4 指导集体朗读集体朗读课文分角色朗读课文i often …he often ….she often…..同桌模仿操练。clook and say1 带领学生仔细看图并讲解一下主语是第三人称单数时动词的用法。2 指导3评价三人一组操练,一位学生提问,另外两位学生分别用often, sometimes进行问答。用sometimes,和often介绍其它学生情况比比谁说得多。dlisten and repeat1 出示单词:bee, see, sleep, tree2 评价3 评价4 出示句子:i can see some bees sleeping in the tree.齐读这些单词总结归纳字母ee发音举例ee也发同样的音的单词个别读齐读比赛读六 板书设计how does he/she spend his/her weekends? he/she often …  sometimes he/she….bee    see      sleep      treei can see some bees sleeping in the tree.七 作业设计回家练习说今天所学的句型。


  unit 8 at the weekends 






  e  read the passage; f think and guess; h sing a song


  目标1 三会单词及词组:brave, glow, carry, group, fight, people, study at yu cai school, carry big things, work in groups, like to fight2 能正确朗读并理解小课文内容3 会诵读歌谣:we know









  a  free  talkwho’s on duty today?how do you spend your weekends?how about your father/mother?i am.i often ….he/she often ….brevision出示昆虫类图片复习朗读并背诵这些单词cthink and guess1 it can fly.b: it has long legs. it is brave and it likes to fight. teach: brave, fightc: it can fly. it is beautiful too.it is green.d: it is small,but it can carry big things. and they work in groups.teach: carry ; carry big things     group; work in groupse: it has long legs and it can jump high. it’s green.f: it can glow at night.teach: glow;  glow at nightg: it sings on hot days. it sings beautiful.a butterfly.a cricket.齐读并拼读。a dragonfly.an ant.齐读并拼读。a grasshopper.a firefly.齐读并拼读。a cicada.dread the passage1 boys and girls, do you like insects?  i like insects too. insects are our good friends.2 放录音3 放录音4 提问:how does the boy spend his weekends?what can ants do?what can fireflies do?what do many boys like?what do many girls like?what do cicadas do ?指导yes, we do.听录音跟读回答问题。小组讨论昆虫的特性。esing a song放录音听录音根录音唱集体唱这首歌六 板书设计brave,  glow , carry, group, fight, people七 作业设计选择自己喜欢的一种昆虫,根据它们的特征,根据课文写一篇小短文。

  unit 8 at the weekends (第五教时)

  一 教学内容1 默写四会单词,词组。2 完成练习册上本单元的听力以及后面的内容。3 进行讲解。

  unit 8 at the weekends (第六教时)

  一 教学内容1 进行本单元的单元测试(拓展练习册上)

5B Unit 篇13

  unit3 hobbies


  本单元通过mike 和yang ling 到ben家做客,引出话题,谈论"兴趣爱好"。主要学习一般疑问句do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes,i do. no,i don't. 和主语为第三人称单数时动词的用法。


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词collect, a stamp, beautiful, a classmate, a ship, an animal, take photos, go shopping和a coin。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型do you have any hobbies? do you like …? yes, i do. /no, i don’t. he/she likes… he/she doesn’t.

  3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型show us…, please. here they are. can you …?


  5、会唱歌曲do you have any hobbies?



  2、能正确地听、说、读、写do you have any hobbies?句型及其回答。







  read and say(page 22--23)


  1. 能正确地听、说、读、写单词collect, a stamp, many, a ship, go shopping, every ,aunt,uncle.

  2. 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和词组take photos, show us his stamps, please.here they are.

  3. 能正确得理解并运用句型do you have any hobbies? do you like…?yes, i do.

  no, i don’t. he/she likes…

  4. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

  5. 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。

  6. 能初步熟悉英语歌曲《hobbies》




  1. 能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上分角色表演对话。

  2. 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。


  1. 一本邮册,船类和动物类邮票


  3. 照相机

  4. 录音机和磁带


  step1.warm up

  1. free talk

  t: good morning! how are you?

  s: fine, thank you, and you?

  t: not so good. i’ve got a cold ? what would you like to say to me?

  s1: miss zhou, take some medicine, please.

  s2: drink some water.

  s3: have a lot of rest.

  s4: why don’t you go to see the doctor?

