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Unit 6 Doing housework(精选2篇)

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Unit 6 Doing housework(精选2篇)

Unit 6 Doing housework 篇1


  part b look read and learn. part c ask and answer


  1、听懂,会说,会读,拼写单词stand , sit , sleep , jump , run , walk , sweep the floor , clean the windows , wash clothes .



  the pronunciation of the new words.


  word cards , tape recorder , computer


  一、free talk

  can you ……?

  what can you do ?

  ask several students .


  teach the new words:

  1.stand and sit , standing , sitting.

  ask and answer.

  what can you do? i can…

  i am……., now.

  ask several students. then show the word cards . i can….

  ss read one by one.

  t: now, i am standing.

  t stand there , and say the words: standing.

  t: look, i can sit . t does the action. show the words card.

  ss read in groups .

  t: now, i am sitting.

  2. teach: jump , run , walk . jumping , running , walking .

  the boy/girl can…..

  he / she is …….

  use the computer , show some pictures , which can do the action.

  then show the words card .

  ss read one by one , in boys and girls .

  3. teach : sweep the floor , clean the windows , sweeping , cleaning .

  he / she is …….

  ask two ss to do the action, then other guess .

  then show the word cards ,ask ss read.

  4. teach : sleep , wash clothes , sleeping , washing .

  listen and guess.

  use the computer to show the two sounds of sleeping and washing.

  t: ask the ss guess.

  then show the picture of sleeping and washing clothes.

  show the words , ask ss read in groups and in line.

  5. read the new words.t: play the tape-recorder , ask the ss read after the tape.


  1.show all the new words and their ing .

  ask ss read

  2. do a guessing game.

  he / she is….


  1. copy the new words four times.

  2. to recite the new words.


  unit 6 doing housework

  i can….. stand i am…. standing

  sit he/she is…… sitting

  jump jumping

  run running

  walk walking

  sweep the floor sweeping

  clean the windows cleaning

  sleep sleeping

  wash clothes washing


  b.look,read and learn c. ask and answer


  1. learn the 4 skill phrases: sweep the floor, clean the windows, wash clothes. command the 4 skill words: stand, sit, sleep, jump, run, walk.

  2.learn the 3 skill phrases: clean the windows, do homework, do house work.

  3.command the sentence structure:

  what are you doing? i’m…/ we’re…


  1.use the verb phrases correctly.

  2.command the words and the sentence structure.

  【教具准备】pictures, tape and tape-recorder, projects.



  free talk

  1.t: show the pictures of part. b (前六幅)and part.d.

  show a model:

  t: what is he doing?

  t: can you spell the word “stand”?

  please ask and answer in pairs.

  ss: look at the pictures.

  a model:

  ss: he is standing.

  ss: s-t-a-n-d, stand.

  ss: ask and answer in pairs.

  b presentation and practice

  learn to say the new phrases. (show the picture of the phrases)

  1. t: look at the picture, what is he doing? he is sweeping the floor.

  t: show “sweep the floor”

  2. t: teach the phrases “wash clothes, clean the window, do homework, do house work” in the same way.

  3. consolidation.

  ss: learn to say and spell the phrase “sweep the floor”.

  ss: learn to say and spell the phrase “ wash clothes ”, learn to say the phrases “clean the window, do homework, do house work” in the same way.

  4.read the phrases after the tape.

  listen and point the right picture.

  look and read.

  listen and act.

  c play a game

  1. t (让一学生躲在门后,做一动作): what are you doing?

  2. show the sentence:

  “ what are you doing?

  i’m reading a storybook.”

  t:( 复习)be动词(am, is, are)加上动词的ing形式,表示动作正在进行。

  t: check.

  3. t: (做一动作)

  t: i’m walking.

  t: i’m sleeping.


  4. t: let’s do pair work.

  d consolidation

  practice the sentence structure.

  1. t: look at part. c.

  please practice in pairs.

  2. t&s: check.

  3.let ss work in pairs.


  1.give the homework to the students.

  2.copy 4 skill words and sentences.


  unit 6 doing house work

  what are you doing? i’m reading a storybook.

  what are you doing? we’re drawing pictures.

  sweep the floor wash clothes

  clean the window do housework do homework


  part a


  1.learn to say the 4 skill words and phrases: morning, ring, maths, at home, help…with.

