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2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇1

  i. 重点词汇

  1. naughty   adj. 顽皮的;淘气的

  2. network   n. 网络;网状物

  3. overnight  adv. 在晚上;在夜里;(口)很快;一夜之间

  4. perform   vt.&vi. 表演;履行;执行

  5. personal   adj. 私人的;个人的;亲自的

  6. physical   adj. 物理的;身体的

  7. pretend    vt. 假装;假扮

  8. protest    v. 抗议,反对 n. 抗议

  9. rare      adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的

  ii. 重点短语

  1. one another  (两者或多者之间)相互;彼此

  2. or so   大约,放在数词后

  3. take pains  尽力;费苦心;耐心

  4. spare no pains  不遗余力,全力以赴

  5. at pains  尽力;用心;下苦功

  6. in pains  痛苦的

  7. stand to attention  立正

  8. direct/ turn one’s attention to  将注意力转向……

  9. perform an operation on sb.  给某人做手术

  10. perform one’s promise  履行承诺

  11. pretend to do sth.  假装做某事

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. people are increasingly using the internet to talk to one another.


  2. the general said all means will be used to end the protest.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. he _________(假装) to be ill when i came to see him.

  2. she ________ an important role in our organization.

  3. she said she didn’t like it, but __________(就个人而言)i thought it was very good.

  4. while we are paying too much attention to our students’ __________(身体健康)health, we often neglect their mental health.

  v. 短语练习

  1. he pretended __________ when his mother stepped into his room.

  a. to study   b. studying   c. to be studying   d. to have studied

  2. why, jack, you look so tired!

   well, i _______ the house and i must finish the work tomorrow.

  a. was painting    b. will be painting   c. have painted   d. have been painting

  3. in my opinion, the girl ________ to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school.

  a. expects   b. hopes   c. wishes   d. promises



  1. pretended  2. played    3. personally   4. physical


  1. c    2. d   3. d

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇2

  i. 重点单词

  1.bare  adj.赤裸的,直率的         

  2. barely  adv.平乏地,几乎没有

  3. bathe  v.给….洗澡沐浴         

  4. branch    n.枝条,树枝.分支,支流

  5. breath   n.呼吸,气息            

  6. breathe   v.呼吸,吸入

  7. breathless  adj.屏息的,呼吸急促的 

  8. bunch  n.束,串,一群,一帮  

  9.candidate  n.候选人,候补者        

  10.carve   v.雕刻,刻记   

  11.casual   adj.偶然的,碰巧的         

  12.catastrophe  n.大灾难,浩劫             

  13. championship  n.冠军称号        

  14. cigarette n.香烟,纸烟      

  15. chemist  n.化学家,药剂师         

  16.circular  adj.圆形的,环形的,循环的            

  ii. 重点短语

  1. 说出内心话bare one’s heart            

  2. 洗澡have /take a bath

  3.深吸一口气take /draw a deep breath      

  4.屏息,憋住气catch/ hold one’s breath   

  5.上气不接下气out of breath              

  6. 一束,一串a bunch of

  7.全部焚毁 burn to the ground             

  8.使…烧毁burn down          

  9. 被烧死/化为灰烬be burnt t death/ ashes   

  10. 草率的决定a casual decision

  11. 临时工人 a casual labourer 

  12.酸雨chemical rain     

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. 每个房间都有独立的卫生间,还能上网.

  each room comes with its own bathroom and internet access.

  2. 到了塔顶,他就上气不接下气了..

  reaching the top of the tower, he was out of breath.


  we don’t know her address. if we knew it , we would send her a big bunch of flowers.


  the hotel was completely burnt out; only the walls remained.


  1.the head office of the bank is in beijing, but it has       (分布) all over the country.

  2.the statue was            (雕刻) out of a single piece of stone.

  3.the wimbledon tennis        (冠军) was first held one hundred and twenty five years ago.

  4.when i tried to remember his name , my mind was a complete         (空白).