  2. listen and do

  t: i like sports. i like playing table tennis. i like climbing the hill. do you like sports?

  ss: yes, we do.

  t: now let’s do some exercise. please listen and do.

  step2.presentation and practice

  1. 学习:go shopping, hobby

  t: i like playing table tennis. i like reading books, too. i also like going shopping.(出示图片,学说go shopping)

  t: going shopping is my hobby.(学说hobby)

  t: going shopping is my hobby. reading books is my hobby. they are my hobbies.(理解学说hobbies)

  2. 学习练说句型a: do you have any hobbies?  b: yes, i do. i like…

  t: do you have any hobbies? (逐一问)

  ss: yes, i do. i like…

  师逐一向全班报告:oh! he/she likes…

  3. a. 师出示课前准备好的邮册介绍引出what’s this? it’s a stamp.(教读a stamp, 生带读)look! there are many stamps in my book.引出many.

  拿出动物邮票:there’s a lion on this stamp. the lion is an animal. this is an animal stamp.让学生理解animal的意思

  出示一张船图案的邮票:there’s a ship on the stamp. it’s very nice. it’s beautiful.

  学习a ship 一词。  领读单词a stamp, many, a ship, 生跟读。

  b. 师继续出示邮册,一边给学生看里面的邮票一边介绍说 i like collecting stamps. look at my stamps. they are beautiful. 出示课前准备的布偶说i like collecting dolls ,too         学习单词collect。

  c. 师把布偶放在桌子上,一边拍照一边说i like collecting dolls. i like taking photos. 让学生领会a photo和take a photo的意思,再让学生边说边做take a photo.

  step3 read and say

  出示read and say部分的挂图并进行句型介绍this is yang ling. she likes making clothes. helen likes cooking and growing flowers.学生理解图片意思后模仿学说this is yang ling. she likes making clothes. helen likes cooking and growing flowers.

  师生利用挂图进行问答练习:does yang ling like making clothes? yes, she does. does helen like taking photos? no, she doesn’t.领说句型。

  1. look at the pictures, listen to the tape, and try to understand the dialogue.

  2. listen to he tape and repeat.

  3. read the dialogue by themselves.

  4. act out the dialogue in groups.

  step4 enjoy a song -----《hobbies》

  step5 homework

  1. copy the words: collect, a stamp, many, a ship, go shopping, every ,aunt, uncle.

  2. 听录音,朗读并表演对话。


  unit3  hobbies

  he likes…                  a stamp   many

  she likes…                 a ship  collect

  do you like…?              go  shopping

  do you have any…?          take a photo



  1. look, read and write(page24)

  2. sing a song(page29)


  1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping。

  2. 能正确德听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes.

  3. 会唱歌曲――《hobbies》


  1.  能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping。

  3. 能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes.


  1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping。

  2. 能熟练运用本课所学的词组。


  1. 画有b部分词组的动作图片和挂图

  2. 录音机和磁带


  step1.free talk and motivation

  1. 用good morning! how are you? nice to see you. do you like …? does he/she like…?等日常生活用语及句型与学生交谈。

  2. sing a song----《hobbies》

  a. read 《hobbies》, and try to know the meaning.

  b. listen to the tape twice.

  c. listen and follow it.

  d. sing it together and let some ss sing it.

  step2.presentation and practice

  1. 当歌曲结束时,师问: do you have any hobbies? 复现词组take photos, make clothes collect stamps。学生跟读、自由读。

  2. 师做动作让学生猜测:what am i doing? guess!

  ss: are you taking photos/making clothes /collecting stamps?

  t: yes/no. i’m going shopping/making model ships/growing flowers/making clothes?引出go shopping/make model ships/grow flowers/make clothes?等其他词组。

  3. listen to the tape and follow (模仿跟读)

  step3 consolidation

  1. what’s missing?

  师出示本单元所学的所有动词词组的图片,以最快的速度抽出一张,问学生:what’s missing? 学生快速说出被抽的词组。

  2. look and say

  do the actions, and then ss say the phrases as soon as possible.