  2.learn the 3 skill sentence: are you free now? see you this afternoon.

  3.learn to say the dialogue “doing housework” fluency.

  4.learn calling.


  1.learn to say the skill words and phrases: morning, ring, maths, at home, help…with.

  2.learn to say the dialogue “doing housework” fluency.


  tape, picture, project




  a:what are you doing?

  b: i’m/ we’re …

  ss: ask and answer in pairs.

  b presentation

  1. t: (show a picture of page 44 and page 45.)

  it’s sunday morning.

  (1) who can you see in the picture?

  (2)where are they?

  t: they’re at home.

  t: teach the phrase:at home

  (3)what are su hai and su yang doing?

  2. t: yes. su yang and su hai are doing housework. (教师按玩具电话键,使其响起来)now the telephone is ringing.

  c read and say

  1. t: let’s try to say the background.


  t: it is…

  t: su yang and su hai are…

  t: they are…

  t: the telephone is…

  2. read.

  3. check.

  4.t: read the background after the tape.

  d read and say

  1.t: now open your books, please. let’s read the dialogue after the tape please.


  3.t:show the sentence “ how about this afternoon?” “see you this afternoon.”

  f practice

  1. practice in pairs.

  2. check.


  unit 6 doing housework

  hello. is that su hai?

  are you free now?

  what are you doing?

  how about su yang? what is she doing?

  what are you doing, nancy? how about this afternoon?


  part d look and say



  where is he/she? he’s /she is in…….

  what is he/ she doing? he’s /she’s …….






  一、free talk

  what are you doing?

  what am i doing?

  ask several ss to answer.


  1..ask and answer

  what are you doing? i am….

  what is he doing? he’s…..

  what is she doing? she’s……

  ask sa to answer the question: what are you doing? then give the answer.

  ask sb to answer the question: what is he doing? (teacher gives the help.)

  use the same way to teach : what is she doing? she’s……

  2.look and say

  what is he doing? he’s…..

  what is she doing? she’s……

  use the computer to show the pictures, ask the ss ask and answer with their parterners.

  3.do part d

  ask the ss to do the pair work. then ask several groups to act out .


  1. copy part d on their exercise book.

  2. recite part d .


  unit 6 doing housework

  what is he / she doing ? he’s /she’s …..

  where is he / she? he’s / she’s in…..


  e. act and guess f. listen and repeat g. look and read


  1.learn the 3 skills: yes, you’re right. no, you’re wrong.

  2.learn to sing: what are you doing?

  3.command the pronunciation of the letter “e”.

  4. learn part. g “look and read”.


  make and act a dialogue “a telephone call”.


  tape, picture, project



  free talk

  t:what are you doing?

  what is he/ she doing?

  pair work.

  s: i’m/ we’re…

  s:he’s/ she’s …

  s:practice in pairs.



  1.t: what are you doing, boys and girls?

  2.t: what is he doing?

  t: what is she doing?

  t: what are they doing?



  1.s:answer the questions.

  2.look and say.

  3.practise in pairs.

  4.s1: i’m having an english lesson.

  ss: we’re having an english lesson.

  ss: ask and answer “what are you doing? i’m …”

  5. ss: pair work.

  “what is he/she doing? he’s/ she’s…”

  6. s2: he’s walking.

  s2: she’s walking, too.

  ss: they’re walking.

  ss: ask and answer in pairs. “what are they doing? they’re …”

  7. ss: 以be动词加动词的ing形式表示动作正在进行。


  listen and repeat

  1. t: show the words: bed let’s red vest

  2.t:show the sentence.

  3.listen and repeat.


  look and read

  1. t: now boys and girls, please look at part. g, read by yourselves then answer the questions.

  (1)what is kate doing?

  (2)what is tom doing?

  (3) what is betty doing?

  (4) what is john doing?

  (5)what is the woman in green doing?

  (6) now what are they doing?

  2.t: let’s read.


  1. copy. ex. d

  2. review unit 6.


  unit 6 doing housework

  hello. is that…?

  yes/no, this is …

  hello, who’s that speaking?

  hello, this is … speaking.

