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Computer 篇1


  Teaching aims and demands

  本单元有关电脑的知识使用学生对其有一个初步的了解。让学生了解有关中国民航运用计算机的情况。并学习如何使用向对方提建议的口语练习,通过单词的学习掌握go up, bring down, prefer to and, but although等词的用法。本单元的语法重点是现在完成时被动语态的使用,要求学生能够了解和掌握。

  Teaching important and difficult points

  1.Important Vocabulary:

  although, waste, believe, necessary, passenger, record, at one time, greatly, correct, complete, decision, abroad, change for

  2. Daily Expressions:

  First of all, …

  I believe…

  Any reason?

  3. Useful phrases:

  It would be a waste of …

  In my opinion, we should …

  4. Grammar

  The present perfect passive voice.


  1. 通过对话练习,进行两个人之间对建议和推荐的用法。

  2. 通过课文的学习,掌握本单元的词和词组的用法。

  3. 通过对课外补充文章的学习,对计算机的历史和应用有所了解。

  Lesson 33: 口头练习:对话交际功能――日常生活用语。

  Lesson 34: 学生进行对文章编成对话练习。练习直接引语变间接引语。

  Lesson 35: 学生继续练习对话。可以扮演CAAC的领导和记者,或计算机经销商和单位领导,或电视节目主持人和中学生等等。

  Lesson 36: 笔头练习:让学生写一篇关于自己生活中计算机的使用的文章,或对计算机在人们生活中应用的畅想。


  本单元的对话的特点是通过两个人对买何种计算机的讨论,从而掌握如何进行对一个物品进行评价、表达自己的观点,并提出建议。比如常见的口语用法:In my opinion, we should… / What’s your opinion?/ I don’t think it’s necessary to …/ I believe …/ I still think … 就在这个对话中经常出现。同时还有很多其它有用的口语,比如:First of all…/ in a few years’ time/ a waste of …/ make a decision/ not … any more

  本单元的课文不仅讲述了计算机的应用对CAAC的帮助,而且中间穿插了很多现在完成进行时的被动语态的用法,使得学生能够正确地掌握这个语法的用法。同时对一些常见词和短语进行理解。比如:join, be used to do, thanks to, abroad, spend… on sth., prefer to do, welcome.


  1. Today they are talking about buying a new computer. 今天他们谈论买一个计算机。

  这里的talk about的意思是“谈论;谈及到;讨论”,后面通常加上名词或动名词。

  We talked about it yesterday.

  I want to talk about the price of the car with you.

  2. Did you find out the price for the IBM PC 486? 你找出IBM PC 486的价格了么?

  这里的词组find out和find都是表示“找出”,都是一个结果。但是两种也有区别:如果表示意外发现,通常用find。比如:

  I found this wallet outside the classroom.

  What did you find just now?

  如果要表示经过一番努力或研究得出的结果的时候,find和find out都可以,但通常用后者。比如:

  I finally found out the secret of his death.

  She wanted to find out the real answer to the question.

  3. I’ve got the information for all the computers now. 我已经得到了所有计算机的信息了。


  Do you have any information about the new machine.

  4. In my opinion, we should buy the IBM PC 586. 依我看来,我们应该买IBM PC 586。

  这里的in one’s opinion表示的意思是“依…来看;…的意见是”。需要注意两点:1)后面不加I/he…think(s)。不像中文里可以说“依我看来,我觉得…”。在英语中这两种用法不同时出现。比如:

  In my opinion, you are the best student. 不能说成 In my opinion, I think you are the best student.


  In my opinion, the earth is round. (错误句子)。

  In my opinion, you are right. (正确句子)

  5. If we buy the smaller one, the IBM PC 486, we might have to change it in a few years’ time for a bigger one. 如果我们现在要是买了the IBM PC 486,几年以后我们肯定要换一个更大的计算机。

  这里的词组change… for…表示的意思是“将…换成…”。比如:

  I want to change this small hat for a bigger one.

  6. I hope we can make a decision today. 我希望我们今天能做出决定。

  这里的词组是make a decision(做出决定)。等于decide to do。比如:

  Did they make a decision yesterday?

  另外也可以用come to a decision, arrive at a decision来表示同样的意思。比如:

  They finally came to a decision at the meeting.

  7. It is used to record the tickets which passengers buy. 它还记录下游客购票的情况。

  句子中的be used to的意思是“被用来…”,是一个被动语态,后面加上动词原型。

  The water her is used to make the trees alive.s are used here to play games on.

  8. Now it is possible to find out much faster which planes are full. 现在要找到哪架飞机满了比以前要快多了。

  这里用了一个much表示一个程度。通常在much, even和still后面加上一个形容词或副词的比较级形式。比如:

  I am much heavier than before.

  She is much happier than she was two years ago.

  9. Thanks to the new computer, the passengers at the offices of the CAAC can now buy their aeroplane tickets much faster. 由于使用了新的计算机,乘客在中国民航购票快多了。

  句子中的thanks to是一个常见的短语,表示“由于;幸亏”,相当于because of, 或者as a result of表示原因。比如:

  Thanks to your help, I was able to win the game.

  They lost the game thanks to the foolish advice you gave them.

  10. At one time, there were long queues of people waiting outside the CAAC offices. 以前,中国民航办公室前等着购票的人们排成长长的队列。

  词组at one time表示的意思是“以前;曾经”。比如:

  At one time we met each other every day.

  He went to that restaurant to have dinner at one time.

  11. These people will be welcome on our planes. 我们欢迎这些人来乘坐我们的飞机。


  You are welcome to do anything you like.

  Welcome to Beijing.


  They received a cold welcome when they arrived.


  All the students welcomed the visiting friends at the school gate.

  12. In my opinion, we should buy the IBM PC 586. 依我看来,我们应该买IBM PC 586。


  I should go home before 6 o’clock.

  You should not ask others to do your homework.

  13. If we buy the smaller one, the IBM PC 486, we might have to change it in a few years’ time for a bigger one. 如果我们现在要是买了IBM PC 486,几年以后我们肯定要换一个更大的计算机。

  这里的if是一个条件句。后面出现的两个逗号之间的东西从位置上说是一个插入语,从成份上来说是一个同位语,是对前面的名词the smaller one进行解释。我们通常用一个名词性短语或从句来作为同位语

  14. I don’t think I it’s necessary to buy the bigger one.我想没必要买较大的那个。

  我们通常在think, suppose, expect, imagine等表示心理活动的动词后面不加否定含义的宾语从句。如果后面的从句使一个否定句,我们常常将从句谓语动词的否定是转移到主句的谓语动词之前。比如:

  I don’t think I can get away at the moment.

  I don’t suppose you need to worry.

  I don’t think I know you.

  15. The IBM PC 486 will be big enough for us. IBM PC 486对我们来说就够大的了。


  I don’t have enough money to buy a house.

  I am not rich enough to buy a house.

  16. We mustn’t waste any more time. 我们不可以在浪费更多的时间了。


  You mustn’t talk in class. It is not a good habit.

  We mustn’t go there because it is dangerous.

  17. We must decide which one to buy. 我们必须决定买哪一个。

  这里的which one to buy为特殊不定式短语,在句子中做decide的宾语。特殊不定式的构成形式为“关系代词或关系副词+动词不定式”。常用的关系代词有:what, which, who, whether等;常用的关系副词有how, when, where, why等。比如:

  We haven’t decided what to do next.

  I don’t know how to write in English.

  I will ask when to start tomorrow morning.

  She will ask where to live.

  18. At one time, there were long queues of people waiting outside the CAAC offices. 以前,中国民航办公室前等着购票的人们排成长长的队列。


  The foreigner talking with our teacher is head of the visiting group.

