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下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision(通用12篇)

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下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision(通用12篇)

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇1




  2.掌握本单元的词汇和惯用语,特别是before long,no one,not…any longer等短语的用法。



  5.认真学习“Because it’s there”,培养我们坚韧不拔和勇往直前的精神,树立远大的目标,不懈地为之奋斗。



  There is a little traffic accident.


  There’s a big traffic jam.



  We can’t wait any longer.

  我们不能再等了。(not … any longer=no longer,“不再”的意思)

  Sorry I’m late.


  Now we need to wait for Jim.


  Well, I’m sure he’ll be here before long.


  I’m beginning to get angry with him!


  Yes, we can’t wait any longer. Let’s go without him.



  That’s terrible! 


  That’s a really bad excuse!



  Let’s have a cup of coffee.



  本单元是复习单元,我们要复习前面5个单元的所学内容,主要是复习表示过去的时态(过去将来时态和过去完成时态)和动词不定式及定语从句。同时,我们要能就“等人”和“交通”话题进行日常交际。认真学习“Because it’s there”,培养我们的勇往直前的精神,同时要求掌握里面的重点词汇和习惯用语的用法。本单元通过填空的方式,帮助我们复习了形容词、副词比较等级的用法,以及形容词和副词作修饰语的位置。还复习了so that句型等。本单元的语法功能项目是定语从句,我们在上一单元对此已初步有所了解,应进一步学习它,为我们日后的高中阶段的学习打好基础。





  Sorry I’m late.

  Well, I’m sure he’ll be here before long.

  Let’s have a cup of coffee.

  What happened?

  That’s a really bad excuse!

  Come on. Let’s go to the zoo.

  并复习所涉及的语法,如用作宾语的不定式、so that和so… that句型等。

  Now we need to wait for Jim.

  I’m beginning to get angry with him!

  Well, first I was so busy reading a novel that I forgot to look at the time.

  I’m very sorry I’m so late.

  I took a taxi so that I would get here faster.



  第70课是一篇关于人类征服珠穆朗玛峰的课文。课文按时间顺序讲述了历史上几位登山者不屈不挠、勇于探索的经历。有George Mallory, Andrew Irvine, Edmund Hillary, Tenzing Norgay 等。文章结尾处以Mallory的话结束”Because it’s there”。


  关于写作方面的训练,可以围绕登山者所说的话,或是登山的历史过程展开。如可以就Because it’s there所体现的精神,让学生们分析,为什么作者会以这样一句话作为标题,它能颂扬一种怎样的精神?让学生们写下他们的感想。或者根据人类登上最高峰的历史资料和图片,仿照课文的谋篇策略,以一名新闻记者身份,整理出有关珠穆朗玛峰的攀登历史。


  1.mist [mist] n. 雾,其形容词为misty,比较级为mistier,最高级为mistiest。

  【例】(l)The accident happened on a misty evening.


  (2)She is lost in the mists of time.


  (3)The distant trees misted over. ( vi. )


  2.alive[E5laiv]adj.活着的,come alive表示“活跃起来”,stay alive表示“继续活着;幸存”的意思。

  【例】(l)Was the lion alive or dead?


  (2)He is alive to his own interests.


  3.Well, first I was so busy reading a novel that I forgot to look at the time.

  句中be busy dong sth是“忙于做某事”,而be busy with sth 则是“忙于某事”的意思。forget的过去式为forgot,过去分词为forgotten,其后的宾语可以由不定式充当,也可以由动词的-ing形式来充当,但两者的意思是有区别的。forget to do sth是“忘记做某事”,此事还未做;forget doing sth是“忘记了做过某事”,此事已做过。

  【例】(l)Don't forget to post the letter.


  (2)He has forgotten to pay me.


  (3)I shall never forget hearing Chaliapin singing the part of Boris Go-dunov.


  (4)Forgive and forget.不念旧恶。

  4.Now we need to wait for Jim.现在,我们须等等Jim。


  need既能作情态动词,也能作规则动词。need解释为规则动词的“需要;要”时,相当于want,need+ V-ing =need to be + V - ed

  例:It needs rewriting. =It needs to be rewritten. 它需重写.

  need解释规则动词的“必要”时,相当于be necessary,通常限用于疑问句及否定句中。


  5.He can visit his sick grandmother. 他可以去探望他生病的祖母。

  (1)visit(动词)=go to/and see 看望、访问、游览。


  例:visit a friend访友,visit Rome游访罗马,visit at a hotel住在旅馆里,a visiting card名片,a visiting professor客籍教授,pay a visit to =visit, go on a visit to去……游览,be on a visit to =be visiting 正在游览。



  on sick leave在病假中,sick room病房。

  be sick of sth or sb =be tired of 厌倦……

  6.I’m sure he will be here before long.我肯定他不久就会来的。”

  before long的意思是“不久以后,很快”用于将来时态。而 long before意为“很早以前”,用于过去时。例如:

  (1)I hope to see you again before long.我希望不久再见到你。

  (2)We finished our work long before.我们早就把工作做完了。

  7.I'm beginning to get angry with him.我开始生他的气了。

  get在本句中当系动词,后跟形容词作表语。意思是“变为……;变得……”。需要注意的是 get angry with与 be angry with虽然汉语意思相同,但前者更强调“由不生气变得生气了”这一过程。例如:

  (1)Spring comes, it gets warmer and warmer.春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。

  (2)I hope you will get better soon.我希望你很快就会好多了。

  8.Mallory was an English school teacher who loved climbing.


  【例】(1)I didn't see the man who/that stole my bag.


  (2)Most people who/that live in less developed countries are quite poor.


  9.… but some people wondered whether Mallory and Irvine had got there first.


  【例】(1)I don't wonder at her refusing to marry him.


  (2)I wondered to hear her voice in the next room.


  (3)I wonder what she wants.我想知道她需要什么。

  (4)I was wondering how to get there quickly.


  10.The other members of their climbing team watched as Mallory and Irvine climbed slowly up towards the summit. 登山队的其他成员看着Mallory和Irvine向着峰顶缓慢地攀登着。

  (l)climbing team登山队。climbing在这里是动名词,表示目的。所以,climbing team=team for climbing


  walking stick =stick for walking拐杖;sleeping bag =bag for sleeping睡袋;swimming suit =suit for swimming泳装。


  (3)towards =toward(介词)朝……的方向,但不一定到该处。


  11. I had never spoken English with an English person before I went to Toronto.去Toronto之前,我从未与英国人用英语交谈过。

  (1)speak with sb(暗示“俩人互讲”)比speak to sb(暗示“一个讲,另一人听”)更为合理一点。

  (2)这里的English person应该等于English-speaking person,而非person from England。

  Lesson 69 教学设计方案一

  Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Revise the grammar: The Adverbial Clause.

  2. Let the students understand the dialogue and learn some new words and expressions.

  Language Focus:

  so that / so . . . that, a traffic jam, before long, get angry with somebody, be busy doing something, be badly hurt.

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  1. Revise the vocabulary in the last unit.

  2. Get the students to retell the story in Lesson 66, ask two students to make a dialogue according to the reading, one is Mr Green, the other is an inspector.

  III. Leading in

  Present this dialogue:

  T: Do you like going to the zoo?

  S: Yes.

  T: Will you go to the zoo with me next week?

  S: Yes, I’d love to.

  T: When and where shall we meet?

  S: At a quarter past eight, outside the school gate.

  T: All right.

  Let the students practise in pairs.

  IV. Presentation

  Tell the students : Today Lily and Li Lei will go to the zoo, they are waiting for Jim to come together, but Jim was late. Why was he late? Listen and find the answer,

  Part 1. Books closed. Play the tape for the students to find the answer.

  Books open. Ask the students to read through the dialogue and answer the questions in the workbook.

  V. Practice

  Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat, and make sure the students can understand what they mean. Explain some language points.

  1. get/be busy with somebody 2. Be busy doing something 3. not. . . any longer =no longer 5. Somebody be badly hurt. Let the students practise the dialogue in pairs, ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.

  VI. Practice

  Part 2. Ask the students to choose the best words from the box to complete the sentences. Ask the students to read the sentences.

  Note the use of “so. . . that”.

  VII. Workbook

  For Exercise 1, Let the students work alone, then check the answers with the whole class.

  For Exercise 2, do it with the students, the answers are:

  1. He was so hungry that he ate up all the food on the table.

  2. These houses are so expensive that few people can buy them.

  3. He got up early this morning so that he could see the doctor first.

  4. He ate less each meal so that he became much thinner.

  5. He drove his car very fast so that his car hit the electric - pole.

  For Exercise 3: Pay attention to the use of the words in bold, and translate the sentences into Chinese.

  VIII. Summary

  Exercises in class

  Translate the following into English.

  1. 他太小而不能上学。

  2. 李平昨天起床迟,结果上学迟到了。

  3. 这个桌子太重了,他搬不动。

  4. 爬山过后,我太疲劳了而不能再走了。

  5. 格林先生买了一辆车,以便他能周游世界。


  1. He was so young that he couldn't go to school.

  2. LJ Ping got up very late so that he was late for school.

  3. The desk is so heavy that he can't carry it.

  4. After climbing the hill, I was so tired that I couldn’t walk any more.

  5. Mr Green bought a car so that he could travel around the world.

  IX. Homework

  1. Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

  2. Act out the dialogue in Part 1.

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇2



  1.掌握本单元的词语:health, fast, of course, travel, safe, and so on, one day, job, helpful, get on;并复习上半学期学过的词语。


  3.掌握所学语法项目:形容词用法;提供和请求帮助用语;人称代词(主、宾格)有法;可数名词和不可数名词;some, a/an及量词用法;现在进行时;have的用法;介词用法;情态动词can的用法;一般现在时的用法.










  本单元第117课由两段对话组成,主要复习“交通”话题,形式是表演与自编对话;第 118课主要是关于“购物”的内容,形式有表演对话,小组问答练习,还有一个字谜游戏,复习一部分词汇;第119课以看图回答问题和表演对话为主体,复习有关“职业”的话题;第120课通过看图问答、阅读故事、听力练习和用名片做练习等方式综合复习现在进行时、一般现在时等语法项目,其中包括有关个人信息,如地址、电话、电子邮件地址、职业、个人日常活动等内容。










下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇3




  2.掌握本单元的词汇和惯用语,特别是before long,no one,not…any longer等短语的用法。



  5.认真学习“Because it’s there”,培养我们坚韧不拔和勇往直前的精神,树立远大的目标,不懈地为之奋斗。



  There is a little traffic accident.


  There’s a big traffic jam.



  We can’t wait any longer.

  我们不能再等了。(not … any longer=no longer,“不再”的意思)

  Sorry I’m late.


  Now we need to wait for Jim.


  Well, I’m sure he’ll be here before long.


  I’m beginning to get angry with him!


  Yes, we can’t wait any longer. Let’s go without him.



  That’s terrible! 


  That’s a really bad excuse!



  Let’s have a cup of coffee.



  本单元是复习单元,我们要复习前面5个单元的所学内容,主要是复习表示过去的时态(过去将来时态和过去完成时态)和动词不定式及定语从句。同时,我们要能就“等人”和“交通”话题进行日常交际。认真学习“Because it’s there”,培养我们的勇往直前的精神,同时要求掌握里面的重点词汇和习惯用语的用法。本单元通过填空的方式,帮助我们复习了形容词、副词比较等级的用法,以及形容词和副词作修饰语的位置。还复习了so that句型等。本单元的语法功能项目是定语从句,我们在上一单元对此已初步有所了解,应进一步学习它,为我们日后的高中阶段的学习打好基础。





  Sorry I’m late.