  3. what’s your hobby?

  do you like going shopping? yes, i do.

  do you like making clothes? no, i don’t.


  4. 学生抄写四会词组:take photos, go shopping, collects stamps.


  1.  copy the phrases: take photos, go shopping, collects stamps.

  2.  make a dialogue in pairs.


  unit3  hobbies


  take  photos       go  shopping        make model ships

  collect stamps        grow  flowers       make clothes



  1.  ask and answer

  2.  look, read and complete


  1. 能进一步掌握本单元所学的有关兴趣爱好的词组。

  2. 能进一步掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.

  3. 能用i like…和he/she likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人的爱好和活动。

  4. 能用所学句型进行情景会话和交流。

  5. 能演唱英语歌曲《hobbies》


  能正确地听、说、读、写句子do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.和 i like…及he/she likes…,too.句型


  能正确运用do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.并能在具体情景中以口头或书面的形式进行交流


  1.  课前准备有关活动等方面的多媒体课件或图片(如make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes等)

  2.  一个话筒

  3. 录音机和磁带


  step1. warm up

  1. sing a song----- 《hobbies》

  2. a. 快速呈示图片,复习本单元动作类的词语

  b. make sentences: i like…

  t: do you have any hobbies?

  s1: yes, i do. i like… 选择自己喜欢的活动

  step2.ask and answer



  s: do you have any hobbies?

  t: yes, i do. i like collecting stamps.

  教师手指着一男生说he likes collecting stamps, too.

  2.practise in groups


  a: do you have any hobbies?

  b: yes, i do. i like collecting stamps. he likes collecting stamps, too.


  do you have any hobbies? yes, i do. i like…he/she likes…, too.(看谁造的句子多)


  a: do you have any hobbies?

  b: yes, i do. i like making model ships.

  a: (指着另一个男学生)he likes making model ships, too. right?

  b: no, he doesn’t. he likes taking photos.

  step3. look, read and complete

  1. 教师出示d部分的多媒体课件或图片,创设情境,引出话题 this is a picture of su hai’s family. su hai and her family have some hobbies.

  2. look at the picture carefully , and then fill the blanks.(学生填空时,教师边巡视边提醒学生注意主语为第三人称单数时动词的用法。)

  3.ask and answer(进一步理解图片内容)

  t: do su hai and her family have any hobbies?

  ss: yes, they do.

  t: su hai likes growing flowers. su yang likes growing flowers, too. right?

  ss: no, she doesn’t. she likes making model ships.

  t: their mother likes going shopping and their father likes collecting stamps. right?

  b: yes. and they all like listening to music and taking photos.





  unit 3  hobbies

  do you have any hobbies?  i like…

  yes, i do.                he/she likes…,too.



  1. read and act          2. do a survey

  3. listen and repeat


  1. 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关活动类词汇。

  2. 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。

  3. 能进一步掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do. 和 i like…及he/she likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人喜欢的活动。

  4. 能初步了解字母u 在单词中的读音。


  能正确地听、说、读、写句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.和i like…及he/she likes…,too句式。




  1. 有关活动方面的多媒体课件或图片。

  2. 空白表格

  3. 录音机和录音带


  step1.free talk and revision

  t: good morning, class. nice to see you again.

  ss: nice to see you.

  t: i like growing flowers. do you have any hobbies?

  s1: yes, i do. i like making model ships.

  t: he likes taking photos. right?

  s2: no, he doesn’t. he likes collecting stamps.

  t: do you like playing the piano?

  s3: yes, i do.

  s4; i like playing the piano, too.

  step2. do a survey


  s5: i like…….

  t: what do you like?

  s6: i like….

  t: your hobbies are different. look, i have a table. let’s do a survey. ask your friend like this. (示范,做记录)

  t: do you have any hobbies?

  s: yes, i do. i like……

  t: do you understand?

  s: yes.

  t: please do the survey in groups.

  s: (六人一组,一人为组长询问,填表格,其余学生回答)

  t: ok, can you tell me about your survey?(统计调查结果)

  s: yes. five students like taking photos. one student likes making model ships.

  step3.read and act

  1.t:let’s listen to a song. ok?

