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  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 1

  A Dragon boat race is a traditional amusement activity in dragon boat festival.


  Today, my mother took me out to watch dragon boat races.


  I was very excited, because this was my first time to watch such race.


  When we arrived at Nanhu Park, there were hundreds of people around the two sides of the river.


  We found a place can see the match clearly hardly.


  The participate sat on the boat look like dragon.


  When the signal to start set, everyone on the boat tried their best to make the boat forward.


  And the people who were watching also cheered them. The air was very lively.


  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 2

  Dragon boat racing is our the Chinese nation is a traditional activity.赛龙舟是我们中华民族一项传统活动

  It is in the Dragon Boat Festival is to perform an activity.它是在端午节的时候进行的一项活动

  People play on the day.人们在那一天比赛划船

  boat looks like a dragon.船的`样子像龙一样

  Dragon Boat Race made us very happy that we are fully felt the joy of traditional festivals.赛龙舟使得我们十分快乐让我们充分感受到了传统节日的欢乐

  Everyone on this day to contest, display their skills, very lively.大家在这一天共同竞赛,显示自己的本领,十分热闹。

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 3

  The dragon Boat Day is the festival in China which is celebrated on May 5th in the lunar calendar.We uaually eat sticky rice wrapped up in bamboo leaves on Dragon Boat Day in memory of one hermit named Qu Yuan in Chinese history, who is a poet and is respected because of his loyalty to his country.

  There is a long story for the origin of the Dragon Boat Day, to make the long story short, people didnt want any fish to eat Qu Yuans corpse after he jumped into a river to commit suicide, so they cooked a lot of sticky rice to feed the fish in the river. Referring to the reason for Qu Yuan to commit suicide, it is said, Quan Yuan couldnt do anything when his country was at the point of crisis, the king didnt accept his sincere advice.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 4

  Yesterday,we went to Tonglu to go to summer camp,we first place to go is the long stone Gold Beach,I play the most happy is the dragon boat,the ship s bow is bibcock,Stern s tail,we sat in the long body,our side drum,while boating,finally,I look at the no paddle,I used the hand to a row boat fast forward,and our boat over land the ship,then our ship s children are very excited and some make a hullabaloo about:" quick victory,quick victory!" Some laughing.

  The way we from the last name into the second.This is my first time to the dragon boat has such result I really happy.I will the Dragon boat.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 5

  During the Dragon Boat Festival, what I look forward to the most is dragon boat racing. The lake is shimmering with ripples, flags fluttering, gongs and drums roaring, and people cheering and thundering in order to witness the grandeur of dragon boat races.

  Before the start of the game, the players from each team were full of energy and ready to take off. With the referees command, the dragon boat flew like an arrow on the water surface. The contestants cooperated harmoniously, their movements were consistent, and they paddled like flying, stirring up layers of waves. The audience cheered one after another, cheering and cheering for the contestants.

  Dragon boat racing is not only a competitive competition, but also a display of traditional culture. It allows us to feel the power of unity and cooperation, and also allows us to have a deeper understanding of the cultural connotations of the Dragon Boat Festival.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 6

  Dragon boat racing is one of the most distinctive activities of the Dragon Boat Festival. On the day of the competition, the lake was bustling with activity, with colorful dragon boats shuttling on the rippling blue waves.

  The contestants were dressed in uniform, wearing hats, holding paddles, and pushing forward with all their might. They cooperate harmoniously and coordinate their movements, as if they were a well-trained team. The audience stood by the lake, cheering and cheering for the contestants.

  The dragon boat competition not only tests the physical strength and skills of the athletes, but also tests the spirit of teamwork. It makes us feel the vastness and profoundness of Chinese culture, and also makes us cherish and inherit this traditional festival more.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 7

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, I witnessed the spectacular scene of dragon boat races with my own eyes. On the lake, dragon boats like dragons set sail with a majestic momentum.

  The athletes rowed hard, and the dragon boat flew over the water, creating layers of waves. The audience was boiling with excitement, cheers, applause, and cheers echoing through the sky.

  Dragon boat races are not only a visual feast, but also a spiritual baptism. It has made us feel the unique charm of Chinese culture and strengthened our determination to inherit and promote this traditional culture.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 8

  Dragon boat racing is not only a sports competition, but also a manifestation of team spirit. In the dragon boat competition, each team member plays an indispensable role.

  The helmsman controls the direction, the drummer controls the rhythm, and the rowing team members need to work closely together to ensure that the dragon boat moves steadily on the lake surface. This team spirit is not only reflected in competitions, but also runs through daily life and work.

  Through dragon boat racing, we have deeply realized the importance of unity and cooperation, and learned how to leverage our strengths within a team to strive for common goals.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 9

  As an important custom of the Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat racing contains rich traditional cultural connotations. It originated from the worship and worship of the dragon god in ancient times, and gradually evolved into a competitive and ornamental sports activity.

  In the process of dragon boat racing, we can not only feel the vastness and profoundness of Chinese culture, but also appreciate the wisdom and creativity of ancient people. At the same time, dragon boat racing also conveys a positive and upward spiritual power, inspiring us to move forward bravely and work together in the face of difficulties and challenges.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 10

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the dragon boat race was like a grand festival celebration, full of passion and vitality.