  Well, I’m sure he’ll be here before long.

  Let’s have a cup of coffee.

  What happened?

  That’s a really bad excuse!

  Come on. Let’s go to the zoo.

  并复习所涉及的语法,如用作宾语的不定式、so that和so… that句型等。

  Now we need to wait for Jim.

  I’m beginning to get angry with him!

  Well, first I was so busy reading a novel that I forgot to look at the time.

  I’m very sorry I’m so late.

  I took a taxi so that I would get here faster.



  第70课是一篇关于人类征服珠穆朗玛峰的课文。课文按时间顺序讲述了历史上几位登山者不屈不挠、勇于探索的经历。有George Mallory, Andrew Irvine, Edmund Hillary, Tenzing Norgay 等。文章结尾处以Mallory的话结束”Because it’s there”。


  关于写作方面的训练,可以围绕登山者所说的话,或是登山的历史过程展开。如可以就Because it’s there所体现的精神,让学生们分析,为什么作者会以这样一句话作为标题,它能颂扬一种怎样的精神?让学生们写下他们的感想。或者根据人类登上最高峰的历史资料和图片,仿照课文的谋篇策略,以一名新闻记者身份,整理出有关珠穆朗玛峰的攀登历史。


  1.mist [mist] n. 雾,其形容词为misty,比较级为mistier,最高级为mistiest。

  [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页  

  【例】(l)The accident happened on a misty evening.


  (2)She is lost in the mists of time.


  (3)The distant trees misted over. ( vi. )


  2.alive[E5laiv]adj.活着的,come alive表示“活跃起来”,stay alive表示“继续活着;幸存”的意思。

  【例】(l)Was the lion alive or dead?


  (2)He is alive to his own interests.


  3.Well, first I was so busy reading a novel that I forgot to look at the time.

  句中be busy dong sth是“忙于做某事”,而be busy with sth 则是“忙于某事”的意思。forget的过去式为forgot,过去分词为forgotten,其后的宾语可以由不定式充当,也可以由动词的-ing形式来充当,但两者的意思是有区别的。forget to do sth是“忘记做某事”,此事还未做;forget doing sth是“忘记了做过某事”,此事已做过。

  【例】(l)Don't forget to post the letter.


  (2)He has forgotten to pay me.


  (3)I shall never forget hearing Chaliapin singing the part of Boris Go-dunov.


  (4)Forgive and forget.不念旧恶。

  4.Now we need to wait for Jim.现在,我们须等等Jim。


  need既能作情态动词,也能作规则动词。need解释为规则动词的“需要;要”时,相当于want,need+ V-ing =need to be + V - ed

  例:It needs rewriting. =It needs to be rewritten. 它需重写.

  need解释规则动词的“必要”时,相当于be necessary,通常限用于疑问句及否定句中。


  5.He can visit his sick grandmother. 他可以去探望他生病的祖母。

  (1)visit(动词)=go to/and see 看望、访问、游览。


  例:visit a friend访友,visit Rome游访罗马,visit at a hotel住在旅馆里,a visiting card名片,a visiting professor客籍教授,pay a visit to =visit, go on a visit to去……游览,be on a visit to =be visiting 正在游览。



  on sick leave在病假中,sick room病房。

  be sick of sth or sb =be tired of 厌倦……

  6.I’m sure he will be here before long.我肯定他不久就会来的。”

  before long的意思是“不久以后,很快”用于将来时态。而 long before意为“很早以前”,用于过去时。例如:

  (1)I hope to see you again before long.我希望不久再见到你。

  (2)We finished our work long before.我们早就把工作做完了。

  7.I'm beginning to get angry with him.我开始生他的气了。

  get在本句中当系动词,后跟形容词作表语。意思是“变为……;变得……”。需要注意的是 get angry with与 be angry with虽然汉语意思相同,但前者更强调“由不生气变得生气了”这一过程。例如:

  (1)Spring comes, it gets warmer and warmer.春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。

  (2)I hope you will get better soon.我希望你很快就会好多了。

  8.Mallory was an English school teacher who loved climbing.


  【例】(1)I didn't see the man who/that stole my bag.


  (2)Most people who/that live in less developed countries are quite poor.


  9.… but some people wondered whether Mallory and Irvine had got there first.

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页  


  【例】(1)I don't wonder at her refusing to marry him.


  (2)I wondered to hear her voice in the next room.


  (3)I wonder what she wants.我想知道她需要什么。

  (4)I was wondering how to get there quickly.


  10.The other members of their climbing team watched as Mallory and Irvine climbed slowly up towards the summit. 登山队的其他成员看着Mallory和Irvine向着峰顶缓慢地攀登着。

  (l)climbing team登山队。climbing在这里是动名词,表示目的。所以,climbing team=team for climbing


  walking stick =stick for walking拐杖;sleeping bag =bag for sleeping睡袋;swimming suit =suit for swimming泳装。


  (3)towards =toward(介词)朝……的方向,但不一定到该处。


  11. I had never spoken English with an English person before I went to Toronto.去Toronto之前,我从未与英国人用英语交谈过。

  (1)speak with sb(暗示“俩人互讲”)比speak to sb(暗示“一个讲,另一人听”)更为合理一点。

  (2)这里的English person应该等于English-speaking person,而非person from England。

  Lesson 69 教学设计方案一

  Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Revise the grammar: The Adverbial Clause.

  2. Let the students understand the dialogue and learn some new words and expressions.

  Language Focus:

  so that / so . . . that, a traffic jam, before long, get angry with somebody, be busy doing something, be badly hurt.

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  1. Revise the vocabulary in the last unit.

  2. Get the students to retell the story in Lesson 66, ask two students to make a dialogue according to the reading, one is Mr Green, the other is an inspector.

  III. Leading in

  Present this dialogue:

  T: Do you like going to the zoo?

  S: Yes.

  T: Will you go to the zoo with me next week?

  S: Yes, I’d love to.

  T: When and where shall we meet?

  S: At a quarter past eight, outside the school gate.

  T: All right.

  Let the students practise in pairs.

  IV. Presentation

  Tell the students : Today Lily and Li Lei will go to the zoo, they are waiting for Jim to come together, but Jim was late. Why was he late? Listen and find the answer,

  Part 1. Books closed. Play the tape for the students to find the answer.

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页  

  Books open. Ask the students to read through the dialogue and answer the questions in the workbook.

  V. Practice

  Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat, and make sure the students can understand what they mean. Explain some language points.

  1. get/be busy with somebody 2. Be busy doing something 3. not. . . any longer =no longer 5. Somebody be badly hurt. Let the students practise the dialogue in pairs, ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.

  VI. Practice

  Part 2. Ask the students to choose the best words from the box to complete the sentences. Ask the students to read the sentences.

  Note the use of “so. . . that”.

  VII. Workbook

  For Exercise 1, Let the students work alone, then check the answers with the whole class.

  For Exercise 2, do it with the students, the answers are:

  1. He was so hungry that he ate up all the food on the table.

  2. These houses are so expensive that few people can buy them.

  3. He got up early this morning so that he could see the doctor first.

  4. He ate less each meal so that he became much thinner.

  5. He drove his car very fast so that his car hit the electric - pole.

  For Exercise 3: Pay attention to the use of the words in bold, and translate the sentences into Chinese.

  VIII. Summary

  Exercises in class

  Translate the following into English.

  1. 他太小而不能上学。

  2. 李平昨天起床迟,结果上学迟到了。

  3. 这个桌子太重了,他搬不动。

  4. 爬山过后,我太疲劳了而不能再走了。

  5. 格林先生买了一辆车,以便他能周游世界。


  1. He was so young that he couldn't go to school.

  2. LJ Ping got up very late so that he was late for school.

  3. The desk is so heavy that he can't carry it.

  4. After climbing the hill, I was so tired that I couldn’t walk any more.

  5. Mr Green bought a car so that he could travel around the world.

  IX. Homework

  1. Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

  2. Act out the dialogue in Part 1.

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] 

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇4






  1.重点词汇 development;press;form;include;describe;come out;throw away;at the same time

  2.重要句型 1)In the beginning they used to carve Chinese characters on stones to record important dates In history.2)It took a long time to carve a page for a book.3)It Is believed that before writing was developed,people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.









  Lesson 77

  1.Appoints one or two students to practice a dialog alike this:

  A: What happened before printing was invented?

  B: Other ways had to be used to record information. . . Then divide the whole class into groups of 4 to follow suit.

  2. Ask some questions about the modern printing. Then get the students to list the ways of printing in modern times.

  Lesson 78 (Oral practice)

  Suppose you were a guide, introduce the development of paper-making in China to foreigners.



  What happened before printing was invented?

  What happened after printing was invented?

  2.教师把有关的早期图片给学生看,讲述造纸的特点:可以掌握以下的句型和单词,如:come out, keep a record,  carve, throw away. 等等


  1. 教师在设计本课的教学过程中,让学生了解中国古代的文明。可参照下列各国纸的制造时间的出现:


  中东  8A.D.





  1.stone, animal bones, metal pots, bamboo, wood

  2.silk books

  3.fibres of plants


  都是围绕着printing这个话题来让学生们学习和了解这方面的知识。对话中主要运用了询问等方面的用语。及有用的词汇如:come out, keep records, back-to-front等用法。课文中同时也运用了It is believed +that clause….The problem was that等同位语从句,动词-ing形式,被动语态, 形容词. +带to不定式”结构的理解。




  What happened?

  In the beginning they…

  But later, people developed…

  How did the printing come out?

  The next development was to…



  Part 1   (Paragraph 1) Paper was one of the most important inventions in the whole of Chinese history.

  Part 2  Paragraphs 2― 5) How paper was invented and develop.

  (Paragraph 2―3) Chinese people used stones, animal bones, metal pots, and pieces of bamboo or wood to keep records.

  (Paragraph 4) Chinese people made a kind of paper as soft and light as silk but much less expensive.

  (Paragraph 5) The making of paper was well developed; the invention reached other countries.

  [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页  

  The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. 中国人造纸已经有两千年了。

  此句谓语动词用了现在完成时,其结构是have/ has been+现在分词。


  I’ve been writing a letter. 我一直在写信。(我仍在写信)

  I’ve written a letter. 我写了一封信。(信已写好)

  They have been cleaning the classroom. (这项工作仍在进行)比较:

  They have cleaned the classroom. 他们把教室打扫过了。(这项工作已经完成)


  It is believed that before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together. 据悉,在有文字以前,中国人常把许多石头放在一起来记事。

  1)  本句用的句型是“It is believed + that clause.”


  “It is believed +that-clause”相当于“People believe+ that-clause”可译作“人们相信/据信……”。类似的结构有:“It is said/ known/ agreed/ thought + that-clause”。例如:

  It is believed that there is plenty of oil off our coast. 据信我国沿海有大量的石油。


  It is thought that he (has) made much money by selling cigarettes. 人们认为他靠卖香烟赚了很多钱。

  At the same time another kind of paper was developed, made form silk. 在这一时期,研制了另一种纸,它是用丝帛制成的。

  1)at the same time 作“同时”解。如:

  They went their different ways, but arrived at the same time. 他们走的是不同的路线,但却同时到了。

  2)made from silk过去分词短语作定语,相当于一个非限制性定语从句,which was made from silk修饰主语another kind of paper.