  s: ok. ( listen to the song “hobbies”)

  t: (出示e部分的图片)look, who are they?

  ss; they are liu tao and wang bing.

  t: now, let’s listen to the tape and see: what are wang bing and liu tao’s hobbies?

  s: (listen to the dialogue)

  t: does liu tao have any hobbies?

  s: yes, he does. he likes growing flowers.

  t: great! what is he doing?

  s: he is watering the trees and flowers.

  teach: water 浇水

  t: who likes grows flowers, too?

  s: wang bing’s aunt.

  t: oh, they have the same hobby.

  teach: same 相同的

  2.read the dialogue after the tape.

  3.read the dialogue by themselves

  4.read in pairs and act out the dialogue.

  step4.listen and repeat

  1.t: ok,well down. let’s play a game.(出示图片)

  computer  music  student (快速展示,抽掉一张)

  what is missing?

  2.let the students read the words together.

  3.t: please try to find out the same pronunciation .   s: /ju:/

  4.show the phonetic symbol

  5.read the words again

  6. read the sentence



  2.能够熟练并表演read and act.



  unit 3  hobbies

  图片(活动类)         read and act 图片

5B Unit 篇14


  第一单元知识点   in class在上课



  in clas在上课     please请     open开  反义词  close关上  the这、这个  door门    sorry对不起   come in 进来   window窗户  blackboard黑板     rubber橡皮       parrot鹦鹉    listen to听       don’t=do not  


  1、 习惯搭配/短语

  good morning,class.  早上好,同学们。

  stand up.   起立

  sit down, please.   请坐

  open the door.  开门

  close the window.  关窗

  come in.  请进

  i’m sorry.  对不起     (用于表达歉意)

  listen to…   听…

  what’s this/that ?


  定冠词the 用来特指人或事物。所指的人或事物是同类中特定的一个。可以和单、复数名词,也可以和不可数名词连用。

  例:the apple 这个苹果  (许多的苹果中,特指这一个苹果,而不是其他的苹果。)


  对男士的尊称为  mr…   (…先生)

  mrs 太太、夫人   (是对已婚妇女的称呼)

  miss 小姐        (是对未婚妇女的称呼)


  what’s this/that ?

  it’s …


  结构:①    don’t  +  动词原形  +  其他  。

  ②    don’t be + 其他 。

  don’t listen to the parrot.不要听鹦鹉的。

  don’t be late. 不要迟到。


  主语 + have/has …     have/has 的意思是 “拥有” 。主语是三单的时候要用has。

  例:bob has two big , big books. 鲍勃有2本大大的书。

  第二单元知识点   in the library在图书馆

  能用don’t… 表达图书馆内的一些禁止事项

  一、 词汇

  in 在。。。里   library图书馆  shout喊、叫   run跑   eat吃  talk谈话      here这里、在这里  sleep睡觉    drink喝    milk牛奶   shh嘘  your你的 


  1、don’t引导的祈使句 表示“不要。。。。。。”

  don’t run.  不要跑      don’t talk. 不要说话    don’t sleep. 不要睡觉

  don’t shout. 不要叫     don’t eat here. 不要在这里吃


  ---would you like + 某物(名词) ?

  ---yes, please.  (肯定回答)

  ---no, thanks.  (否定回答)


  up and down 上上下下

  i’m sorry.  对不起

  第三单元知识点   is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗?


  一、 词汇

  pencil铅笔    schoolbag书包     pen钢笔    crayon蜡笔    ruler尺子   pencilcase铅笔盒    lunch box午餐盒     where在哪里    over there在那里   

  isn’t=is not     that’s=that is      where’s=where is



  ---is this/that your …?    这/那是你的。。。吗?

  ---yes, it is. 是的,它是。     no, it isn’t. 不,它不是。

  (this 指近处的物品   that 指远处的物品)

  句中的your 可以用my / his / her / their 等替换


  this /that is my …        这/那是我的。。。


  where is/are  +  某人 / 某物 ?


  on the floor 在地板上

  beside the door  在门旁边

  talk about  谈论

  thank you.  谢谢你。

  第四单元知识点   where’s the bird?鸟在哪里?