  5.the        (药剂师) shop stays open round the clock.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1.he got well prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk       the good opportunity.

  a. to lose      b. losing     c. to be lost   d. being lost

  2.----how do you find the football match between england and italy?

  -----there is nothing special―it’s only       .

  a. average        b. usual        c. common         d. normal

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇3

  i. 重点词汇

  1.talent    n. 才能,人才

  2.target    n. 目标,

  3.   vt把   作为目标

  4.tasty     adj.美味的, 可口的

  5. theoretical     adj. 理论上的 , 假设的

  6. toast  n.  为  干杯   vt.烤

  7.  transfusion    n.   输血

  8. tutor   n.导师  vt. 辅导

  9. vivid   adj. 鲜明的  生动的

  10. voluntary  adj.  自愿的,主动的

  10. volunteer    n. 志愿者  vt.自愿

  ii. 重点短语

  1.at the tailor's       在裁缝店

  2. test out    考验

  3.the other day前几天

  4. do one's own thinking     独立思考

  5. propose a toast to the health of the guests       提议为来宾的健康干杯

  6. upside down    上下翻转

  7.  turn around   转向,回转

  8.  target audience 目标观众

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. i toast your health .


  2 . he has a talent of language .


  3. he urged me to join their company .


  4. if you reach a target , treat yourself .


  5. man is a thinking animal .


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. she is a ______ worker at the hospital .

  2. one's _________ directs one's actions .

  v. 短语练习

  1 . ____ the house were knocked down in the earthquake .

  a  a  great many    b the number of  

  c   a great many of   d  a great deal of

  2. they urged the library ____ open during the vacation .

  a must be kept  b is kept  c  would be kept   d be kept

  3 . ---- when did the accident happen ?

  ----- ______ when i was walking in the street .

  a the  other  day    b some day   c another  d other day

  4. ---- i am afraid i can't return the book to you before friday .


  a  don't be afraid  b be careful  c not at all  d take your time


  iv. 词汇练习    1.voluntary  2. thinking

  v. 短语练习    1-4 cdad

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇4

  i. 重点词汇

  1 compromise  vi vt n

  2 condemn vt

  3 conservative n

  4 convenient adj

  5 criterion n

  6 current  adj 

  7 curtsy  vi n

  8 delete vt 

  ii. 重点短语1

  1  be condemned to death   被处死

  2  make a conservative guess at  对  作保守估计

  3  suit /agree with sb's constitution  适合某人的体质

  4  be convenient to /for  对    方便

  5  appear in court  出庭

  6  go to court  起诉

  7  take sb. to court 把某人告上法庭

  8  current money 流通的货币 

  9  go through the customs 通过海关 

  10  cut up 切碎

  11 date back to/from  追溯

  12 the decoration of a room 房间的装潢

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1  i refuse to compromise my principles .


  2  she knew that society will condemn her for leaving her children .


  3  old people are usually more conservative than young people .


  4  most of the great wall dates from the ming dynasty .


  iv. 词汇练习

  1  encourage your children to reach a(n) ___ between what he wants and what you want .

  a  achievement  b appointment  c compromise   d adaptation

  2  terrible ! i can't imagine how you can ___ that noise .

  a  tolerate   b remove  c pass   d compromise

  3  teaching and learning are two entirely different processes . they ___ in kind and function .

  a differ  b change  c compare  d work 

  v. 短语练习

  1 these meals can be prepared in advance , and served ____ .

  a  for  convenience  b if you are convenient 

  c  to your convenience  d at your convenience

  2  the traditional friendship between our two peoples ___ ancient times .

  a  is dated back to  b  dates at  c dates back  to d is dated from

  3  the carrot should be __ into small pieces before you put them into the boiling water .