  The problem was that it was too valuable for everyday use. 问题是这些丝织品太贵重,用作日常的书写太昂贵。

  (1)句中的“The problem is that…”是个常用句型,在英语语法中,它被称作“主系表” (主语+连系动词+表语)结构。而其中的表语用了一个从句形式(that-clause)。这类句型的主语往往用下列名词question, reason, result, fact, suggestion等。例如:

  The question is whether we can finish our work by tomorrow evening. 问题在于我们能否在明晚以前完成我们的工作。

  The fact is that he never told me the truth. 事实是,他从未对我讲真话。


  The room is too small for us three. 这房间太小,我们三人住不下。

  说明:“too…to”也表达同一含意。区别是:for +n/ pron.; to+in f.。

  By the first century the making of paper in some parts of China had been well developed and had become common. 到了公元一世纪,中国有些地区造纸业已十分发达并且变得普遍了。

  本句有两个并列谓语,都用了过去完成时态(had been well developed和had become common),表示在过去某一时间之前已经发生的动作。这一过去时间是通过介词by的短语(By the first century)来表示的。又如:

  She had not finished her report by yesterday afternoon. 到昨天下午为止,她还没有写完报告。

  By the end of last week all the plans had been made. 到上周末为止,所有的计划都订出来了。

  They carved a whole page of characters back to front in the wood

  “back to front” 是一个合成词,作“反面地”解,在句中作状语,修饰动词carved。



  side-by-side(肩并肩)、hand-in-hand (手牵手)等


  The boy has his sweater on back to front.

  He came face to face with death.

  Although these were much more useful than the metal pots, they were still difficult to read and were very heavy to carry. 和金属锅相比,这些书籍虽然有用得多,但是读起来还是很费劲,拿起来又很重。

  1)句中的much为副词,修饰比较级,表示程度,可译为“……得多”。能充当这类程度状语的副词还有far, a lot, even, still, a great deal, a bit, a little等。例如:

  Houses are much/ far / a lot more expensive these days. 如今房子贵多了。

  The Chinese farmers are even/ still/ all the / a great deal richer than before. 中国农民比以前更富了。

  注意:程度副词every, too等不能和比较级连用。

  2)difficult to read和heavy to carry同属于“adj. +带to不定式”结构。


  Those programmes are usually easy to receive and not difficult to understand. 这些节目通常都很容易接收到,而且也不难听懂。

  适应于这种结构的形容词还有:easy, hard, difficult, impossible, comfortable, pleasant, heavy, interesting, pretty等。

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页  


  辨析every day与everyday

  every day分开写,在句中通常作状语,表示“每天”;


  You should read English every day. 你应该每天都读英语。

  You should practise your English in everyday life. 你应该在每天的日常生活中去练习英语。





  The basket contains a variety of fruits. 这篮子里装有各种水果。

  The price includes the tax.这价钱包括税金。

  注意:与include 有关的including,included的用法。例如:

  We all went to the museum, Lily included. 我们去了博物馆,莉莉也去了。

  The band played many songs, including some of my favourites.


  辨析method 和way



  It is English way of living. 这是英国人的生活方式。


  We must improve the method of teaching English. 我们必须改进英语教学法。

  辨析at the same time与meanwhile


  不同点:at the same time意为同时,然而。有两种表示:

  1)  两个动作或情况在同一时间发生或存在;



  It will cost a lot of money. At the same time, I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful.    这要花不少钱,但是我们还是需要它,它肯定对我们有用处。

  They’ll be here soon. Meanwhile let’s have coffee. 他们很快就到,在此期间,我们来喝咖啡吧。

  辨析in the beginning, at the beginning






  3)与at last“最后”相对,常用at


  The new school term start at / in the beginning of September. 新学期九月初开始。

  The shop is at the beginning of the road. 商店就在道路的起点处。

  In the beginning, we sued hand tools, Later we had machines. 起初,我们用手工工具,后来我们用机器。

  She was against the plan at the beginning, but at last she was for it. 她起初反对这个计划,但最后还是同意了。

  Lesson 77 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  Let the students know the development of printing mentioned in the dialogue.

  Learn some words: for example print, carve, come out ,press, throw away.

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页  

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Presentation

  (Teacher) Today we are going to learn about printing in Chinese history.

  1. Show the students a picture on which the Chinese characters are white.

  2. Show the students another picture on which the Chinese characters are black.

  Step 2 Listen to the dialogue

  Ask someone to answer the questions.

  1) How many ways of printing are mentioned in the dialogue? Two.

  2) What are they?

  One way is using rocks and paper; the other way is using wood and paper.

  Step 3Read the dialogue aloud after the tape.

  Step 4Practise the dialogue in pairs.

  Step 5 Deal with the language points.

  Step 6 Listen to the whole dialogue again to review.

  Step 7 Work in pairs. (Part 2 Oral practice)

  Step 8 Workbook

  Finish the exercises in the workbook.

  Step 9 Exercises

  1 .The ________ _________ _______ (印刷的发明)is very important in history.

  2. It s said that another new coal mine ________ _______ ______(据报道)in the north.

  3. I enjoy the animal __________ _______ _________ _________ (刻在石头上的)by him.

  4. Don't ________ _________ (乱扔) waste paper here and there. Keep the room clean, please.

  5.Will _________ _________ ________ (花我们时间)an hour to finish the work?

  6. In fact, paper was ______ _____ ______ ________ ________ (四大发明之一) in ancient China.

  7. It is believed that ______ _____ ______ ________ _______  ______ _____ (已经建立起许多现化工厂) in Chengdu in the past few years.

  8. ____ ______ ______ (据报道) that at least a score of buildings were damaged or destroyed .

  9. ________ ________ __________ (问题是) that we don't know his address for the time being.

  10. He made a living ________ ________ _________ (通过卖报纸).


  1.invention, of, printing 6. one, of. Four, Great, Inventions

  2. has, been, discovered 7. many modem factories have been set up

  3. carved, on, the, stones 8. It is reported

  4. throw, away 9. The problem is

  5. it, lake, us  10. by selling newspaper.

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] 

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇5



  一、教学目标 与要求



  1.重点词汇 development;press;form;include;describe;come out;throw away;at the same time

  2.重要句型 1)In the beginning they used to carve Chinese characters on stones to record important dates In history.2)It took a long time to carve a page for a book.3)It Is believed that before writing was developed,people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.









  Lesson 77

  1.Appoints one or two students to practice a dialog alike this:

  A: What happened before printing was invented?

  B: Other ways had to be used to record information. . . Then divide the whole class into groups of 4 to follow suit.

  2. Ask some questions about the modern printing. Then get the students to list the ways of printing in modern times.

  Lesson 78 (Oral practice)

  Suppose you were a guide, introduce the development of paper-making in China to foreigners.



  What happened before printing was invented?

  What happened after printing was invented?

  2.教师把有关的早期图片给学生看,讲述造纸的特点:可以掌握以下的句型和单词,如:come out, keep a record,  carve, throw away. 等等


  1. 教师在设计本课的教学过程 中,让学生了解中国古代的文明。可参照下列各国纸的制造时间的出现:


  中东  8A.D.





  1.stone, animal bones, metal pots, bamboo, wood

  2.silk books

  3.fibres of plants


  都是围绕着printing这个话题来让学生们学习和了解这方面的知识。对话中主要运用了询问等方面的用语。及有用的词汇如:come out, keep records, back-to-front等用法。课文中同时也运用了It is believed +that clause….The problem was that等同位语从句,动词-ing形式,被动语态, 形容词. +带to不定式”结构的理解。




  What happened?

  In the beginning they…

  But later, people developed…

  How did the printing come out?

  The next development was to…



  Part 1   (Paragraph 1) Paper was one of the most important inventions in the whole of Chinese history.

  Part 2  Paragraphs 2― 5) How paper was invented and develop.

  (Paragraph 2―3) Chinese people used stones, animal bones, metal pots, and pieces of bamboo or wood to keep records.

  (Paragraph 4) Chinese people made a kind of paper as soft and light as silk but much less expensive.

  (Paragraph 5) The making of paper was well developed; the invention reached other countries.

  The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. 中国人造纸已经有两千年了。

  此句谓语动词用了现在完成时,其结构是have/ has been+现在分词。


  I’ve been writing a letter. 我一直在写信。(我仍在写信)

  I’ve written a letter. 我写了一封信。(信已写好)

  They have been cleaning the classroom. (这项工作仍在进行)比较:

  They have cleaned the classroom. 他们把教室打扫过了。(这项工作已经完成)


  It is believed that before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together. 据悉,在有文字以前,中国人常把许多石头放在一起来记事。

  1)  本句用的句型是“It is believed + that clause.”


  “It is believed +that-clause”相当于“People believe+ that-clause”可译作“人们相信/据信……”。类似的结构有:“It is said/ known/ agreed/ thought + that-clause”。例如:

  It is believed that there is plenty of oil off our coast. 据信我国沿海有大量的石油。


  It is thought that he (has) made much money by selling cigarettes. 人们认为他靠卖香烟赚了很多钱。

  At the same time another kind of paper was developed, made form silk. 在这一时期,研制了另一种纸,它是用丝帛制成的。

  1)at the same time 作“同时”解。如:

  They went their different ways, but arrived at the same time. 他们走的是不同的路线,但却同时到了。

  2)made from silk过去分词短语作定语,相当于一个非限制性定语从句,which was made from silk修饰主语another kind of paper.

  The problem was that it was too valuable for everyday use. 问题是这些丝织品太贵重,用作日常的书写太昂贵。

  (1)句中的“The problem is that…”是个常用句型,在英语语法中,它被称作“主系表” (主语+连系动词+表语)结构。而其中的表语用了一个从句形式(that-clause)。这类句型的主语往往用下列名词question, reason, result, fact, suggestion等。例如:

  The question is whether we can finish our work by tomorrow evening. 问题在于我们能否在明晚以前完成我们的工作。

  The fact is that he never told me the truth. 事实是,他从未对我讲真话。


  The room is too small for us three. 这房间太小,我们三人住不下。

  说明:“too…to”也表达同一含意。区别是:for +n/ pron.; to+in f.。

  By the first century the making of paper in some parts of China had been well developed and had become common. 到了公元一世纪,中国有些地区造纸业已十分发达并且变得普遍了。

  本句有两个并列谓语,都用了过去完成时态(had been well developed和had become common),表示在过去某一时间之前已经发生的动作。这一过去时间是通过介词by的短语(By the first century)来表示的。又如:

  She had not finished her report by yesterday afternoon. 到昨天下午为止,她还没有写完报告。

  By the end of last week all the plans had been made. 到上周末为止,所有的计划都订出来了。

  They carved a whole page of characters back to front in the wood

  “back to front” 是一个合成词,作“反面地”解,在句中作状语,修饰动词carved。



  side-by-side(肩并肩)、hand-in-hand (手牵手)等


  The boy has his sweater on back to front.

  He came face to face with death.

  Although these were much more useful than the metal pots, they were still difficult to read and were very heavy to carry. 和金属锅相比,这些书籍虽然有用得多,但是读起来还是很费劲,拿起来又很重。

  1)句中的much为副词,修饰比较级,表示程度,可译为“……得多”。能充当这类程度状语的副词还有far, a lot, even, still, a great deal, a bit, a little等。例如:

  Houses are much/ far / a lot more expensive these days. 如今房子贵多了。

  The Chinese farmers are even/ still/ all the / a great deal richer than before. 中国农民比以前更富了。

  注意:程度副词every, too等不能和比较级连用。

  2)difficult to read和heavy to carry同属于“adj. +带to不定式”结构。


  Those programmes are usually easy to receive and not difficult to understand. 这些节目通常都很容易接收到,而且也不难听懂。

  适应于这种结构的形容词还有:easy, hard, difficult, impossible, comfortable, pleasant, heavy, interesting, pretty等。


  辨析every day与everyday

  every day分开写,在句中通常作状语,表示“每天”;


  You should read English every day. 你应该每天都读英语。

  You should practise your English in everyday life. 你应该在每天的日常生活中去练习英语。





  The basket contains a variety of fruits. 这篮子里装有各种水果。

  The price includes the tax.这价钱包括税金。

  注意:与include 有关的including,included的用法。例如:

  We all went to the museum, Lily included. 我们去了博物馆,莉莉也去了。

  The band played many songs, including some of my favourites.