  The man running after the bus is a friend of mine.

  19. As a result, the number of people who travel by plane in China is larger than ever before. 因此,在中国乘飞机旅行的人数比以往多了。

  这句话中的as a result的作用相当于一个副词,意思相当于so。比如:

  He hurt himself. As a result, he couldn’t go to school.

  这句话中的the number of 的中心词是number,说明谓语动词肯定是单数的。比如:

  The number of the books in this bookshop is more than 200,000.

  20. 我们在很多句子中都用一个代词来代替前面提到的名词,常见的有one, it和that。这三个词都是代词的时候的区别:

  1, one=a/an +noun 所代表的是前面提到的同类中的任何一个

  He has no book and no money to buy one.

  The hat is too small. Please show me a larger one.

  2, it=the/this/that/adj.+ noun 指同一件事物

  He has a book, but he will not lend it to me.

  I drank some iced water, but it made me more thirsty.

  3, that =the + noun 指前面所提到的同一类中的另外制定的一个.

  The air of the country is purer than that of the city.


  I cannot find my umbrella; I think I must buy one.

  I cannot find umbrella; I don’t know where I put it.

  The umbrella you bought is cheaper than that I bought. 

Computer 篇2

  八年级英语computer technology教案



  1.drive  2.monitor  3.speaker   4.keyboard  5.mouse   6.type   7.control   8.hide   9.tiny   10.realize  11.print   12.operate   13.railway   14.judge   15.raise  16.supply 17. order   18.company  19.price  20.opinion   21.modern

  22. medium 23. disagree 24. hot 25. smooth 26. speed 27.distance


  1. hardly ever   2. be unaware of  3. for the time being  

  4. control the computer 5. in the world  6. at the moment

  7. more importantly  8. for these reasons 9. the answer to this question

  10. change one’s life  11. have nothing to do 12. be better at doing sth


  1. not so many years ago, you hardly ever saw computers.

  2. there are also many tiny, hidden computers in your home, but you might be unaware of them.

  3. they are faster at calculating than people.

  4. they can teach you many things and also play games with you.

  5. more importantly, they can operate railways and fly planes and spaceships.

  6. the answer to this question is, for the time being, “no”.

  7. they may even be better at doing their jobs than doctors, judges and teachers.

  8. this raises interesting questions.

  9. how will computer change our lives?

  10. will computers make our lives better or worse in the future?


  what kind of jobs can a computer do?


  1. not so many years ago, you hardly ever saw computers.

  ---not so many years ago, you seldom saw computers.

  2. now they seem to be everywhere.

  --- today they seem to be here and there.

  3. there are also many tiny, hidden computers in your home, but you might be unaware of them.

  --- there are also many small, hidden computers in your home, but you might not know about them.


  1. in my opinion, sichuan food is better.                 2. i agree.

Computer 篇3


  unit5 the broken computer

  the 3rd period

  teaching aims:

  1. the students can read the text and do the exercises.

  2. the students like to learn english.

  3. the students can be writing and listening

  teaching emphasis:

  1.review the words and the story.

  2.do some reading. 

  teaching difficulty

  1. how to use the words.

  2. how to understand the story.

  teaching process:


  review the story.

  t: point to each picture, elicit the story from the children.

  s: follow the teacher and retell the story.

  t: write the sentences on the blackboard and let the children read each sentences.

  s: read the sentences after the teacher.


  read and find out

  t: have the children read the text and try to find the answer

  s: read the text and find the answer.

  t: have the children read the text again more carefully and then work in pairs to check the answer.

  s: read the text again work in pairs.

  t: have one student answer one question.


  write the missing words.

  t: have the children listen to the tape and try to understand the dialog.

  s: listen and try to understand.

  t: play the tape again and have the children try to write the missing words.

  s: listen and try to write.

  t: listen again and check the correct answer.


  should quiz.

  t: have the children look at the pictures and try to match.

  s: try to do it.

  t: check the answer.



  write more sentences use these structure.

  the 4th period

  teaching aims:

  1. the students can understand the grammar and use them.

  2. the students like to learn english.

  3. the students can read the story and do some exercise.

  teaching emphasis:

  1.review the grammar.

  2.do some reading and do some exercise.. 

  teaching difficulty

  1. how understand the grammar and how to use them.

  2. how to read the story and do some exercise.

  teaching process:


  review the words.


  focus the grammar

  t: tell the students how to use the grammar and have them do some exercise.

  s: try to understand and do them.

  t: have the children check the answer with the partner.

  s: talk about the answer.

  t: ask some students speak out their answers and check them.

  s: check the answer correctly.

  t: have the children read them loudly.

  s: read the sentences.


  read and answer

  t: have the children look at the picture and ask them some questions.

  s: try to answer the question in chinese.

  t: have the children read the text and try to answer the questions.

  s: read the text and try to find the answer.

  t: have the children read the text again and do the exercise.

  s: read the story and do exercise.

  t: check the answer, ask some students answer the question.

  s: check the answer.

  t: have the children read the text again and find some words that they don’t understand.

  s: read again and find them.

  t: explain these words.


  have the children read the text again and tell their friends what they know.

Computer 篇4



  warming up 部分通过展示算盘、计算器、计算机等图片,引导学生思考计算机的不同形式,并要求学生运用“做决定”的表达。

  pre-reading 提出两个问题,引导学生谈论计算机对我们生活的影响。引起学生对计算机这个话题的兴趣。

  reading 部分运用拟人的手法, 以第一人称的身份按时间顺序介绍了计算机的发展史。

  comprehending 部分主要要求学生掌握以时间为线索的文章的特点,并能通过填写时间表来归纳出文章的主要信息。

  learning about language 部分的练习引导学生关注新出现的词汇以及形容词和副词的区别; 并且通过仿照例子,初步掌握“现在完成时的被动语态”。

  using language 部分的听说读写都是围绕不同形式的信息技术和不同种类的电子计算机各自的优缺点这两个话题展开训练。而且要求学生在听说读之后,能用上“做决定”、“ 推理”的表达法和“现在完成时的被动语态”进行报告,学会写作关于机器人话题的文章。

  learning tip 部分建议学生多从图书馆、报刊、杂志、网络等途径, 多方面来增加词汇、提高听说读写的能力。


  将 warming up 部分与 pre-reading, reading, comprehending 部分放在同一课时教学,设计成一节阅读课。

  将 learning about language 及 workbook (wb)中的 using structures 放在一起教学,上一节词法、语法课。把 using language 中的 reading and speaking 部分的阅读文章布置为课外阅读作业。

  将 using language 中的 listening and writing,speaking and writing(把 reading and speaking 中的任务改为“向老师销售电脑”)和 writing 部分设计成一节语言运用课(1),重点是培养学生“说”的技能。

  把 using language 中的 writing 部分布置为课外作业。将 wb 中的 listening、talking 和 listening task 结合在一起,设计成一节语言运用课(2),重点是培养学生的“听”的技能。把 wb 中的u sing words and expressions 布置为课外作业。

  将 wb 中的 reading task 与 speaking task 结合在一起,设计成一节语言运用课(3),重点是培养学生的“读”和“说”的技能。

  将 wb 中的 writing task 设计成一节写作评价课。

Computer 篇5

  第一步 引入话题

  1. give some pictures such as tv, computers, cd-rom, dvd, radio and newspaper. ask the students to decide which is the form of it.

  2. make it clear that all the things mentioned just now are different kinds of it, and they all can bring a lot of new information to us.

  3. ask students to rank, choose, which they think is the most useful one.