  a  cut down  b cut off  c cut in  d cut up


  iv. 词汇练习  caa 

  v. 短语练习  dcd  

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇5

  XX届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案: 第41天

  i. 重点单词

  1.physician  n.内科医生    

  2. physicist  n.物理学家      

  3. poison  n.毒药

  4. poisonous  adj.有毒的     

  5. positive  adj.积极的,正面的   

  6. possibility  n.可能性

  7. pressure  n.压力         

  8. previous  adj.在前的,早先的    

  9. privately adv.私人地      

  10. profession n.职业

  ii. 重点短语

  1. 有/没有….可能 there is a / no possibility that

  2. 对….施加压力  put/ bring pressure on   

  3. 在….压力下 under the pressure of

  4. 在….之前  previous to               

  5. 私下地    in private                                 

  6.提出  put forward                    

  7. 存储,搁置一旁  put aside                           

  8. 接通电话 put through                

  9.忍受,容忍  put up with                                

  10.因…事与某人争吵 have a quarrel with sb over/about sth

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. 饮食有节,医生失业. feed by measure and defy the physician.

  2. 我认为互联网对我们的生活有正面的影响.

  i believe that the internet has positive effects on our lives.

  3. 我们还能及时赶到那里吗?

  is there any possibility of our getting there in time?

  4. 这次复活节假期我们有可能去中国旅游.

  there is a possibility that we will travel to china this easter holiday.


  1.regular exercise keeps him in good          (身体上的)condition。

  2. the river          (流入)into the sea.

  3. rain spoilt the car’s bright         (光泽).

  4. we won’t invest any company that          (污染) the environment.

  5. life is tough in the city. in order to lose their           (压力), some people drink alcohol.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1. as a child, he was so fond of reading that he read every book he could put his       on.

  a. hands       b. arms          c. mind           d. heart

  2. zheng shan, a doctor,         a suggestion at the meeting that we should set up regular classes for sick children in hospital.

  a. put up        b. put aside      c. put out      d. put forward

  3. my mother opened the drawer to         the knives and spoons.

  a. put away      b. put up        c. put on      d. put together

  4. ―is         any possibility        you could pick me up at the airport ?    

  ―no problem

  a. it , whether        b. it, that          c. there , that       d. there , whether

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇6

  i. 重点词汇

  1.  pension n. 养老金

  2   plough n.犁,vt. 耕田

  3.  privilege n. 特权,优惠  vt 给特权

  4 .  profit n. vt.vi 利益,好处

  5.  psychological   adj心理学的

  6.   qualify  vi 具有资格

  7.  rectangular  n.长方形

  8.  relevant    adj 密切相关的

  9.  revise     vt 复查,修正

  10. ridge n 山脊,屋脊

  ii. 重点短语

  1.make a cause 停顿

  2.pile up 堆积

  3.plough up 用犁把  翻起

  4. in preparation for ,make preparations for为  作准备

  5.make a purchase 买东西

  6. criminal psychology犯罪心理学

  7. be relevant to  与  密切相关

  8.  jump the queue 插队

  9. a routine report 例行报告

  10. resign from a job 辞职

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1.the facts are relevant to the  case.


  2.i hope to profit from your comments .


  3.he has the right qualification for the job.


  4.we want to make science more relevant to high school students .


  iv. 词汇练习

  1.i'm not willing to but i have to_______(费劲的阅读) through that dull textbook .

  2.they are busy making ________ for the wedding .

  3 ladies and gentlemen , i have the  privilege ____ introducing our speaker for tonight .

  a in   b of  c about  d on

  4 usually a child's behaviour is a ___ of his family environment .

  a recognition  b reflection  c return  d record

  v. 短语练习

  1.it's required that the students __ mobile phones in their school ,so seldom ___ them using one .

  a not use  , will you see  b should not use , you will see

  c don't  use , will you see  d not use , you will see .