Unit 6 Doing housework 篇2


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词morning 、home 、 maths 、 sleep 、jump 、walk


  are  you  free  now ?

  how  about … ?

  can  you  come  and  help … with … ?

  see  you  this  afternoon .

  please  help  me .

  yes , you’re  right .

  sorry , you’re  wrong .


  what  is / are … doing  ?

  he’s / she’s / i’m / we’re / they’re …


  5、会唱歌谣 what  are  you  doing  ?


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词morning 、home 、 maths 、 sleep 、jump 、walk


  what  is / are … doing  ?

  he’s / she’s / i’m / we’re / they’re …





  1.free talk. ­

  t:good afternoon ­

  glad to see you. ­

  s1: glad to see you­

  t: i like singing. what do you like? ­

  s1: i like swimming. ­

  t: what day is to day? ­

  s2: today is tuesday. ­

  t: how are you? t: how about your father? ­

  s2: i’m fine. s2: he’s fine. ­

  t: are you free now? ­

  s2: yes, i am. / no,   i’m not. ­

  t: where are you now, class? ­

  ss: we’re at the english lesson. ­

  / we’re in the classroom. ­

  2.say a chant. what can you do? ­

  step2 presentation ­

  1.make a call.提示课题。 ­

  t: hello, ××what day is today? ­

  s1:today is tuesday. ­

  t: it’s a nice day, isn’t it? ­

  s2:yes, it is . ­

  t: hello, ××it’s a nice day. do you like this morning? ­

  s3:yes. ­

  t:are you free now? ­

  shall we go to the zoo? ­

  s4:all right / great! ­

  t: this class we’ll learn to make a call. ­

  揭示课题: ­

  t: look at this. say after me. ­

  make a call. ­

  ss: make a call . ­

  t: now here is a telephone. let’s make a call. ­

  2、创设情境,学习打电话方式。 ­

  t: hello, this is m r sun. ­

  s1:hello, this is s1. ­

  s2:hello, this is s2. ­

  s3:hello, this is s3. ­

  t: hello, this is  m r  sun ­

  is that ? ­

  s4:yes, this is s4. ­

  t: are you free now? ­

  s4:no, i ’m not. ­

  t:are you free this afternoon? ­

  s4:yes, i’m free. ­

  t: shall we go to the zoo? ­

  s4:great!(教师引应答语,that sounds good.) ­

  教师作示范model两次,学生学习打电话,随后黑板上出示,对话句型( chant) ­

  ss: work in pairs. ­

  s1:hello. ­

  s2:hello, is that ? ­

  s1:yes, this is . ­

  s2:are you free this afternoon? s1:yes, i am.­

  s2:shall we go to the zoo? ­

  s1:that sounds good. ­

  3.say a chant ( make a call ) ­

  t:now, let’s have a rest. ­

  do you like rhymes? ­

  now say after me. ­

  4、在唱chant 情境中,引出现在分词句型。 ­

  t:hello, . can you sing this song? ­

  s1:yes, i can. ­

