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《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计(精选17篇)

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《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计(精选17篇)

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇1


  《英语课程标准》提出“学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿”。 因此在本堂课的教学设计中,我充分围绕“学生是英语学习的主人”这一主题,让学生在情境中积极主动地探究语言知识,培养了他们高度的参与意识,提高了他们的学习积极性,让他们通过活动获得知识,形成能力。















  a、能听懂、说出词汇 open, close, eat, drink, draw, read, write, copy。

  b、能听懂、并用祈使句及其否定句"don't ...        ..., please"。


  能用句型"don't ...        ..., please"请他人干某事和不要干某事。





  1)词汇:open, close, eat, drink, draw, read, write, copy。

  2)句型:"don't ...        ..., please"。








  unit  8  in  class      nov. 25

  don't ...                  all right.

  ... , please.

  draw an apple       apple


  warm up

  1)  chant:  please stand up.

  2)  sing an english  song:   go  to  school




  2)教师和个别学生用以下句型交流:what's your name?  your name, 

  please.  what's  this/that  in  english? where  is  it?  is  this/that  your ...?

  (因为在本课中将会带到一些实物的名称和有关地点的介词短语,  在这里既是交流,也是复习,为下面的学习打下伏笔。)


  1)  let's  play.  "follow me."

  让学生跟着教师做以下动作:stand  up.  get  up.  go  to  school.

  have lunch.  go  home.  watch  tv.  go  to  bed.  sit  down.

  2)play  a  game.  "simon  says"

  当老师说“simon  says:'get  up'”时,学生做动作;但如果老师不

  说“simon  says”,学生则不做动作。




  1)新授单词:open ,  close。

  在学生做完游戏后,对他们进行表扬:i  think  you're  so  clever.

  i'll give you a present.拿出一个盒子,who wants to open the box? 打开后

  学生会又发现一个书包,oh, who can open the school bag?打开书包又是一个笔袋,学生打开笔袋后,在里面发现了一些“苹果”(用红色的纸做的小礼品)。再让学生帮忙收拾这些东西:close the pencil case.close the school bag. close the box.表演open, close的学生分别可获得“苹果”的小奖品。

  多媒体再打出单词:open 和close,进行拼读。然后,让学生用两个词语组词。


  2)新授句型:don't...    ..., please.

  多媒体打出情境:天气很冷,不能开窗,要关窗。让学生在情境中,一下子就理解了don't... 的句型。

  给出两个盒子: i  want  a  pencil sharpener. who can help me?然后请学生don't open this box.  open  that box,  please.两两表演,操练句型。



  在让上一环节表演后,给表演的学生“苹果”奖品,并巧妙地问:do  you  like  apples?学生回答:yes, i do.老师紧接着:i like apples. ilike  to  eat  apples and drink apple juice.引出单词eat 和drink。

  新授单词后,拿出一盘食品和饮料,让学生看着实物,用eat和drink 组词,说对的小组可获得这些食品和饮料。

  分完食品和饮料后,教师自己拿出食品,和学生用don't  eat...eat ..., please. 进行交流。并分成小组操练。


  4)rhyme:   open, open, open the door.   close, close, close the window.

  eat, eat, eat the apple.  drink, drink, drink the juice.



  5)新授单词:draw 和read

  t: we all like apples. and we like to eat apples.can you draw an apple? look,  i  can draw an apple.  ( draw an  apple.)

  it's an apple.  i can read it. "apple"  can you draw  and  read?

  拿出纸和笔,在上面画画并读读。然后教学单词:draw     read

  新授单词:write 和 copy


  t: we know"draw  and   read".  can  you write them on the paper? ...

  let's copy  them.   


  将这四个单词放在一起,用动作表演,然后进行listen and do,  do and  listen的活动。

  6)用simon says的游戏巩固这些动词,并加上don't ...句型。



  给出图片情境,小组合作操练对话:don’t … …, please. all right.

  1、 公共汽车上,请他人不要坐脏座位,坐在干净的座位上。

  2、 时间晚了,爸爸让杨林不要看电视了,去睡觉。

  3、 要在厨房读书,到书房读书。

  4、 要在课桌上写字,在本子上写。



  1) 小组竞赛:抢答,发现了电影院中哪些不文明的行为。



  2) 给出课堂教学情景,让学生讨论哪些行为在课堂里不能做,自己该




  1、 copy the new words.

  2、 read the new words.

  3、 make some suggestions for our english class.




  1、教学过程中我根据学生的心理及生理特征,让“simons says”的游戏贯穿始终。这种游戏与教学相结合的方法,使学生在学中玩,玩中学,不仅不会感到语言学习的枯燥和疲倦,反而可以激发他们学习英语的兴趣,增强学生的自信心。

  2、 教学时,我积极鼓励学生进行情景交际,让学生学用结合,学以致




《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇2

  教学内容:小学牛津英语4a unit 8 in class (part a)


  本教材是江苏省牛津小学英语,它的编写原则是按“话题―功能―结构―任务”相结合,并力求使话题、功能、结构和任务四方面在比较真实的情景中紧密联系,融为一体。本单元的主要教学内容是通过…,please. don’t …,please.两种祈使句型,让学生掌握“请别人干某事”和“叫别人不要干某事”的英语表达方法。教师可以用动作、表情和手势帮助学生理解这些表示命令、请求、建议的句子,并要求学生能在一定的情景中熟练地运用这些祈使句。整个教学情景围绕课堂教学展开以师生之间轮回的指令为依托,使学生能听懂命令,并会在句型中正确使用draw, read,open。在教祈使句时,并进行相应的文明礼貌教育。


  1.能听懂、会说、会读、和拼写单词open, read, draw.

  2.能听懂、会说、会读祈使句open your books, please./don’t draw in your book./read the new words.并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。

  3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语that’s all right. don’t be late again.


  1.能听懂、会说、会读、和拼写单词open, read, draw.