  2.his son's excellent work _______ his rise in the company, while his daughter's laziness ___ her failure in the entrance exams .

  a led in , resulted from  b led in , resulted in c led in , resulted to   d led for , resulted from

  3.the old man should listen to the doctor 's recommendation that he ___ in bed .

  a stay   b  stays   c  stayed   d staying


  iv. 词汇练习   1. plough  2. preparations  3 b  4. b

  v. 短语练习   a ba

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇7

  i. 重点单词

  1. distribute vt.分布     

  2. donate vt.捐助      

  3. draft n.&vt草图;征募 

  4. economic adj经济的    

  5. entry n.进入         

  6. envy n&vt妒忌   

  7. eyesight n.视力      

  8. favour n.帮助;支持      

  9. financial adj.金融的     

  10. fiction n.虚构的事     

  11. firm n&adj结实的;公司  

  12. divorce n&v离婚   

  13.drag vt拖        

  14. essay n.文章        

  15. evil adj.邪恶的

  ii. 重点短语

  1. distribute sth. among sb.分发         

  2. in sb's favour有利于某人  

  3. dry out干透           

  4. dry up干涸   

  5. out of envy由于嫉妒         

  6. in favour of支持   

  7. keep fit保持健康         

  8. ask  a favour of 请求...的帮忙 

  9. be the envy of sb是...的妒忌对象      

  10. draw sb's attention引起某人的注意  

  11. drag one's foot拖着脚走路       

  12. encourage sb to do鼓励某人去做  

  13. fit in with适应           

  14.be drafted into the army应召入伍

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. the water is fot to drink.

  2. no dish suits all tastes.

  3. would anyone say that economic development should be stopped in favour of nature?

  4. their beautiful garden is the envy of all the neighbours.

  5. i work in a law firm, practising bussiness law, you know.

  iv. 词汇练习

  1. could you do me a f______ and pick up sam from school today?

  2. he owed his success to his wife's e_________.

  3. for years he managed to keep up the f________ that he was not married.

  4. the city walls are as f_______ as rock.

  5. the soldiers are d_________ in the woods.

  6. if most bread-winners d_______ a day's pay to the hope project, then it will be hopeful.

  7. how i e_______ him the pleasure he had during the cacation.

  8. as is known, the e______ of china into the wto was not an easy task.

  9. new york is a great f___________ center.

  10. they bought an old house for e_________ reasons.

  v. 短语练习

  1. i was just talking to margot when jackson _______.

  a cut in    b cut down   c cut out   d cut up

  2. thank you very much, and i will always remember the _____ you have _____me.

  a favor; made for    b favor; done for   c wrong; made for   d wrong; done for

  3. i never like the hospital, so each time i fall ill, my wife has to _______ me there.

  a pull   b push    c drag   d catch.

  4. i don't think this coat _____ you and that your tie ______ this coat perfectly.