  辨析method 和way



  It is English way of living. 这是英国人的生活方式。


  We must improve the method of teaching English. 我们必须改进英语教学法。

  辨析at the same time与meanwhile


  不同点:at the same time意为同时,然而。有两种表示:

  1)  两个动作或情况在同一时间发生或存在;



  It will cost a lot of money. At the same time, I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful.    这要花不少钱,但是我们还是需要它,它肯定对我们有用处。

  They’ll be here soon. Meanwhile let’s have coffee. 他们很快就到,在此期间,我们来喝咖啡吧。

  辨析in the beginning, at the beginning






  3)与at last“最后”相对,常用at


  The new school term start at / in the beginning of September. 新学期九月初开始。

  The shop is at the beginning of the road. 商店就在道路的起点处。

  In the beginning, we sued hand tools, Later we had machines. 起初,我们用手工工具,后来我们用机器。

  She was against the plan at the beginning, but at last she was for it. 她起初反对这个计划,但最后还是同意了。

  Lesson 77 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  Let the students know the development of printing mentioned in the dialogue.

  Learn some words: for example print, carve, come out ,press, throw away.

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Presentation

  (Teacher) Today we are going to learn about printing in Chinese history.

  1. Show the students a picture on which the Chinese characters are white.

  2. Show the students another picture on which the Chinese characters are black.

  Step 2 Listen to the dialogue

  Ask someone to answer the questions.

  1) How many ways of printing are mentioned in the dialogue? Two.

  2) What are they?

  One way is using rocks and paper; the other way is using wood and paper.

  Step 3Read the dialogue aloud after the tape.

  Step 4Practise the dialogue in pairs.

  Step 5 Deal with the language points.

  Step 6 Listen to the whole dialogue again to review.

  Step 7 Work in pairs. (Part 2 Oral practice)

  Step 8 Workbook

  Finish the exercises in the workbook.

  Step 9 Exercises

  1 .The ________ _________ _______ (印刷的发明)is very important in history.

  2. It s said that another new coal mine ________ _______ ______(据报道)in the north.

  3. I enjoy the animal __________ _______ _________ _________ (刻在石头上的)by him.

  4. Don't ________ _________ (乱扔) waste paper here and there. Keep the room clean, please.

  5.Will _________ _________ ________ (花我们时间)an hour to finish the work?

  6. In fact, paper was ______ _____ ______ ________ ________ (四大发明之一) in ancient China.

  7. It is believed that ______ _____ ______ ________ _______  ______ _____ (已经建立起许多现化工厂) in Chengdu in the past few years.

  8. ____ ______ ______ (据报道) that at least a score of buildings were damaged or destroyed .

  9. ________ ________ __________ (问题是) that we don't know his address for the time being.

  10. He made a living ________ ________ _________ (通过卖报纸).


  1.invention, of, printing 6. one, of. Four, Great, Inventions

  2. has, been, discovered 7. many modem factories have been set up

  3. carved, on, the, stones 8. It is reported

  4. throw, away 9. The problem is

  5. it, lake, us  10. by selling newspaper.

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇6




  2.掌握本单元的词汇和惯用语,特别是before long,no one,not…any longer等短语的用法。



  5.认真学习“Because it’s there”,培养我们坚韧不拔和勇往直前的精神,树立远大的目标,不懈地为之奋斗。



  There is a little traffic accident.


  There’s a big traffic jam.



  We can’t wait any longer.

  我们不能再等了。(not … any longer=no longer,“不再”的意思)

  Sorry I’m late.


  Now we need to wait for Jim.


  Well, I’m sure he’ll be here before long.


  I’m beginning to get angry with him!


  Yes, we can’t wait any longer. Let’s go without him.



  That’s terrible! 


  That’s a really bad excuse!



  Let’s have a cup of coffee.



  本单元是复习单元,我们要复习前面5个单元的所学内容,主要是复习表示过去的时态(过去将来时态和过去完成时态)和动词不定式及定语从句。同时,我们要能就“等人”和“交通”话题进行日常交际。认真学习“Because it’s there”,培养我们的勇往直前的精神,同时要求掌握里面的重点词汇和习惯用语的用法。本单元通过填空的方式,帮助我们复习了形容词、副词比较等级的用法,以及形容词和副词作修饰语的位置。还复习了so that句型等。本单元的语法功能项目是定语从句,我们在上一单元对此已初步有所了解,应进一步学习它,为我们日后的高中阶段的学习打好基础。





  Sorry I’m late.

  Well, I’m sure he’ll be here before long.

  Let’s have a cup of coffee.

  What happened?

  That’s a really bad excuse!

  Come on. Let’s go to the zoo.

  并复习所涉及的语法,如用作宾语的不定式、so that和so… that句型等。

  Now we need to wait for Jim.

  I’m beginning to get angry with him!

  Well, first I was so busy reading a novel that I forgot to look at the time.

  I’m very sorry I’m so late.

  I took a taxi so that I would get here faster.



  第70课是一篇关于人类征服珠穆朗玛峰的课文。课文按时间顺序讲述了历史上几位登山者不屈不挠、勇于探索的经历。有George Mallory, Andrew Irvine, Edmund Hillary, Tenzing Norgay 等。文章结尾处以Mallory的话结束”Because it’s there”。


  关于写作方面的训练,可以围绕登山者所说的话,或是登山的历史过程展开。如可以就Because it’s there所体现的精神,让学生们分析,为什么作者会以这样一句话作为标题,它能颂扬一种怎样的精神?让学生们写下他们的感想。或者根据人类登上最高峰的历史资料和图片,仿照课文的谋篇策略,以一名新闻记者身份,整理出有关珠穆朗玛峰的攀登历史。


  1.mist [mist] n. 雾,其形容词为misty,比较级为mistier,最高级为mistiest。

  【例】(l)The accident happened on a misty evening.


  (2)She is lost in the mists of time.


  (3)The distant trees misted over. ( vi. )


  2.alive[E5laiv]adj.活着的,come alive表示“活跃起来”,stay alive表示“继续活着;幸存”的意思。

  【例】(l)Was the lion alive or dead?


  (2)He is alive to his own interests.


  3.Well, first I was so busy reading a novel that I forgot to look at the time.

  句中be busy dong sth是“忙于做某事”,而be busy with sth 则是“忙于某事”的意思。forget的过去式为forgot,过去分词为forgotten,其后的宾语可以由不定式充当,也可以由动词的-ing形式来充当,但两者的意思是有区别的。forget to do sth是“忘记做某事”,此事还未做;forget doing sth是“忘记了做过某事”,此事已做过。

  【例】(l)Don't forget to post the letter.


  (2)He has forgotten to pay me.


  (3)I shall never forget hearing Chaliapin singing the part of Boris Go-dunov.


  (4)Forgive and forget.不念旧恶。

  4.Now we need to wait for Jim.现在,我们须等等Jim。


  need既能作情态动词,也能作规则动词。need解释为规则动词的“需要;要”时,相当于want,need+ V-ing =need to be + V - ed

  例:It needs rewriting. =It needs to be rewritten. 它需重写.

  need解释规则动词的“必要”时,相当于be necessary,通常限用于疑问句及否定句中。


  5.He can visit his sick grandmother. 他可以去探望他生病的祖母。

  (1)visit(动词)=go to/and see 看望、访问、游览。


  例:visit a friend访友,visit Rome游访罗马,visit at a hotel住在旅馆里,a visiting card名片,a visiting professor客籍教授,pay a visit to =visit, go on a visit to去……游览,be on a visit to =be visiting 正在游览。



  on sick leave在病假中,sick room病房。

  be sick of sth or sb =be tired of 厌倦……

  6.I’m sure he will be here before long.我肯定他不久就会来的。”

  before long的意思是“不久以后,很快”用于将来时态。而 long before意为“很早以前”,用于过去时。例如:

  (1)I hope to see you again before long.我希望不久再见到你。

  (2)We finished our work long before.我们早就把工作做完了。

  7.I'm beginning to get angry with him.我开始生他的气了。

  get在本句中当系动词,后跟形容词作表语。意思是“变为……;变得……”。需要注意的是 get angry with与 be angry with虽然汉语意思相同,但前者更强调“由不生气变得生气了”这一过程。例如:

  (1)Spring comes, it gets warmer and warmer.春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。

  (2)I hope you will get better soon.我希望你很快就会好多了。

  8.Mallory was an English school teacher who loved climbing.


  【例】(1)I didn't see the man who/that stole my bag.


  (2)Most people who/that live in less developed countries are quite poor.


  9.… but some people wondered whether Mallory and Irvine had got there first.


  【例】(1)I don't wonder at her refusing to marry him.


  (2)I wondered to hear her voice in the next room.


  (3)I wonder what she wants.我想知道她需要什么。

  (4)I was wondering how to get there quickly.


  10.The other members of their climbing team watched as Mallory and Irvine climbed slowly up towards the summit. 登山队的其他成员看着Mallory和Irvine向着峰顶缓慢地攀登着。

  (l)climbing team登山队。climbing在这里是动名词,表示目的。所以,climbing team=team for climbing


  walking stick =stick for walking拐杖;sleeping bag =bag for sleeping睡袋;swimming suit =suit for swimming泳装。


  (3)towards =toward(介词)朝……的方向,但不一定到该处。


  11. I had never spoken English with an English person before I went to Toronto.去Toronto之前,我从未与英国人用英语交谈过。

  (1)speak with sb(暗示“俩人互讲”)比speak to sb(暗示“一个讲,另一人听”)更为合理一点。

  (2)这里的English person应该等于English-speaking person,而非person from England。

  Lesson 69 教学设计方案一

  Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Revise the grammar: The Adverbial Clause.

  2. Let the students understand the dialogue and learn some new words and expressions.

  Language Focus:

  so that / so . . . that, a traffic jam, before long, get angry with somebody, be busy doing something, be badly hurt.

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  1. Revise the vocabulary in the last unit.

  2. Get the students to retell the story in Lesson 66, ask two students to make a dialogue according to the reading, one is Mr Green, the other is an inspector.

  III. Leading in

  Present this dialogue:

  T: Do you like going to the zoo?

  S: Yes.

  T: Will you go to the zoo with me next week?

  S: Yes, I’d love to.

  T: When and where shall we meet?

  S: At a quarter past eight, outside the school gate.

  T: All right.

  Let the students practise in pairs.

  IV. Presentation

  Tell the students : Today Lily and Li Lei will go to the zoo, they are waiting for Jim to come together, but Jim was late. Why was he late? Listen and find the answer,

  Part 1. Books closed. Play the tape for the students to find the answer.

  Books open. Ask the students to read through the dialogue and answer the questions in the workbook.

  V. Practice

  Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat, and make sure the students can understand what they mean. Explain some language points.

  1. get/be busy with somebody 2. Be busy doing something 3. not. . . any longer =no longer 5. Somebody be badly hurt. Let the students practise the dialogue in pairs, ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.

  VI. Practice

  Part 2. Ask the students to choose the best words from the box to complete the sentences. Ask the students to read the sentences.

  Note the use of “so. . . that”.

  VII. Workbook

  For Exercise 1, Let the students work alone, then check the answers with the whole class.

