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九年级版英语下册Lesson 14教案

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九年级版英语下册Lesson 14教案

    Lesson 14: A Clone of My Own
    Teaching Content:
    Mastery words and expressions: secret, copy, doubt, stupid, chess, robot
    Oral words and expressions: foolish, flute, closet, prefer, play chess, prefer…to…
    Teaching Aims:
    1. Improve the students' written ability.
    2. Create the students' imaginations.
    Teaching Important Points:
    1. Imagine the use of cloning in our daily life.
    2. The expression of ability and inability.
    3. The use of coordinating conjunctions.
    Teaching Difficult Points:
    The use of coordinating conjunctions.
    Teaching Preparation: pictures
    Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures
    Type of lesson: new lesson
    Teaching Procedure:
    Step1. Talk about the question:
    Would you like to have a clone of yourselves? Why?
    Finish the task in groups. Give the students five minutes to discuss the subject. Then let the students present it in front of the class.
    Step2. Listening task:
    Listen to the tape and answer the flowing questions:
    1. How old is Kate?
    2. What does "foolish" mean?
    Finish the task in class in oral.
    Step3. Scan the text and decide the following statements are True or False:
    1. Katie would like a secret clone.
    2. Katie already has three sisters.
    3. Katie's clone would live the living room with Katie.
    Finish the task in class in oral.
    Step4. Read the text again and try to find the sentences with the new words.
    What does Katie mean by "a secret clone"?
    I doubt what she says!
    "Foolish" means "silly or stupid".
    Also, she would play chess with me.
    Maybe I need a robot!
    She would feed my tow cats, clean my room and practise my flute.
    Step5. Ask some students to tell the main idea of the text. Let some students say it in front of the class.
    Step6. Group Work
    Talk about the subject in groups. Talk for about five minutes. If you have a clone of yourself, what would you like her or him to do for you?
    Write what you think of down on a piece of paper. Then exchange their ideas in groups. One of the members sum what they think of. Then present it in front of the class.
    Step7. Come to "LET'S DO IT".
    Finish the task in pairs. Make up a dialogue with a partner and act it out in front of the class.
    Encourage them to make the story funny.
    Make the ending surprising.

; Step8. Homework
    1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.
    2. Go on the next reading in the student book.
    It is fun to give the students chances to speak in front of the class. Sometimes they think they are not happy in their daily life. They don't want to do something sometimes, so they want someone else to do it for him or her. Maybe some students think clones of themselves are useful to them.



九年级版英语下册Lesson 14教案
