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    序号 Chinese English
    1 穿着……衣服(强调状态) be/get dressed in…=wear..=be in.. = have on…
    盛装, 打扮, 装饰, 伪装 dress up
    给某人/某人自己穿衣服 dress sb./oneself
    2 看见/听见某人做某事(强调过程) see/hear sb. do sth.
    看见/听见某人正做某事(强调动作) see/hear sb. doing sth.
    3 不见了;消失了 go missing = be missing (系表结构)
    4 做有关….的笔录 make notes on …
    5 因某事而被通缉 be wanted for sth.
    6 中等高度(个子) medium height
    7 在一家服装店的门口 in the doorway of a clothes shop
    8 对(做)某事感兴趣 be interested in (doing) sth.
    9 用小刀攻击某人 attack sb. with a knife
    …被人用小刀攻击 …be attacked with a knife
    10 流血至死 bleed to death
    11 (作为)结果 as a result
    12 打斗的迹象 evidence of a struggle
    13 进行(激烈地搏斗);
    (还有:张贴;举起;建造之意) put up (a good fight)
    14 有……罪 be guilty of …..
    15 有证据证明……. have evidence to prove …
    16 导致…….;导向…… lead to…
    17 为…….提拱……(钱)的奖赏 offer a reward of ……(money) for…….
    18 解决犯罪(破案) solve a crime
    19 可怕的事情/东西 something terrible
    20 因某事而控告某人 charge sb. with sth.
    …. 因某事而被控告 …be charged with sth.
    21 闯入…. break into…
    22 他的衬衫上带有血 with blood on his shirt
    23 顺便说一下;顺便问一下 by the way
    24 谋杀案的证人 the witness  to  the murder
    25 把某物带在某人身边(带走) take sth. with sb.
    26 把某特带来给某人 bring sth. to sb. = bring sb. sth.
    把某物带去给某人 take sth. to sb. = take sb. sth.
    27 再过5分钟后 in another five minutes
    28 (向某人)抱怨某事 complain  (to sb. ) about /of sth.
    29 有犯罪记录 have a criminal record
    30 有偷盗的犯罪记录 have a criminal record for theft
    31 一个关于绑架案的报告 a report on the kidnapping case
    32 在十月二十八日的早晨 on the morning of 28th December
    33 参加他妹妹的婚礼 at his sister's wedding
    34 很可能;非常可能 highly possible
    与某人相处(得好) get along (well) with sb.
    get on (well) with sb.
    36 做某事为了谋生 do sth. for a living
    37 在犯罪现场 at the scene of the crime
    38 在晚上一个人出门 go out alone at night
    39 因某事而逮捕某人 arrest sb. for sth.
    因为某事而被逮捕 be arrested for sth. = be under arrest for sth

;   40 赶公共汽车 catch a bus
    41 一份报酬丰厚的工作 a well-paid job
    1.Why are you dressed like that, Eddie?
    2.This is much more serious. My food has gone missing.
    3.This person is wanted for murder.这个人因为涉嫌谋杀而被通缉。
    4.He was last seen leaving his office in New Town at about 7 p.m.
    5.We are particularly interested in hearing form anyone (who saw anything unusual near Upper Street).
    6.Detective Lu said that the victim was attacked with a knife and bled to death as a result.
    7.There was also evidence of a struggle.
    8.Detective Lu said that the victim was guilty of computer crimes in the past.
    ★9.He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year.
    10.However, the suspect had evidence to prove that he was at another place at the time of the crime of the crime and insisted that he was not guilty.
    11.The victim's parents have offered a reward of ¥50,000 for any information (that leads to the arrest of the murderer.)
    12.A witness saw a man walking down Upper Street with blood on his shirt.

