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4B Unit2 At a party 第3课时(精选5篇)

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4B Unit2 At a party 第3课时(精选5篇)

4B Unit2 At a party 第3课时 篇1


  1.the students can read the rhyme my brother

  2.the students can write the words and sentence patterns in this unit.



  create the english atmosphere.

  have a dialogue with the students.

  sing the song who’s that girl?

  have a dialogue with the teacher

  sing the song who’s that girl


  the students can read the rhyme my brother

  let the ss to read it by themselves.

  play the record.

  guide to look at the picture and understand the meaning.

  guided reading

  play the record.

  say it to your partner.

  reading competition.

  the ss read it by themselves. and underline to words they don’t know.

  listen carefully and get the sound of the words

  look at the picture and understand and meaning.

  read after the teacher.

  read after the tape.

  say it to your partner.

  reading individually and others judge who is the best reader.


  review the sentence patterns and words.

  show the pictures of the words

  ask them to spell it.

  play the record of the exercises in exercise book.

  analyze the exercise d and e.

  hold a dictation.

  read it one by one

  spell it.

  do the listening in unit2 in the exercise book.

  one ss says the answer and others discuss.

  have a dictation.

  the dictation shows that the ss still can’t write these words and sentences. i think the reason is that the words are much more than unit 1.


  consolidate the sentence patterns.


  一.put the words in the right order.

  1.  that, boy, is, your , brother?

  2.  the man short who’s hair with?

  3.  one the the in blue coat.

  4.  the, woman, in, a, green, skirt, who’s

  5.  say, go, let’s , and hello

  take notes and finish.

  4b unit2 at a party 第4课时 来自第一范文网。

4B Unit2 At a party 第3课时 篇2


  ⑴  the students can understand by listening, saying, reading and writing these words: grandfather grandmother father, mother, brother, sister, an eye, a mouth, white, a skirt, a friend

  (2) the ss can use the sentences structures.



  create the english

  1.  play the record

  2. let the ss act out the dialogue of part a.

  follow the tape and sing the song who’s that girl?

  act out the dialogue of part a.


  ⑴  the students can understand by listening, saying, reading and writing these words: grandfather grandmother father, mother, brother, sister, an eye, a mouth, white, a skirt, a friend

  show the pictures of some students and say.

  a man with a big head.

  a girl with long hair.

  a boy with small eyes.

  a woman with a small mouth

  a man with a big nose.

  a boy with small ears.

  teach the words. hair, head, an eye, an ear, nose, mouth.

  show the family tree.

  ask them to spell every word.

  let ss look at the picture carefully and say something about their clothes.

  show white and skirt.

  look at the pictures

  repeat these sentences:

  a man with a big head.

  a girl with long hair.

  a boy with small eyes.

  a woman with a small mouth

  a man with a big nose.

  a boy with small ears.

  learn these words. and read one by one, group by group.

  ss go over the words:

  grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, father, mother, friend, and spell.

  look at the clothes and say something about the clothes.

  in a white skirt.

  read and spell.

  the ss can read and say the words but they still time to remember the words. they are very confused with the word eye and ear. i shall give them more chances to practice these two words.


  ss can use the sentence pattern

  who’s the ____ with _____? he’s/she’s my ____.

  ss can use the sentence pattern

  is that ____ your____? yes, he/she is. no, he/she isn’t.

  which one?

  the one in the ____?

  show the picture and do picture 1 with the ss.

  who’s the man with big ears?

  ask ss to do the other three ones in pairs, and show.

  show the pictures and don picture 1 with ss as a model.

  is that man your father?

  the one in the blue shirt.

  ask ss to do the other three ones in pairs, and show.

  look at the picture and do picture 1 with me.

  he’s my father.

  do it in pairs.

  show it.

  look at the picture and do picture 1 with me.

  which one?

  yes, he is.

  do it in pairs.

  show it.


  consolidate sentence patterns.

  the ss can write the new words

  ask ss to compile a dialogue using the sentence patterns we’ve learned.


  1.copy the new words and keep them in your memory.

  2.preview part e and fun house 1 look and read.

  compile in groups

  show it.

  take notes and finish.

4B Unit2 At a party 第3课时 篇3


  ⑴  the students can understand by listening, saying, reading and writing these words: grandfather grandmother father, mother, brother, sister, an eye, a mouth, white, a skirt, a friend.

  ⑵  the students can understand by listening, say and read the sentences: nice to meet you. we’re late for the party.

  ⑶  the students can understand by listening, saying, reading and writing these sentences: who’s the … with…?  he’s/she’s… is that … your…? which one? the one in the….

  ⑷  the students get some basic information of the pronunciation of the letters ck.

  (5) read the rhyme: my brother in right tunes.


  1. words: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother. sister, an eye, a mouth, white, a skirt, a friend.

  2. sentences: who’s the … with…?  he’s/she’s… is that … your…? which one? the one in the…. nice to meet you. we’re late for the party.