  For Exercise 2, do it with the students, the answers are:

  1. He was so hungry that he ate up all the food on the table.

  2. These houses are so expensive that few people can buy them.

  3. He got up early this morning so that he could see the doctor first.

  4. He ate less each meal so that he became much thinner.

  5. He drove his car very fast so that his car hit the electric - pole.

  For Exercise 3: Pay attention to the use of the words in bold, and translate the sentences into Chinese.

  VIII. Summary

  Exercises in class

  Translate the following into English.

  1. 他太小而不能上学。

  2. 李平昨天起床迟,结果上学迟到了。

  3. 这个桌子太重了,他搬不动。

  4. 爬山过后,我太疲劳了而不能再走了。

  5. 格林先生买了一辆车,以便他能周游世界。


  1. He was so young that he couldn't go to school.

  2. LJ Ping got up very late so that he was late for school.

  3. The desk is so heavy that he can't carry it.

  4. After climbing the hill, I was so tired that I couldn’t walk any more.

  5. Mr Green bought a car so that he could travel around the world.

  IX. Homework

  1. Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

  2. Act out the dialogue in Part 1.

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇7



  1.掌握本单元的词语:health, fast, of course, travel, safe, and so on, one day, job, helpful, get on;并复习上半学期学过的词语。


  3.掌握所学语法项目:形容词用法;提供和请求帮助用语;人称代词(主、宾格)有法;可数名词和不可数名词;some, a/an及量词用法;现在进行时;have的用法;介词用法;情态动词can的用法;一般现在时的用法.










  本单元第117课由两段对话组成,主要复习“交通”话题,形式是表演与自编对话;第 118课主要是关于“购物”的内容,形式有表演对话,小组问答练习,还有一个字谜游戏,复习一部分词汇;第119课以看图回答问题和表演对话为主体,复习有关“职业”的话题;第120课通过看图问答、阅读故事、听力练习和用名片做练习等方式综合复习现在进行时、一般现在时等语法项目,其中包括有关个人信息,如地址、电话、电子邮件地址、职业、个人日常活动等内容。










  下学期 Unit 30 Mainly revision

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇8





  1.重点词汇 live (adj. ); realize; persuade; provide; Sail; turn down; call back; Ring off; start doing something; come to

  2.重要句型 1) His greatest success has not been in singing but in organizing other singers to sing for him-for free 12) He persuaded all the world-famous pop stars to come and sing at one of these concerts for free. 3) By the end of the year, the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of which were sent to Africa.






  Part 1( Paragraph 1) Bob Geldlf is one of the most famous pop stars of the twentieth century.

  Part 2 (Paragraph 2) General introduction to Bob Geldof’s personal Life and singing

  Part 3

  ( Paragraphs 3~5 ) Bob Geldolf made the record Do they know it’s Christmas' with other pop stars to collect money for hungry people in Africa.

  ( Paragraph 3 ) Bob Geldolf got the idea to make a pop record.

  (Paragraph 4) By January 1985, 5 million pounds had been collected.

  (Paragraph 5) He went to African countries to see how the money should be spent.

  Part 4

  (Paragraphs 6~) Bob Geldolf made a even bigger project.

  (Paragraph 6) He had the idea of organizing two big pop concerts on the same day.

  (Paragraph 7) The concerts were quite successful.



  When he .saw pictures of hungry people he became sad and angry, so he

  wanted to do something to help them.


  The money from the record sales could be spent on food and other

  things for Africa.

  The lst Project

  He rang up all his friends in the pop world and they all agreed to sing on

  his record for free. So a pop record was produced. Soon money increased

  to 5 million pounds. He went to six African countries and realized

  hunger was only one of the problems.

  The 2nd Project

  He organized two big pop concerts on the same day in England and in

  the USA. He persuaded all the world-famous pop stars to come and sing

  for free and other people to give help. Over 92 million dollars from ticket

  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页  

  sales and radio and TV companies were collected and sent to Africa.


  Listening and reading

  1.Ask the Ss What was the message that Bob left for Eric? Read the second dialogue to find the answer. (Bob wants Eric to play in the concert.

  2.Go through the dialogue and discuss language points. Read or play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat, then let them practise the dialogue in pairs.


  Tell the Ss that they are organizing a basketball / volleyball / football match. Do an example with the whole class, then let the Ss make up dialogues in pairs. Have some pairs act out their dialogues.


  Lesson 101


  Lesson 102



  Lesson 103




  Bob tries another pop star. This time he has more difficulty in getting through.


  have difficulty in doing sth. 意思是“在做某事方面有困难”,in也可以省略,difficulty或trouble在该词组中为不可数名词。前面可以有much, a little, no, some, any等修饰,如:

  Everyone in the town knew him, so we had no difficult (in) finding his house. 因为城里人人都知道他,所以我们很容易就找到了他的家。

  Do you have any difficulty (in) working out this maths problem? 你做这道数学题有困难吗?

  have (…) difficulty/trouble + with +n. 在……有困难

  She has no trouble with her homework.

  He is ringing up some pop stars. He wants them to play in a concert.他在给一些流行歌星打电话,想叫他们在音乐会上演唱。

  play:作“演奏”“演唱”,可以是及物,也可以是不及物。play还可以用于运动方面,如:打(篮球),踢(足球),打(排球)等。应注意的是:play+乐器时,该名词前用定冠词,但如果是球类方面,就不用定冠词。如果要表达“玩…”,应用play with。

  She played the pipa quite successfully.她的琵琶弹得非常成功。

  Not all the students go to play basketball after class.不是所有的学生都下课以后去打篮球。

  Ask the children not to play with fire. It's very dangerous.叫孩子们别玩火,那非常危险。

  I’ll be the biggest live concert the world has ever seen.那场音乐会将是世人曾见过的最大场面的现场直播音乐会。


  ①There will be a live TV broadcast of basketball match between China and Japan.电视将现场直播中日篮球赛。

  It is always a live TV broadcast of spring Festival programme.春节晚会的节目都是现场直播的。

  注:句中的the world指“全世界的人”,它作主语时,谓语动词常用单数,很少用复数。

  All the world knows what he will say. 全世界人都知道他将会说什么。

  …and later as a worker building roads. ……后来当了筑路工人。

  building roads 是-ing形式短语.修饰句中的名词worker,作后置定语,它相当于定语从句who built roads。单个的-ing词语作定语时,通常要放在它所修饰的名词或代词之前。如果这个-ing形式是短语,则要将这个短语放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后。如:

  Do you know the girl standing under the tree?你认识站在树下的那个女孩吗?

  In l975 he returned to Dublin, the capital of the Irish Republic, where he found his own pop group.1975年他回到了爱尔兰共和国的首都――都柏林,组织了他自己的流行歌唱队。

  句中的 the capital of the Irish Republic是Dublin的同位语,而where he found his own pop group是宾语从句;修饰它的先行词Dublin.一般情况下,定语从句中常直接置于被修饰的先行词之后。少数情况定语从句没有位于被修饰的先行词之后,而是被句子中的其他成分所分隔,这种定语从句在英英语法中称为分隔式定语从句。

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页  

  He rang up all his friends in the pop world; including the most famous pop stars.他打电话给流行歌坛的所有朋友们,包括最有名气的流行歌星。


  the sports world(体育界),the art world(艺术界),the racing world(赛马界),the world of science(科学界)等。

  2)including是动词include(包括)的-ing形式,作定语。这个-ing短语相当于一个非限制性定语从句(which includes the most famous pop stars.)例如:

  She is fond of music, including folk songs, pop songs and American country music.他喜欢音乐,包括民歌、流行歌曲和美国乡村音乐。

  Our group has six people, including three women. 我们小组有六个人,包括三个女的。

  3)注意把including的位置变化后的特殊表达形式,如上面的句子;Our group has six people, three women included.这相当于独立主句结构,(there women being included)主要形式以后再深入学习。

  By the end of the year, the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of which were went to Africa.到年底为止筹集到的全部款项达9200多万美元,所有的这些钱都送到非洲。

  (l)the total money collected中的collected是过去分词作后置定语。它相当于定语从句the total money that has been collected.过去分词作后置定语通常表示被动意义,即过去分词所修饰的名词是分词所表动作的承受者,本例的money就是collected所表动作的承受者。

  (2)come to意为“达到,总计”。它的本意是“来到”,但常用来表示达到某个数量,如:

  His total income comes to more than three thousand yuan a month.他的总收入达到每个月三千多元。

  (3)“…,all of which were sent to Africa.”是由“不定代词+介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,相当于:All of the 92 million dollars were sent to Africa.如:

  We visited some places in France, all of which are world famous. 我们在法国参观了一些地方,所有这些地方都是举世闻名的。

  When I was a child, I learned lots of poems, most of which I can recite even小时候我学过许多诗,其中大部分即使到今天我都能背诵出来。


  辨析 manage to do, try to do



  try to do的意思是“努力去做某事”,但不一定会成功。而且去做的事情,不一定都是困难的。试比较:

  He tried to stop a car but he failed.他设法要拦一辆车,但没拦住。

  He managed to stop a car and got onto it他设法拦了一辆车,并上了车。

  辨析late, lately, later, latest





  He usually gets up late on Sundays.星期天他常起得迟。

  What have you been doing lately? 你最近忙些什么?

  Here is the latest magazine you want.这就是你要的最新的杂志。

  See you later.再见

  辨析for/by/of/to oneself

  1)for oneself为自己;独自,独立地,如:

  She kept the largest apple for herself.她把最大的苹果留给了自己。

  2)by oneself:alone独自,单独地。如:

  He lives by himself in the woods.他独自住在森林里。

  3)of oneself自动地,自发的,如:

  The door opened of itself.门自动开了。

  4)to oneself 对自己,私下,如:

  Tom thought to himself that he could win.汤姆私下认为他会赢。

  辨析realize, recognize



  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页  

  I realized that it was against the rule. 我意识到这是违反制度的。

  I recognized him though we parted(分开)for years. 尽管我们分开多年了,我还是认出了他。

  辨析persuade, advise:



  I persuade him to go home. 我说服他回家了。

  I tried to advise him to go home, but he refused. 我试图让他回家,他拒绝了。





  He also persuaded other people to provide money or to give help.他也劝服别人提供钱或给予帮助。

  These cars will be supplied to people all over the country.这些汽车将供应给全国各地的人们。


  Tom provided her a pretty hat.汤姆给她准备了一项漂亮的帽子。

  可说provided/supply sth. to sh.也可说provid/supply sb. with sth. ),如:

  The bank provided/supplied him with a loan $100,000银行为他提供了10万美元的贷款。


  Lesson 101 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  The way to make telephone calls and how to leave messages

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1.Lead in

  Show some pictures, then ask the students to answer the following questions.

  1.Do you like to listen to pop music?

  2. Can you tell me some of the famous singers of pop music?

  Step 2.Listening

  Play the recorder twice, then ask them to answer the questions

  1. When and where will the concert be?

  2.What was the message that Bob left for Eric?


  1. July 13th, London.   2. Bob wants Eric to play in the concert.

  Step 3.Practice

  Write down the important phrases and sentence patterns on the blackboard as follows: is that. . . ?Yes, speaking.

  Will you give him a message?

  Who's calling?

  Can you ring me back?

  Can I speak to . . . ?

  Ask the students to make up a new dialogue using these sentence patterns.

  Step 4.Practice

  Ask some of the pairs to act the Scenes out in the front of the classroom.

  Scene 1:Someone is ill and does not go to school today. Now he is making a phone call to one of his classmates, asking about the lessons today and what they will do tomorrow.

  Scene 2: Someone has managed to buy two tickets for the women football match---China ,USA, for the champion---this coming weekend. She is making a phone call to her friend, telling her the news and planning when and where they are going to meet.

  Step 5. Language study

  1.The teacher explains some new words to the students.