  a suits; fits   b fits; matches    c matches; suits   d meets; fits


  iv.  1favor     2 encouragement   3 ficition   4 firm      5 drilling 

  6 donate   7 envy            8 entry    9 lfinacial   10 economic

  v. abbc

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇8


  1.accent  n.重音;腔调;口音             

  2.ancient  adj.古代的;远古的

  3.active  adj.积极的;活跃的       

  passive  adj.消极的;被动的;顺从的

  4.add  vt.加,增加;接着说vi.增添;加起来  

  5.altitude  n.高度,海拔;高处,高地

  6.anti-black  adj.反黑人的                 

  7.attack  v.&n.攻击,进攻,侵袭

  8.attitude  n.态度;看法                  

  8.base  vt.基于n.根据,基地

  9.beg  v.乞讨,祈求;请求                

  10.bend  v.使弯曲,使屈服 n.弯曲

  11.block  n.街区;块vt.堵塞;妨碍         

  12.boil  v.沸腾


  1.若干;许多  a number of             ……的数量  the number of

  2.积极参加…… be active in (doing) sth/take an active part in

  3.增加  add to                           

  4.事实上  as a matter of fact/in actual fact             

  5.好像,似乎  as if/though                 

  6.像往常一样;照例  as usual

  7.以……结束  end up with                 

  8.授予/赠送某人某物  present sb with sth

  9.遭受攻击  under attack                  

  10.基于  base on

  11.对……感到厌倦  be tired of             

  12.使……爆炸blow up

  13.埋头于/专心于  be buried in              

  14.使平静/镇静  calm down

  15.下定决心,打定主意  make up one’s mind   

  16.上台;执政  come to power=take power

  17.变为现实  come true             

  18.由于,因为  because of/due to/owing to/thanks to

  19.闯入;突然  burst into             大声喊叫;突然……起来  burst out

  20.对……持肯定的/否定的态度  take a positive/negative attitude towards/to



  since “life is a stage”, we are actually all actors and actresses.


  as is known to all, good friends add happiness and value to life.


  i remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.


  they made up their minds to go wherever they were needed most.


  1.he said he was from the southeast, but his a________ gave him away.

  2.a______ is the best form of defence.

  3.it is difficult to breathe at these a__________.

  4.―do you think it’s a good idea to make friends with your students?

  ―_______, i do. i think it’s a great idea.

  a.really         b.obviously      c.actually        d.generally

  5.despite such a big difference in ______ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the chinese food as something special.

  a.point          b.idea           c.attitude         d.sight


  1.the police station was _______ ______(使爆炸) by bad people.

  2.may all your dreams ______ _______(梦想成真).

  3.there’s an opinion _________ on the facts.

  a.based on      b.basing on     c.that base on      d.which base on

  4.the trees _____ in the storm have been moved off the road.

  a.being blown down     b.blown down     c.blowing down      d.to blow down

  5.smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just _______ sweet dreams.

  a.keep up with         b.put up with       c.end up with        d.catch up with



  1. accent       2. attack        3.altitudes       4. c      5. c


  1. blown up    2. come true     3. a             4. b      5. c

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇9

  i. 重点单词

  1.circumstance  n.情况,境遇         

  2. civilization n. 文明,文化

  3. coincidence   n.巧合             

  4. commitment    n.承诺,信奉

  5. committee   n.委员会            

  6. compass  n. 指南针

  7. consequence  n.后果,结果         

  8. consume  v.消耗,消费 consumer n.消费者

  9.contemporary  adj.当代的,现代的   

  10.contradictory   adj.引起矛盾的,好反驳的  

  11.contribution   n.贡献,稿件        

  12.controversial adj.争论的,争议的             

  13. conventional adj.常规的,传统的    

  14. criticism n批评,批判      

  15. delicate  adj.娇嫩的,纤细的      

  16.desperate  adj.不顾一切的,拼命的            

  ii. 重点短语

  1. 处于贫穷境况in poor circumstances      

  2. 无论如何都不in/under no circumstances

  3. 发生,产生come about                  

  4.出现,形成,产生come into being  

  5.由于…的缘故as a consequence of / in consequence of  

  6. 当代文学/作家contemporary literature / writers

  7.作出贡献 make a contribution to doing sth   

  8.对…挑剔be critical about          

  9. 对…作出决定decide on/upon   

  10. 不顾一切想要,渴望….be desperate for sth/ to do sth

  11. 拼命努力 make desperate efforts       

  12.碰巧,巧合by coincidence     

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. 多么巧合的事啊! what a coincidence!

  2. 你考试失败是怎么回事?..

  how did it come about that you failed in the exam?


  as a consequence of smoking, my father coughs frequently.


  chinese athletes have also made important contributions to the olympic games.

  5.我已决定到美国去度假.  i have decided on going to america for my holiday.

  6.(谚语)绝境要用绝招.      desperate situations demand desperate remedies.


  1.she does not want to make a big emotional        (承诺) to steve at the moment.

  2.words can not            (传达) my feelings.