  教学准备:record, tape, pictures, photo of some students



  (1) the students can read and understand the dialogue. (2) the students can understand by listening, saying, reading and writing these sentences: who’s the … with…?  he’s/she’s… is that … your…? which one? the one in the….

  free talk

  creative the atmosphere of english learning, improve the enthusiasm of students to attract them.

  1 sing a song: “good morning”

  2 make the daily dialogue with the students.

  3 organize the students make the daily dialogue.

  sing the song

  make the dialogue.

  we should let more ss make the dialogues.


  the ss can read and understand the dialogue.

  the students can understand by listening, saying, reading these sentences: who’s the … with …?  he’s/she’s… is that … your ….? which one? the one in the …

  show the photos of some students.

  introduce the boy with big eyes, the girl with long hair, the woman with a small mouth. and teach the word with. 

  ask. who’s the boy with big eyes?

  show the picture of the dialogue and introduce the background.

  play the record twice.

  open your book and read by yourselves.

  look at the photos carefully. find their characters.

  listen and repeat.

  read the word with one by one

  read the sentence one by one.

  answer from the photos.


  look at the picture and understand the introduction.

  listen twice and try to understand.

  read individually.

  this lesson focuses on dialogue teaching. i use real photos to arouse their interests and their want of saying english.


  read the dialogue in right tunes.

  act out the dialogue.

  play the record.

  guided reading.

  organize the ss to act out the dialogue.

  listen and repeat.

  individually reading.

  ss act out the dialogue in groups.


  the ss can use and write the sentence patterns.

  organize the ss to make sentences with the sentence patterns.


  1.recite part a.

  make sentences according to sentence patterns.

  take notes and finish.

  4b unit2 at a party 第1课时 来自第一范文网。

4B Unit2 At a party 第3课时 篇4

  课时目标:analyze some of the items on the test paper



  create the english atmosphere.

  have free talk with the ss.

  have free talk with the teacher.


  analyze listening: let the ss understand it.

  2.analyze part 1

  analyze part 3. the ss get the general idea of special question and its answer.

  analyze part 4.

  analyze part 5.

  analyze part 6

  read these parts.

  ask ss to read each word and tell me the sound of the underlined words and judge.

  let the ss read each sentence and say the chinese meaning of the first word of each sentence.

  let the ss to find the answer to each question.

  let the ss find the clue.

  give them some help at some certain time

  1.the one in the brown shirt.

  2.we’re late for class.

  3.who’s the boy with a big head?

  4.is that girl your sister?

  5.let’s go and say hello.

  let the ss correct by themselves.

  give some help.

  listen again and one s tells the answer. others discuss it in class.

  read each word and tell me the sound of the underlined words and listen to my comment carefully.

  the ss reach each sentence and say the chinese meaning of the first word of each sentence and get the information.

  find the answer to each question.

  the ss find the clue.

  1. boy brotherc

  2. big nose b

  3. big eyes  c

  4. she   yes b

  5. man  no   a

  6. do youa

  7. he mr. green   d

  8. a yellow sweater   b

  9. lated

  10. according to meaning  c

  look and correct.

  correct by themselves

  one tells the answer others judge.

  the ss’ shortcoming is written english and they are lack of analysis ability. i should give them some analysis strategies.

  they are puzzled with the question words.


  master the words and sentences by correcting.


  1.correct the paper

  2.preview unit 3 part a.

  3.design two names cards: one is for your father or mother; the other is for yourself (after twenty years).

  take notes and finish.

4B Unit2 At a party 第3课时 篇5


  1.the ss can read, say and understand by listening and act read and act.

  2.the students get some basic information of the pronunciation of the letters ck



  create the english

  go over the words.

  ask ss to show the dialogue they compiled last class.


  show it in class.

  have a dictation.


  1.the ss can read, say and understand by listening read and act.

  2.the students get some basic information of the pronunciation of the letters ck

  play the record

  open your book and read after me.  guided reading.

  key sentence:

  1.we’re late for the party.

  2.let’s hurry!

  play the record

  show the picture and words:

  black   clock   jacket sock

  guided reading : the sentence

  play the record

  ask ss to do it individually.

  listen and understand

  open the book and read after the teacher.

  read these two sentences individually.

  follow the tape.

  look at the words and read and get the basic idea of the pronunciation of ck

  follow the teacher

  follow the record.

  read it individually.

  i play the tape first. then i think i should ask some questions to check whether they can understand or not.


  the ss can act out read and act.

  theater reading with the students.

  do it in pairs.

  let the ss show it.

  theater reading with the teacher.

  theater reading in pairs and act it out.

  show it.


  consolidate the words.

  ask them to do part a and c. in the exercise book. play the record


  1.  recite read and act.

  2.  finish part d and e in the exercise book.

  3.  preview the rhyme.

  listen to the tape and do it


  discuss it in class.

  take notes and finish.



4B  Unit2  At a party 第3课时(精选5篇)