  2.能听懂、会说、会读祈使句open your books,please./don’t draw in your book./read the new words.并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。





  step 1 warm up

  1. greetings

  2. free talk

  3.t: in class ,the teacher often gives you some orders. now listen carefully. if you do it very good. your group will have a present .at the end of the class, the group which has most presents will be the winner.

  (practice: sit down, please. stand up , please. open your books.板书)

  ss: yes.

  【设计思路】:通过greetings--free talk--orders,让学生慢慢进入状态。每个环节的内容紧密结合本课的新授内容,让学生在旧知中感受新知,在朦胧的状态下充满兴趣。并且尽量运用主动、形象、直观的教学方法,开展有趣的课上活动,使课堂教学声情并茂,激发学生的求知欲。

  step2: presentation and practice

  t: do you still remember mike? (point at the picture of unit 7)

  ss: yes.

  t: what does mike do in unit 7?

  s1: he gets up at 7:35.

  a. computer shows:

  t: mike is coming. but he is late.

  mike: sorry, boys and girls. i’m late.

  出示并新授:that’s all right.

  b. t: mike is late. let’s say“ mike, mike, don’t be late again.”(say the sentence in pairs.)

  c. t: now , we’re all here. let’s have our class, first, i’ll draw some apples for you.

  教师边在黑板上画边说:look,i can draw apples.

  draw a pear .draw an orange . draw a banana.

  (学生看着这些简单的画,学生在下面窃窃私语:我也会的。这时老师顺势说who can try ?)

  s1:draw a dog .s2:draw a cat. s3:draw a monkey.

  d. let’s play a game:bobby says

  在游戏过程中,强调“don’t”的读法。(t:bobby says “read 1”. ss: read 1.

  各种单词卡片出示,让学生操练:read…t---s1出示两张卡片: read “apple”. don’t read “pear.”

  s1(略有停顿): pear! (老师马上进行表扬。)


  引导学生来命;令老师:read…. don’t read….(在对话过程中老师尽量表现出紧张,怕出错的神情。)

  在操练过后,老师顺势把刚才用过的单词卡片集中起来:what’re they? they’re words. 在教学words的基础上,引出句型read the new words.

  t: now who want to ask me? (谁能考考老师?)

  e. 出示课文图片并提出问题:1. is mike late for class? 2. who draw in the book?

  listen the text , answer the questions and repeat.


  step3. consolidation

  1.由学生任意选择一幅进行“…, please. don’t …, please.”的操练。

  2. play a game:反口令

  if i say“draw an apple”, you may say “ don’t draw an apple”

  if i say“don’t draw an apple”, you may say “draw an apple”

  play the game in t&ss, in ss。



  step4. homework




  unit 8   in class .

  open    open your books ,please .          sit down, please.

  read    read the new words .              stand up ,please.

  draw    don’t draw in your book.

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇3

  利用多种资源  搞活课堂教学---《牛津小学英语》3b unit3案例

  一 教学目标


  ①三会掌握句型:who’s he? he is …

  who’s she? she is…




  二 教学重难点:掌握并在现实生活中灵活运用句型who’s he/she? he’s/she’s…

  三 教具准备:多媒体 照片 图片

  四 教学过程:

  step1 warming up:

  1  greetings and introductions

  t: hello,boys and girls .    ss:hello.

  t: my name is han lili. what’s your name? 

  s1:hello, miss han. my name is…i’m… (2or3 students)

  t: please introduce your friend to me.


  2  sing a song

  t:let’s sing a song “hello” ,ok?

  step2 presentation and practice

  1 introduce gogo.

  t: today i will introduce a new friend to you. its name is gogo. (拿出玩具gogo) what colour is it?

  s:it’s red.

  t:do you like it?

  s: yes.

  t: let’s say hello to gogo. (学gogo的声音)hello, boys and girls.

  s: hello, gogo.

  t: nice to meet you.

  s: nice to meet you, too.

  t: i’d like to tell you gogo’s story. now,look!

  2 watch the media of gogo’s story.(让学生看整个故事)

  3 learn the name of the characters: tony and jenny

  t: it’s a lovely story, isn’t it? again,ok?(播放剪辑)who is this?

  s: gogo . t: and this is jenny. this is tony(把图贴上黑板,并读)  t:now,listen carefully and repeat!

  4 learn to say: who’s she? she’s my mother.

  t: (继续播放剪辑)repeat, please. 

  s: (repeat)who’s she?

  t: a good job! (教学句子who’s she?板书。先领读who’s,学生two by two 同样教she & who’s she?)

  t: i will ask you a question(教师手画一个问号形状)who’s she?(手指班级的一女生)

  s: χχχ(老师在旁提示she’s)she’sχχχ

  t: (板书she’s…读,告诉生she refers to girls画上简笔画,再问两组这个对话,然后指向班级其他四个女生让学生齐答。然后pair work,再指向大屏幕问who’s she?)

  s: she’s gogo’s mother.

  t: yes or no? let’s see.(继续播放故事,gogo 说:she’s my mother.)(教师领读两遍gogo 的话)

  5 learn to say: who’s he? he’s my father.

  t: let’s go on.(继续播放多媒体,让学生复述who’s he? 然后教学此句)

  t: (指向大屏幕,大屏幕出现名人的画像)who’s he?

  s: he’s yao ming…(板书he’s…)

  t: (问gogo)who’s he?  (老师用gogo 的声音回答)he’s my father. (教师领读两遍此句)

  6 pratise “who’s he/she?” " he’s/she’s…”

  t:now tell me he refers to boys or girls.


  t: (画简笔画)he he he,she she she

  now, look at the family tree.(出现helen一家的全家福) who’s she/he?

  t: (出现nancy 一家的全家福)who’d like to be a little teacher?

