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英文版牛津英语5A教案――Unit1The first day at school(通用2篇)

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英文版牛津英语5A教案――Unit1The first day at school(通用2篇)

英文版牛津英语5A教案――Unit1The first day at school 篇1

  title: unit 1 (1st) the first day at school


  1. learn to say the words: any, toilet, table tennis room, sports hall.

  2. learn the 4 skill words: garden.

  3. revise the sentence structure:

  there is a in the.

  there are some in the .

  4. command the sentence structure:

  is there a in the yes, there is./ no, there isn't.

  are there any in the yes, there are./ no, there aren't.


  command the words and the sentence structure.


  command the sentence structure:

  is there a in the yes, there is./ no, there isn't.

  are there any in the yes, there are./ no, there aren't.

  teaching aids: pictures, tape and tape-recorder, projects.


  1.writing on the blackboard "unit 1 the first day at school"

  2. the projects.

  writing on the blackboard:

  unit 1 the first day at school

  is there a in the yes, there is./ no, there isn't.

  are there any in the yes, there are./ no, there aren't.

  toilet building garden

  table tennis room sports hall

  summary of this lesson:

  开学第一节课,学生在自我介绍和相互用 "glad to see you."这一环节掌握较好,但由于本节课在复习前面句型"there is/are …"的基础上教授 "is there … are there any … "及其它们的回答还有四个单词,课容量较多,时间不够,学生对新句型和新单词的掌握上可能还存在生疏,教师应在以后的教学中逐渐渗透,直到学生真正掌握.


  out line teacher's activities students' activities

  step 1 speaking english 1. t: hi, boys and girls. glad to see you.

  2. t: now, look at the pictures. what's in the picture

  ( revise the words: bookcase, songbooks, computer, classroom)1.ss: glad to see you, miss li.

  2.ss: there is a in the picture./

  there are some in the picture.

  step 2

  learn to say the new words.(show the pictures)

  1.t: what's in the picture

  2.t: what place is it, can you guess

  t: it's a garden.

  t: show the word "car".

  3.t: teach the words " toilet, building, table tennis room, sports hall."

  4.consolidation.1. ss: there's a school in the picture.

  2.read and spell the word "garden".

  3.ss: learn to say the words "toilet, building, table tennis room, sports hall.".

  4.listen and point the right picture.

  read the words after the tape.

  look and read.

  step 3 learn the sentence structure. (show a picture)

  1. t(反转图片): what's in the picture, can you guess

  2. t(图片正现学生):

  is there a in the picture

  3.t: ( show the pictures)

  is there a in the

  4. show the sentence:

  is there a in the picture

  5. show the pictures.

  6. drill.

  7. teach the sentence structure "are there any in the yes, there are./ no, there aren't." in the same way.1. s1: there is a in the picture.

  2. s1( 在教师指导下):

  yes, there is./ no, there isn't.

  3. ss: answer the questions according to the picture.

  ( learn to say: yes, there is. no, there isn't.

  4. ss

  understand the sentence.

  5. make the sentences with " is there a...in the… "

  6. look at the pictures and drill the sentence structure "is there. yes, there is./ no, there isn't."

  7. ss: learn the sentence structure "are there any in the yes, there are./ no, there aren't." in the same way.

  step 4

  practise the sentence structure.1. t: look at part. c. please practise in pairs.

  2. t&s: check.

  3.drill.1.ss: work in pairs.

  2. 个别操练.

  3. 集体操练.

  step 5 home work. give the home work to the students. ss: copy 4 skill words and sentences.

  英文版牛津英语5a教案――unit1(1st)the first day at school 来自第一范文网。

英文版牛津英语5A教案――Unit1The first day at school 篇2

  title: unit 1  (5th)


  1. learn to say the 3 skill word and sentence: park; shall we go and play there?

  2. learn the 4 skill words: house, flower.

  3. learn to say the dialogue of “read and act.”


  learn the 4 skill words: house, flower.

  learn to say the dialogue of “read and act.”


  the pronunciation of the word “flower”.

  read and act out the dialogue.

  teaching aids:

  tape, picture, project


  1. writing the title on the blackboard.

  2. pictures, project, tape and recorder.

  writing on the blackboard:

  unit  1   the first day at school


  is there a park near your house?

  are there any swings?                

  shall we go and play there?                 

  summary of this lesson:

  通过谈论公园里的花草树木及设施,再次练习is there a/an …? are there any …?等句型。对话中出现的shall we …? good idea.在4b中以学过,学生不难理解。


  out line teacher's activities students' activities   

  step 1


  english. 1. t: let’s act out the dialogue “ the first day at school”.

  2. ask and answer. 1. ss: act out the dialogue “ the first day at school”.

  2. ss: ask and answer in pairs. ( part. c and part. d)   

  step 2

  presentation. 1.t: (show a picture of part. e.) now, please look at the picture, “what are there in the picture?”

  t: anything else?

  t: teach the words “house” and “flower”.

  2.t: there is a slide, some swings, trees and flowers. how beautiful! what place is it? do you know?

  t: no, it’s a park.

  3.t: oh, the park is so beautiful! shall we go and play there?

  4. drill. 1. ss: there’s a slide.

  there are some swings, trees,…

  s1: a house/ some flowers.

  ss: learn to say and spell the words “house” and “flower”.

  2. ss: it’s a garden.

  ss: understand and learn to say the word “park”.

  ss: make a comparation “the difference between the two words ‘park’ and ‘garden’ ”.

  3. try to understand the sentence “shall we go and play there?”

  ss: learn to say the sentence  “shall we go and play there?”

  4. sa: shall we go and play there?

  sb: good idea./all right….   

  step 3

  read and practice. 1.t: now open your books, please. let’s read the dialogue after the tape

  2. check.

  3. practice. 1. read the dialogue after the tape.

  read after t.

  read in groups.

  2. read in roles.

  3. a. pair work.

  b. act out the dialogue.   

  step 4

  have a rest. play a guessing game.  教师快速闪过图片给学生看,然后合上图片,问 “what’s in the picture? how many?” 游戏中每次每个小组有一位学生猜,哪个小组的学生猜对了,该小组得分。   

  step 5 listen and repeat. 1. t: show the words: cake  grape  plate  table

  2. t: show the sentence. 1. ss: listen and repeat.

  ss: try to say out the pronunciation of the letter “a”.

  2. listen and repeat.   

  step  6 consolidation. listening practice. 1. listen and judge.

  2. listen and choose.


  step 8

  home work.  1.copy 4 skill words.

  2.finish the ex. f in the workbook.

  英文版牛津英语5a教案――unit1(5st)the first day at school 来自第一范文网。



英文版牛津英语5A教案――Unit1The first day at school(通用2篇)