  3.you are just        (矛盾) yourself.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1.we should all breathe more fresh air, which         good health.

  a. contributes to   b. contributes   c. takes possession of    d. reminds us of

  2.under no circumstances        to move to a new place far away from her workplace, because it isn’t convenient for her family and herself.

  a. karen will agree   b. will karen agree  c. karen will disagree   d. will karen disagree

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇10

  i. 重点词汇

  1. species     n. 种类;物种

  2. spoil       vt. 损坏;宠坏

  3. stadium     n. (露天大型)体育场(pl. stadiums or stadia)

  4. striker      n. 敲击者;(足球的)前锋

  5. studio      n. 工作室;演播室

  6. succeed     vt.&vi. 成功;接续,继任,继承

  7. swift       adj. 快的;迅速的     

  swiftly   adv. 迅速地    

  swiftness  n. 快;快速

  8. threaten    vt.&vi. 恐吓;威胁

  9. troop      n. 军队;一群,许多

  10. tube       n. 管;管子;电子管

  11. universal   adj. 普遍的;通用的;宇宙的

  12. virus      n. 病毒

  ii. 重点短语

  1. stand by   站在旁边,袖手旁观;支持

  2. stand up for   为……而辩护

  3. stand up to… 勇敢地面对;坚决抵抗

  4. be more sb.’s style   为某人所喜欢,更适合某人

  5. make a success of    使……成功

  6. be swift to anger   易于发怒

  7. be swift in action   行动迅捷

  8. take after   (长得)像某人;追赶……

  9. take … for… 把……当作;误认……为……

  10. take one’s time   从容,慢慢行动

  11. take sb. in the arms   搂抱

  12. think highly of   看重;器重

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. you will succeed in the end unless you give up halfway.


  2. success was not swift.


  3. he thinks the world of his daughter.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. would you like to go and see the match in the ________(体育场)with me tonight?

  2. after months’ hard work, they ________ (成功)in designing a mobile phone no bigger than a matchbox.

  3. the young man is __________(迅速的)to take offence. he’s bad-tempered.

  4. look! a_________(一群)of ants is marching towards the sugar on the table! how nasty!

  5. generally speaking, english is the _________(通用的)language on the internet.

  v. 短语练习

  1. the employee you had been thinking highly ___________ dishonest.

  a. of proving   b. of proved   c. of to prove   d. of being proved

  2. we have every reason to believe that ________ beijing olympic games will be _____ success.

  a. 不填;a    b. the; 不填   c. the; a     d. a; a

  3. jenny was looking for a seat when, luckily, a man ________ and left.

  a. took up    b. got up    c. shut up    d. set up



  1. stadium   2. succeeded   3. swift   4. troop   5. universal


  1. b   2.  c    3. b 

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇11

  i. 重点词汇

  1.  guide n.  向导,导游      v. 带领, 引导

  2. guilty adj . 内疚的

  3. handle n. 柄,把手   v. 处理,操纵

  4. historical adj. 历史上的

  5. hover v.  盘旋

  6. idiomatic adj. 惯用的,合乎语言习惯的

  7. imaginary adj. 想象中的,假象的,虚构的

  8. imaginative adj. 富于想象力的

  9. imitate v. 模仿

  10. impression n. 印象

  11. infect v.  传染,感染

  12. infectious adj. 传染的

  13. inform v. 通知

  14. instant adj .  即刻的,速食的

  15. institution n. 公共机构,学校

  16. instruct v.  指示,命令,指导

  17. investigate v. 调查

  18. involve v. 卷入,陷入

  19. journalist n. 记者

  20. label n. 标签

  ii. 重点短语

  1. be guilty of  犯。。。罪

  2. make a lasting impression on sb 给。。。留下不可磨灭的印象

  3. in place 在适当位置

  4. inform …of 通知。。。

  5. lack of 缺少

  6. leave out  省略,遗漏

  7. link a with b 连接

  8. have an interview with sb 会见。。。

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. whatever the findings might be favourable to these theses or not such research would serve only to further enrich and benefit our historical knowledge.