  7 read after the media.(对话录音)

  8 show 扩展资料。

  step 3 production

  1talk about family photos

  a.t: i have some photos here.

  t: hello, χχχ who’s he? s: he’s my father.

  t: who’s she? s: she’s my mother.

  t: thank you.

  b.t: please look at the media.(老师介绍自己的一家人)

  t: (指着自己的照片)who’s she?

  s:miss han!

  t: (指向较年老的男士)who’s he?

  s: …     t: ask me questions?  for example:who’s he/she?

  s: (指向照片中的人问)who’s he/she? t: he’s/she’s my…


  1 t gives an example

  2 act by themselves

  3 sing a song  with gogo.

  t: let’s relax ourselves, ok? sing a song with gogo.

  step 4 asign homework

  blackboard design

  family members

  who’s she?   she’s…

  who’s he?    he’s…

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇4

  教学内容《牛津小学英语》3b   unit 1 b look and learn教学目标1.ss can understand and read these eight words: a school bag, a crayon, a storybook, a copybook, a tape, a stapler, a toy train, a knife.2. ss can understand and say the new sentences “what’s this/that?” and can use “it’s…” answer.教学重点难点1.pronunciation of the eight words.2.expression: the new sentences “what’s this/that?” and can use “it’s…” answer.教学准备tape and tape player. cards of new words.教学环节过程目标教师活动学生活动 free talk       presentation                      practice       home work greeting and motivation.      ss can under- stand and read these eight  words: a school bag, a crayon, a storybook, a copybook, a tape, a stapler, a toy train, a knife..2.ss can under- stand and say the new sentences “what’s this/that?” and can use “it’s…” answer.    use game to help studentspractice the eight new words and the new sentence pattern.    organize:good morning, class.hi.hello.what’s your name?what’s your name?a  this is b. (1) teaching the new words:(show a new word card to students.)school bag. (show students a card of new words.)crayon.(show the card of new words to students.)storybook.(show students a card of new words.)copybook.read these cards.(use the same way to teach the other four new words),read these cards one by one.(2) teaching the sentence:(show the card of crayon).what’s this? (ask self).it’s a crayon.(show the card of tape).what’s that? (ask students).(use body language and countenance to help students understand). let’s play a game.let’s guess.(show the back of the cards to students).no, it isn’t.yes, it is.what’s this/that? 1.       repeat picture 1&2 of part a.2.       read new words of this unit. good morning, miss.hi.hello.i’m a.i’m b.a: nice to meet you b.b: nice to meet you, too  school bag. (read one by one). crayon.(read one by one). storybook. (read one by one). copybook. (read one by one).school bag, crayon, storybook, copybook  school bag, crayon, storybook, copybook…. (look at teacher and try to understand).   it’s a tape.    ok.tape?knife? it’s a …   

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇5




  能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.

  能听懂、会说、会读单词season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.

  教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold

  教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读单词season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy,  cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.



  step 1 pre-task preparation:

  1.revision: a dictation.

  try to dictate the following words: weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.

  2.say a chant:

  spring, summer, autumn and winter,

  which season do you like best?

  spring, spring, i like spring best.

  summer, summer, they like summer best.

  autumn, autumn, we like autumn best.

  winter, winter, we all like winter.

  summer is hot, winter is cold,

  autumn is cool and spring is warm

  spring is sunny, summer is rainy,

  autumn is cloudy and winter is windy..

  step 2 while-task procedures:

  1.look and say:

  show a picture to the ss, then ask “what can you see in the picture?”

  2.pair work: 

  brown cow how now


  3.a match:


  know, yellow, row, window

  4.look and judge:

  brown, know (  ) cow, yellow (  ) how, row (  ) now, window (  )

  5.  listen and repeat:

  how many brown cows did you see just now?

  step 3 post-task activity:

  1.say a rhyme: seasons

  in autumn, when the leaves start to fall.

  i like to run, jump and kick a ball.

  in winter, when there’s lots of snow.

  the cold winds start to blow and blow.

  i stay at home and wait for spring.

  and the fine weather it’s going to bring.

  i wait for summer when the sun is hot.

  then i can play games and swim a lot.

  2.listen and imitate.



  step 4 homework:

  listen to the tape.

  say a rhyme.


  know, yellow, row, window


《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇6

  教学内容: partb:rectangle,square,triangle,diamond,circle,star

  partc句型:what shape is it/the…? it’s a….







  教学准备:课件,flash歌曲《twinkle,twinkle,little star》,印有相应单词的六种形状纸片,三组三角形,皮筋和各种形状的实物。



  1. greetings

  2. let’s play a game: who thinks fast? for example: i say “make” you can say: “make a puppet”, make―(让学生组词),同样play―, sing―.

  [通过自由交流,营造轻松、快乐的氛围,让学生进入到英语学习的状态中去。让学生组词,使其活跃思维,最后操练单词sing和词组sing a song引出下面的歌曲。]

  3.t: i like singing ,do you like singing ?now,let’s listen to a song.(播放flash歌曲)





  t: the song is 《twinkle,twinkle,little star》.what is the “star”?

  s: 星星.

  t: look, i have a star. (出示星形纸片,操练单词star)

  now, i have a question. (板书)what shape is it? this lesson we’ll learn about shapes. first, let’s read these words. (多媒体出示:tape, grape, cake, table及其字母a的发音,操练单词shape)

  t:(多媒体展示)the star means星星,also can mean 星形。can you answer “what shape is it? ”(教师示范,师生互动操练what shape is it? it’s a star.)


  (将星星贴于黑板上) t: now, where’s my star?

  s: it’s on the blackboard.

  t: what shape is the blackboard? please ask me?

  s: what shape is the blackboard?

  t: it’s a rectangle. (出示长方形纸片,操练单词rectangle及其句型what shape is it? it’s a rectangle.)

  t: can you find some rectangles in our classroom? (让学生在教室里找长方形实物)


  (出示一个盒子) t: what shape is it?

  t: it’s a rectangle.

  (出示另一个盒子) t: is it a rectangle?

  s: no.

  t: it’s a square. (出示正方形纸片,操练单词square及其句型what shape is the box? it’s a square.板书:what shape is the …?)

  work in pairs:多媒体出示钟,毛巾图片,操练句型what shape is the …? it’s a square.


  t: look at my paper. what shape is the paper?

  s: it’s a rectangle.

