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I.Fill in the blanks with the first given letters
1.Jay Chou is very famous and he is one of my brother’s heroes.
2.We had a great time playing computer games together.
3.I often feel bored at school because some of the classes are too simple for me.
4.True friends can share happiness with each other.
5.It was generous of the rich man to give his money to the poor people.
6.I think skiing is not as dangerous/ difficult as diving.
7.We should listen to people’s problems and solve their problems.
8.When I feel unhappy, he tells me funny jokes and makes me laugh.
9.The cook can make many tasty dishes.
10.Students at Rocky Mountain High School do not wear uniforms and do not have morning assembly.
11.In the geography lessons we can find many places of interest.
12.The Pyramids in front of us looked just like the real ones in Egypt.
13.I want to keep slim but I don’t want to eat less.
14.My brother joined the army last year .He was there for three months.
15.There are so many amazing things in the world. I can hardly believe them all .
16.I am interested in the places of interest because they are very nice and interesting.
17.I got an invitation letter yesterday.
18.At the very beginning of the meeting, people sang a song together.
19.If you are in America you can get the driving license when you are at school.
20.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
21.There is heavy traffic during the rush hour.
22.It takes less time to travel there by train than by coach.
23.It’s a good idea to walk slowly around the big lake and feel the beauty of the old park.
24.We cannot travel by underground to the Summer Palace.
25.Some climbers are pulling themselves up on the rocks.
26.Every summer holiday our school organizes some students to go birdwatching in Zhalong Nature Reserve.
27.It is difficult to calm down the football fans.
28.This park looks very strange. It’s a little difficult for tourists/ travelers to find the entrance to the park.
29.The wetland provides food and shelter for the wild animals.
30.We should try our best to protect the endangered animals.
31.Have you seen a bird with a forked tail and long pointed wings?
32.The children screamed because they were frightened.
33.Many people do not understand the importance of wetlands.
34.---Look at the bird flying over the sea! ---It is a seagull.
35.We can get information from newspaper and the internet.
36.If you litter anywhere, you will be unwelcome.
37.He thanked many friends, including me.
38.What prevented you from joining us last night?
39.I am going to send an application to be the VIP of Jin Runfa supermarket.
40.Tsunami(海啸) is one of the natural disasters.
41.He had a traffic accident yesterday. Fortunately(幸运地), he survived. He was a survivor.
42.There is only a slight difference between A and B.
43.When the earthquake started, people felt a shaking and then they ran in all directions.
44.Daniel often makes excuses when he is late for school.
45.The traffic was so bad because a snowstorm/ storm/ sandstorm came.
46.There is a warning sign saying “No fishing”.
47.If you have nothing emergent(紧急的), don’t call 110 hotline for fun.
48.After the accident, many victims are sent to the hospital. The doctors are asking their conditions now.
49.If you want to know the time of arrival, you can call the train station.
50.I listened to a radio programme on wild animals yesterday.
II.Fill in the blanks with correct forms
1.My best friend Carol is very musical (music), she is good at playing the piano.
2.Mother is very humorous. She has a sense of humour (humorous).
3.The table in the dining hall is about 50 cm in length (long).
4.Don’t make too much noise. Our monitor has the ability of organizing activities (activity).
5.Don’t lie to me! Please speak truly (true).
6.When I felt unhappy/ sad (happy), my friend felt sad, too.
7.Bread has already become one of the most popular (popular) foods in our country now.
8.There is a sick (ill) man sleeping in the room.
9.Whose handwriting is the worst (bad) of the three.
10.Who can give me some advice (advise) on how to learn English well?
11.My father can cook healthy (health) and tasty (taste) food.
12.What is your ideal (idea) job?
13.Jessica isn’t herself (she) today and she lies in hospital now.
14.Look! Her clothes are like (alike) his.
15.Help yourselves (you) to some bananas, boys and girls.
16.Leaves (leaf) are falling from the trees now.
17.They always make friends (friendly) with each other.
18.In the end, the doctor saved three people’s lives (life).
19.Her children are not old enough to look after themselves (them).
20.He came into the room quietly (quiet).
21.---I tasted some tasty roast chickens just now.
---Really? Can I have a taste of them.