  t: excuse me。 ­

  what are you doing? ­

  s: i’m…. ­

  引出i am singing. ­

  板书:what are you doing?(贴小黑板) ­

  t:教师提问几个学生,利用复习旧句型what can you do? ­

  i can swim.(学生边说边动作)而后引出动词的现在进行时态。

  首先教师提问,学生回答和做动作。接着教师展示自己的才能,启发学生提问。 ­

  t:look at me ,class. ­

  i can swim. look! ­

  (教师游泳动作) ­

  s1:excuse me. mr sun. ­

  what are you doing? ­

  t:i am swimming. ­

  and i am cleaning the window. ­

  s2:excuse me / hello, mr sun ­

  what are you doing? ­

  t:i am cleaning the window. 板书:clean clean the window­

  t: now follow me, clean the window. ­

  ss: clean the window. ­

  t:hello, . can you clean the window? ­

  s1:yes, i can look! ­

  t:what are you doing? ­

  s1:i’m cleaning the window. ­

  t:me too. and i can sweep the floor. ­

  look!(教师作扫地动作) ­

  引:sweep the floor ­

  ss:sweep the floor. ­

  t:what are you doing? ­

  s2:i’m sweeping the floor. ­

  t:me too.(教师也做扫地动作) ­

  5、游戏引stand 和 sit. ­

  t:do you like games, class? ­

  ss:yes, i do. ­

  t:stand up boys. ­

  sb:all right. ­

  t:what are you doing, boys? ­

  sb:we’re standing. ­

  引:stand. ­

  t:stand, follow me. ­

  ss:stand. ­

  t:what are you doing? ­

  sb:we’re standing. ­

  t:sit down, please. ­

  t:what are you doing? ­

  sb:we’re standing. ­

  t:sit down, please.(教师分批提问站立男孩,而后示意其坐下) ­

  (待全体男孩坐下,提问集体) ­

  t:what are you dong, ? ­

  引:sit. i’m sitting. we’re sitting. ­

  6、电脑呈现学生课外活动的照片。 ­

  教师提问:what is ××doing? / what are ××and ××dong?引出动词或动词词组run, have an english class ­

  ss:学生看图互相提问、互动练习what is doing? he’s /she’s … ­

  7、引出chant ­

  autumn is coming. the sun is shining. ­

  the cat is running. the mouse is sleeping. ­

  boys are singing. girls are dancing. ­

  our life is very interesting. ­

  8、出示教学挂图,引doing housework. ­

  补充出示telephone图引出the telephone is ringing。 ­

  ask and answer : ­

  ①what day is today? ­

  ②where are suhai and su yang? ­

  ③what are they doing? ­

  ④what’s the matter? ­

  step 3 ­

  1、听录音跟读课文。 ­

  2、全体读课文。 ­

  3、分角色朗读课文。 ­

  step 4、homework: ­

  熟读课文及抄写生词:do, housework, ring, sweep, run , stand, sit.


  .greetings: ­

  1.以唱歌“what are you doing ?”引入。 ­

  2.free talk : ­

  (1)日常交际用语: ­

  ---what day is it today ? ­

  ---what’s the weather like today ? ­

  ---what’s the date today ? ­

  ---how are you ? ­

  ---how about you ? ­

  (在谈话的过程中渗透“how about …?”) ­

  (2)由问气候引导问: ­

  ---it’s a fine day today , isn’t it ?