  The athletes rowed hard, and the dragon boat raced over the water, leaving beautiful curves. The audience was boiling with excitement, cheering one after another, cheering and cheering for the contestants.

  This dragon boat competition not only showcases the strength and style of the athletes, but also conveys a positive and upward spirit. It makes us feel the charm of traditional culture and also makes us love and cherish this beautiful festival more.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 11

  Dragon boat racing is one of the busiest and most festive activities during the Dragon Boat Festival. On the lake, colorful flags are fluttering, gongs and drums are noisy, and the audience is lively and lively.

  As the competition progresses, the competition among the athletes becomes increasingly fierce, and the speed of the dragon boat also becomes faster. The audience was boiling with enthusiasm, cheering and cheering for their favorite team.

  This dragon boat race not only allowed us to feel the festive and lively atmosphere of the festival, but also allowed us to appreciate the unique charm of Chinese culture.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 12

  There are many unforgettable and exciting moments in the dragon boat race. For example, when two dragon boats are driving side by side and chasing after each other, the tense and stimulating atmosphere makes people hold their breath and concentrate; When a dragon boat suddenly accelerates to overtake its opponent, the exciting scene is even more joyful.

  These exciting moments not only showcase the strength and skills of the contestants, but also reflect their indomitable and courageous spirit.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 13

  Dragon boat racing is a sport that requires unity and cooperation. In the competition, each team member needs to cooperate closely to ensure the stable progress of the dragon boat.

  Both helmsmen and paddlers need to maintain a high level of tacit understanding and collaborative spirit at all times. This spirit of unity and cooperation is not only reflected in competitions, but also runs through our daily lives.

  Through dragon boat racing, we have learned how to leverage our strengths within a team and how to collaborate with others to complete tasks together.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 14

  Dragon boat racing, as a traditional custom, is constantly innovating and developing through inheritance. Modern dragon boat races not only retain traditional elements and forms, but also incorporate many modern elements and technological means.

  For example, some competitions use advanced timing systems and monitoring equipment to ensure the fairness and accuracy of the competition; Some teams boldly innovate in the design and decoration of dragon boats, showcasing unique styles and characteristics.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 15

  Title: The Splendor of Dragon Boat Racing

  Dragon Boat Festival is a time of great joy and excitement in China, particularly for the traditional dragon boat races. These races, held on the fifth day of the lunar month, attract crowds from all over the country.

  Last year, I had the opportunity to witness a dragon boat race in my hometown. The riverbanks were lined with spectators, eager to cheer for their favorite teams. The boats, painted in vibrant colors and adorned with dragon heads and tails, looked majestic as they lined up for the start.

  As the race began, the boats surged forward, their paddles slicing through the water in unison. The cheers from the crowd grew louder as the teams battled for position. The race was fast-paced and thrilling, with the lead changing hands several times.

  Finally, after a thrilling finish, the winning team emerged victorious. The joy and pride on their faces was evident as they celebrated their victory. The dragon boat race was a truly unforgettable experience, filled with tradition, excitement, and the spirit of camaraderie.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 16

  Title: The Origin of Dragon Boat Racing

  Dragon boat racing is a time-honored tradition in China, dating back to the ancient times. According to legend, the races were first held in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan, who drowned in the Miluo River during the Warring States period.

  The people of Chu, Qu Yuans homeland, were deeply saddened by his death and decided to hold dragon boat races on the river as a way to mourn his loss. They believed that by paddling their boats vigorously, they could drive away the evil spirits that had claimed Qu Yuans life.

  Over time, the dragon boat races evolved from a mourning ritual into a festive event. They became a symbol of unity and teamwork, bringing people together from all walks of life to celebrate the spirit of camaraderie and competition.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 17

  Title: The Teamwork of Dragon Boat Racing

  Dragon boat racing is a sport that demands utmost teamwork and coordination. Each member of the team plays a crucial role in ensuring the boats success.

  The paddlers are responsible for propelling the boat forward with their powerful strokes. They must work in unison, timing their paddles perfectly to maximize the boats speed.

  The drummer, on the other hand, sets the pace for the team. His or her steady beat helps keep the paddlers synchronized and prevents any lags in the boats momentum.

  The steering crew, composed of experienced sailors, ensures that the boat stays on course and avoids any obstacles. Their quick reflexes and navigational skills are crucial in navigating the twists and turns of the river.

  高中英语作文龙舟比赛 18

  Title: The Preparation for Dragon Boat Racing

  Preparing for a dragon boat race is a meticulous and demanding process. It requires months of training and practice to ensure that the team is in peak condition.

  The paddlers undergo rigorous physical training to build up their endurance and strength. They also practice their paddling technique, learning to synchronize their strokes and maximize their power output.

  The drummers, too, must undergo extensive training to develop a steady beat. They practice with the paddlers to ensure that their rhythm matches the teams pace.

  The steering crew also undergoes navigation training to familiarize themselves with the rivers layout and potential obstacles. They must be prepared to make quick decisions and adjustments to keep the boat on course.