---Sorry, there is nothing on the plate now. (taste)
22.Giant pandas are not as dangerous as tigers. But they are in danger now. That means they are endangered animals. (danger)
23.---What does ‘Xiwang’ mean?
---It means hope. The meaning of it is hope. (mean)
24.Luckily, some people survived the tsunami, so we should take actions to help the survivors. (survive)
25.The old man lived on the lonely island alone, but he did not feel lonely. (alone)
26.If you always do the exercises carelessly, you will make the same mistakes. But if you try to be more careful, things will be better. (care)
27.With the loss of living areas, a great number of giant pandas have lost their home.(lose)
28.---What advice did Simon give Daniel?
---Simon advised Daniel to wear a raincoat. (advice)
29.If people continue to destroy the nature reserves, there will be more natural disasters. (nature)
30.It is important for the students to understand the importance of English studying. (important)
31.Please don’t talk and laugh noisily in the class. I don’t like the noise. (noise)
32.The temperature of the Amazon rainforests is rarely below 26 degrees centigrade. If you go there, you will see many rare animals. (rare)
33.The room rate is 400 yuan per night, including (include) breakfast.
34.We are now inviting secondary school students to help us. First, we must write an invitation letter.(invite)
35.My favourite pet dog died, the death of him make me cry. (die)
36.It always thunders (thunder) and lightens (lighten) in summer. I am afraid of thunder (thunder) and lightning (lighten).
37.Finally, people removed (move) the bricks and stones and saved (safe) Timmy and put him in safety. (safe)
38.They are frightened by the frightening noise. (fright)
39.They ran wildly like the wild animals. (wild)
40.Zhalong is a protected (protect) area. Students must try their best to understand the protection of it. (protect)
41.At the very beginning of the earthquake, I felt a slight (violent剧烈的) shaking through my body.
III.Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given verbs
1.He usedn’t to be (be) willing to help (help) others. But now he’s ready to be (be) generous any time.
2.It was cold. Mum advised (advise) me to wear (wear) my coat.
3.Her new hairstyle makes (make) her look (look) prettier.
4.She rarely has (have) her son cook (cook) and sew (sew), does (do) she?
5.My sister hopes to be (be) a teacher when she grows (grow) up in the future.
6.She hoped that she would become (become) a doctor when she was (be) young. Luckily, her dream comes (come) true now.
7.Thank you for agreeing (agree) to let (let) me buy (buy) something to drink (drink). I was so thirsty before I drank (drink) at that moment.
8.Doesn’t he know (not know) how to finish (finish) doing (do) his homework? It’s wrong for him to copy (copy) others’ homework.
9.He ought to (ought to) solve (solve) the problem on his own.
10.Pieces of bricks fell (fall) down around him and one hit (hit) him. He hurt (hurt) his head and felt (feel) sick.
11.The temperature dropped (drop) to -7℃ last night.
12.There will not be / are not (not be) more pandas until people do not continue (continue) to kill (kill) them for their fur any more
13.I would like to learn (learn) to speak (speak) English well. I’m interested in learning (learn) more about practising (practice) my spoken English.
14.The house caught (catch) fire yesterday. Luckily, no one was burnt/ burned (burn).
15.Diving (dive) is my favorite sport. So is skiing (ski).
16.Don’t forget to turn (turn) on the light when you start (start) to read (read).
17.We are trying (try) our best to take (take) actions to save (save) the wildlife.
18.He has not decided (decide) to invite (invite) my brother to go (go) swimming (swim) yet.
19.I often heard him sing (sing) in the room. Now I see him playing (play) on the ground.
20.Are they busy counting (count) the birds?
21.Don’t keep the teacher waiting (wait) for a long time.
22.It’s necessary to prevent (prevent) deserts from getting (get) bigger by planting (plant) more trees.
23.Now, we are planning (plan) to take (take) a tour of Nanjing if it does not rain (rain) tomorrow.
24.Would you please remind (remind) him to call (call) me as soon as he returns (return)?
25.My parent was cleaning (clean) the house at eight yesterday morning.
26.He has already learned/ learnt (learn) about the importance of protecting (protect) wild animals after he joined (join) in the club called (call) ‘We Love Birds’.
27.Listen! He is ordering (order) his child to get (get) up quickly.
28.Why did/do you suggest (suggest) chatting (chat) on the phone? How about chatting (chat) on the Internet?