    13.What did you think of our first suspect, Wang Gang?你认为我们的第一个嫌疑犯王刚这个人怎么样?   
    14.He seemed (to be) a kind man.他好像是个好人。
    15.Tom was charged with robbery.
    16.No one knew what he did for a living.没有人知道他做什么事来谋生。
    ★17.You're under arrested for muder. = You are arrested for murder.
    18.She asked if the man (with blood on his shirt) had been involved in the crime.
    A. The detective asked: "Who knows the victim?",其中的"Who knows the victim?"就是直接引语。
    B. The detective asked who knew the victim. 其中的who knew the victim就是间接引语。直接引语通常用引号("")括起来,间接引语在多数情况下都构成一个宾语从句。
    ① He said, "the old woman looks very worried."
    He said that the old woman looked very worried.
    ② Tom said to me, "I have left my toy at home."
    Tom told me that he had left his toy at home.
    ②两句中直接引语和间接引语的主语已经发生变化。间接引语中的主语和主句中的主语是一致的。he就是指Tom,she就是指The victim's mother.
    ③"I'm scared", said the witness.
    The witness said that she was scared.
    ④"The thief is running away." Said Mrs Ma.
    Mrs Ma said the thief was running away.
    ⑤Detective Jones said, "I've finished my report."
    Detective Jones said that he had finished his report.

    ⑥Mr Wu said, "I read the newspaper."
    Mr Wu said that he had read the newspaper.
    ⑦"We will look for more clues." Said Detective Jones.
    Detective Jones said that they would look for more clues.
    ⑦两句中直接引语中的一般将来时,改变成了间接引语中的过去将来时,表示look for和catch up with这两个动作分别发生在主句动作"said和answered"之后,因此间接引语中要用过去将来时。
    ①She said: "I will come here tonight."-She said that she would go there that night.
    ②Jack said to us, "These are my stamps."-Jack told us that those were his stamps.
    ③Lucy said: "My sister came back two days ago."
    Lucy said that he sister had gone back two days before.
    ④Mr Hu answered, "They will arrive here tomorrow evening."
    Mr Hu answered that they would arrive there the next evening.
    在直接引语中 在间接引语中
    指示代词 this that
    these those
    地点状语 here there
    动  词 come go
    时间状语 now then
    today that day
    yesterday the day before
    last week(year, ect.) the week(year, ect.) before
    two days(a month, ect.) two days(a month, ect.) before
    tomorrow the next(following) day
    tomorrow morning the next(following) morning
    next week(year, ect.) the next week(year, ect.)
    【注】时间状语this afternoon在间接引语中没有改变。因为转述的是当天所说的话。这种情况下,时间状语可不作改变。如:
    ⑥Tom said: "I will finish the work this afternoon."
    Tom said that he would finish the work this afternoon.
    ①The teacher asked, "What are you parents?"

    The teacher asked what my parents were.
    ②He asked, "When will you see your uncle, Liu Mei?"
    He asked Liu Mei when she would see her uncle.
    ③I asked, "Which book is yours, Meimei?"
    I asked Meimei which book was hers.
    ④Tom asked me, "How are you getting on with your classmates?"
    Tom asked me how I was getting on with my classmates.
    ⑤I asked, "Who did you wait for yesterday, Tom?"
    I asked Tom who he had waited for the day before.
    ⑥She asked, "Where are we going to meet tomorrow?"
    She asked where they were going to meet the following day.
    ⑦He asked me, "Why were you late yesterday?"
    He asked me why I had been late the day before.

    ①He asked, "Are you sure your mother will come?"
    He asked if (whether) I was sure my mother would come.
    ②She asked, "Are you a student or a teacher?"
    She asked me whether I was a student or a teacher.
    ③He asked, "you have a few friends in the new school, don't you?"
    He asked me whether(if) I had a few friends in the new school.
    ①He said, "Please come her earlier."
    He asked me to go there earlier.
    ②The teacher said, "Don't do that again, children."
    The teacher told children not to do that again.
    ③The captain said, "Get everything ready in two hours."
    The captain ordered (told) us to get everything ready in two hours.