  ­---yes , it is . ­

  ---now , let’s play a game . ok? “follow me ”. ­

  ---look! ­

  教师示范: ­

  swimmming ,swimming , i’m swimming . ­

  what are you doing ? ­

  学生重复教师的动作及话语。 ­

  在游戏的过程中,教师随便指定学生,训练学生听的能力, ­

  以及反应的速度。 ­

  (3)师生间相互交谈: ­

  ---what are you doing ? ­

  ---i’m singing .(listening , cleaning , sweeping… ­

  学生做动作并回答问题。) ­

  ---what are suyang and su hai doing ? ­

  let’s make a telephone call . ok? ­

  (4)some students act the dialogue of section 1. ­

  .presentation and practice : ­

  1.通过学生表演的对话,引出: ­

  ---what is su yang doing ? ­

  ---she’s … ­

  ---what is su hai doing ? ­

  ---she’s … ­

  ---what are they doing ? ­

  ---they’re doing their homework . ­

  2.---do you like to play a game now ? ­

  ---great ! ­

  listen and act :教师说口令,学生做动作,教师提问,其他同学回答: ­

  ---can you swim ? ­

  ---yes ,i can . ­

  ---swim ,please . ­

  ---all right .(学生做游泳的动作) ­

  教师提问: ­

  ---what is he doing ? ­

  ---he’s swimming . ­

  板书: ­

  ---what is he /she doing ?he’s /she’s … ­

  ---what are they doing ?they’re …. ­

  work in groups. ­

  3.出示教科书挂图1 ­

  ---what is su hai doing ? ­

  ---she’s … ­

  ---how about su hai ? ­

  ---she’s … ­

  引出:how about …? ­

  出示杨玲和南希的图片: ­

  ---what is yang ling doing ? ­

  ---she’s … ­

  ---how about nancy ? ­

  ---she’s doing her homework. ­

  出示板书:homework 家庭作业 ­

  look at the pictures and talk about them .看图并谈论: ­

  ---what is she doing ? ­

  ---she is … ­

  ---how about …? ­

  ---she is … ­

  4. ---oh ,look !what’s this in english?(教师拿出没有拼好的拼图) ­

  ---it’s a puzzle . ­

  ---can you do a puzzle ? ­

  ---yes , i can . ­

  ---can you come and help me ? ­

  ---sure . ­

  ---thank you . ­

  引出come and help me 来帮我 ­

  ---look! this is my maths homewok . ­

  ---can you come and help me with my maths ? ­

  yes. ­

  引出:maths数学 ­

  come and help me with my maths来帮助我学习数学 ­

  ---can you come and help me with my maths? ­

  ---sure./yes. ­

  ask and answer in pairs. ­

  5.由此对话,引导谈论图片: ­

  .consolidation: ­

  1、look at the pictures and listen to the tape教科书图片2) ­

  2、answer the questions: ­

  are su yang and su hai free now ? ­

  how about nancy ? ­

  can su hai help nancy ? ­

  are they going to meet this afternoon ? ­

  3、read after the tape : ­

  learn :how about …(time)? ­

  4、read in roles . ­

  5、practice to make a new dialogue . ­

  .homework : ­

  1、read the dialogue three times and try to make a phone call in english . ­

  2、wtite the new words and the sentences.


  step1:free talk: ­

  a.t:hello, how are you? ­

  s:fine, thank you. ­

  t:are you free now? ­

  s:no, i’m not. ­

  t:what are you doing? ­

  s:i’m having an english lesson. ­

  t:how about your mother?what is she doing? ­

  s:she’s doing housework. ­

  b.t:who’s your friend? ­

  s:he’s . ­

  t:what is he doing? ­

  s:he’s listening. ­

  c.t:hello, do you like swimming? ­

  s1:yes, i do. ­

  t:let’s swim. ­

  t:(指着s1)what is she doing? ­

  s: she’s swimming. ­

  step2.read the book(请2组学生分角色朗读) ­

  step3. say a chant(通过chant,使学生能熟练地表达动名词) ­

  t: singing, singing. what are you doing? ­

  s: singing, singing. we are singing.(边说边做动作) ­

  (依次说dancing , listening, skiing, standing, reading, watching, sweeping, drawing, swimming) ­

  (由chant引出 jumping, 新授jump) ­

  step 4.play a game(老师悄声命令s1做动作,然后让学生猜一猜,激发学生学习的兴趣。) ­

  t:(悄声告诉s1)draw a picture. ­

  s1(学生做动作) ­

  t: what is she / he doing guess? ­

  s: guess, she’s /he’s drawing a picture. ­

  t: what are you doing? ­

  s1:i’m drawing a picturre. ­

  t: yes, you’re right /  no ,you’re wrong. ­

  分别让学生read the book, sweep the floor, clean the desk…… ­

  step5.通过play a game (让学生wash clothes)自然引入 ­

  新授wash clothes(注意 clothes 的发音) ­

  step6. ask and answer(利用多媒体出示c部分的图片) ­

  1.通过师生对话,示范图1。 ­

  t: what are you doing? ­

  s: i’m reading the book. ­

  2.看图2 学生合作work in pairs. ­

  3.利用图3中的两个人物,师生对话,然后再加入两个人物,创设复数情景。 ­

  t: what are you doing? ­

  s: we’re drawing picture. ­

  step7. look and say ­

  1.通过师生对话,示范图1 ­

  t: where’s liu tao? ­

  s: he’s in the play ground. ­

  t: what is he doing? ­

  s: he’s sleeping. ­

  新授sleep ­

  2.同桌合作讨论图3、图4 work in pairs编小对话。 ­

  step8.do exercise and check.(运用c部分图4, d部分图2)培养学生写的能力。 ­

  (1)a: hello, is ben? ­

  b: yes, is ben. ­

  a: are you free now? ­

  b: no. ­

  a: what are you ? ­

  b: are the toys. ­

  a: see you. ­

  (2)a: hi, is nancy? ­

  b:yes. ­

  a: david? ­

  b:he’s the . ­

  a:what doing? ­

  b:he the book. ­

  a:let’s go and find. ­

  step9. homework. ­

  1、完成c、d两部分。 ­

  2、创设情景用what are you doing? 和what is she/he doing?自编对话。









Unit 6  Doing  housework(精选2篇)