29.A moment ago, I told (tell) him that there would be (be) no buses in 30 minutes and he had to (have to) hurry (hurry) to the bus station at once. If he got (get) there within 30 minutes, he would catch (catch) the last bus.
30.Why not warn (warn) the child not to play (not play) with fire at home? I don’t know if he knows (know) it’s very dangerous.
IV.Write the correct words according to the definitions on the left
1.be good at or fond of music
2.someone in his or her teens
3.public notice in newspaper and TV to attract public attention
4.a student in the last year at a high school or college
5.having a strong and pleasant taste
6.the vehicles moving along a road or a street
7.a main road between cities
8.persuade somebody to do something by making them believe it is a good thing to do
9.a person who catches or tries to kill wild animals
10.keep someone or something safe from danger, injury, etc
11.a piece of land that is a protected area for animals
12.to continue to live or exist
13.in a situation in which somebody or something may soon disappear or no longer exist
14.give something to somebody
15.birds, plants, animals, etc, that are wild and live in a natural environment people who are visiting or traveling to a place
16.living, not dead
17.to keep somebody in a dangerous place or bad situation that they want to get out of but cannot
18.give a long and loud cry of fear, pain or excitement
19.short quick movements from side to side or up and down
20.an unexpected event such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage
V.Fill in the blacks with the right forms of the given phrases
?as well, be different from, drive sb. to someplace, have two days off, during lunchtime
1.After having two days off, they had to work hard again.
2.Can’t you see this pair of trousers is different from yours?
3.Nancy’s father drove her to school yesterday.
4.She is a good student. His sister is a good student as well.
5.During lunchtime, we can stay and play with each other.
?know more about birds, all year around, cover an area of …,
under protection, for a short stay, need volunteers to …
1.More and more birds which are under protection live in Zhalong.
2.Almost every student in Birdwatching Club knows more about birds than other students.
3.The huge stadium which is being built covers an area of 130,000 square meters.
4.It seldom rains in the desert all year around.
5.We need volunteers to help the foreigners, when the 2008 Olympic Games is held in Beijing.
?be different from, walk to, help… with, ride to, be like
1.My buddy often helps me with my homework at the buddy club.
2.John’s school shirt is like Daniel’s school shirt, it’s also blue.
3.School life in the USA is different from that in England.
4.I usually walk to school because I like walking.
5.Yesterday my father rode to work because his car was broken.
?at the beginning, on the highway, get off, feel sick, join in
1.It was a wonderful day but we didn’t enjoy it at the beginning.
2.The country road was not very good, but it was better on the highway.
3.Mr. Green, please join in the song.
4.I can’t run any more. I feel sick.
5.The bus stopped and we all got off at once.
?up to, lose one’s life, on one’s own, interested in, at the beginning of
1.The baby panda drank her mother’s milk for up to 14 hours a day.
2.Mother can’t leave their babies on their own. It’s very dangerous.
3.The soldier lost his life when he saved the boy in the river.
4.At the beginning of this English class, our teacher taught us an English song.
5.What sports are your classmates interested in?
?trap , fog, join, scream, calm down
1.We can easily get trapped in an earthquake, so remember to keep away from buildings when it is happening.
2.Lots of children screamed because they didn’t know what was happening and they were frightened.
3.To calm down in an accident can help you get out of danger.
4.Millie asked me to join in her birthday party this weekend.
5.When it is foggy, we can’t see the things near us clearly.
VI.Sentence transformation
1.Animals ran wildly everywhere.
Animals ran in all directions. (in every direction)
2.People were in a hurry to move away the bricks and stones.
People hurried to remove the bricks and stones.
3.When I saw the movie about the Nanjing Slaughter, I couldn’t stop being angry.
When I saw the movie about the Nanjing Slaughter, I couldn’t calm down.
4.I didn’t know where I would go in summer.
I didn’t know where to go in summer.
5.People must live with water and oxygen.
People can’t live without water or oxygen.
6.“Don’t go to the street by yourselves.” Father said.
Father told (asked/ordered…) us not to go to the street alone.
7.When he arrived, everyone felt rather surprised.
His arrival was a big surprise to everyone.
8.Our school library will provide more magazines and books for us.
Our school library will provide us with more magazines and books.