  4. on the blackboard, draw the following form, and write the expressions of giving opinions and reasoning in it, and make sure the students understand the chinese meanings.

  giving opinionsi think that...

  in my opinion...

  i believe that...reasoningi think this one is better, because...

  i don't like this one, because...

  the advantage /disadvantage is...

  5. let students to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of it, using the expressions of giving opinions and reasoning.

  第二步 任务1:听力训练(双人活动)

  page 22, listening, one student writes down the answers to “advantages”; the other writes down the answers to “disadvantages”.

  ex-change the information in pairs, and listen to the tape again.

  let students have the correct answers.

  give 2 or 3 minutes to the students to ask questions if they have any.

  第三步 任务2:销售你的电脑(小组活动)──可用该活动取代书第 22 页上speaking and writing 中的活动。

  1. ask students to work in groups, discuss how to sell their computers to the english teacher.

  2. write the basic form of present perfect passive voice on the blackboard.

  3. give students the following situation:

  suppose the teacher is considering buying your computers, work in groups to write a report to persuade him or her, and give at least give 3 reasons, using present perfect passive voice and the expressions of giving opinions, reasoning and making a decision.


  4. share some of the reports with the whole class.

  第四步 任务3:设计你自己的机器人(小组合作)

  1. watch part of movie, bicentennial man (中文译名《铁甲再生人》或《变人》), (说明:片段选取可以从两姐妹在海边玩耍,而 andrew 在旁边照看她们开始, 到 andrew 为向小小姐道歉,用树根雕刻了一匹小马给她,并且得到了她的原谅为止。该片段可以让学生大致了解到机器人在人类的日常生活中可以做的事情。如果该电影无法找到, 可以从网站 下载一些不同种类的机器人的图片, 也可以达到同样的目的。)

  2. ask students: “if you have a chance to design your own androids, what would you like your own android to be?”

  3. in the form on the blackboard, add the expressions of making a decision.

  giving opinionsi think that...

  in my opinion...

  i believe that...reasoningi think this one is better, because...

  i don't like this one, because...

  the advantage /disadvantage is...making a decisionlet's make our decision...

  i've decided...

  4. ask students to work in groups, and discuss how to design their own androids. remind them of using the expressions of giving opinions, reasoning and making a decision in their discussion.

  5. share with some ideas with the whole class.

  one possible version:

  we have decided that our android will look like a middle-aged woman. we think this is better because we want her to do housework for us. we are busy students, and we have a lot of homework to do, so in our opinion, an android like mother will be helpful to us. we hope she can cook for us, clean the bedroom for us, wake us up, and drive us to school.

  第五步 作业布置

  p23 writing

  requirement: try to use the expressions of reasoning and making a decision.

Computer 篇6

  七年级上英语外研版 computers教学设计


  本课以电脑为话题,围绕da ming与 lingling 的对话展开活动,内容涉及如何使用电脑完成作业、世界不同的地方的人们对电脑的使用程度等,既贴近生活,又开阔学生视野。在本模块的教学中,应充分利用学生在电脑方面的知识来促进英语学习,鼓励他们有效地利用电脑来学习。









  1、掌握电脑方面的基本词汇,how to use computer ?




  六、教具准备   多媒体       录音机        自制图片






  1、switch on                2、 five kilos a day                  

  3、stay healthy              4、save the document               

  5、downlond music from the internet                       

  6、at the weekend                 



  一、 听力训练


  环节过渡:can you use the computer ?what do you want to do?




  二、自主复习:uint 1――uint3


  2、合作交流:小组内讨论环节1中的重点及疑难问题(pairwork and groupwork)了解不同国家和地区的人们使用电脑的情况

  3、精讲点拨: how do i write my homework n the cmputer ?句型及其回答,一般现在时的特殊疑问句。


  ------how do i write my homework on the computer? 我怎么用电脑写作业?

  ------how do i save the document ? 我怎么保存文件?

  ------where do i write the name ? 我在哪里写名字?

  ------how do i print it ? 我怎么打印?

  ------where’s the printer ? 打印机在哪里?


  上边这些句子,叫做特殊疑问句。how , when , where 等叫做疑问词,除去这些疑问词之后的句子叫                    。


  a 将下列句子改为特殊疑问句。

  1)do you open a new document ? (how)

  2) does he play computer games ? (where)


  i want to have a pet


  she likes football .





  a.使用鼠标 b上网 c打开电脑



  (    )1. swich on the computer

  (    ) 2. connect the monitor to the computer

  (    ) 3.use the mouse

  (    ) 4. click “new document ”

  (    ) 5. save the document

  (    ) 6. go online

  2.we make travel plans on the computer .(改为一般疑问句)

  plans on the computer?

  3.my father uses the computer in the evening . (就划线部分提问)

  father          the computer


  great  (  )     good (   )     come on (   )

  设计目的:本环节为重要内容,突出重点,解决难点,有的放矢,做好中考链接。激发学生学习热情,增强学习信心。 新颖的形式掀起第二次学习高潮,要求尽量背诵,可进行必要提示,以尊重学生个性,彰显人性化教学。


  环节过渡:we know a lot about the computer


  keyboard  monitor  mouse  printer  computer



  print , connect , switch on , use , click , save



  a.使用鼠标 b上网 c打开电脑



  (    )1. swich on the computer

  (    ) 2. connect the monitor to the computer

  (    ) 3.use the mouse

  (    ) 4. click “new document ”

  (    ) 5. save the document

  (    ) 6. go online

  how to use the computer ?make your own conversation in your groups .








  多少电子邮件                    发送邮件                    

  上网                      拜访网站                   

  下载音乐                     玩电子游戏                  


  有人说,网络是一把双刃剑,令人欢喜,令人忧,假设你的学校将举行英文口语比赛,请你以how to keep safe on the internet为题写一篇发言稿,准备参加此次比赛。




  we are already familiar with computers―computers work for us at home, in offices and in factories. but it is also true that many children today are using computers at schools before they can write. what does this mean for the future? are these children lucky or not?

  many people who do not know about computers think of them as machines that children play with. they worry that children do not learn from experience but just from pressing a button and that this is not good for them. they think that children are growing not knowing about the real world.

  but people who understand more about computers say that computers can be very good for children. a computer can help them to learn about the real world more quickly, to learn what they want to learn and think for themselves. and for the future, don’t we need people who can think clearly, who know how to get information quickly and use it well? what do you think?

  1. “to be familiar with” means to ______.

  a. know nothing       b. know about       c. dislike       d. like

  2. does everyone think computers are good for children?(   )

  a. yes, they do.   b. no, not everyone thinks so.c. they don’t know.  d. they are not sure.

  3. what can computers help children to do?(      )

  a. to think clearly, to do homework and to write.     

  b. to play games, to do math and to copy.

  c. to think clearly, to get information and to use it well.

  d. to count, to clean the house and to get information.

  4. does the writer think computer is a good thing?(    )

  a. it isn’t mentioned. b. no, he doesn’t think so.  c. he doesn’t know.  d. yes, he does.








Computer 篇7

  module 10 computers










  熟练掌握有关电脑的词汇及用语,掌握一般现在时的用法,领会并熟悉掌握/t∫/ 的发音












  1有关电脑的词:computer,keyboard,monitor,mouse,printer,document,laptop, website,






  1. how do you open a new document ?

  2.do you often go online ?

  3. what do you usually do on your computer ?

  4. he checks the train timetable but he doesn’t buy tickets .


  1.what’s the mouse ?

  2.what do i do next ?

  3.how do i print it ?

  4.do you have a computer at home ?