  (折成正方形)t: what shape is it now?

  s: it’s a square.

  (折成三角形)t: is it a square?

  s: no.

  t: it’s a triangle. (出示三角形纸片,操练单词triangle及其句型what shape is the paper? it’s a triangle.)

  work in pairs:多媒体出示树,三明治图片,操练句型what shape is the …? it’s a triangle.

  5. 教学“diamond”

  t: i have some triangles. i can make some shapes. can you do it?(请学生来用三角形拼图。可以拼成三角形,长方形,正方形和菱形。)

  t: what shape is it? please ask me.

  s: what shape is it?

  t: it’s a diamond. (出示菱形纸片,操练单词diamond及其句型what shape is it? it’s a diamond.)

  work in pairs:多媒体出示风筝,福字图片,操练句型what shape is the …? it’s a diamond.

  6. 教学“circle”

  (多媒体展示)t: the diamond can mean 菱形,also can means 钻石. now let’s listen to the song again. please pay attention to the diamond. (再次播放flash歌曲)

  t: there are lots of stars in the sky. they like diamonds. how nice! there’s the sun and the moon , too. (多媒体展示,朗读the sun, the moon)what shapes are they? they’re circles. (出示圆形纸片,操练单词circle及其句型what shape is it? it’s a circle.)

  work in pairs:多媒体出示足球,太阳图片,操练句型what shape is the …? it’s a circle.


  1.t: we have leaned six shapes. they’re…

  s: star , rectangle,square,triangle,diamond and circle.

  t: let’s make some shapes.(让学生用皮筋框出各种形状)

  2.let’s do another exercise(多媒体展示含有多种形状的一幅图画,让学生完成一份笔头练习:how many …are there? there is/are….集体校对)

  3.there are lots of shapes in our life. can you find them?(让学生在生活当中寻找形状:the … is a ….)


  1.look for the shapes and talk about them.

  2.finish part c on your books.


  unit 9 shapes

  what shape is it/the…?

  it’s a ….

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇7

  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 3 asking the way b look, read and learn, d read and talk。


  1. 进一步巩固四会单词:stop, turn left / right, post office, get on, get off, along, street, way。

  2. 熟练运用四会句型:can you tell me the way to… please?掌握句型:how can i get to…及其答语。


  1. 进一步掌握四会单词和句型,并能熟练运用。

  2. 能够听懂d部分的会话,并能灵活运用相关句型进行情景对话。




  step 1 warm up

  1. greetings.

  2. free talk


  t:look at the map, boys and girls. here’s a cinema. what’s near the cinema?

  s:there’s a shopping centre / middle school / history / post office / primary school / train station.

  ②复习词汇:教师快速从地图上拿走几张场所类图片,让学生回答:what’s missing?猜出拿走的卡片,并把要求四会掌握的单词拼出来。

  ③教师拿出一面小红旗贴到地图上,表示自己的位置,说look,i’m here. can you tell me the way to …, please?引导学生运用句型go along… turn left / right…来回答,进一步巩固c部分的对话内容。

  3. chant:where’s the bookshop?

  step2 presentation and practice

  1. 出示一张本城的交通图和学生交流引出how can i get to the…?

  t:tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. i want to buy some presents for her. who can tell me, how can i get to the shopping centre?(板书)

  2. 根据地图和图片,帮助学生试着看图填空完成答语。

  s:it’s on huazhong road.

  it’s about a kilometre away.

  you can take bus no.4 and get off at the second stop.

  3. 再次让学生看图回答。

  4. 小组内操练对话。

  5. 出示d部分挂图,指导学生看图,整体阅读对话,了解大意。

  6. 在学生理解的基础上指导学生读句子。

  7. 小组内表演对话,并利用28页上的图自编对话。

  8. 找几组学生表演对话。

  step3 consolidation.

  1. listen to the song:excuse me


  2. place and say.

  教师在黑板上画一些简单的线路,随机把一些表示场所类的图片贴到不同的地方,让学生利用学过的句型进行有关问路对话。(how can i get to the…?)

  3. 看图编一段问路的对话,并写下来。(可以让同位先交流讨论,再书写。)

  4. look and write.

  例:holsoc school 

  ①iaostnt           ②yrotsih            ③ertcne         

  ④gtrhi            ⑤eettrs              ⑥ngloa         

  step4 homework

  1. 抄写本课四会单词,每个3遍,并会听写。

  2. 画一张从家到学校的路线图,向别人介绍如何找自己的家。

  3. 预习a部分。

  板书内容:unit 3 asking the way

  1. 单词卡、地图。

  2. 句型:can you tell me the way to…, please?

  how can i get to the shopping centre?

  it’s on _________ road.

  it’s about _________ kilometre away.

  you can take bus _________ and get off at the _______stop.


《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇8



  能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.

  能听懂、会说、会读单词season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy,  cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.

  教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold

  教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读单词season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy,  cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.



  step 1 pre-task preparation:

  1.warming up.

  sing an english song “seasons”.

  2.free talk. “what’s the weather like today?”

  t: what’s the weather like today? ss: it’s cold.

  t: what season do you like best? s1: spring.

  step 2 while-task procedures:

  1. a guessing game: which season?

  show some pictures and let the ss guess: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

  2.say a chant:

  spring, summer, autumn and winter,

  which season do you like best?

  spring, spring, i like spring best.

  summer, summer, they like summer best.

  autumn, autumn, we like autumn best.

  winter, winter, we all like winter

  summer is hot, winter is cold,

  autumn is cool and spring is warm

  t: what season do you like best? s1: spring.

  step 2 while-task procedures:

  1. a guessing game: which season?

  show many cards to the ss, then ask “what’s missing?”

  step 4 homework: 

  make some cards of part b.


  weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.


