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Unit 3 Things I like to do(精选3篇)

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Unit 3 Things I like to do(精选3篇)

Unit 3 Things I like to do 篇1

  first  period

  new contents

  let’s learn--- play, run, sleep, swim


  1、学会用正确的语音语调说出play, run, sleep, swim。能根据学生的学习能力拓展一些由新单词组成的短语,或是生活中经常运用的一些动词,帮助学生更为确切地表达。

  2、一年级第一学期中接触到的句型i can …,以及已学单词read, write, draw, sing, dance, jump,eat, drink, see等结合,让学生尽可能详细地描述自己能够做的事,为描述其中自己喜欢做的事做好铺垫。

  teaching steps

  step 1 : pre-task preparation section

  1.read and act

  a.review the words

  show the word cards and let students read and act.

  b.answer the questions

  t: what can you do?

  s: i can … with actions.

  (encourage students to answer with the phrases.)

  2.a song

  sing the song on oxford english 1bu3

  3.simon says

  play a game

  teacher gives some instructions and plays the game “simon says”. teacher may use more phrases.

  e.g. you can dance ballet.

  step 2 : while-task procedure section

  1. my holiday

  a. talk about my holiday

  show the pictures or video or flash and talk about things i can do during the holiday.

  b. learn the words

  read the words: play, run, sleep, swim.

  pay attention to the pronunciation of ‘play, swim’

  2. say a rhyme

  encourage students to say a rhyme according to the model:

  _____, _____,(verb)

  i can _______.

  …(people, animal, etc.) can ______, too.

  4.say more

  a. sentence chain

  teacher encourages students to make a sentence longer one by one.

  e.g. s1: i can run.

  s2: i can run fast.

  s3: i can run fast like a rabbit.

  s4: i can run fast like a rabbit on the grass.

  改为:i can run .

  b. work in groups

  let students practice in groups.

  second  periodnew contents

  let’s talk --- i like to …


  1、学习用i like to ...句型来完整地表达自己喜欢做的事,并根据班级实际情况,学习用i don’t like to … 句型来表达自己不喜欢做的事。

  2、i like to …句型的新授中,与已学句型i like …进行比较整合,使学生学会用正确的句子在情景中表达自己的想法。


  teaching steps

  step 1 : pre-task preparation section

  1.guess and act

  show a student a word card and ask him/her to speak out by changing voice. others can act out to see whether they heard the right answer.

  2.a game

  1.do a survey

  work in pairs to do a survey about the ability.

  what can you do? can you …?

  2.a guessing game

  divide the class into groups. invite a student from one group to come to the front. other members of this group try to ask less questions, use less time and get more information about what he/she can do.

  3. choose the best group

  check the answer according to the survey form to see which group gets more information in the shortest time.

  step 2 : while-task procedure section

  1. the flowers

  learn a rhyme

  show the flowers and a rabbit. say a rhyme: i am a rabbit. i like flowers.

  smell, smell, very very nice.

  i like to smell,

  smell the flowers.

  2. what i want to be

  t: what do you like to do?

  what do you want to be?


  e.g. i like to dance.

  a dancer. (i want to be a dancer.)

  3. the trees

  a. think and say

  which animals like trees?

  c.say and act

  encourage students to say and act the animal:

  i am a/an …

  i like to …

  4.say and act

  a. t:  pig, pig, pig, do you like to run?

  pig, pig, pig, do you like to jump?

  pig, pig, pig, do you like to eat?

  pig, pig, pig, do you like to sleep?

  s:  yes/no, i (don’t) like to …

  b. work in pairs

  ask students to ask and answer in pairs using the questions with animals.

  third  periodnew contents

  let’s play --- guessi like to …

  letters --- ee eggff fish


  1、在学会句型i like to …的基础上,进一步将新旧单词、短语以及一些旧句型整合,学生能更清楚完整地表达自己喜欢(或不喜欢)做的事。

  2、 学习用what do you like to do?提问,根据学生的层次,提出不同要求,帮助学生来互相了解交流彼此的喜好。

  3、学习字母ee和ff,以及元音ee的长短发音和辅音ff的发音,并能将已学过的单词根据发音归类,尝试拼读含有ee, ff发音的简单单词。

  teaching steps

  step 1 : pre-task preparation section

  1. act the animals

  a.act a frog

  ask students to say more one by one.

  s1: i am a frog. i like to swim.

  s2: i am a frog. i like to swim in the water.

  s3: i am a frog. i like to swim in the water. i like to jump, too.

  s4: i am a frog. i like to swim in the water. i like to

  jump high, too.

  b.act other animals.

  students work in groups and act different animals. e.g. pig, rabbit, bird.