  一、 词汇

  bird鸟    beautiful漂亮的  desk书桌    chair椅子    tree树    guess猜

  under在。。。下面     on在。。。上面    in在。。。里面     behind在。。。后面

  one一     two二      three三       oh哦、啊       wow 哇、呀 



  under在。。。下面    on在。。。上面    in在。。。里面    behind在。。。后面

  2、how 引导的感叹句

  how + 形容词/副词 (+主语+谓语) !

  例:how beautiful ( it is )! 它多么漂亮啊!


  补充:what 引导的感叹句结构: 

  what +( a/an )+ 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + 谓语 !

  例:what a good girl she is ! 她是一个多好的女孩啊!

  3、由is 引导的一般疑问句 及其答句

  --- is it … ?      它是。。。吗?

  ---yes, it is. 是的,它是。     no, it isn’t. 不,它不是。

  例:---is it in your pencilcase?  它在你的铅笔盒里吗?

  ---yes, it is. 是的,它在。

  注:该句型是由 肯定句型 it is …… 转化而成的。 将be动词调到句的前面,大写了首写字母并将句尾的句号变为问号。


  主语 + be动词 + 介词短语 .     。。。。。。在。。。。。。

  例:  it’s behind the door.    它在门后面。

  the bird is under your desk.  鸟在你的书桌下面。


  under your desk 在你的书桌下面

  behind the door  在门后面

  on your chair 在你的椅子上面

  in my desk  在我的书桌里面

  in the tree 在树上

  here you are  给你。

5B Unit 篇15


  unit 10 review and check






  a look, read and write;   b look and write



  1通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。2 通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。



  1通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。2 通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。







  a  free  talkblook,read and writewho’s on duty today?are we all here?…1 play a game:listen and repeat(分别读出a到h八个问句,让学生快速重复。2 出示a部分的教学挂图3 评价并指导4 指导i am.yes./no.…听懂并主动站起来复读。分别选出所对应的问句。看图朗读句型同桌操练clook and write1 复习第六单元的祈使句。默写四会单词、词组。2 利用自带的玩具娃娃,进行祈使句的操练。教师做示范。小组操练ddrill1 放录音2 放录音3 校对完成练习册上本单元的听力部分跟读六 板书设计图片                 祈使句七 作业设计回家操练祈使句的练习。


  unit 10 review and check  






  c look,read and complete; d look and talk


  1 复习第六――九单元的单词、和句型。


  1 复习第六――九单元的单词、和句型。







  a  free  talkwhat do you usually do on sundays?what does he/she usually do on weedends?do you have any hobbies?do you like …?do you want to …?i usually ….he/she usually does….yes, i do. i like ….yes,i do./no, i don’t.yes, i want to….blook,read and complete1出示教学挂图 2 指导3 指看图范读,了解其大意口头完成对话或短文,再填入所缺单词。熟读,分小组表演。clook and talk1 where are you from?  where is she/he from?2让学生拿出自带的图片,教师指导3 放录音4 出示教学挂图i’m from ….she/he is from …小组互问互答让学生通过欣赏不同的民族音乐引出不同的民族和城市。同桌讨论ddrill1 指导2 校对完成练习册上本单元的笔试部分七 作业设计复习6到9单元的单词和词组

  unit 10 review and check    (第三教时)

  一 教学内容1 默写6到9单元的单词和词组和句型。

  unit 10 review and check    (第四教时)

  一 教学内容进行本单元的单元测试(每课练上)