  2.Fill in the blanks with proper words.

  turn down, ring back, realize, persuade, provide, practise, non-stop, fly, manage , further

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页  

  1. His parents _________ him with the necessary money for his university study

  2. Please tell him I ______this afternoon, at about three o’clock.

  3. Would you mind _________the radio? I’m doing my homework.

  4. He finally _________his mistake, but it was too late.

  5. He tried hard ________me into lending him all my savings.

  6. The actors _________the movements a lot every day.

  7. Many live fish and fresh flowers are _________ to Beijing every day.

  8. The players made great efforts and they _________ to win the match.

  9. The runners ran over 42 kilometers _________.

  10. The museum is closed until _________notice.

  Key: 1. provide  2. will ring back  3. turning down   4. realized    5. to persuade  

  6. practise  7. flied    8. managed    9. non-stop   10. further

  Step 6 Homework

  1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  2.Prepare Lesson 102.

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇9


  一、教学目标 与要求



  1.重点词汇 live (adj. ); realize; persuade; provide; Sail; turn down; call back; Ring off; start doing something; come to

  2.重要句型 1) His greatest success has not been in singing but in organizing other singers to sing for him-for free 12) He persuaded all the world-famous pop stars to come and sing at one of these concerts for free. 3) By the end of the year, the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of which were sent to Africa.






  Part 1( Paragraph 1) Bob Geldlf is one of the most famous pop stars of the twentieth century.

  Part 2 (Paragraph 2) General introduction to Bob Geldof’s personal Life and singing

  Part 3

  ( Paragraphs 3~5 ) Bob Geldolf made the record Do they know it’s Christmas' with other pop stars to collect money for hungry people in Africa.

  ( Paragraph 3 ) Bob Geldolf got the idea to make a pop record.

  (Paragraph 4) By January 1985, 5 million pounds had been collected.

  (Paragraph 5) He went to African countries to see how the money should be spent.

  Part 4

  (Paragraphs 6~) Bob Geldolf made a even bigger project.

  (Paragraph 6) He had the idea of organizing two big pop concerts on the same day.

  (Paragraph 7) The concerts were quite successful.



  When he .saw pictures of hungry people he became sad and angry, so he

  wanted to do something to help them.


  The money from the record sales could be spent on food and other

  things for Africa.

  The lst Project

  He rang up all his friends in the pop world and they all agreed to sing on

  his record for free. So a pop record was produced. Soon money increased

  to 5 million pounds. He went to six African countries and realized

  hunger was only one of the problems.

  The 2nd Project

  He organized two big pop concerts on the same day in England and in

  the USA. He persuaded all the world-famous pop stars to come and sing

  for free and other people to give help. Over 92 million dollars from ticket

  sales and radio and TV companies were collected and sent to Africa.


  Listening and reading

  1.Ask the Ss What was the message that Bob left for Eric? Read the second dialogue to find the answer. (Bob wants Eric to play in the concert.

  2.Go through the dialogue and discuss language points. Read or play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat, then let them practise the dialogue in pairs.


  Tell the Ss that they are organizing a basketball / volleyball / football match. Do an example with the whole class, then let the Ss make up dialogues in pairs. Have some pairs act out their dialogues.


  Lesson 101


  Lesson 102



  Lesson 103




  Bob tries another pop star. This time he has more difficulty in getting through.


  have difficulty in doing sth. 意思是“在做某事方面有困难”,in也可以省略,difficulty或trouble在该词组中为不可数名词。前面可以有much, a little, no, some, any等修饰,如:

  Everyone in the town knew him, so we had no difficult (in) finding his house. 因为城里人人都知道他,所以我们很容易就找到了他的家。

  Do you have any difficulty (in) working out this maths problem? 你做这道数学题有困难吗?

  have (…) difficulty/trouble + with +n. 在……有困难

  She has no trouble with her homework.

  He is ringing up some pop stars. He wants them to play in a concert.他在给一些流行歌星打电话,想叫他们在音乐会上演唱。

  play:作“演奏”“演唱”,可以是及物,也可以是不及物。play还可以用于运动方面,如:打(篮球),踢(足球),打(排球)等。应注意的是:play+乐器时,该名词前用定冠词,但如果是球类方面,就不用定冠词。如果要表达“玩…”,应用play with。

  She played the pipa quite successfully.她的琵琶弹得非常成功。

  Not all the students go to play basketball after class.不是所有的学生都下课以后去打篮球。

  Ask the children not to play with fire. It's very dangerous.叫孩子们别玩火,那非常危险。

  I’ll be the biggest live concert the world has ever seen.那场音乐会将是世人曾见过的最大场面的现场直播音乐会。


  ①There will be a live TV broadcast of basketball match between China and Japan.电视将现场直播中日篮球赛。

  It is always a live TV broadcast of spring Festival programme.春节晚会的节目都是现场直播的。

  注:句中的the world指“全世界的人”,它作主语时,谓语动词常用单数,很少用复数。

  All the world knows what he will say. 全世界人都知道他将会说什么。

  …and later as a worker building roads. ……后来当了筑路工人。

  building roads 是-ing形式短语.修饰句中的名词worker,作后置定语,它相当于定语从句who built roads。单个的-ing词语作定语时,通常要放在它所修饰的名词或代词之前。如果这个-ing形式是短语,则要将这个短语放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后。如:

  Do you know the girl standing under the tree?你认识站在树下的那个女孩吗?

  In l975 he returned to Dublin, the capital of the Irish Republic, where he found his own pop group.1975年他回到了爱尔兰共和国的首都――都柏林,组织了他自己的流行歌唱队。

  句中的 the capital of the Irish Republic是Dublin的同位语,而where he found his own pop group是宾语从句;修饰它的先行词Dublin.一般情况下,定语从句中常直接置于被修饰的先行词之后。少数情况定语从句没有位于被修饰的先行词之后,而是被句子中的其他成分所分隔,这种定语从句在英英语法中称为分隔式定语从句。

  He rang up all his friends in the pop world; including the most famous pop stars.他打电话给流行歌坛的所有朋友们,包括最有名气的流行歌星。


  the sports world(体育界),the art world(艺术界),the racing world(赛马界),the world of science(科学界)等。

  2)including是动词include(包括)的-ing形式,作定语。这个-ing短语相当于一个非限制性定语从句(which includes the most famous pop stars.)例如:

  She is fond of music, including folk songs, pop songs and American country music.他喜欢音乐,包括民歌、流行歌曲和美国乡村音乐。

  Our group has six people, including three women. 我们小组有六个人,包括三个女的。

  3)注意把including的位置变化后的特殊表达形式,如上面的句子;Our group has six people, three women included.这相当于独立主句结构,(there women being included)主要形式以后再深入学习。

  By the end of the year, the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of which were went to Africa.到年底为止筹集到的全部款项达9200多万美元,所有的这些钱都送到非洲。

  (l)the total money collected中的collected是过去分词作后置定语。它相当于定语从句the total money that has been collected.过去分词作后置定语通常表示被动意义,即过去分词所修饰的名词是分词所表动作的承受者,本例的money就是collected所表动作的承受者。

  (2)come to意为“达到,总计”。它的本意是“来到”,但常用来表示达到某个数量,如:

  His total income comes to more than three thousand yuan a month.他的总收入达到每个月三千多元。

  (3)“…,all of which were sent to Africa.”是由“不定代词+介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,相当于:All of the 92 million dollars were sent to Africa.如:

  We visited some places in France, all of which are world famous. 我们在法国参观了一些地方,所有这些地方都是举世闻名的。

  When I was a child, I learned lots of poems, most of which I can recite even小时候我学过许多诗,其中大部分即使到今天我都能背诵出来。


  辨析 manage to do, try to do



  try to do的意思是“努力去做某事”,但不一定会成功。而且去做的事情,不一定都是困难的。试比较:

  He tried to stop a car but he failed.他设法要拦一辆车,但没拦住。

  He managed to stop a car and got onto it他设法拦了一辆车,并上了车。

  辨析late, lately, later, latest





  He usually gets up late on Sundays.星期天他常起得迟。

  What have you been doing lately? 你最近忙些什么?

  Here is the latest magazine you want.这就是你要的最新的杂志。

  See you later.再见

  辨析for/by/of/to oneself

  1)for oneself为自己;独自,独立地,如:

  She kept the largest apple for herself.她把最大的苹果留给了自己。

  2)by oneself:alone独自,单独地。如:

  He lives by himself in the woods.他独自住在森林里。

  3)of oneself自动地,自发的,如:

  The door opened of itself.门自动开了。

  4)to oneself 对自己,私下,如:

  Tom thought to himself that he could win.汤姆私下认为他会赢。

  辨析realize, recognize



  I realized that it was against the rule. 我意识到这是违反制度的。

  I recognized him though we parted(分开)for years. 尽管我们分开多年了,我还是认出了他。

  辨析persuade, advise:



  I persuade him to go home. 我说服他回家了。

  I tried to advise him to go home, but he refused. 我试图让他回家,他拒绝了。





  He also persuaded other people to provide money or to give help.他也劝服别人提供钱或给予帮助。

  These cars will be supplied to people all over the country.这些汽车将供应给全国各地的人们。


  Tom provided her a pretty hat.汤姆给她准备了一项漂亮的帽子。

  可说provided/supply sth. to sh.也可说provid/supply sb. with sth. ),如:

  The bank provided/supplied him with a loan $100,000银行为他提供了10万美元的贷款。


  Lesson 101 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  The way to make telephone calls and how to leave messages

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1.Lead in

  Show some pictures, then ask the students to answer the following questions.

  1.Do you like to listen to pop music?

  2. Can you tell me some of the famous singers of pop music?

  Step 2.Listening

  Play the recorder twice, then ask them to answer the questions

  1. When and where will the concert be?

  2.What was the message that Bob left for Eric?


  1. July 13th, London.   2. Bob wants Eric to play in the concert.

  Step 3.Practice

  Write down the important phrases and sentence patterns on the blackboard as follows: is that. . . ?Yes, speaking.

  Will you give him a message?

  Who's calling?

  Can you ring me back?

  Can I speak to . . . ?

  Ask the students to make up a new dialogue using these sentence patterns.

  Step 4.Practice

  Ask some of the pairs to act the Scenes out in the front of the classroom.

  Scene 1:Someone is ill and does not go to school today. Now he is making a phone call to one of his classmates, asking about the lessons today and what they will do tomorrow.

  Scene 2: Someone has managed to buy two tickets for the women football match---China ,USA, for the champion---this coming weekend. She is making a phone call to her friend, telling her the news and planning when and where they are going to meet.

  Step 5. Language study

  1.The teacher explains some new words to the students.

  2.Fill in the blanks with proper words.

  turn down, ring back, realize, persuade, provide, practise, non-stop, fly, manage , further

  1. His parents _________ him with the necessary money for his university study

  2. Please tell him I ______this afternoon, at about three o’clock.

  3. Would you mind _________the radio? I’m doing my homework.

  4. He finally _________his mistake, but it was too late.

  5. He tried hard ________me into lending him all my savings.

  6. The actors _________the movements a lot every day.

  7. Many live fish and fresh flowers are _________ to Beijing every day.

  8. The players made great efforts and they _________ to win the match.

  9. The runners ran over 42 kilometers _________.

  10. The museum is closed until _________notice.

  Key: 1. provide  2. will ring back  3. turning down   4. realized    5. to persuade  

  6. practise  7. flied    8. managed    9. non-stop   10. further

  Step 6 Homework

  1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  2.Prepare Lesson 102.