  四.教学理念 :



  句 的语言知识结构的学习,以一种循序渐进的交际性的学习程序引导学生学会运用这个



  1、 充分利用学生已有知识和经验,创设生活化的真实情境和半真实情境,引导学生在

  2、 运用语言中学      习语言,然后在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言。(为用而学,在用中学,学了就用)




  第一课时 (listening and speaking )

  unit1 how do i write my homework on the computer ?

  第二课时 (reading and vocabulary )

  unit 2 how often do you use a computer ?

  第三课时 (语言运用)

  unit 3   language in use

  第四课时  (练习巩固及课外知识拓展)  module 10, workbook

  七 各课时具体教学安排

  第一课时 how do i write my homework on the computer?

  教学内容: how do i write my homework on the computer?  

  教材分析: this unit is focused on computer

  学情分析: more than 90% students can use computer nowadays. it’s new for students to

  know computer knowledge in english.

  教学目标: to get to know basic words about computer. to understand the dialogueto learn

  how to give instructions

  教学重点:computer knowledgegive instructions. learn to use four words in writing ---

  first/ next/ then/ finally

  设计思路: give students pre-tasks to get to know the computer words in english start with

  words first. then listen and read the conversation. finally, answer the questions.


  step1: warming up.

  step2: get the students to talk about the development of exchanging information, present the

  new word computer. learn the parts of the computer.

  step3: listen and number the words as the students hear them

  step4: complete these sentences with these words.

  step5: listen and answer,then listen to the dialogue and number the instructions in the correct order.next find these words in the conversation. write the words they go with.work in pairs.last listen and read.

  step6 : discussion how the students write their homework on the computer? work in pairs .

  step7: do some exercises .

  step8: language points .

  step9: homework

  1. read activity 4.

  2.use computer to write an article “ computer in my life”

  第二课时 how often do you use a computer

  教学内容:  how often do you use a computer?

  教材分析:  this unit is also focused on computer.

  学情分析:  students have had the basic knowledge of computer.

  教学目标:  to understand the reading

  教学重点:  reading and writing skills.

  the usage of “but”

  special questions--- how often/how many/ what/ when

  设计思路:  share students’ writings in class. compare with the reading of the textbook. is it important for people to use computers in their daily life? how often do they use a computer?

  how about you?


  step1: warming up .review the content in unit one .

  step2: match the questions with the people who answer them .first give the students the answers ,then let them find the questions .

  step3: now please read the text again. which words are new to you?please underline them.

  step4: making new phrases .

  step5: read the people and their computer again ,then tell the following sentences “true” or“false”.

  step6: practice "which word "? let the student choose the right word according to the sentences.

  step7 : look at these sentences .then according to the model ,join the two parts of the sentences with "but".

  step8: make a list of your favourite websites. work with a partner. discuss why you like these

  websites. what do you use them for?

  step9: write sentences about what you do and don’t do on your computer . use “but”

  eg: i play games but i don’t send emails .

  step10: homework

  1.do 6-7 on page 109 & 11 on p110 of workbook.

  2.write no. 13 on p111 (workbook) on exercise book.

  第三课时     language in use

  教学内容: language in use.

  教材分析: this unit is focused on grammar.

  lexis- verb phrases .syntactic structure for present simple

  学情分析: students have known something about verb phrases in last unit consolidate the knowledge they have known.

  教学目标: general question and special question in present simple

  the adverbs of frequency---usually/ often

  教学重点: lexis- verb phrases

  consolidate present simple: affirmative/ negative and interrogative sentences

  设计思路: warming-up with activity 4 & 5.

  review the reading in unit 2 activity1.

  make a questionnaire with these questions. write the name of the person, and make notes on the answers.   


  step 1: warming up .have a revision .

  step2 :language practice:what do you usually on your computer?

  how many emails do you send?

  do you often go online?

  do you make travel plans on the internet?

  step3:ask and answer. use usually and often.

  step4:can you read them correctly?grasp the sounds /ts/ /s/  /z/ /iz/ /dz/

  step5:fill in the blanks.learn to use "don't" and "doesn't"

  step 6 : match the words

  step7: around the world .discuss what  we can use computers for?

  step8: module task: doing a questionnaire about computers .then ask the questions in your questionnaire.make notes of the answers of your classmates.talkabout the answers to your questionnaire

  step 9 homework:   finish off all the exercises on the workbook.


  以配套练习workbook 为主,展开知识巩固和深化,并做词汇、语法概念的补充,


  step1: warm-up 热身房

  listen and chant 听听说说

  my computer---

  has a mouse (click click)[snap fingers]

  has a mouse (click click)[snap fingers]

  and the mouse hangs out on the mouse-pad!

  the mouse-pad (whut, whew) [pat knees]

  the mouse-pad (whut, whew) [pat knees]

  the mouse-pad sits next to the keyboard.

  long keyboard (tickety tack) [pretend to be typing]

  long keyboard (tickety tack) [pretend to be typing]

  keyboard talks to the brain box.

  brain box thinks (cpu!) [finger on temple]

  brain box thinks (cpu!) [finger on temple]

  brain box shows us on the monitor.

  monitor shows (whew, whee) [wave hands]

  monitor shows (whew, whee) [wave hands]

  monitor shows us all we can see!

  step2:listen and fill.to know the english teenagers how to use the computer .

  step3: fill in the blanks with the given words .pay attention the right forms .

  step4:finish the following dialogue .

  step5:have a competition . words competition

  step6:discussion" what are the advantages and disadvantages of computer?" work in groups.

  step7:culture corner .intrduce "bill gates " and some signs about computers.

  step8: creative work .imagine what computers will be like in the future

  step9: homework

  1. listen to the tape and repeat after the tape at home.

  2. make sentences according to the key words of part 4

  3. learn to send an email to a foreign friend

Computer 篇8

  unit 3 computers

  the 4th period: listening & speaking


  1. to practise listening comprehension.

  2.to practise making decisions and reasoning

  teaching procedures:

  step1. revision

  1. check the homework exercises.

  1). it has been reported that children will be offered free education.

  it has been reported that free education will be offered to children.

  2). it has been said that we will be offered the latest computer science course book.

  it has been planned that the latest computer science course book will be offered to us.

  3). i have been told by peter that i will be lent his notebook computer for a week.

  i have been told by peter that his notebook computer will be lent to me for a week.

  2. question: what can computers be used as?

  step2. lead-in

  as we know, science and technology is developing very fast and computers have become smaller and smaller. they have been used in many fields. so, the 21st century is the century of information technology what does it mean? does information technology/ it only mean things like computers? of cause not. actually, it means more than computers. computers are just one kind of it. what else do you know is part of it?

  (tv, radio, cd-rom, dvd, books……)

  step3. listening (sb)

  1. pre-listening: what are the changes brought by different forms of it ?

  what are the advantages and disadvantages of them ?

  2. while-listening:

  go through the chart and make sure the students look at the chart before they listen to the tape. (this is to sharpen their attention and listen for the answers. this will also help them get the gist of the text.) then listen to the tape and finish filling in the chart. (if necessary, play the tape for several times.)

  say: after listening to their talk, we know all kinds of it have both disadvantages and advantages.let’s check the answers together.

  type of it advantages disadvantages

  tv you can both listen and watch. you cannot write to friends.

  web you can find information. it is very expensive.

  radio you can listen to english. you cannot watch a film.

  book you can get information. sometimes it is out of date.

  3. post-listening:

  1) (pair work): decide which type of it is best for you to use right now. make your choice and give your reasons by using the following expressions.

  i think that….

  in my opinion, ….

  i believe that….

  i agree because….

  i disagree because….

  i’ve decided that….

