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九年级版英语下册Lesson 13教案

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九年级版英语下册Lesson 13教案

    Lesson 13: Clones Are the Same
    Teaching Content:
    Oral words and expressions: laboratory
    Teaching Aims:
    1. Practice the students' spoken English.
    2. Create the students' imaginations.
    Teaching Important Points:
    1. Know more about cloning.
    2. The expression of ability and inability.
    3. The use of coordinating conjunctions.
    Teaching Difficult Points:
    The expression of ability and inability.
    Teaching Preparation: pictures
    Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures
    Type of lesson: new lesson
    Teaching Procedure:
    Step1. Talk about the question "What would you like to clone?" in groups. They can use the following patterns:
    What would you like to clone? Why?
    Give the students five minutes. Then let them act their dialogues out in front of the class.
    Step2. Listening task:
    Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
    1. Jenny would like to clone a dog.
    2. Danny would clone himself.
    Finish the task in class in oral.
    Step3. Reading task:
    Scan the text and answer the following questions:
    1. What would Jenny like to clone?
    2. What would Brian like to clone?
    3. Why would Danny like to clone himself?
    Finish the task in class in oral.
    Step4. Read the text again and find the main idea of the text. Ask some students to say it in front of the class.
    Step5. A Game
    Make up a similar dialogue according to the text. Finish the task in groups of three or four. Give them five minutes. And them ask the students to present their dialogues in front of the class.
    Step6. Discussion
    Discuss the use of the clones of yourself. If you have a clone of yourself, what would you like him to do for you? Do you think it is very useful?
    Step7. Come to "PROJECT".
    Divide the class into groups of three or four. Talk about the subject "Have you heard of cloned animals?" The next is "If you are a scientist, what would you like to clone? Why?"
    Talk about the subjects in groups. The students may have five minutes to finish the task. Then try to present your result to the class in front of the class.
    Step8. Homework
    1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.
    2. Go on the next reading in the student book.
    Cloning is new to some students. It is useful to give them more time to talk about the subject. They can find more information about cloning on th

e Internet or with other tools. Encourage them to know more after class by themselves.



九年级版英语下册Lesson 13教案