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇10





  1.重点词汇 live (adj. ); realize; persuade; provide; Sail; turn down; call back; Ring off; start doing something; come to

  2.重要句型 1) His greatest success has not been in singing but in organizing other singers to sing for him-for free 12) He persuaded all the world-famous pop stars to come and sing at one of these concerts for free. 3) By the end of the year, the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of which were sent to Africa.






  Part 1( Paragraph 1) Bob Geldlf is one of the most famous pop stars of the twentieth century.

  Part 2 (Paragraph 2) General introduction to Bob Geldof’s personal Life and singing

  Part 3

  ( Paragraphs 3~5 ) Bob Geldolf made the record Do they know it’s Christmas' with other pop stars to collect money for hungry people in Africa.

  ( Paragraph 3 ) Bob Geldolf got the idea to make a pop record.

  (Paragraph 4) By January 1985, 5 million pounds had been collected.

  (Paragraph 5) He went to African countries to see how the money should be spent.

  Part 4

  (Paragraphs 6~) Bob Geldolf made a even bigger project.

  (Paragraph 6) He had the idea of organizing two big pop concerts on the same day.

  (Paragraph 7) The concerts were quite successful.



  When he .saw pictures of hungry people he became sad and angry, so he

  wanted to do something to help them.


  The money from the record sales could be spent on food and other

  things for Africa.

  The lst Project

  He rang up all his friends in the pop world and they all agreed to sing on

  his record for free. So a pop record was produced. Soon money increased

  to 5 million pounds. He went to six African countries and realized

  hunger was only one of the problems.

  The 2nd Project

  He organized two big pop concerts on the same day in England and in

  the USA. He persuaded all the world-famous pop stars to come and sing

  for free and other people to give help. Over 92 million dollars from ticket

  sales and radio and TV companies were collected and sent to Africa.


  Listening and reading

  1.Ask the Ss What was the message that Bob left for Eric? Read the second dialogue to find the answer. (Bob wants Eric to play in the concert.

  2.Go through the dialogue and discuss language points. Read or play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat, then let them practise the dialogue in pairs.


  Tell the Ss that they are organizing a basketball / volleyball / football match. Do an example with the whole class, then let the Ss make up dialogues in pairs. Have some pairs act out their dialogues.


  Lesson 101


  Lesson 102



  Lesson 103




  Bob tries another pop star. This time he has more difficulty in getting through.


  have difficulty in doing sth. 意思是“在做某事方面有困难”,in也可以省略,difficulty或trouble在该词组中为不可数名词。前面可以有much, a little, no, some, any等修饰,如:

  Everyone in the town knew him, so we had no difficult (in) finding his house. 因为城里人人都知道他,所以我们很容易就找到了他的家。

  Do you have any difficulty (in) working out this maths problem? 你做这道数学题有困难吗?

  have (…) difficulty/trouble + with +n. 在……有困难

  She has no trouble with her homework.

  He is ringing up some pop stars. He wants them to play in a concert.他在给一些流行歌星打电话,想叫他们在音乐会上演唱。

  play:作“演奏”“演唱”,可以是及物,也可以是不及物。play还可以用于运动方面,如:打(篮球),踢(足球),打(排球)等。应注意的是:play+乐器时,该名词前用定冠词,但如果是球类方面,就不用定冠词。如果要表达“玩…”,应用play with。

  She played the pipa quite successfully.她的琵琶弹得非常成功。

  Not all the students go to play basketball after class.不是所有的学生都下课以后去打篮球。

  Ask the children not to play with fire. It's very dangerous.叫孩子们别玩火,那非常危险。

  I’ll be the biggest live concert the world has ever seen.那场音乐会将是世人曾见过的最大场面的现场直播音乐会。


  ①There will be a live TV broadcast of basketball match between China and Japan.电视将现场直播中日篮球赛。

  It is always a live TV broadcast of spring Festival programme.春节晚会的节目都是现场直播的。

  注:句中的the world指“全世界的人”,它作主语时,谓语动词常用单数,很少用复数。

  All the world knows what he will say. 全世界人都知道他将会说什么。

  …and later as a worker building roads. ……后来当了筑路工人。

  building roads 是-ing形式短语.修饰句中的名词worker,作后置定语,它相当于定语从句who built roads。单个的-ing词语作定语时,通常要放在它所修饰的名词或代词之前。如果这个-ing形式是短语,则要将这个短语放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后。如:

  Do you know the girl standing under the tree?你认识站在树下的那个女孩吗?

  In l975 he returned to Dublin, the capital of the Irish Republic, where he found his own pop group.1975年他回到了爱尔兰共和国的首都――都柏林,组织了他自己的流行歌唱队。

  句中的 the capital of the Irish Republic是Dublin的同位语,而where he found his own pop group是宾语从句;修饰它的先行词Dublin.一般情况下,定语从句中常直接置于被修饰的先行词之后。少数情况定语从句没有位于被修饰的先行词之后,而是被句子中的其他成分所分隔,这种定语从句在英英语法中称为分隔式定语从句。

  He rang up all his friends in the pop world; including the most famous pop stars.他打电话给流行歌坛的所有朋友们,包括最有名气的流行歌星。


  the sports world(体育界),the art world(艺术界),the racing world(赛马界),the world of science(科学界)等。

  2)including是动词include(包括)的-ing形式,作定语。这个-ing短语相当于一个非限制性定语从句(which includes the most famous pop stars.)例如:

  She is fond of music, including folk songs, pop songs and American country music.他喜欢音乐,包括民歌、流行歌曲和美国乡村音乐。

  Our group has six people, including three women. 我们小组有六个人,包括三个女的。

  3)注意把including的位置变化后的特殊表达形式,如上面的句子;Our group has six people, three women included.这相当于独立主句结构,(there women being included)主要形式以后再深入学习。

  By the end of the year, the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of which were went to Africa.到年底为止筹集到的全部款项达9200多万美元,所有的这些钱都送到非洲。

  (l)the total money collected中的collected是过去分词作后置定语。它相当于定语从句the total money that has been collected.过去分词作后置定语通常表示被动意义,即过去分词所修饰的名词是分词所表动作的承受者,本例的money就是collected所表动作的承受者。

  (2)come to意为“达到,总计”。它的本意是“来到”,但常用来表示达到某个数量,如:

  His total income comes to more than three thousand yuan a month.他的总收入达到每个月三千多元。

  (3)“…,all of which were sent to Africa.”是由“不定代词+介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,相当于:All of the 92 million dollars were sent to Africa.如:

  We visited some places in France, all of which are world famous. 我们在法国参观了一些地方,所有这些地方都是举世闻名的。

  When I was a child, I learned lots of poems, most of which I can recite even小时候我学过许多诗,其中大部分即使到今天我都能背诵出来。


  辨析 manage to do, try to do



  try to do的意思是“努力去做某事”,但不一定会成功。而且去做的事情,不一定都是困难的。试比较:

  He tried to stop a car but he failed.他设法要拦一辆车,但没拦住。

  He managed to stop a car and got onto it他设法拦了一辆车,并上了车。

  辨析late, lately, later, latest





  He usually gets up late on Sundays.星期天他常起得迟。

  What have you been doing lately? 你最近忙些什么?

  Here is the latest magazine you want.这就是你要的最新的杂志。

  See you later.再见

  辨析for/by/of/to oneself

  1)for oneself为自己;独自,独立地,如:

  She kept the largest apple for herself.她把最大的苹果留给了自己。

  2)by oneself:alone独自,单独地。如:

  He lives by himself in the woods.他独自住在森林里。

  3)of oneself自动地,自发的,如:

  The door opened of itself.门自动开了。

  4)to oneself 对自己,私下,如:

  Tom thought to himself that he could win.汤姆私下认为他会赢。

  辨析realize, recognize



  I realized that it was against the rule. 我意识到这是违反制度的。

  I recognized him though we parted(分开)for years. 尽管我们分开多年了,我还是认出了他。

  辨析persuade, advise:



  I persuade him to go home. 我说服他回家了。

  I tried to advise him to go home, but he refused. 我试图让他回家,他拒绝了。





  He also persuaded other people to provide money or to give help.他也劝服别人提供钱或给予帮助。

  These cars will be supplied to people all over the country.这些汽车将供应给全国各地的人们。


  Tom provided her a pretty hat.汤姆给她准备了一项漂亮的帽子。

  可说provided/supply sth. to sh.也可说provid/supply sb. with sth. ),如:

  The bank provided/supplied him with a loan $100,000银行为他提供了10万美元的贷款。


  Lesson 101 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  The way to make telephone calls and how to leave messages

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1.Lead in

  Show some pictures, then ask the students to answer the following questions.

  1.Do you like to listen to pop music?

  2. Can you tell me some of the famous singers of pop music?

  Step 2.Listening

  Play the recorder twice, then ask them to answer the questions

  1. When and where will the concert be?

  2.What was the message that Bob left for Eric?


  1. July 13th, London.   2. Bob wants Eric to play in the concert.

  Step 3.Practice

  Write down the important phrases and sentence patterns on the blackboard as follows: is that. . . ?Yes, speaking.

  Will you give him a message?

  Who's calling?

  Can you ring me back?

  Can I speak to . . . ?

  Ask the students to make up a new dialogue using these sentence patterns.

  Step 4.Practice

  Ask some of the pairs to act the Scenes out in the front of the classroom.

  Scene 1:Someone is ill and does not go to school today. Now he is making a phone call to one of his classmates, asking about the lessons today and what they will do tomorrow.

  Scene 2: Someone has managed to buy two tickets for the women football match---China ,USA, for the champion---this coming weekend. She is making a phone call to her friend, telling her the news and planning when and where they are going to meet.

  Step 5. Language study

  1.The teacher explains some new words to the students.

  2.Fill in the blanks with proper words.

  turn down, ring back, realize, persuade, provide, practise, non-stop, fly, manage , further

  1. His parents _________ him with the necessary money for his university study

  2. Please tell him I ______this afternoon, at about three o’clock.

  3. Would you mind _________the radio? I’m doing my homework.

  4. He finally _________his mistake, but it was too late.

  5. He tried hard ________me into lending him all my savings.

  6. The actors _________the movements a lot every day.

  7. Many live fish and fresh flowers are _________ to Beijing every day.

  8. The players made great efforts and they _________ to win the match.

  9. The runners ran over 42 kilometers _________.

  10. The museum is closed until _________notice.

  Key: 1. provide  2. will ring back  3. turning down   4. realized    5. to persuade  

  6. practise  7. flied    8. managed    9. non-stop   10. further

  Step 6 Homework

  1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  2.Prepare Lesson 102.

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇11

  Lesson 89 教学设计示例(一)










  How many bottles of orange would Mr Green like?


  4.学生两人一组,练习本课第2部分Make an interview。提示学生就双方的实际情况进行问答。




  Lesson 89 教学设计示例(二)

  ●Teaching Objectives


  ●Main Points

  Do you have …? Could I have …? I like …

  ●Difficult Points


  ● Teaching Aids

  a tape-recorder, cards,  pictures, slide projector

  ● Teaching Procedure

  Step 1 Revision

  Free talk (ask and answer some questions) .