  2) (group work): discussion :

  computers are useful and have brought us lots of good things, but they also cause bad effects. what attitude should we have towards the computer? (make good use of it but never get trapped by it.)

  step4. speaking

  1. pre-speaking

  say: from what we have learn, we should admit that computers and the web have a great influence on the school education as well as people’s life. it has come into people’s everyday life and many families hold computers in their homes. now there is a task for you.

  2. while-speaking

  1) situation: you have been asked by your parents to help choose computers for your home. you and your friend have looked at several computers. talk about the special things each computer can do. make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why.

  information input: show students some pictures of different computers (desktop computer & laptop computer & …)

  language input: useful expressions (repeat it to strengthen students’ ability of use it.)

  supporting an opinion challenging an opinion

  i think that … , because … perhaps, but what if / about …?

  first, … have you thought about …?

  one reason is that … what makes you think that …?

  i think it is better because… i don’t like it because….

  (pair work )use the expressions to support your opinion or challenging other’s opinions.

  2) oral report: (individual work )

  do an oral report to your father and start your report like this: i looked at many different computers. the one i have chosen is the pep personal computer. one of the main reasons is that it is suitable for homes. i found that…

  3. post-speaking

  conclusion―what useful expression do we use to make a decision and reason?

  (in this way, they can review and use the words and phrases again.)

  step5. homework

  page 22. writing: write a report about your choice and try to use the present perfect passive voice as well as the useful words and expressions that have been mentioned above. in your report.

Computer 篇9


  unit5 the broken computer

  the5th period

  teaching aims:

  1. the students can understand the pronunciation and read them correctly.

  2. the students like to learn english.

  teaching emphasis:

  1.learn the pronunciation.

  2.teaching difficulty

  3.how to understand the pronunciation and read them correctly.

  teaching process:


  review the story

  t: ask them some questions about the story.

  s: try to read the questions.

  t: retell the story for the children and have the children try to retell the story.

  s: listen the story and try to retell the story.



  t: have the children look at the pictures and try to read these words.

  s: try to read these words.

  t: ask the question “are they same pronunciation?”

  s: answer the question.

  t: play the tape and have the children repeat.

  s: repeat the words.

  t: explain the different pronunciation and have the children read these words.

  s: read these words many times.


  perfect your pronunciation

  t: tell the students they will listen the words and find the different one. play the tape and have the children do the exercise.

  s: listen to the tape and try to do exercise.

  t: play the tape again and have the children cross the word that is different.

  s: listen and do them.

  t: have the children check the answer in pairs.

  s: check the answer.

  t: play the tape again and have the children repeat.

  s: repeat the words.


  chant and sing

  t: play the tape and have the children just listen to the song.

  s: just listen.

  t: play the tape again and have the children try to sing it.

  s: try to sing. (two times)


  bingo kids quiz

  t: have the children read them and try to choose the correct answer.

  s: read them and try to do them.

  t: check the correct answer.


  have the children listen to the song and try to sing it after class.

  the6th period

  teaching aims:

  1. the students can do some exercise by themselves.

  2. the students like to learn english.

  teaching emphasis:

  1.review this unit and do some exercise.

  2.evaluate their learning. 

  teaching difficulty

  how to do these exercise.

  teaching process:


  review the story, words and grammar.

  t: have the children try to retell the story.

  s: try to retell it.

  t: dictation. have the children try to write these words in the dictionary book.

  s: listen and write these words.

  t: review the grammar and have the children do some exercise.

  s: try to do these exercises.


  do some exercise.

  t: play the tape and have the children try to complete the blanks.

  s: listen and try to do them.

  t: play the tape again and have the children check the answer.

  s: listen again and check the answer.

  t: have some students speak out their answers and have the children correct the answer.

  t: have the children do exercise3 by themselves.

  s: try to do it.

  t: check the answer.

  t: have the children try to write a paragraph.

  s: try to write.

  t: give an example.


  evaluate your learning

  t: have the children evaluate themselves.

  s: do them.


  review this unit.