  2. the appearance

  a.show some pictures of people

  who is she / he?

  what does she / he look like?

  b.say and act a person

  invite students to choose a person and act.

  i am … (name).

  i am … (fat/ thin, strong, clever, etc.)

  because i (don’t) like to …

  step 2 : while-task procedure section

  1.let’s play

  a.look and say

  teacher shows a shadow on page 15 and asks: sam/may, sam/may, what do you like to do?

  students answer: i like to ….

  (encourage students to use the phrases. e.g. play yoyo)

  b.listen and read

  invite a student to click a picture and then the multimedia sounds ‘i like to …’. students read after it.

  step 3 : post-task activity section

  1. the alphabet

  a. the letters

  drive a train and read the letters from “aa---ff”.

  b. compare the letters

  read the letters:

  bd  fe  dc  ac

  2.the sound of ee

  a. learn the sound of ee

  learn: ee eat  egg. then read two rhymes of the long and short ee sound showed as below.

  c.find more words

  encourage students to find other words including the long and short ee sound. then try to make a sentence using these words.

  fourth   period new contents

  let’s enjoy --- song


  1、学习... with me.句型,注意with中th发音的正确性。




  teaching steps

  step 1 : pre-task preparation section

  1. a miming game

  a.  invite a student to come to the front and mime. others guess what does he/she like to do?

  ss: you like to ….

  b.  work in pairs

  teacher asks students to play the game in pairs and gives a limited time. at last teacher sees who can hit more right answers.

  2. ask

  ask and answer in pairs:

  --what do you like to do?

  -- i like to sing.

  -- what do you like to sing?

  -- i like to sing a song.

  -- where do you like to sing a song?

  -- i like to sing a song at home.


  optional question:

  what don’t you like to do?

  step 2 : while-task procedure section

  1. find new friends

  a. introduction

  invite students to introduce their preferences.

  i like to …

  … with me.

  b. find new friends

  teacher asks students who wants to … with ____(name), raise your hand.

  3.sing a song

  a.sing the song on page 16.

  encourage students to sing in groups and act.

  fifth  periodnew contents

  let’s act --- come and … with me.


  1、 本课学会用and连接两个动作, 使用come and … with me.来发出邀请共同做一件事。



  teaching steps

  step 1 : pre-task preparation section

  1. rhymes

  a. say the rhymes

  say two rhymes about the letters “ee” and “ff”.

  elegant elephants, e  e  e

  “e” is the sound of “e”.

  five fish, f  f  f,

  “f” is the sound of “f”.

  b. read the letters

  clap and read the letters (aa―ff)

  2. a competition

  a. divide into

  who likes sports/ music/ art/ toys/…?

  b. sing songs and compete

  first let two groups have a competition. students from sports groups sing a song (according to page 16) to challenge art group.

  e.g. run with me. i like to run very fast.

  then ask two students from two groups to have a race to see who runs fast.

  step 2 : while-task procedure section

  1. say and act

  a. say and act

  teacher shows a picture( there is a fire. a girl is in the house.) and guess what a fireman will say. then discuss which is the best way. 

  e.g  s1: come and run with me.

  s2: come and jump with me.


  b. work in groups

  give some situations and let students work in groups to act different people.

  2. the super star

  a. talk about the famous people

  show some photos of famous people and more details (age, hobby, height, weight, etc.). ask some questions:

  who’s he/she?

  how old is he/she?

  what do you think of him/her?

  what does he/she like to do? etc.

  b.act and guess

  teacher acts a famous person and students guess his/her name.

  e.g. hello, i am very tall but i’m not very fat.

  i like to play basketball and i can play basketball very well.

  i like to eat macdonald’s.

  come and play basketball with me. come and eat hamburgers with me. (yao ming)

  then encourage students to act and guess.

  sixth  periodrevision

  main words: play   run   sleepswim

  main sentences: i like to …

  come and … with me.