  2. you certainly don't want to leave a bad impression.


  3. the second money-saver is to use existing technology in imaginative new ways.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. it also reflects some traditional political experience but cannot        (处理) human affairs with practical wisdom.

  2. to               (指导) training of enterprise employees.

  3. when people get bacteria (bacteria) on their hands, they can i         themselves by touching their eyes, nose or mouth.

  v. 短语练习

  1. you should read the       carefully before you take the medicine

  a  instruction   b instructions   c  introduction   d explanation

  2. it is a good habit to keep every           in your study.

  a  in the way   b   in place  c  in hand   d in case


  handle / instruct  / infect 


2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇12


  1.dip  vt. 浸;蘸;把……伸入          

  2.disappearance  n. 不见;消失

  3.distant  adj. 远的,遥远的            

  4.doubt  v&n. 怀疑;疑惑

  5.download  v. 下载                   

  6.dynasty  n. 朝代;王朝

  7.earn  vt. 挣得;赢得              earnings  n. 挣得的财物;收入

  8.electronic  adj. 电子的               

  9.employ  vt. 雇佣;使用

  10.endanger  vt. 危害,使受到危险     

  11.ending  n. 结尾,结局;终结

  12.entrance  n. 进入;入学等          

  13.evidence  n.证据;显而易见

  14.excitement  n. 兴奋;刺激          

  15.explode  v. 使爆炸;急速增加


  1.灭绝;消失  die out                    

  2.浏览  dip into 

  3.对某人冷淡  be distant towards sb          离……遥远  be distant from

  4.毫无疑问  there is no doubt that…        

  5.梦想;渴望  dream of/about

  6.做了个……梦  drream a…dream          

  7.谋生  earn one’s living

  8.从事于  be employed in doing sth           被雇佣来做某事  be employed to do sth

  9.很显然  it is quite evident that            

  10.平息,减弱  die down

  11.死于内因  die of                       死于外因  die from

  12.渴望  be dying for/be dying to do         

  13.相继死去  die off

  14.慢慢变弱,逐渐消失 die away           

  15.毫无疑问  beyond doubt

  16.凭空想出  dream up                    

  17.在……入口处  at the entrance to sth



  he took a distant attitude towards me.


  just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing.


  the boss puts more emphasis on personality than on capacity when he employs a staff member.


  a good ending is better than a good beginning.


  the students were heavily loaded with homework before the college entrance exmination.


  doubt is the key of knowledge.


  i have no doubt that you will succeed.


  1.tom put his heart into the wildlife research, and finally, his efforts e_______ him great success and fame.

  2.he d_____ his pen into the ink.

  3.there was a complete silence except for the occasional sound of ______(远处的) traffic.

  4.he used to d_______ information from the internet and made good use of it.

  5.but there was a happy e_____ to the story.

  6.when heated to a high enough degree, the gas in the bottle will e_______.


  1.although the wind has _____ ____(平息), the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.

  2.as a result these endangered animals may even ____ _____(灭绝).

  3.i have always _______ ___(梦想) starting my own company.

  4.at the end of the match the spectators went wild _____ _________(兴奋).



  1.earned  2. dipped  3. distant  4. download  5. ending  6.explode


  1.died down  2. die out  3. dreamed of  4. with excitement  

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇13

  i. 重点词汇

  1.witness n.  目击者vt   目击

  2.yell vi, vt  大喊

  3. abrupt adj  突然的, 鲁莽的

  4.accumulate   v  积累, 积聚

  5.  acquaintance n. 相识,熟人

  6. acute  adj   灵敏的, 严重的

  7. alternative  adj. 供选择的  n.取舍

  8.amaze vt  使 吃惊

  9.apparent adj 明显的

  10.  antique    n 文物,古董 adj  古时的

  11. ample adj  充分的, 富裕的

  ii. 重点短语

  1. a good many   许多 很多

  2. accelerate the fall of a government  促使一个政府倒台

  3. make the acquaintance of sb   结识某人

  4. acute eyesight   敏锐的目光

  5. have no alternative but to do    别无选择

  6. carry out comprehensive analysis of   对   作综合分析

  7. a dead angle   死角

  8. apparent cause  表面原因

  9. iii. 佳句赏析

  1 . there are abrupt weather changes .