Computer 篇10

  动词时态 一、经过前几个单元的学习,到这个单元为止,时态已经学完。按照要求,学生需要掌握下列几个重要时态。 1、一般现在时。 1》概念  其基本意义在于表示发生在包括讲话时间在内的动作或状态。 2》理解:本时态主要关注动作的经常性,强调动作表现的事实,或者是真理,而且和现在有关。     〈1〉表示客观真理,科学事实,格言,及其它各种不受时间限制的客观存在状况。 如:  light travels faster than sound       action speaks louder than words      <2> 表示经常性或习惯性的动作。 如;our art teacher practises painting twice a day.        tom often regularly drop in on the professor.      <3> 表示现在的特征或状态。 如:he is always ready to help others.        tom seldom rises at six.      <4> 有when/ while/ until/ before/ as soon as/if /even if等引导的时间,条件,或让步壮语从句中,常用一般现在时。 如:when we get there,we'll call you.        no one can go through with the task on time if it rains.        i'll not attend her birthday party even if i am invited.       <5> 在新闻标题,小说,戏剧,电影,图片等说明中,也经常用一般现在时。 如:the delegation of china gets a warm welcome in russia.        the story is about  a family---.the husband comes home from his office and tells the wife that he has invited a friend to dinner. 3》标志:often/always/usually/seldom./never..对上述壮语提问时,常用 how often...? 肯定句中,动词用第三人称单数形式。 如:      ---how often does he visit the old man?       ―---never. 2.一般过去时 1》概念  本时态主要是表示过去的时间内发生的动词作或者是状态。 2》理解   强调过去动作的一次性和习惯性。      <1> 表示过去特定时间的一次完成的动作。 如:   the old professor stepped into the classroom, opened the book, and began to read.        we went to beijing and  visited heaven temple.      <2> 用它表示习惯性动作,往往用一定的时间状语或表示频度的状语。 如:we went to school together when we were boys and so we saw each other every day.        there used to a temple in the village. 在日常会话中,我们也用一般过去时表示现在的时间。这种用法在讲话的口气上表现出婉转,客气的意味。 如:   ---did you want me ?       ----yes,i hoped you could give me a hand with the painting. 3》警示:除了表示明显的过去时间状语外,还有used to/would等暗示性词语。 如:when i was in london, often,i would have a cup of coffee after work. 注意:上句中的would 不能用 used to 代替。这两个词虽然都表示"过去常常",但would 常和时间连用,如 often, every day 等,而used to 不可以。 3。一般将来时 1》概念  表示将来要发生的动作。 2》理解  对未来事情的预见性,或者说明意图,打算。     <1> 用will 或shall +动词的形式表示对未来事情的预见性,又称为预见性将来时。 如:   tomorrow will be fine .        you will feel better after taking the medicine.    <2> 用 be going to do表示将来。 用这种形式表示将来主要是说明现在的意图,打算,即表明眼前最近要去做的事情。又称之为近期将来。如:i'm going to post two letters after class./she is going to have a university degree. 如果这种结构用物做主语,也是一种预见,可以用will 代替。 如:it is going to rain       watch out!the pill of boxes is going to fall.    <3> 用be+going 表示将来  一般说来,用现在进行时表示将来所用的时间大都是动作动词,不适用于状态动词。用这种结构表示按计划要去做的事或发生的事情。 如:we're inviting several people to a party.        the foreign ministry is coming to the un this week.        the plane is taking off at 5:30 一般来说,be doing / be going to do 两种结构均可以表示将来,但有些区别。 比较:i am taking mary out for dinner tonight .           i am going to take mary out for dinner tonight. 第一句表示计划已定不能改变,第二句表示打算未定只是一种想法而已。    <4> 用be+to do 表示将来时间 这种结构也可以表示按计划,随安排将要去做的事情或将要发生的动作。 如;the workers are to produce 5000 cars next year.        the prime minister is to speak on television tonight.        the line is to be open to traffic on october 1. 这种结构表示的将要发生的动作一般来说受人们意志控制或支配的。可以互换,但语意上有区别。如:       we are going to play basketball this afternoon.<表示目前的意图>       we are to play basketball this afternoon.<表示计划,安排或受人的支配>. 我们可以说:it's going to rain /the young man is going to be fat. 但不能说:it is to rain/the young man is to be fat. <5>用一般现在时表示将来。 如:next christmas falls on a tuesday       the train leaves at 7:30 this evening .       the plane takes off at 6:40. 3》警示 除了上述那些之外,也用be about to/be on the point of /be on the middle of/ 表将来。 如:the meeting is about to begin.      we are on the point  of going out ... 但值得注意的是这种形式不和将来的时间用在一起。我们不可以说they are about to leave this afternoon. 4。进行时 1》概念 表示某时某刻某阶段正在进行的动作。 2》理解 进行的动作包括现在,过去和将来。 <一>  现在进行时 本结构是am/is/are+doing构成的形式。这种时态表示的动作主要与现在时间有关系。有如下的用法。   <1> 表示此刻正在进行或发生的动作 常伴有时间状语。如:now/at present/ at the moment      at present, the staff are holding a meeting.      where are they having the basketball match ?        <2>  表示现阶段正在进行的动作。   i usually get up at seven, but i'm getting up at six every day this week to prepare my lessons.      selecting a mobile phone is difficult. the technology is changing .        <3> 如果和表示频度的时间状语连用,不表示动作的进行,而表示动作的重复性,在语意上带有感情色彩。如:     you are continually finding fault with me.<表不满》       he is always thinking of how he could do for the people《表赞扬〉      the old man is constantly complaining of his watch being slow.〈发牢骚〉 〈二〉过去进行时。 本结构是was/were+doing 构成的形式。它表示的状态或动作主要和过去的时间有联系,所以往往和表示过去的时间连用。  〈1〉表示过去某时刻正在进行的动作。如:   what were you doing at ten last night?        when i got up this morning, it was raining outside.       <2> 表示过去某阶段中正在进行的动作。如:     at that time, he was working in a pla unit.       in those years he was having a happy life.       <3> 在叙述故事的背景时,为了使故事的语言更加生动,让读者有身临其境的效果,多用进行时。如:one morning the three sisters were together in the drawing room.mary was sewing, alice was playing the piano, and jane was doing nothing, then suddenly the door opened... 正如现在进行时一样,过去进行时与表示频度的时间状语连用,也能表示某种情感色彩。 3》警示 进行时还常用在语境中,表示语气的委婉。如:        ---what are you going to do?        ---i'm hoping to invite you to dinner. 5.完成时。 1》概念 本时态是表示某动作或某过程在一定时间内处于完成的状态。 2》理解 完成时包括现在完成时和过去完成时态。构成分别为have<has> done/had done. <一>现在完成时。动作在过去发生,持续到现在已经完成,或者是继续持续下去。  <1>  已经完成的用法。其表明某动作或过程发生在说话前某个不明确的过去时刻,到目前一完成,并对目前造成影响。如:he has not been to shanghai/have you finished reading the story ? 本用法常和不确定时间状语连用。如:already/yet/before/recently/lately/just...等          i have seen him before          we haven't been there lately 也可以和表示频度的时间状语用在一起。如:ever/never/once---等。          i have never been to hongkong.          have you ever visited the great wall ? <2> 未完成的用法。本用法表示某动作或状态开始于过去某个时刻一直延续到现在,而且还要继续下去,在某种情况下也可能刚刚结束。常和 since/for/时间状语连用。如:          he has been in the army for 3 years.          he has lived in the building since he came here. 3》警示:如果不过since 引导的从句中的动词是延续性的,一般认为,语意上也表明动作或状态的结束。如:    i haven't heard from him since he lived there.         从他离开那儿以来,我一直未收到他的消息。         he has written to me frequently since i was ill.    从我病愈以来,他常给我写信。 如果since引导的从句中的谓语动词用了现在完成时,那么表示的动作或状态就不表示完结。如:    i haven't heard from him since he has lived there .         从我住在那里以来,我一直未收到他的来信。         he has written to me frequently since i have been ill.    从我生病以来,他常给我写信。 <二>过去完成时。本时态表示的是动作在过去的过去发生。它也分为“已完成用法”和“未完成用法”。 1>已完成用法。表示,当一个动作发生或结束时,在它之前的另一动作已经完成。这种用法既用于动作动词,也用于状态动词。如:   when we arrived the cinema,the tickets have been sold out.        tom flew home,but his father had already died.   iwas told that the old man had been away for a week. 2>未完成用法。表明某个动作或状态在过去某个时刻之前一直延续到过去这个时间,而且还可能继续下去。它也使用于动作和状态动词。而且常和 by +过去时间 或从句 连用。如:       by 12,he had studied for 4 hours.       by we got there,they had ended the meeting.       we had worked together for a long time before we came to this college . 3>警示:在by + 过去时间或从句的结构中,如果主句动词是动作动词,用过去完成时,如果是状态动词,用一般过去时。比较:     by the end of last year,he was 12.       by the end of last year,he had learned 300 english words. 另外,在---hardly---when/ ---no sooner---than---的句中,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。而且,如果hardly./no sooner 提前,主句需要部分倒装。如:         i had hardly recoganized  him when i saw him.        hardly had i recoganized him when i saw him. 

Computer 篇11

  第一步 引入话题

  1. show students the pictures of an abacus, a calculator, a huge computer, a notebook and a pc, ask: “if i am a math teacher, which can help me most?”

  2. write the expressions of giving opinions on the blackboard.

  giving opinions  i think that...  in my opinion...  i believe that...

  3. ask students to give their opinions, remind them of using the expressions of giving opinions.

  4. ask students to discuss what these items have in common, and then rank them according to the time of their appearance.

  5. ask some of the students to talk about what they know about computers.

  6. ask students to discuss “how have computers changed our life?”, and then have some of them give their answers, using the expressions of giving opinions.

  第二步 预测文章的内容(个人自由发言)

  1. ask students to look at the pictures and guess what the passage might be about.

  2. ask one or two students to give their opinions.

  第三步 阅读文章 who am i?

  1.give students 2 minutes, and ask them to scan or skim for the answers to the following questions:

  (before students read the passage, tell them that attention should be paid to the hints of the time.)

  (1) what is the main idea of the passage?

  (2) what happened to computers in 1642?

  (3) what happened to computers in 1936?

  (4) what happened to computers in 1970s?

  (questions on page 19)

  2.give students 5 minutes to read the passage carefully, and answer the following questions:

  (1) who was the first person to describe how the computer was made to work?

  (2) what did he make and what did it do?

  (3) who was the next important person to design computers?

  第四步 学习“拟人化”(小组合作学习)

  ask students to go over the passage, in groups discuss who the speaker is in the passage, and on page 18 write down three sentences from the text to support their ideas.

  check the answers with the students.(学生可能会找这三个句子时感觉到有困难,因此可以根据实际情况向学生提供必要的提示或者例子)

  sum up:

  personification means to treat something as if it were human or had human qualities.

  personification is one of the most effective ways of using words figuratively.

  第五步 学习“时间顺序”(小组合作学习)

  1. ask students:“how is the passage organized?”

  (if the students can not answer the question, draw their attention to the appearance of different years.)

  2. ask students to finish exercise 2 in comprehending on page 19, complete the “timeline”.

  3. ask students to ex-change their own answers in groups, and then raise questions if they have any.

  4. sum up: chronological writing

  chronology means to describe things in order of time.

  chronology is often used in recounting an event or describing the life of someone. it is an effective way to make a mass of things clearer.