9.I like a lot of singing stars and Jay Chou is one of them.
I like a lot of singing stars, including Jay Chou.
10. We built nature reserves to keep people from hunting wildlife.
We built nature reserves to prevent/ keep people from hunting wildlife.
11.The zookeeper greeted us politely.
The zookeeper gave us polite greetings.
12.My English teacher can speak fluent Spanish.
My English teacher can speak Spanish fluently.
13.People protect the area of Zhalong.
Zhalong is a protected area.
14.If people go on taking the land, giant pandas will have no space to live.
If people keep taking the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.
15.Mother giant pandas spend a lot of time on the feeding of their babies.
It takes Mother giant pandas much time to feed their babies.
16.A lot of Iraqi people died in the Iraqi War.
A large (great) number of Iraqi people lost their lives in the war of Iraq.
17.They felt sad for losing their living area.
The loss of their living area made them sad.
18.Some hunters have fun killing the wolves.
Some hunters kill the wolves for fun.
Some hunters have a good time killing the wolves.
19.I hate wearing the clothes which are made of animal fur.
I dislike wearing the clothes made of animal fur.
20.We cannot travel by underground to the Summer Palace.
We cannot take an underground to visit the Summer Palace.
21. Do you feel food coming up from your stomach for most of the trip.
Do you feel sick for most of the trip.
22. Daniel learnt English by himself when he was only 8 years old.
Daniel taught himself English when he was at 8.
23. Lei Feng was glad to give helping hands to those people who need help.
LeiFeng was willing to help those people in need.
24. My father was very humorous in the past.
My father had a good sense of humor before.
25. Miss Tang speaks English softly. Mr. Can speaks English more softly.
Miss Tang doesn’t speak English as softly as Mr. Can.
Miss Tang speaks English less softly than Mr. Can.
1.When he walks pass the desks, he often knocks off our books. past
2.She is kind and never speaks a bad word about anyone. says
3.Walking is not as tired as jogging. tiring
4.China is one of the largest country in the world. countries
5.I feel happy when I’m with her because she has a sense of humorous. humour
6.What is your aunt look like? 删/ does
7.My sister is in Year 7 in England and my cousin is in 8 Grade in the USA. 8th
8.Can you tell me what the difference is from CHEER and CHIN? between
9.When I was a student, I had a lot of time do outdoor activities. to do
10.The number of students in our school are less than 3000. is
11.You need exercise every day because you don’t look health. healthy
12.Please send my best greeting to your parents. greetings
13.He got to school late this morning because there was a lot of traffics on city roads. traffic
14.It was interesting to see such many places of interesting. so; interest
15.We will make it really fun day for everyone. a really fun day
16.When Xiwang was born, she weight just 100 grams. weighed
17.Here is some of the problems that Xiwang may have in the future. are
18.Many animals loss their lives because people buy animal fur. lose
19.Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time to drink their mums’ milk. drinking
20.Many wild animals are in the danger. 删
21.Zhalong Nature Reserve provides food and shelter to wildlife. for
22.Some people want to change the wetlands to make more spaces for farms and buildings.
23.The dead of his wife was a great blow to him. death
24.Zhalong is a protect area. It’s incorrect to hunt or fish there. protected
25.The teacher warned us to not talk in class. not to
26.The Taiwan earthquake killed two thousands of people. 删
27.Unluckily, Jim didn’t survive in the earthquake. 删
28.When I was trap I even didn’t know where I was. trapped
29.People were in great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. a great hurry
30.Because a snowstorm came, so the traffic was bad this morning. 删
VIII.Multiple choice
( ) 1.Timmy told us ___ the football match last night.
A. on B. about C. for D. of
( ) 2.Father asked Sandy if she was ready ___ to school with him.
A. for go B. going C. to go D. goes
( ) 3.---He looks ___. What’s wrong with him? ---He hurt his leg yesterday.
A. happiness B. unhappily C. happy D. unhappy
( ) 4.No one in my class ___ from America.
A. comes B. come C. coming D. are
( ) 5.Jane has ___ poor eyesight, she can’t see things five meters away from her.
A. a B. the C. an D. /
( ) 6.You can’t spend so much time ___ computer games.
A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing
( ) 7.---___ is it from your home to school? ---About 30 minutes’ walk.