  3、学会在不同的情景中正确运用i like … i can … i like to …三个句型。

  teaching steps

  step 1 :pre-task preparation section

  1. a rhyme

  a. alphabet train

  drive the alphabet train and recite the letters from aa to ff.

  b. read the letters and food

  aa aa, a a a(short sound) , apple apple

  bb bb, b b b,biscuit biscuit

  cc cc, c c c,cake cake

  dd dd, d d d,donut donut

  ee ee, e e e(short sound), egg  egg

  ff ff, f f f,  fish fish

  2. quick response

  say a chant

  teacher and students say a chant like this:

  t: reading is my hobby.

  ss: you like to read.

  t: swimming is not my hobby.

  ss: you don’t like to swim.

  step 2 : while-task procedure section

  1. a guessing game

  a. i like …

  i like to …

  teacher shows a sentence and asks students the person’s preference:

  e.g.  i like water.

  i like to drink water.

  i like to swim in the water.

  i like to play with water.


  b. guess

  give more sentences and discussed the possibilities of his/her preferences in groups.

  e.g. i like the park.

  i like the pencil.

  i like the chick.

  i like to …


Unit 3 Things I like to do 篇2

  let’s learn

  language focus:

  using verbs to identify actions

  e.g. play,run,sleep,swim

  language skills


  pronounce words properly


  student’s book 2a page 14

  cassette 2a and a cassette player

  pictures, word cards and sentence cards

  teaching procedure

  step1 greetings

  step2 warm up exercises

  t gives the orders and ss do the actions.

  t: stand up,please./ sit down, please.

  touch your…

  clean the …,please.

  step3 revision

  1. t describes a thing and ss try to guess what it is.

  t: look, the floor is very dirty. we pick up the rubbish and put it to the …

  s1: bin.


  2. free talk

  (1)t: what’s your name?

  how old are you?

  do you like…?

  where do you live?

  (2) show a puppet and let ss imitate what it says

  puppet: hello, i’m rabbit. i’m nine years old. i live in wujiang. i love wujiang.

  ss introduce themselves.

  step4 presentation

  1. show a puppet

  puppet: i like to eat.yammy,yammy.

  what do you like to do?

  s1: i like to dance./ sing/ draw/ …

  t: can you guess what miss feng likes to do?

  ( play football with a student)

  ss ( guess)

  t presents “ play”

  2. the same way to present “run, swim, sleep”

  3. drill

  games: match the words and pictures.

  4. puppet: what do you like to do ?

  s1: i like to ..

  present “ what do you like to do?”

  5. practice

  let ss do a survey to see which is the most popular activity.

  step5 consolidation

  1. play the tape and let ss read after the tape.

  2. game

  s1: i like to …

  come and … with me.

  step6 do workbook.

Unit 3 Things I like to do 篇3

  Let’s learn

  Language focus:

  Using verbs to identify actions

  e.g. play,run,sleep,swim

  Language skills


  Pronounce words properly


  Student’s book 2A page 14

  Cassette 2A and a cassette player

  Pictures, word cards and sentence cards

  Teaching procedure

  Step1 Greetings

  Step2 Warm up exercises

  T gives the orders and Ss do the actions.

  T: Stand up,please./ Sit down, please.

  Touch your…

  Clean the …,please.

  Step3 Revision

  1. T describes a thing and Ss try to guess what it is.

  T: look, the floor is very dirty. We pick up the rubbish and put it to the …

  S1: Bin.


  2. Free talk

  (1)T: What’s your name?

  How old are you?

  Do you like…?

  Where do you live?

  (2) Show a puppet and let Ss imitate what it says

  Puppet: Hello, I’m rabbit. I’m nine years old. I live in Wujiang. I love Wujiang.

  Ss introduce themselves.

  Step4 Presentation

  1. Show a puppet

  Puppet: I like to eat.Yammy,yammy.

  What do you like to do?

  S1: I like to dance./ sing/ draw/ …

  T: Can you guess what Miss feng likes to do?

  ( play football with a student)

  Ss ( guess)

  T presents “ play”

  2. The same way to present “run, swim, sleep”

  3. Drill

  Games: Match the words and pictures.

  4. Puppet: What do you like to do ?

  S1: I like to ..

  Present “ what do you like to do?”

  5. Practice

  Let Ss do a survey to see which is the most popular activity.

  Step5 Consolidation

  1. Play the tape and let Ss read after the tape.

  2. Game

  S1: I like to …

  Come and … with me.

  Step6 Do workbook.



Unit 3 Things I like to do(精选3篇)