  《牛津小学英语》6b unit 5 第一课时 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇9

  unit 7 a letter to a pen friend

  连云港市赣榆县实验小学  张玲玲




  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组penfriend, also, glue, write a letter。

  2、能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组a postcard, finish, subject, writing paper, envelope, e-mail, ad dress, fax number/machine。

  3、能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语i hope so。

  4、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型can i have…? what for? i want to…。


  6、能有表情地诵读歌谣i want to write a letter。


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组penfriend, also, glue, write a letter。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型can i have…? what for? i want to…。



  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词、词组和句子panfriend, also, glue, write a letter, can i have…? what for? i want to…。

  2、单词envelope, address, machine的发音。




  第一课时 b部分单词和c部分句型

  第二课时 b部分单词和c部分句型

  第三课时 a. listen, read and say第一、二部分

  第四课时 a. listen, read and say第三部分

  第五课时 d. listen and write   e. read, think and write.    f. think and write

  第六课时 g. listen and repeat.  h. say a rhyme.     练习册



  2、让学生明白glue和writing paper是不少数名词。



《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇10

  一、教学内容:牛津小学英语3b第三单元第二教时二、教学目标:1、  能听懂、会说单词grandfather,grandmother,uncle,aunt,son,daughter,friend及词组a family photo2、  能听懂会说日常交际用语 is this your …? yes,he/she is. no,he/she isn’t. who’s he/she? this/he/she is …, i think.三、教学重点:能正确理解掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话四、教学难点:1、  掌握单词photo的正确发音;2、  能在情景中自如的运用who’s he/she? is this your …? this is …, i think.来询问和猜测人物关系;五、课前准备:1、  教具准备:a、准备多媒体教学设施;b、准备磁带和录音机;c、准备3b歌曲(family song)2、  教学准备:a、扫描helen的家庭照片两张到电脑内;b、学生和老师各准备1张自己的全家福照片。六、教学过程:1、  free talk:a、  听歌曲<<family song>>,学生齐唱,在歌声中走进课文情景.b、  教师点击电脑,出示从课文中扫描的两张helen的家庭照片,一张是helen的全家福,学生戴上helen的头饰,用this is ….进行家庭成员的介绍。另一张是helen的爷爷奶奶外出钓鱼的照片,师生间用who’s he/she? he’s/she’s ….进行对话练习,复习已学内容。2、  presentation and practice:a、  介绍句型this is my family photo.教师拿出自己的家庭照片,“look,this is my family photo.”学生跟读family photo;学生出示自己的家庭照片并操练这个句型。b、  介绍句型is this your …?请几位同学将照片拿到台前,师生对话let me guess.is this your father/uncle/mother/sister?帮助学生说出yes,he/she is.no,he/she isn’t. c、  出示板书,学生跟读肯定和否定回答。板书设计          unit 3 is this your father/uncle/…?                  is this your mother/sister/…?   yes,he is.no,he isn’t.                              yes,she is.no,she isn’t. this(he/she) is …, i think.学生跟读板书数遍,再以同桌问答,小组合作的方式操练句型。告诉学生这里的this可用she/he代替。d、  介绍句型:this(he/she) is …, i think. 老师将学生全家福照片遮住一部分用this(he/she) is …, i think.来猜测人物并板书。当说到i think 老师用手指指头表示我想我认为的意思,教师拿出自己的全家福遮住一部分,引导学生用此句型练习。e、  扩展句型:教师出示以前学过的文具、动物等图片让学生继续操练this is …, i think.3、  learn to say:a、引出情景:杨玲去helen家做客。b、看多媒体的课文幻灯片并回答问题:is this helen’s family photo?  (yes, it is.)who is he?               (he’s helen’s father.)is she helen’s grandmother?  (yes, she is.)c、学生逐句跟读。d、学生表演对话。4、  homework:听磁带,跟录音读对话,根据课文和手中的照片自编对话。

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇11

  unit 6  planning for the weekend

  连云港市赣榆县实验小学  姜竹晓


  本单元主要围绕“周末活动计划”这个话题开展各项活动,所涉及的日常交际项目有介绍、打电话、询问和建议等,其中以询问what are we going to do…?及we’re going to…为重点内容。


  1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词plan,picnic,play,take part in。

  2、听懂、会说和会读单词project,zebra,africa,elephant,concert,outing,beijing opera show,singing contest,sports meeting。

  3、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语is that gao shan? yes, speaking. by the way,what are you going to do…?等。

  4、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are we going to do…?we’re going to…


  6、能唱歌曲will you join me?


  1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词plan,picnic,play,take part in。

  2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are we going to do…?we’re going to…



  第一课时:b look,read and learn      c look and say

  第二课时:a listen,read and say

  第三课时:d listen and write

  第四课时:e read and number

  第五课时:f play a game

  g listen and repeat

  h sing a song





  3、教师要讲清楚一些语法知识。例如,乐器类前加the ( play the piano ), 球类前不加the ( play football )。又如,介词的用法( for your class project, at the bus stop, at 10:30, look at, in the zoo, be from…, come home, in new york, with his friends, at the shopping centre, near their school, in front of the garden theatre, plans for the weekend, in the school…)。又如,名词复数的用法(buy some presents, buy some kites, see his parents…)。

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇12

  教学内容:复习一,二单元,操练part b及part d


  1 复习unit1,2.

  2 完成书上b部分练习。

  教学重点: 检查一,二单元四会单词及句型掌握情况,完成b部分练习。



  step1 warm up.

  1 greetings.

  2 say a rhyme  “run,rabbit,run!”

  3 free talk


  step 2  play a game. guessing game : who is my friend?

  (1)师:(my friend is a girl. her eyes are bigger than mine, but her hair is shorter, and she is shorter than me. she is good at pe, she runs very fast. and she runs faster than the other girls in our class. guess: who is my friend? play the game with your partners ,please.)


  step 3 默写一、二两单元的四会单词及句型。

  step 4 操练part b look,read and respond.

  1 读题,理解题意。

  2 操练picture 1,

  (1)投影出示picture 1,指导看图,师读问句,指名学生回答。

  (2)work in pairs. 同桌问答操练。

  3 group work.


  4 检查练习情况。指名小组对话表演。

  step 4 操练part d  look, talk and write.