  一 教学内容复习unit1unit9的所有内容。进行各单元单词、词组和句子的默写。用所给词的适当形式填空。单词辨音。连词成句、阅读理解等。

5B Unit 篇16

  unit 4 review and check    (第一教时)4.2 mon. 19

  一 教学内容:1.复习第一至第二单元相关的语言结构。2.养成仔细观察图片的良好习惯。3.能流利地根据教室里的实际情况用英语来描述,并以此作自我检查,补缺补漏。4.完成本课的a,d.二 教学目标:1.复习第一至第二单元相关的语言结构。2.养成仔细观察图片的良好习惯。3.能流利地根据教室里的实际情况用英语来描述,并以此作自我检查,补缺补漏。4.完成本课的a,d.三 教学重点和难点:完成本课的a,d.养成仔细观察图片的良好习惯。四 课前准备:归纳好比较级并作好a与d部分的教学工作五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  复习比较级与相对应的句子1.说一说自己已知道的比较级2.小组合作制作自己的简历(见 p36),并与classmate比一比i am as tall as .   i am taller than .   goes to school earlier than .    ……b  教学part a 1.打开书,看图并说一说model 1: who can you see in the pictures?       can you say sth about them?      ……2.朗读句子并编号3.用别的句子问答并表演c  教学part b1.看d部分,比较后小组问答2.自己独立完成每格一词3.朗读校对答案4.完成report ,并写一写。

  六 板书设计:

  unit 4 review and check taller, higher, older ,faster,  braver , later, …… bigger , …… heavier, earlier, ……better, farther, ……七 作业设计: 用所给单词的正确形式填空:1.ben        (run) faster than his father.2.       (do) tom swim       (slow) than lu tao.3.the traffic is         (heavy) than yesterday.4. i’m as         (tall ) as my mother.5.yang ling does        (well ) in english than su yang.八 课后反思本课主要是复习第一至第三单元相关的语言结构。因此,在复习的时候,我设计了不同的游戏,如:让学生之间开展比 “ 高低“,比 “长短”等游戏练习,引导学生结合句型和日常交际用语回顾,复习和运用第一、第二单元的词语。

  unit 4 review and check    (第二教时)4.3 tue. 20

  一 教学内容:1.复习第一至第三单元相关的语言结构。2.在口头表达的基础上进行书面表达。3.通过本单元的复习操练,要求能综合运用所学的日常用语。4.完成本单元的b与c的教学二 教学目标:1.复习第一至第三单元相关的语言结构。2.在口头表达的基础上进行书面表达。3.通过本单元的复习操练,要求能综合运用所学的日常用语。4.完成本单元的b与c的教学三 教学重点和难点:在口头表达的基础上进行书面表达,通过本单元的复习操练,要求能综合运用所学的日常用语。四 课前准备:作好教学的准备工作五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  复习前一课的教学内容1.ask one by one : who is taller, or ? 2.四人一组比赛,快速问答i go to bed at 8:00.   i go to bed at 8:30.who goes to bed later, or ?  goes to bed later than .  / i get up at ……,.i get up at ……. who gets up earlier, or ? gets up earlier.……3.does   go to bed earlier than ?  does get up later than ?   4.复习动物类单词(用动物用比较)are bears as big as elephants? 并积极地参加比较工作,要求快速地问答。b  教学part b1.打开书,先看图,说说图的意思,并用英语说出来2.同桌讨论,并以教材为model说出其它的问答句。3.起立一人答出其答句,其他同学倾听较对4.写一写。c  教学part c1.打开书,先看图,说说图的意思,并用英语说出来2.同桌讨论,并以教材为model说出其它的问答句。3.起立一人答出其答句,其他同学倾听较对4.写一写。

  六 板书设计:

  unit 4 review and check

  who goes to bed later, helen or mike ?does the boy ……? yes, he does./no, he does not.are the orange in the ……?yes, they are./no, they aren’t.七 作业设计: 翻译句子1.         高山比吉姆强壮。 gao shan is jim.2.         凯特比苏珊小半小时。kate is susan.3.         沿着这条路走,在第三个拐弯处右拐。go the  ,  right   the third       .八 课后反思本单元d部分主要是通过谈论体育成绩表、填表、写信三种形式,进一步引导学生进行句型及日常用语的复习。在结束这四个板块的练习之后,引导学生以根据自己的兴趣爱好设计个人名片做自我介绍、去某处问路的活动形式,在小组内综合运用前三个单元所学的句子进行自编对话表演,进一步提高学生的综合运用语言的能力。

  unit 4 review and check    (第二教时)4.4 wed. 21

  一 教学内容:完成补充习题册上本单元相关练习。

  unit 4 review and check    (第二教时)4.5 thu. 22

  一 教学内容:完成拓展练习册上本单元相关练习。



5B Unit(通用16篇)