  Step 2  Presentation

  通过让学生讨论“怎样邀请别人用餐”导入  新课。

  Step 3 Part 1 Read and act

  1. Listen to the tape.

  2. Read after the tape.

  3. Read the dialogue.

  4. Act the dialogue.

  5. Make a similar dialogue.

  Part 2 Make an interview

  1. Listen to the tape.

  2. Fill in the blanks:(出示幻灯片)

  Peggy’s breakfast

  her favourite sports  

  Jimmy’s breakfast

  the thing he likes to do   




  Step 4  Workbook

  Do Ex.1   通过填写对话,使学生注意习惯用语的用法。


  Step 5  Summary


  Step 6  Homework

  Do Ex.3 学生自编一个相似的对话。

  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 89

  1 Can I get you something to. ..?

  2 What would you like?

  3 talk with

  4 What about you?

  5 What s your favourite sport?

  6 be good at

  Lesson 89 教学设计示例(三)

  ● Teaching aims




  ● Key points



  ● Difficult points



  ● Teaching methods


  ● Teaching aids

  投影仪、微机、图片、投影片课件Lesson 89教学演示.ppt。

  ● Teaching procedures

  Step 1  Revision

  Revise the word “have” and the Present Continuous Tense.

  Step 2  Presentation

  展示动画《Talk about food and drink.swf》中的listening的场景,回答问题后,展示其他的对话情境,播放顺序根据学生的接受水平而定。

  Step 3  Read and act

  1. 每个对话在展示时,都先隐藏文字听声音,让学生说出对话的大意。

  2. 给出文字,学生理解对话的内容后,分别跟读、朗读。



  Step 4  Consolidation

  *根据场景Interview的对话,填写表格Fill in the blanks:

  Peggy’s breakfast

  her favourite sports  

  Jimmy’s breakfast

  the thing he likes to do   


  1. I have ____milk here, but I don’t have ____tea.

  2. ―Would you like ____ cakes? ―Two, please.

  3. Is there ____food on the table?

  4 .Can I have ____meat? Sony, you can’t. There isn’t____.

  Answers: 1. some, any 2. some 3. any 4. some, any

  Step 5  Summary


  Can I get something to drink?

  What would you like?

  Could I have a glass of orange juice?

  Here you are.

  What about you?

  Do you have a big breakfast?

  That’s all.

  I have some fruit for breakfast.

  What’s your favourite sport?

  I like swimming, and I am good at basketball.

  Step 6  Exercises


  1.一篮子苹果__________   2.一瓶果汁__________   3.吃的东西__________

  4.他最喜欢的运动_______  5.中国茶__________     6.与…交谈__________

  7.几片面包__________     8.擅长于……__________  9.对……太难__________


  Answers: 1. a basket of apples  2. a bottle of juice  3. something to eat  4. his favourite sport  5. Chinese tea  6. talk with( to)…  7. some pieces of bread  8. be good at…  9. be hard for…  10. listen to music

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision 篇12






  1.重点词汇 development;press;form;include;describe;come out;throw away;at the same time

  2.重要句型 1)In the beginning they used to carve Chinese characters on stones to record important dates In history.2)It took a long time to carve a page for a book.3)It Is believed that before writing was developed,people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.









  Lesson 77

  1.Appoints one or two students to practice a dialog alike this:

  A: What happened before printing was invented?

  B: Other ways had to be used to record information. . . Then divide the whole class into groups of 4 to follow suit.

  2. Ask some questions about the modern printing. Then get the students to list the ways of printing in modern times.

  Lesson 78 (Oral practice)

  Suppose you were a guide, introduce the development of paper-making in China to foreigners.



  What happened before printing was invented?

  What happened after printing was invented?

  2.教师把有关的早期图片给学生看,讲述造纸的特点:可以掌握以下的句型和单词,如:come out, keep a record,  carve, throw away. 等等


  1. 教师在设计本课的教学过程中,让学生了解中国古代的文明。可参照下列各国纸的制造时间的出现:


  中东  8A.D.





  1.stone, animal bones, metal pots, bamboo, wood

  2.silk books

  3.fibres of plants


  都是围绕着printing这个话题来让学生们学习和了解这方面的知识。对话中主要运用了询问等方面的用语。及有用的词汇如:come out, keep records, back-to-front等用法。课文中同时也运用了It is believed +that clause….The problem was that等同位语从句,动词-ing形式,被动语态, 形容词. +带to不定式”结构的理解。




  What happened?

  In the beginning they…

  But later, people developed…

  How did the printing come out?

  The next development was to…



  Part 1   (Paragraph 1) Paper was one of the most important inventions in the whole of Chinese history.

  Part 2  Paragraphs 2― 5) How paper was invented and develop.

  (Paragraph 2―3) Chinese people used stones, animal bones, metal pots, and pieces of bamboo or wood to keep records.

  (Paragraph 4) Chinese people made a kind of paper as soft and light as silk but much less expensive.

  (Paragraph 5) The making of paper was well developed; the invention reached other countries.

  The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. 中国人造纸已经有两千年了。

  此句谓语动词用了现在完成时,其结构是have/ has been+现在分词。


  I’ve been writing a letter. 我一直在写信。(我仍在写信)

  I’ve written a letter. 我写了一封信。(信已写好)

  They have been cleaning the classroom. (这项工作仍在进行)比较:

  They have cleaned the classroom. 他们把教室打扫过了。(这项工作已经完成)


  It is believed that before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together. 据悉,在有文字以前,中国人常把许多石头放在一起来记事。

  1)  本句用的句型是“It is believed + that clause.”


  “It is believed +that-clause”相当于“People believe+ that-clause”可译作“人们相信/据信……”。类似的结构有:“It is said/ known/ agreed/ thought + that-clause”。例如:

  It is believed that there is plenty of oil off our coast. 据信我国沿海有大量的石油。


  It is thought that he (has) made much money by selling cigarettes. 人们认为他靠卖香烟赚了很多钱。

  At the same time another kind of paper was developed, made form silk. 在这一时期,研制了另一种纸,它是用丝帛制成的。

  1)at the same time 作“同时”解。如:

  They went their different ways, but arrived at the same time. 他们走的是不同的路线,但却同时到了。

  2)made from silk过去分词短语作定语,相当于一个非限制性定语从句,which was made from silk修饰主语another kind of paper.

  The problem was that it was too valuable for everyday use. 问题是这些丝织品太贵重,用作日常的书写太昂贵。

  (1)句中的“The problem is that…”是个常用句型,在英语语法中,它被称作“主系表” (主语+连系动词+表语)结构。而其中的表语用了一个从句形式(that-clause)。这类句型的主语往往用下列名词question, reason, result, fact, suggestion等。例如:

  The question is whether we can finish our work by tomorrow evening. 问题在于我们能否在明晚以前完成我们的工作。

  The fact is that he never told me the truth. 事实是,他从未对我讲真话。


  The room is too small for us three. 这房间太小,我们三人住不下。

  说明:“too…to”也表达同一含意。区别是:for +n/ pron.; to+in f.。

  By the first century the making of paper in some parts of China had been well developed and had become common. 到了公元一世纪,中国有些地区造纸业已十分发达并且变得普遍了。

  本句有两个并列谓语,都用了过去完成时态(had been well developed和had become common),表示在过去某一时间之前已经发生的动作。这一过去时间是通过介词by的短语(By the first century)来表示的。又如:

  She had not finished her report by yesterday afternoon. 到昨天下午为止,她还没有写完报告。

  By the end of last week all the plans had been made. 到上周末为止,所有的计划都订出来了。

  They carved a whole page of characters back to front in the wood

  “back to front” 是一个合成词,作“反面地”解,在句中作状语,修饰动词carved。



  side-by-side(肩并肩)、hand-in-hand (手牵手)等


  The boy has his sweater on back to front.

  He came face to face with death.

  Although these were much more useful than the metal pots, they were still difficult to read and were very heavy to carry. 和金属锅相比,这些书籍虽然有用得多,但是读起来还是很费劲,拿起来又很重。

  1)句中的much为副词,修饰比较级,表示程度,可译为“……得多”。能充当这类程度状语的副词还有far, a lot, even, still, a great deal, a bit, a little等。例如:

  Houses are much/ far / a lot more expensive these days. 如今房子贵多了。

  The Chinese farmers are even/ still/ all the / a great deal richer than before. 中国农民比以前更富了。

  注意:程度副词every, too等不能和比较级连用。

  2)difficult to read和heavy to carry同属于“adj. +带to不定式”结构。


  Those programmes are usually easy to receive and not difficult to understand. 这些节目通常都很容易接收到,而且也不难听懂。

  适应于这种结构的形容词还有:easy, hard, difficult, impossible, comfortable, pleasant, heavy, interesting, pretty等。


  辨析every day与everyday

  every day分开写,在句中通常作状语,表示“每天”;


  You should read English every day. 你应该每天都读英语。

  You should practise your English in everyday life. 你应该在每天的日常生活中去练习英语。





  The basket contains a variety of fruits. 这篮子里装有各种水果。

  The price includes the tax.这价钱包括税金。

  注意:与include 有关的including,included的用法。例如:

  We all went to the museum, Lily included. 我们去了博物馆,莉莉也去了。

  The band played many songs, including some of my favourites.


  辨析method 和way



  It is English way of living. 这是英国人的生活方式。


  We must improve the method of teaching English. 我们必须改进英语教学法。

  辨析at the same time与meanwhile


  不同点:at the same time意为同时,然而。有两种表示:

  1)  两个动作或情况在同一时间发生或存在;



  It will cost a lot of money. At the same time, I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful.    这要花不少钱,但是我们还是需要它,它肯定对我们有用处。

  They’ll be here soon. Meanwhile let’s have coffee. 他们很快就到,在此期间,我们来喝咖啡吧。

  辨析in the beginning, at the beginning






  3)与at last“最后”相对,常用at


  The new school term start at / in the beginning of September. 新学期九月初开始。

  The shop is at the beginning of the road. 商店就在道路的起点处。

  In the beginning, we sued hand tools, Later we had machines. 起初,我们用手工工具,后来我们用机器。

  She was against the plan at the beginning, but at last she was for it. 她起初反对这个计划,但最后还是同意了。

  Lesson 77 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  Let the students know the development of printing mentioned in the dialogue.

  Learn some words: for example print, carve, come out ,press, throw away.

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Presentation

  (Teacher) Today we are going to learn about printing in Chinese history.

  1. Show the students a picture on which the Chinese characters are white.

  2. Show the students another picture on which the Chinese characters are black.

  Step 2 Listen to the dialogue

  Ask someone to answer the questions.

  1) How many ways of printing are mentioned in the dialogue? Two.

  2) What are they?

  One way is using rocks and paper; the other way is using wood and paper.

  Step 3Read the dialogue aloud after the tape.

  Step 4Practise the dialogue in pairs.

  Step 5 Deal with the language points.

  Step 6 Listen to the whole dialogue again to review.

  Step 7 Work in pairs. (Part 2 Oral practice)

  Step 8 Workbook

  Finish the exercises in the workbook.

  Step 9 Exercises

  1 .The ________ _________ _______ (印刷的发明)is very important in history.

  2. It s said that another new coal mine ________ _______ ______(据报道)in the north.

  3. I enjoy the animal __________ _______ _________ _________ (刻在石头上的)by him.

  4. Don't ________ _________ (乱扔) waste paper here and there. Keep the room clean, please.

  5.Will _________ _________ ________ (花我们时间)an hour to finish the work?

  6. In fact, paper was ______ _____ ______ ________ ________ (四大发明之一) in ancient China.

  7. It is believed that ______ _____ ______ ________ _______  ______ _____ (已经建立起许多现化工厂) in Chengdu in the past few years.

  8. ____ ______ ______ (据报道) that at least a score of buildings were damaged or destroyed .

  9. ________ ________ __________ (问题是) that we don't know his address for the time being.

  10. He made a living ________ ________ _________ (通过卖报纸).


  1.invention, of, printing 6. one, of. Four, Great, Inventions

  2. has, been, discovered 7. many modem factories have been set up

  3. carved, on, the, stones 8. It is reported

  4. throw, away 9. The problem is

  5. it, lake, us  10. by selling newspaper.



下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision(通用12篇)
