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I. 重点词汇
1. co-operative adj. 合作的
2. creative adj.
3. credit n.
4. crime n.
5. crinimal n. 有创造力的, 创造性的
6. cure v. 治疗,治愈
7. damp adj. 潮湿的
8. deadline n. 最后期限
9. deadly adj. 致命的
10. delight n. / v. 快乐,高兴 ,使高兴
11. demand v. 要求
12. deny v. 否认,拒绝
13. depend v. 依靠,依赖
14. description n. 描述
15. delimma n. 困境,窘境
16. dispose v. 布置,安排
17. disposal n. 清除,处理
18. dustbin n. 垃圾箱
19. eager adj. 渴望的
20. editor n. 编辑
II. 重点短语
1.take delight in 乐于。。。
2.to one’s delight 令人高兴的是
3.depend on 依靠,
4.draw a conclusion 得出结论
5.be eager to do / for 渴望。。。
III. 佳句赏析
1. Crinimal protest right is a kind of right for procuratorate department to request court to rehearing the case that maybe is a miscarriage of justice.
2. Although it's not a right time and I face delimma, I still feel happy.
3. Previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next.
IV. 词汇练习
1. She says she can c me, but I still doubt her.
2. The d for the new cosmetics packaging design is next Monday.
3. This simple example is a pretty good (描述) of how evolution works.
V. 短语练习
1. to have a picnic here!
A what great delight B how great delight
C what a great delight D how a great delight
2. they demanded that the books to the school library at once .
A return B should return
C be returned D would be returned

cure/ deadline/ description


