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1A Unit 5 Period 4

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1A Unit 5 Period 4

teaching contents:
 a. review the content of this unit.
 b. do the exercise.
teaching aims:
 a. master the content of this unit.
  * ss can ask and confirm some objects to others using the sentence pattern: is this a …? and can answer it with "yes, it is." or "no, it isn't." according to the situation.
  * ss can say the four fruit words: banana, peach, pear, mango.
 b. to finish the exercises well. ss can understand what they have heard.
 c. raise ss interest of learning english.
key points and diffculty:
 teaching aims a, b.
teaching aids:
 teaching pictures, recorder, tape.
teaching procedure:
 step 1. warm up
  1. greetings
  2. free talk
     hello/hi, .
     good morning/afternoon, .
     hello/hi, i'm .
     is this a book/bag/pencil/pencilbox?
 step 2. revision
  1. review the words. (fruit, stationery)
   a. show and respond.
   b. row work. (drive train)
   c. group work. (competition)
  2. review the sentence pattern: is this a …?
                                  yes, it is.
                                  no, it isn't.
   a. show and respond.
   b. pair work. (one ask, one answer)
   c. group work. (competition)
  3. review the text
   a. listen to the tape.
   b. competition: who say the best?
                   who imitate the most similarly.
 step 3. relax
  say a rhyme "mango".
 step 4. exercise
  part a. listen and circle
          there are four tapics with three picture in every topics in this part.
   ss circle the right picture t mention according to the listening content.
  part b. listen and number
          there is a room with some fruits and articles for study laied here and there. two students are playing the game: touch and guess.
          ss number the fruits and articles for study according to the order mentioned in the listening content.


1A Unit 5 Period 4