A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How much
( ) 8.We must hurry up, ___ we’ll miss the plane.
A. or B. and C. but D. so
( ) 9.We will stay here, ___ you come back.
A. because B. so C. until D. and
( ) 10.He was born ___ a cold morning.
A. in B. at C. during D. on
( ) 11.Students should practice ___ English as often as they can.
A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. speaks
( ) 12.People ran out of the bookstore wildly, many of them ___ the books on the shelves.
A. knocked at B. knocked on C. knocked over D. knocked in
( ) 13.This photograph ___ him ___ very young.
A. makes; look B. make; looks C. makes; looks D. make; look
( ) 14.He decided ___ and have fun ___ climbing.
A. going; to go B. to go; go C. going; going D. to go; going
( ) 15.___ your coat the same ___ Jim’s?
A. Is, as B. Does, like C. Does, as D. Is, like
( ) 16.John learns English all by ___.
A. him B. himself C. his D. he
( ) 17.She is ___ of all the girls in her class.
A. tall B. taller C. as tall as D. the tallest
( ) 18.Mr. May asked Lucy to go and ___ who didn’t hand in the exercises.
A. find B. look for C. find out D. look
( ) 19.Mary is good at ___ piano, and she wants ___ a pianist.
A. playing, to be B. playing the, to be C. play a, be D. to play, be
( ) 20.The students would like to go and see the monument ___ the heroes.
A. of B. for C. to D. on
( ) 21.---May I have another cake, Mum? ---Sorry. There’s ___.
A. any more B. no more C. not some more D. many more
( ) 22.I am happy to hear that there ___ a football match tomorrow.
A. will have B. will on C. is going to have D. will be
( ) 23.The teacher is coming. Please stop ___ and keep ___.
A. talking; quiet B. talking; quite C. to talk; quiet D. to talk; quiet
( ) 24.Betty is a beautiful girl ___ bright eyes and black hair.
A. in B. has C. with D. grows
( ) 25.He was so frightened ___ he saw a ghost.
A. like B. look like C. as if D. seemed
( ) 26.He didn’t know where ___.
A. to go B. can he go C. he can go D. he goes
( ) 27.I lost my newspaper ___ the wind.
A. in B. from C. under D. of
( ) 28.I like this place because everything ___ new to me.
A. are B. was C. is D. were
( ) 29.We always have a great time ___ films.
A. watching B. watch C. watched D. watches
( ) 30.Lucy looks ___ Lily. They’re ___.
A. like, like B. like, alike C. alike, like D. alike, alike
( ) 31.---What do you think of the fish? ---It looks ___,but I don’t know if it tastes ___.
A. delicious, well B. well, delicious C. well, nicely D. delicious, good
( ) 32.---Do you know many people ___ in Tang Shan earthquake.
---That’s terrible. I hope everything ___ in the world now.
A. lose their lives, go well B. lost their lives, goes well
C. lose their lives, goes well D. lost their lives, go well
( ) 33.Don’t make ___, you should ___ the truth.
A. an excuse, speak B. excuse, talk C. an excuse, tell D. excuse, say
( ) 34.Yesterday he ___ the bike, but he didn’t hurt badly.
A. feel off B. felt off C. fell down D. fell off
( ) 35.This ___ girl is so lovely.
A. four years old B. four-year-girl C. four-year-old D. six-months-old
( ) 36.Come to school ___ your uniform tomorrow.
A. in B. with C. wear D. put on
( ) 37.The parents ___ food and clothes.
A. provide the children to B. provide the children for
C. provide the children against D. provide the children with
( ) 38.If I ___ free next Sunday, I ___ to the farm with you.
A. will be, will go B. am, will go C. am, go D. will be, go
( ) 39.“Is ___ in? ” Millie asked. But nobody answered.
A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. one
( ) 40.His father wrote me a letter ___ harder.
A. encouraging him studying B. encouraging me to study
C. to encourage me studying D. to encourage me study
Lily and I have been friends for a long time. She is a true friend. She can keep secrets and never say a bad word about anyone.
I am not very happy these days, because I have some problems with English.
I am too nervous to answer the question correctly.
She is a very quiet girl. She often sits alone in the playground.
My father is very helpful. He often gives me some advice in need and likes helping me any time
I know my friend very well. I know he wants to be a doctor when he grows up.