  1 读题,明确题意。

  2 教师出示表格,学生自己阅读表格,了解信息.

  3 以su yang 或su hai 的身份做自我介绍.并就两个人的介绍作比较.

  4 自由答题。



  step 5 作业布置:

  1 根据自己的兴趣爱好设计个人名片并做介绍.

  2 把书上b部分答句写下来,并读两遍。


  unit 4 review and check

  name:___________      age:___________     height:___________ cm  weight:____________ kg        50-metre ace:_______〃    high jump:___________m       long jump:___________m


  《牛津小学英语》6b unit 4 第二课时 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇13

  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 8 prat d talk and write.练习册part f.


  1、熟练掌握unit 7 的四会词汇及句型。



  1、熟练掌握unit 7 的四会词汇及句型。





  step 1 warm up

  1. greetings

  2. say a rhyme i want to write a letter.

  step2 revision

  t: i have a penfriend.  this is something about her . listen to the tape twice. and try to auswer the questions.

  (1)what’s the name of my penfriend ?

  (2)how old is she ?

  (3)where does she live?

  (4)what’s her telephone number?

  (5)what’s her e-mail address?

  (6)what are her hobbies?

  (7)what’s her favourite season?

  (录音内容:mary is my penfriend. she is eleven. she lives in new york. she is a student at new york primary school. her favourite subjects are english and art . she likes playing the piano and jogging . she likes. winter best, because she can make snowmen with friends .  oh. her e-mail address is mary @newyork . com.

  ss answer the questions

  step3 talk and write

  t: can you tell me something about your best friends?






  step 4 look read and complete


  1、自行阅读表格,了解有关wei hua 的信息




  5、学生以wei hua的身份,同桌之间进行自我介绍。

  step 5  homework.

  组织出一期“our best friends”的海报,要求学生将各自的采访信息写成一篇短文发表在海报上。


  unit 8 review and check.                     ‘s best friend

  name         age           city       

  telephone number                    school           

  favourite subject                     hobbies         

  penfriend’s name             


《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇14





  教具准备: 投影片,挂图


  step 1  warm up

  1 greetings

  2 sing a song. “excuse me”

  step 2  revision  

  1 出示单词卡,复习第三单元单词。

  2 创设情景,复习巩固问路交际用语。

  (1)投影出示文字介绍及一幅线路图: sally is on holiday in ganyu now. she wants to go to some place ( xinhua bookshop, the post office, hualian supermarket, the bank of china , the cinema ),but she doesn’t know how to get there, and she meets you at hebing park, can you tell her how to get there?


  (3)师生共同操练 how to get to xinhua bookshop,并板书重点句型。

  (4)group work .小组间围绕所给信息进行问答操练。

  (5)act . 指名小组表演对话。

  step 3操练part c look, read and write.

  1 读题,明确题意。

  2 出示第一幅图,教师与一名学生示范,并讲解此种类型题目的方法. 

  3 学生试着完成习题.

  4 交流填写情况.

  5 同桌对话表演,并适当进行改编和扩充.

  6 指名表演对话。

  step 4 作业布置:



  unit 4 review and check

  can you tell me the way to…,please?

  go along this street,and turn… at the …crossing.

  how far is it from here? 

  it’s about…

  .how many stops are there?

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇15

  一 教学目标

  1  能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a car, a bike, a bus 和 a kite。

  2  能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 what’s this/that in english? it’s a… do you like…? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

  3  能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 i loke puzzles. me, too. i love dolls. thank you very much. look at my kite. it’s nice. let’s…

  4  初步了解名词的单复数。

  5  了解辅音字母j 和 k 在单词中的发音。

  6  能诵读歌谣 fly, fly my kite.

  二 教学重难点

  1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a car, a bike, a bus 和 a kite。

  2能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 what’s this/that in english? it’s a… do you like…? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

  三 课时安排:5课时


  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

  一 教学目标

  1能正确听说读写词语in english, do, you, like, don’t, love, a puzzle, a kite, a doll.

  2能正确运用日常交际用语 what’s this/that in english? it’s a puppet. do you like puppets? 及其回答 yes, i do./ no, i don’t.


  二 教学重难点

  1能正确听说读写词语in english, do, you, like, don’t, love, a puzzle, a kite, a doll.

  2能正确运用日常交际用语 what’s this/that in english? it’s a puppet. do you like puppets? 及其回答 yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

  3正确朗读单词 puppet, puzzle.


  三 教学准备


  2准备 puppet puzzle kite 和 doll等玩具和图片。

  3新单词卡片 a kite, a doll, a puppet, a puzzle, love.


  四 教学过程

  a .  free talk :

  1.  good morning/afternoon. / how are you?

  2. t: hello.

  s: hello, miss fan.

  t: what’s that on your desk?

  s: it’s a dog.

  t: can i have a look?

  s: sure.

  t: oh, i love your dog.


  b .  presentation and practice


  1)拿出玩偶说it’s a puppet,跟读。

  2)show these toys to the ss and stick them on the bb.


  1)t point to her toy and say, this is a … let ss introduce their toys with these  sentences’ this is a …’ ‘that is a…’

  2)t: what’s this /that in english?

  s: it’s a ..

  3)ss pratice the sentence with their toys. s----ss

  4)t write down the sentences.

  3.介绍名词单复数,生词like love和句型do you like/ love…?及其回答

  1)t point to the toy and say, a puzzle---puzzles---i like puzzles.

  2) ask the puppet: do you like puzzles?模拟回答 yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

  3) the puppet ask t: do you like …?  tell ss the differences between like and love.

  4) ss practice.

  c. read andsay

  1.look at the pictures carefully and listen to the tape. guess are these sentences right?

  yang ling is in nancy’s home.

  yang ling and nancy like puppets.

  they like kites.

  yang ling and nancy like puzzles.

  they don’t love dolls.







  d.   consolidation

  game  t:what’s this…?

  s:it’s a …  (guess)

  t:do you like this…?

  s:yes, i do. i love…

  t:here is a … for you.

  s:thank you.

  e.assign homework

  1. 听录音,朗读,表演。

  2. 自编对话。


  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

  一 教学目标

  1.能正确听说读写单词a car a bus a bike a kite.