  第六步 口语训练──按时间顺序复述计算机的发展史

  1. have students get prepared in 2 or 3 minutes and then retell the development of computers in your own words, using chronology.

  2. ask some of the students to retell the text.

  第七步 作业布置

  go over the text, and try to understand the text.

  finish exercise 1 in learning about language on page 19.

Computer 篇12

  XX届高考英语必修2unit 3 computers复习教案

  unit 3  computers 计算机


  1.where can i____________(下载)the exercises from the internet?

  2.more problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to____________(出现).

  3.during the winter holidays,i____________(辅导)some students for english exams.

  4. they achieved their____________(目标)of increasing sales by five percent.

  5.it is such a hard problem that it is impossible for me to____________(解决).

  6.money does not always bring____________(幸福).

  7.these changes are due to an increase in the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial____________(革命).

  8.there is another kind of beauty that has nothing to do with____________(外貌),but comes from the heart.

  9.it is just her childhood experiences that affect her____________(性格)and later life.

  10.after the president made an official announcement,he expressed his____________opinion.____________speaking,i agreed with his opinion.(personal)

  11.i would like to____________for the job advertised in the newspaper,so i have sent my____________before july 20,.(apply)

  12.can you say that dolphins are much more____________than other animals?well,they are animals of high____________and they can communicate.(intelligent)

  1.download 2.arise 3.coached 4.goal 5.solve  6.happiness 7.revolution 8.appearance 9.character 10.personal;personally 11.apply;application 12.intelligent;intelligence


  1.________________  从……时起

  2.________________  结果

  3.________________  如此……以致于

  4.________________  在某种程度上

  5.________________  在……的帮助下

  6.________________  处理;安排;对付

  7.________________  看守;监视

  8.________________  共有;共用

  9.________________  弥补

  10.________________  毕竟

  1.from...on 2.as a result 3.so...that 4.in a way 5.with the help of 6.deal with 7.watch over 8.in common 9.make up 10.after all


  1.____________,i was made smaller.


  2.i developed very slowly and__________nearly two hundred years________i was built as an analytical machine by charles babbage.


  3.____________my memory has developed so much that,like an elephant,i never forget________________!


  4.and my memory became________large________even i couldn’t believe it!


  5.________,my goal is to provide humans with a life____________.


  1.as time went by 2.it took;before 3.over time;anything i have been told 4.so;that 5.anyhow;of high quality

  1.totally adv. 完全地,整个地

  (回归课本p18)as a result i totally changed my shape.




  ①i totally agree with you.


  ②(朗文p2182)in total,over 250 employees completed the safety training.


  ③the plan was a total failure.


  ④a total of 100 teachers will attend the meeting.



  1.―do you know how many students took part in the sports meet?

  ―about 400________.

  a.all together       b.after all

  c.in total     d.at total

  解析:选c。表达“总共,完全”可以使用下列短语:altogether,in all或in total。

  2.arise vi. 出现;发生;起身,起床

  (回归课本p23)then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises.




  ①(朗文p89)more problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise.


  ②a great idea arose in her mind.


  ③accidents often arise from carelessness.




  原形 过去式 过去分词 v.¬ing

  arise(vi.)出现,发生,起因于 arose arisen arising

  arouse(vt.)唤醒,激起 aroused aroused arousing

  rise(vi.)升起,起身,增长,上升 rose risen rising

  raise(vt.)举起,唤起,提高,饲养 raised raised raising

  we were watching the children raising the national flag,and saw it rising slowly in the wind,which aroused our patriotic(爱国的)minds.




  we should always keep in mind that accidents________ ________ ________while driving.

  答案:arise from carelessness

  3.anyhow adv. 无论如何;即使如此

  (回归课本p18)anyhow,my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.




  ①(朗文p76)anyhow,we have plenty of time to plan ahead.


  ②it’s too expensive and anyhow(=anyway) the color doesn’t suit you.(而且)


  ③i’m afraid we can’t come,but thanks for the invitation anyhow(=anyway).(即使这样)


  ④anyhow(=anyway),let’s forget about that thing for the moment!(无论如何)


  【温馨提示】 somehow表示“以某种方式;不知怎么地”,与anyhow意义不同。

  ⑤somehow,i don’t feel i can trust him.


  4.signal vi.& vt.发信号

  n. 信号

  (回归课本p23)for example,i have learned to signal to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when i am open and have a good shot for a goal.




  ①(XX年高考湖北卷)in our class,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book,it was a signal for everyone to stand up.


  ②(牛津p1865)she signalled (to) him to follow.


  ③he signalled that it was time to leave.



  3.―what did our teacher do?

  ―he raised his arm as a(n)________for us to stop.

  a.signal         b.reality

  c.application       d.goal


  4.(XX年龙岩一检)the door and the windows were all closed and there was no________of forced entry.

  a.scene     b.signal

  c.sign     d.sight


  5.in a way 从某一角度看;在某种程度上

  (回归课本p23)in a way our programmer is like our coach.




  ①(朗文p2316)in a way,i’m a little surprised he accepted the offer.


  ②only in this way can you get rid of your bad habits.


  ③in no way should you lose heart.


  ④don’t stand in the way.move aside and let me pass.



  5.―i think he is taking an active part in social work.

  ―i agree with you ________.

  a.in a way         b.on the way

  c.by the way     d.in the way

  解析:选a。此题考查介词短语的含义。in a way在某种程度上;on the way在……路上,即将成为……;by the way在主要话题或交谈中用以插入题外的话或问题,常译为“顺便问一下”;in the way阻碍。

  6.he is on his way to ________ a doctor after having finished his four years’ study in the university.

  a.become    b.becoming

  c.became    d.having become

  解析:选b。on one’s way to sth./doing sth.即将成为……,其中to为介词。

  6.as a result 结果

  (回归课本p18)as a result i totally changed my shape.



  ①(牛津p1703)he made one big mistake,and,as a result,lost his job.


  ②i was very busy.as a result,i couldn’t take care of her.



  as a result,as a result of,result in,result from

  (1)as a result因此,结果,副词短语,常作状语,使用时其前常有一个表示原因的句子。

  (2)as a result of是介词短语,只能连接名词/代词/动名词及what引导的宾语从句。

  (3)result in相当于lead to,结果为……;导致,主语是原因,宾语是结果。

  (4)result from相当于lie in,因为,源自,主语是结果,宾语是原因。

  ①we helped each other in studies and as a result we became good friends.

  ②as a result of the car accident,jackson couldn’t work any longer.

  ③his carelessness resulted in his failure.

  ④his failure resulted from his carelessness.


  7.(XX年高考全国卷)jenny nearly missed the flight________doing too much shopping.

  a.as a result of      b.on top of

  c.in front of      d.in need of

  解析:选a。句意:由于购物花费时间太多,珍妮差点错过航班。as a result of作为……的结果,由于;on top of在……之上;in front of在……前面;in need of需要……。

  8.my friend martin was very sick with a high fever;________,he could neither eat nor sleep.

  a.as a result     b.after all

  c.anyway     d.otherwise

  解析:选a。因生病而导致了后面的结果,所以选as a result。

  7.deal with 处理;安排;对付

  (回归课本p24)this means that it should clean the house,mop the floors,cook the dinner and deal with telephone calls.



  ①(牛津p512)she is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job.


  ②i found her quite hard to deal with.


  ③this is a book dealing with asian problems.


  【温馨提示】 deal with常与how连用,而do with则常与what连用。

  ④i don’t know how to deal with the situation.


  ⑤i don’t know what to do with the situation.



  9.―you look so worried.what’s the matter?

