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Lesson 66教案

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Lesson 66教学设计示例

Period: The Second Period

Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching Aims:

1. Knowledge aim:

Students can understand the story.

2. Ability aims:

(1) Students can point out the adverbial clauses of condition.

(2) Students can retell the story in their own words.

3. Emotion aim:

Wait in line for the bus/tickets etc.

Language Focus: Some new words and phrases: sick, patient, wait in line, laugh at, at the head of

Teaching Procedures:

a) Organizing the class

1. Ask the students to get ready for class.

2. Select some good sentences from the students’ homework and share them together.

3. A duty report.

b) Revision

T: dictate Exercise Three in Lesson 65.

c) Leading-in

T: Ask the students to do Exercise One.

Let them talk about the following three questions.

1. When you are at a bus stop, do you wait in line for the bus?

2. How do you feel if someone doesn’t wait for his/her turn to do things?

3. Do you think it necessary for us to learn to wait?

d) Presentation

T: Look at the picture in the students’ book.

This is a doctor’s waiting for the doctor to hospital.

The people are waiting for the doctor to come.

Some people are sitting on the long chair, one person is standing on the left, on the right there are two persons, they are a doctor and a patient, they are talking, the doctor is showing the way to the door.

T: Look at the title “The Queue Jumper”, try to discuss the title in class.

e) Teaching reading

1. Listening: Ask the students to listen to the tape three times with their books closed.

2. Reading: Let the students read the text with the help of the tape, then read it by themselves.

3. Language points:

(1) sick 仅用于表语be sick/feel sick

I felt very sick after running at the sports meeting yesterday.

(2) patient =person who has received, is receiving, or is on a doctor’s list for medical treatment.

There are a lot of patients outside the doctor’s.

(3) wait in line =wait for one’s turn and stand in line

When you are at a station, you should wait in line.

(4) laugh at =make fun of

It’s unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble.

(5) at the head of/at the end of

There is a beautiful lady at the head of the row.

4. Reading again: Try to understand the whole story.

5. Retelling: Ask the students to retell it in their own words.

f) Practise

1. Select one student to read the text fluently.

2. Choose two or three students to tell their understanding about the text.

3. Ask the students to work in groups of three and act out the passage.

g) Homework

1. Read the passage and listen to the tape.

2. Make sentences with the useful words and phrases.

3. Rewrite the passage.

4. Do exercises on page 74.

h) Summary

1. He ___ lunch at school last year.

A. didn’t have B. doesn’t have C. hasn’t D. hadn’t

2. The bus is coming! Let’s ___ the bus.

A. get down B. get on C. get off D. get to

3. You are ___ again. Please, come ___ next time.

A. later earlier B. late early C. late earlier D. later early

4. Alice enjoys playing ___ piano.

A. a B. the C. / D. one

Keys: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B

Lesson 66教学设计示例



Lesson 66教案