  2. 能正确听说读单词 a balloon.

  3. 能正确听说读写句子 what’s this/that in english?及其回答it’s a …

  4. 能朗读歌谣fly, fly my kite

  二 教学重难点

  1. 能正确听说读写单词a car a bus a bike a kite.

  2.能正确听说读单词 a balloon.

  3. 能正确听说读写句子 what’s this/that in english?及其回答it’s a …

  三 教学准备




  四 教学过程

  a.free talk

  t: look,boys and girls. what’s this in english? (木偶)

  s: it’s a puppet.

  t: do you like puppets?

  s:yes, i do. no, i don’t.


  b. bevision

  1. review read and say, act it.

  2. 复习单词a puppet a puzzle a doll, 学生贴图片。

  c. look read and learn

  1. (气球) t: look at this picture. what’s this in english? oh, it’s a balloon. it’s red. it’s a nice balloon. do you like balloons?

  ss: yes.

  t: now read the word ‘balloon’ after me. can you put it on the bb?

  2. play a game: what’s missing?

  3. t:look at the picture. what’s this in english?

  ss: it’s a car.

  t: now let’s read andc spell the word ‘car’ (twice)

  t:who can put it on the bb?


  4. play a game what’s missing?


  d. work in pairs

  1.t: look here. what’s this in english?

  ss: it’s a pen.

  t: what’s that in english?

  ss: it’s a book.


  2. work in pairs.

  e. say a rhyme

  1. 听录音,欣赏

  2. 介绍大义,朗读。

  f. assign home work

  1. 抄写四会单词和句子。

  2. 朗读并默写四会单词和句子。


  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

  一 教学目标

  1. 通过复习,掌握本单元的单词和句型what’s this/that in english?及其回答。

  2. 进一步掌握句型do you like…? 及其回答。

  二 教学重难点

  1. 能四会掌握do you like… 及其回答。

  三 教学准备

  1.磁带 录音机 幻灯 玩具 图片


  四 教学过程

  a. free talk

  1. say a rhyme

  2. free talk

  b. revision

  t: now let’s review some words and sentences.

  what’s this in english?

  ss: it’s pen.

  t: do youlike pens?

  ss: yes, i do.

  t: me, too.


  c. work in pairs

  1. 出示表格ask and answer













  2. practice in groups

  3. report

  1) how many ss like…?

  2) who are they?

  d. look and read



  e. assign homework

  1. 默写本单元的单词。

  2. 用do you like…? 了解别人对物品的喜欢与否。


  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

  一 教学目标

  1. 通过复习,掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。


  3.能初步了解辅音字母j k在单词重的发音。


  二 教学重难点



  三 教学准备

  1.磁带 录音机 实物投影仪 玩具 六种颜色牌子 水彩笔


  四 教学过程

  a. say a rhyme.

  b. free talk

  t: look! what’s this in english?

  s: it’s a car.

  t: do you like cars?

  s: yes, i do. …

  t: here’s a car for you.


  c. read and act

  1. 出示风筝的头影片

  t: what’s this in english?

  ss: it’s a kite.

  t: … come here ,please.

  s1: all right.

  t: look at my kite. do you like it?

  s1: it’s nice. i like it.

  t; let’s color it.

  t: do you like red? …

  2. 听录音两遍

  3.  ask and answer: whose kuite is it?  do you like it?

  4. 跟读 学生轻声读 同桌分角色读 出示投影编对话。

  d. listen and repeat

  1. t : now let’s look at this picture. ( jim juice key kitchen)

  ss: 跟说这四个单词,体会。

  2. 含有j k的单词 jacket jogging  kite

  e. play a game

  1. 六个人带六种颜色,老师说i like red.有红色的学生把牌子给老师,然后他发口令。

  2. 组内玩游戏。

  3. 输了说歌谣。

  f. assign homework


  2. 背诵并表演read and act

  3. 自编对话。

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇16

  good afternoon, everyone. i’m fan jiayin. i come from dongzhongshi experimental primary school. it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. the content of my lesson is “a busy day” part a from unit 7,fun with english 5b.

  一.teaching contents

  the topics on fun with english are well organized focusing on the pupils’ world. unit 7 is intended for pupils to talk about their daily lives.  they have learnt many verb phrases. such as watch tv, have breakfast, clean the library, watch a football game, do homework and etc. you know they are bilingual class pupils, so maybe these phrases will be more easier for them. “a busy day” mainly talks about the time and what they should do at the time.

  considering the contents of the lesson and the levels of the pupils, i design the following teaching aims.

  二、teaching aims

  1. aims on the knowledge: pupils will learn the new words “busy, past, to, on duty, brush teeth, really, half, a quarter ”, the new structures “ what time is it? it’s time for… do you want to…? i want to…

  2. aims on the abilities: to develop pupils’ abilities of listening ,speaking, reading and writing. to develop pupils’ communicative skills

  3. aims on the emotion: to develop pupils’ sense of co-operation. to let pupils know they should cherish the time.

  三、important points:

  1. to help the pupils say the new words and use the key sentences correctly.

  2. to write whole sentences correctly.

  四、difficult points

  1. how to make dialogues and act them out.

  2. pupils can talk about the time and what they should do at the time.

  五、teaching aids

  and in this lesson we’ll need cai , tape recorder, school things and so on.

  六、teaching methods

  now i’d like to talk about my way of teaching(不必写在教案里).

  1. communication method

  i’ll set up a real situation, in this way , pupils can practise in pairs or in groups, they can speak freely and needn’t worry about making mistakes

  2. task-based method

  that is to say i’ll let the pupils finish a task by making a short dialogue and acting it out. to help the pupils get a better understanding of the key structures, i will arrange these kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition.

  七、learning methods

  let pupils study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere. thereby, develop the pupils’ abilities of studying and working with the learning language independently.