  ―i don’t know________these boring problems.

  a.what to deal with   b.how to do with

  c.what can i do  with         d.how to deal with

  解析:选d。考查短语的用法。deal with通常与how搭配,而do with通常与what搭配,c项语序不对。故选d。

  10.with the world changing fast,we have something new________with all by ourselves every day.

  a.deal     b.dealt

  c.to deal     d.dealing

  解析:选c。该句为“have something to do”结构,动词不定式短语作定语。


  1【教材原句】 as time went by,i was made smaller.(p18)


  【句法分析】 as意为“随着”,引导时间状语从句。

  ①as we grow older,we get wiser.


  ②as time went on,einstein’s theory proved to be correct.






  ①as our life improves,we find more and more time entertaining.

  ②with the time going by,they became close friends.


  11.________children get older,they become more and more interested in the things around them.

  a.while          b.when

  c.as      d.with



  12.i couldn’t do my homework with all that noise________.

  a.going on    b.goes on

  c.went on    d.to go on

  解析:选a。with复合结构在句子中作伴随状语。“with+n.+doing/done/介词短语”为固定结构。noise与go on之间为主动关系,故选a。

  2【教材原句】 and my memory became so large that even i couldn’t believe it!(p18)


  【句法分析】 so/such...that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此……以至于”。



  ①she was so excited that she couldn’t go to sleep.


  ②there are so many people in the street that i can’t get through.


  ③there was so little water left that only little children were given some.剩下的水不多了,只给小孩分了一些。


  ④it was such fine weather that we had a picnic together.


  ⑤it was such a lovely day that we decided to go outing.

  →it was so lovely a day that we decided to go outing.



  ⑥so fast did the teacher speak that i couldn’t follow him.

  (the teacher spoke so fast that i couldn’t follow him.)



  13.(XX年高考上海卷)the great wall is________tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.

  a.so a well­known    b.a so well­known

  c.such well­known a         d.such a well­known


  14.(XX年高考重庆卷)peter was so excited________he received an invitation from his friend to visit chongqing.

  a.where     b.that

  c.why     d.when






  ①there is a rumor that he has married a widow.

  【分析】 本句属于复合句,由“主句+同位语从句”构成。“he has married a widow”作为“rumor” 的同位语,由that引导构成了同位语从句。

  ②let’s meet tomorrow if it is convenient for you.

  【分析】 本句属于复合句,由“主句+条件状语从句”构成。“let’s meet tomorrow”是主句,“if it is convenient for you”是由if引导的条件状语从句。





  ①how it all happened is a mystery to me.


  ②i wonder if you could stay for another day.


  ③the question is whether they have signed a contract.


  ④the idea that money means everything is unsound.




  ①jim introduced me to a girl who sat next to him.


  ②then i telephoned the doctor (whom)she had recommended.然后我给她推荐的医生打了电话。

  ③there are the reasons why we did it.




  ①we all stood up when he came in.


  ②i didn’t go because i wasn’t feeling well.


  ③it was so dark that we couldn’t see each other’s faces.


  ④though they were poor,they were still happy.


  ⑤just as the water is the most important of liquids,air is the most important of gases.


  ⑥you’ll do all right,as long as you follow his advice.


  ⑦the director gave me a better offer than he gave  dick.


Computer 篇13

  chapter 2


  一. 教学内容:

  chapter 2 computer language and writing

  本 讲主要内容






  as + 形容词或副词原级 + as

  1)在否定句或疑问句中可用so… as.

  he cannot run so/as fast as you.

  2)当as… as 中间有名词时采用以下格式。

  as +形容词+ a +单数名词

  as + many/ much +名词

  this is as good an example as the other is.

  i can carry as much paper as you can


  this room is twice as big as that one.

  your room is the same size as mine.

  4)倍数+ as + adj. + as <=> 倍数+ the + n + of

  th is bridge is three times as long as that one.

  this bridge is three times the length of that one.

  your room is twice as large as mine.

  your room is twice the size of mine.

  比较级形容词或副词 + than

  you are taller than i.

  they lights in your room are as bright as those in mine.



  (错)he is more cleverer than his brother.

  (对)he is more clever than his brother.

  (对)he is clever than his brother.


  (错)china is larger that any country in asia.

  (对)china is larger than any other countries in asia.


  the population of shanghai is larger than th at of beijing.

  it is easier to make a plan than to carry it out.



  wh ich is large,canada or australia?

  which is the larger country,canada or australia?

  she is taller than her two sisters.

  she is the taller of the two sisters.


  1)a bit,a little,rather,much,far,by far,many,a lot,lots,a great deal,any,still,even等


  3)以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。

  man y,old 和far

  1)如果后接名词时,much more +不可数名词

  many more +可数名词复数

  2)old 有两种比较级和最高级形式:older/oldest 和elder/eldest. elder,eldest 只用于兄弟姐妹的长幼关系。

  my elder brother is an engineer.

  mary is the eldest of the three sisters.

  3)far 有两种比较级,farther,further. 在英语中两者都可指距离。

  在美语中,farther 表示距离,furthe r表示进一步。

  i have nothing further to say.

  the + 最高级 + 比较范围

  1)the sahara is the biggest desert in the world.

  形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。

  形容词most前面没有 the,不表示最高级的含义,只表示“非常”。

  it is a most important problem.

  =it is a very important problem.


  (错)tom is the tallest of his three brothers.

  (对)tom is the tallest of the three brothers.

  2)下列词可修饰最高级,by far,far,much,mostly,almost

  this hat is nearly / almost the biggest.


  a. very可修饰最高级,但位置与much不同。

  this is the very best.

  this is much the best.

  b. 序数词通常只修饰最高级。

  af rica is the second largest continent.


  mike is the most intelligent in his class.

  mike is more intelligent than any other students in his  class.

  4)“否定词语+比较级”,“否定词语+ so… as”结构表示最高级含义。

  nothing is so easy as this.

  =nothing is easier than this.

  =this is the easiest thing.


  1)― are you feeling ____?

  ― yes,i’m fine now.

  a. any well            b. any better           c. quite good         d. quite better

  答案:b。any 可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better.

  2)the experiment was____ easier than we had expected.

  a.more                  b.much more         c. much                d. more muc h


  3)if there were no examinations,we should have ___ at school.

  a. the happiest time              b. a more happier time[

  c. much happiest time          d. a much happier time



  p29 a

  dear gran

  yesterday, mum and dad gave us two radio-controlled cars for our birthday. they are great! nigel’s car is a ‘lightning’. it is (1) faster than mine, which is rather slow. my car is a ‘hi-climb’, and it is (2) better at climbing over things than the ‘lightning’. the ‘lightning’ is (3) longer and (4) lower th an the ‘hi-climb’. the ‘hi-climb’ weights 210 g and so it is (5) heavier than the ‘lightning’, and this means that the battery use is heavier (6) than the ‘lightning’, too.

  the ‘lightning’ is (7) lighter, with a weight of just 150 g. this means that is can go (8) farther on one set of batteries. sometimes we put toy people in the cars. the ‘hi-climb’ can hold (9) more passengers, as it has 4 seats. the ‘lightning’ is good on a flat surface, but it is (10) worse than the ‘hi-climb’ on rough ground, because it cannot climb over things.



  p30 b

  dear peter

  thanks for your letter. in reply to the question at the end, my parents have just bought a new flat! they looked at one in  peak villa and one in seaside court. they chose peak villa. the flat there is bigger than the flat in seaside court, but it has fewer rooms. it is  also more modern, and its price is higher. it is nearer to the school, but it is farther from the market. finally, the view from peak villa is better than the view from seaside court. i’ll send you a photo in my next letter.

  best wishes