Mike has a good sense of humour/humor. He often makes us laugh.
8.他多么善良啊! 他脸上总挂着笑。
How kind! He always wears a smile on his face.
I think climbing is as interesting as skiing.
He has poor eyesight, so he often knocks over his books.
11.我们学校是一所混合学校. 男生和女生一同上课. 我们每天穿校服.我是个一年级的学生,我想要学习怎样读和写.
Our school is a mixed school. Boys and girls have lessons together. We wear uniform(s) every day. I am in year/grade 1. I want to learn how to read and write.
Please tell me how to cook healthy and tasty meals.
13.我爸爸每天开车送我去学校. 但明年我将在学校上驾驶课.
My father drives me to school every day. But I will have driving lessons next year.
14.我和我的同学今晚将会上电视. 你能开车送我回家吗?
My friend and I will be on TV tonight. Can you drive me home ?
Daniel caught fewer fish than Peter did.
I read an article about life in British school just now.
What does this word mean?
My brother can speak a little English.
I don’t know how to solve this problem.
Every day he spends a lot of time practicing English.
Can you find more differences between them?
This building is much taller than that one.
I decide to do more exercise to keep fit/slim.
We will join in the parade as soon as possible.
25.当汽车停下后,我们很快的下了车. 我们要参观许多的景点
We got off quickly when the coach stopped. We wanted to visit lots of places of interest.
Kitty and I felt sick for most of the trip.
Thank you for agreeing to let me go on the trip today.
We are sitting in a little coffee shop by the River Seine
The Golden Gate Bridge is made of steel.
I like traveling from one place to another.
There was a lot of traffic on the road.
I want sit at the front of the bus because I want to take some photos.
Everyone is ready to play hide-and-seek. Do you wonder where he is hiding?
Some climbers are pulling themselves up on the rock. But one of them hurt his leg just now.
The basketball final will take place in the stadium. Please cheer for our team.
He wants to go to the presentation of cup and medals. What is your opinion on this thing?
Xi Wang started to go outside her home for the first time.
She grew into a healthy young giant panda.
Xi Wang drank her mother’s milk for up to 14 hours a day.
The School Basketball Team train four times a week.
People can make medicine from tiger’s bones.
The school uniform looks beautiful on you.
His uncle made much money in America last year.
We mustn’t spend too much time on computer games.
It’s important for us to protect wild animals.
Our English teacher always encourages us to look/search for information after class.
47.许多鸟全年都在扎龙自然保护区生活, 而有些鸟去那儿仅作短暂停留.
Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, and some go there for a short stay.
Chinese government is trying its best to protect these endangered animals.
49.扎龙在一个特别的地方, 因为它对于许多植物, 动物和鸟儿来说是一个理想的国家.
Zhanglong is a special place, because it is the ideal home for many birds, animals and birds.
50.在中国, 越来越多的人对学英语感兴趣.
In China, more and more people become interested in studying English.
Something must be taken to limit/must be done to control the increasing population.
52.他告诉我们不要喧哗, 也不要跑动.
He told us to be quiet and not to run.
Studying Zhalong helps us learn more about protecting wild animals.
We hope this information will help people understand and make them know how to pretect wildlife.
55.今年, 我们观鸟俱乐部的成员正在研究扎龙地区的各种鸟类及它们数量的变化.
This year, members of our bird-watching club are studying different kinds of birds and the changes in their numbers.
56.这个地区是个理想的野生环境区, 因为它为野生动物提供了事物和庇护的场所.
The area is an ideal nature reserve because it provides food and shelter for them.
57.在唐山大地震中, 成千上万的人遇难.
The Tang Shan earthquake killed thousands of people.
I tried my best to ran out to the street.
A moment of fear went through my mind.
People were in a great hurry to move away stones and bricks.
The temperature is going to drop a little.
Don’t make excuses.
63.我们在风中丢了我们的伞, 我们只好在暴风雨中行走.
We lost our umbrella in the wind, we had to walk in the rainstorm.
A man Su Ning the 110 using/with his.
Mr. Wu warned us not to run.
65.警察晚上7点45到达, 然后把伤员送到阳光医院.
Policemen arrived/came at 7: 45 p.m. and then sent the wounded to Sunshine hospital.