  八、teaching procedures

  now i’ll mainly talk about my teaching procedures. i’ll follow five steps.

  step 1( warm-up and revision)

  it is important to set up a better english learning situation for the pupils . so i ‘ll design

  activity 1.  sing a song: do some exercise with me? this song is from unit6

  activity2.  tpr( total physical response ) to ask pupils to follow my instructions, “get up, have breakfast, watch tv, do homework” then ask and answer: what are you doing? i am…

  t: look, what am i doing?

  present the new phrases: brush my teeth

  t: who is on duty today?

  let the child give the orders which are on the paper.

  i design this activity to get pupils to warm up and review the present continuous tense.  i also infiltrate two phrases in this step, “brush my teeth, on duty”. because they will be presented in the text.

  step 2 (presentation )

  to present and practice the key structures one by one, that’ll be much easier for the pupils to learn and grasp the meanings. so in this step, i’ll design 3 activities.

  activity1: guess and learn.

  guess a riddle, then learn to express time in english. in this step, i will use cai to help me with my teaching. let children practice the time first. then learn to use “past” and “to”

  activity 2: ask and answer. what time is it? it’s time for…

  let pupils talk about the time : what time is it? it’s time to… because pupils have already learned this structure .then teacher can make a model first : it’s time for… then practice in groups.

  as we all know, using the pictures, this is one of the easiest ways to show the meaning of the words and sentences.

  activity 3: talk and match

  talk about the time and the things first, then listen and match . if time is enough, pupils can talk about their own time and their own things.

  children’s attention span is very short. and proper exercises can help pupils focus on their attention and practice the key structures better.

  activity4: think and say

  t: oh, what time is it now? it’s time to watch vcd. do you want to watch vcd?

  s: i want to watch vcd.

  teacher shows them a list, look at the time and things: what do you want to do? then invite your friend: it’s … it’s time for… i want to … do you want to…?

  in this activity, pupils are encouraged to put themselves in the situation and make a face to face talking. all the pupils are involved in this activity. they can talk as much as possible.

  step3. (production)

  to help pupils put the language into using, i design a task to help pupils have a production.

  first watch vcd. let the ss listen and imitate the dialogue. pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. at last i’ll ask the pupils to think hard and act it out. then find out which group will act it out well. i’ll give them red stars.

  purpose of my designing: this step makes the pupils get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. at the same time let the pupils have a chance to practise their listening and spoken ability.

  step 4. (consolidation)

  to develop pupils’ abilities of listening and speaking, that’s the main instructional aims of learning english in primary school. so in step 4, i’ll design some listening exercises to check what they have learned. for example: think and fill in the blanks. everyone will have a piece of paper. in this step i’ll give the pupils a free space to show their abilities.

  purpose of my designing: “task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the pupils’ ability of communication and co-operation. tell the pupils we should cherish our time, time and tide wait for no man.

  step 5. (homework )

  after step 4, some pupils can grasp the knowledge well, but some pupils can’t. revision is so important, pupils should speak english after class as much as they do in class.  it is necessary for the pupils to do some exercise after class. so i design the following homework.

  1.listen and read.

  2.try to talk about the pictures.

  3.  try to finish your timetable

  my timetable



  what for?


  half past six

  it’s time for breakfast.   

  九、.blackboard design

  unit7 a busy day

  what time is it?                             busy   繁忙

  it’s … past…                               on duty  值日

  it’s … to …                                brush  teeth 刷牙

  it’s time for…                             

  do you want to…?                

  i want to…?

  proverb: time and tide wait for no man. 时间不等人。

  in a word, the teaching of this lesson aims to develop not only the pupils' language abilities, but also the diverse intelligence. as eachers, to make our english classrooms shine with vitality, we still have a long way to go.

  above is the lecture notes of my lesson. thank you!

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 8 In class教学设计 篇17



  1. 巩固 book, ruler, pen, pencil, rubber, bag六个单词及日常用语: good morning! how are you? fine, thank you!

  2. 通过朗读,比赛,游戏能听懂,会读,会说book, ruler, pen, pencil rubber, bag六个单词

  3. 能熟练的在实际的情景中运用日常交际用语: good morning! how are you? fine, thank you!




  1. 重点: 学会 book, ruler, pen, pencil, rubber, bag

  2. 难点: 熟练的运用日常交际用语good morning! how are you? fine, thank you.

  3.教学对策: 表演询问法, 情景交际法, 直观教学法.


  step one: warning exercises

  1. greeting

  t: class begins!       s: stand up!

  t: hello, class!        ss: hello, miss kong!

  2.do the action

  stand up, please!        sit down, please!

  open your book!        close your book!

  step two: presentation ( learn to read )

  1: teacher shows the pictures to the students, say the words: book, ruler, pen, pencil, rubber, bag.

  2: teacher says the word ‘book’,ask the students to hold up their rulers and repeat the word together. the same way to practice all the words.

  3: teacher asks the students to match the words and the pictures.

  step three: presentation ( learn to say )

  1: 利用布偶或玩具将这句话演示出来,让学生感知 good morning的发音及意义.

  2: 老师依次用 good morning 和学生打招呼.

  3: 让学生和老师打招呼,再让学生分组互相打招呼

  4: 顺水推舟,用good morning引出 how are you ? fine, thank you.

  5: 师生,生生情景操练:

  t: good morning!       ss: good morning!

  t: how are you?        ss: fine, thank you!

  6: 玩游戏:“找朋友”学生围成一圈随音乐拍手,两位学生在圈中走动找朋友,音乐一停,圈内学生必须与各自朋友互相问好 good morning, how are you? fine, thank you!然后继续找朋友.

  step four: consolidation

  1: listen to the tape, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, then read after the tape.

  2: do pair work, practice the dialogue.

  step five: music time

  sing a song

  good morning, good morning.  good morning, teacher

  i take my bag and book. my bag and book to school.

  step six: homework

  workbook page 2: look, listen and respond.



《牛津小学英语》4A  Unit 8  In class教学设计(精选17篇)