  2. never will they sell their antique furniture .


  3. he quickly accumulated a large fortune .


  4. these facts are a witness to his ignorance .


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. these days the government has issued several economic policies that will ____ prosperity of manufacturing industry .

  a accumulate   b  accomplish  c access  d accelerate 

  2. you have the __ of working hard and being successful or of not working hard and being unsuccessful.

  a  selection  b choice  c  alternative    d option

  3. we were __ the most important scientific development of the century .

  a  seeing  b watching  c   looking  d witnessing

  v. 短语练习

  1. to be frank, i'd rather you ___ in the case .

  a will not be involved  b  not involved  c  have not been involved  d were not involved

  2. ---- what did he come here for ?

  ----- he came here especially to ____ your acquaintance .

  a take    b  get  c make   d produce


  iv. 词汇1-3 dcd

  v. 短语练习  dc  

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第9天 篇14


  1.transport  vt. 运输,运送            

  2.trap  n. 陷阱;困境  vt. 诱骗;使陷入困境

  3.unfair  adj. 不公平的;不正当的     

  4.upset  adj. 苦恼的 vt. 使苦恼  n. 烦恼

  5.useless  adj. 无用的;无效的        

  6.view  n. 风景;视野;观点 vt. 观看;考虑

  7.violence  n. 暴力;暴力行为        

  8.vote  n&v. 选举,投票

  9.warm-hearted  adj. 热心肠的        

  10.well  adv. 好 adj. 健康的  n. 井

  11.youth  n.青春;年轻人;青年人    

  12.affect  vt. 影响; 感动

  13.advertise  v. 登广告               

  14.voyage  n. 航海;航行

  15.afterwards  adv. 后来;以后


  1.使某人陷入……的圈套  trap sb into doing sth   

  2.转向;求助于  turn to

  3.结果是,证明是  turn out                    

  4.在海上航行  go on a voyage

  5.不妨  may (just) as well do                    

  6.首先;最重要的是  above all

  7.另外,还  in addition                    此外;除……之外还有  in addition to

  8.准许进入;接收入学  admit sb to/into…    承认做了某事  admit (to) doing sth



  youth look forward and age backward.


  please turn to the police for help when you are in trouble.


  it’s useless worrying about it.


  how pleasant it is to go on a voyage on the smooth sea!


  never waste anything, but above all never waste time.


  the matter admits of no delay.


  1.the environment people live in will directly a________ their health.

  2.black people had no v_____ and could not choose who ruled them.

  3.these mountains are a splendid sight when v______ from the valley floor.

  4.north winds kept blowing all night long _____, and the earth was frozen.

  a.with great effort                b.with great violence

  c.in vain                       d.in vast amount

  5.i’m calling to enquire about the position ______ in yesterday’s china daily.

  a.advertised                    b.to be advertised

  c.advertising                   d.having advertised


  1.today, i got a letter that said i had ______ _______ ___(被录取) a college.

  2.____ ________ ___(除……之外还) his salary, he has a bonus of 300 yuan per month.

  3.he ____ ______ _____(陷入) trouble.

  4.he ___ _____(感到不安) when he saw his son’s look after his having a final examination.

  5.the weather was so bad; we ____ ____ _____ _____(不妨) have stayed at home.

  6.thousands of people _________ to watch yesterday’s match against ireland.

  a.turned on                    b.turned in

  c.turned around                 d.turned out



  1.affect   2. vote  3. viewed  4. b  5. a 


  1.been admitted to 2. in addition to 3. was trapped into 4. got upset 5. might just as well 6. d 



