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I’ll help clean up the city parks(通用2篇)

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I’ll help clean up the city parks(通用2篇)

I’ll help clean up the city parks 篇1

  unit 8  i’ll help clean up the city parks. section a教案

  part 1: teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)

  structures: phrasal verbs

  target language: i’d like to work outside. i’ll help clean up the city parks. you could give out food at a food bank.

  vocabulary: put off, hand out, call up give away, run out of, clean up, set up, take after, fix up, cheer up, give out, hunger, sign, repair

  learning strategies: taking notes, personalizing

  section a


  ●to learn to use phrasal verbs

  ●to read about being a volunteer

  ●to listen and talk about clean up the city parks


  warming up by learning about grammar focus

  hello, class. this week we shall go and help clean up the city parks. but first what is the meaning of “clean up”? what verb is it?

  turn to page 61 and look at the chart to learn about “phrasal verb”

  what is a phrasal verb?

  ▲it is an english verb followed by one or more particles where the combination behaves as a syntactic and semantic unit; “turn out” is a phrasal verb in the question “how many turned out to vote?”

  ▲in the english language, a phrasal verb is a verb combined with a preposition, an adverb, or an adverbial particle, all three of which are uninflected.

  1a looking and reading

  look at the bulletin board on page 60 and read about ways by which you could help people. then list other ways you could help people.

  work outside, clean up the city parks, help stop hunger, visit sick children call people back, find out about the flood, take part in planting trees,  help provide money for the poor students, be volunteers at the olympics

  1b listening and completing

  you are going to listen to several conversations.


  conversation 1

  boy1: i’d like to work outside.

  girl1: you could help clean up the city parks.

  conversation 2

  boy2: i’d like to help homeless people.

  girl1: you could give out food at the food bank.

  conversation 3

  girl2: i’d like to cheer up sick kids.

  girl1: you could visit them in the hospital.

  conversation 4

  girl1: i’d like to help kids with their schoolwork.

  girl2: you could volunteer in an after-school study program.

  while listening, pay attention to information to complete the sentences on page 60 in the box.

  1. i’d like to work outside. you could help clean up the city parks.

  2. i’d like to help homeless people. you could give out food at the food bank.

  3. i’d like to cheer up sick kids. you could visit them in the hospital.

  4. i’d like to help kids with their schoolwork. you could volunteer in an after-school study program.

  1c doing pairwork

  in pairs you are to practice the conversations in the picture on page 60. then make similar conversations using the information in activity 1b.

  ▲i’d like to work outside.

  ▲you could help clean up the city parks.

  ▲i could visit sick children in the hospital.

  we could help stop hunger by giving out food at the food bank. ●i’d like to work cleaning up the school playground.

  ●i’d like to help homeless people in my hometown.

  ●i’d like to cheer up sick kids.

  ●i could visit them in the hospital.

  ●i’d like to help kids with their english.

  ●we could volunteer in an after-school cleaning up program.

  2a listening and checking

  some students talking about planning a city parks clean-up day. listen to their talk and check√the things they are going to do.


  boy1; ok. now we need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up.

  girl1: yeah, but i’m hungry, bob. let’s have lunch first.

  girl2: no, we can’t put off making a plan. clean-up day is only two weeks from now.

  boy2: you’re right, sally. while we talk, i’ll write down all our ideas. then we can decide which ideas are best.

  girl1: um… well… we could put up signs.√

  boy2: that’s a good idea!

  girl2: i’ll hand out advertisements after school.√

  boy1; ok. great! and we could each call up ten people and ask them to come.√

  boy2: hey, we’re coming up with a lot of good ideas, aren’t we?

  2b listening and filling in blanks

  i’ shall play the tape again and you are to listen and fill in the blanks in the box on 61.

  1.we need to come up with a plan.

  2.we can’t put off making a plan. clean-up day is only two weeks from now.

  3. i’ll write down all our ideas.

  4. we could put up signs.

  5. i’ll hand out advertisements after school.

  6. we could each call up ten people and ask them to come.

  2c doing pairwork

  let’s go on to role play the conversation in activity 2b.

  a: we need to come up with a plan.

  b: let’s have lunch first.

  a: no, we can’t put off making a plan. clean-up day is only two weeks from now.

  b: i’ll write down all our ideas that we come out with.

  a: we could put up signs after school.

  b: we’ll hand out advertisements at weekends.

  a: at home we could each call up ten people and ask them to come.

  b: we could get online to make our plan known to all.

  3a reading, underlining and circling

  on page 62 is an article about volunteers. read it and underline the kinds of work they do. you have to circle the reasons why they like their work.

  being a volunteer is great!

  number 77 high school is home to three very special young people: li huiping, lan pei, and zhu ming. these three students all volunteer their time to help other people. this volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week, so it is a major commitment. huiping loves to read, and she puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care center at her local elementary school. here, she helps young children to read. pei loves animals, and plans to study to be a veterinarian when he leaves school. he spends every saturday morning working in an animal hospital. ming wants to be a professional singer. he sings for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up.

  “volunteering is great!” says huiping. “not only do i feel good about helping other people, but i get to spend time doing what i love to do.” pei says he has learned more about animals. ming says he has met some wonderful people at the hospital. the three students plan to set up a student volunteer project at their school. “don’t put it off,” says huiping. “become a volunteer today!”

  read the article again to darken the phrasal verbs found in it.

  3b filling in the table

  on page 62 is a table showing the kinds of volunteer work the four  students could do. read the table and fill in it.

  name loves could

  hui football teach the pupils to play football

  xiao tang writing stories turn the city people’s life into stories 

  joy movies show free movies to the villagers 

  wei music play music to cheer people up

  3c doing pair

  next take turns role playing being one of the people in 3b by asking and giving advice.

  a: i’d like to join the school volunteer project, but i’m not sure what i should do.

  b: what do you like doing?

  a: i love playing football.

  b: well, you could help coach a football team for little kids.

  a: i’d like to join the class volunteer project, but i’m not sure what i should do.

  b: what do you like doing?

  a: i love writing stories.

  b: well, you could help write stories forcitizens.

  a: i’d like to join the town volunteer project, but i’m not sure what i should do.

  b: what do you like doing?

  a: i love seeing movies.

  b: well, you could help introduce good movies to the farmers.

  a: i’d like to join the city volunteer project, but i’m not sure what i should do.

  b: what do you like doing?

  a: i love playing music.

  b: well, you could help organize a music band for the factory workers.

  4 doing pairwork

  in the table on bottom of page 62 write down three things you like to do and then ask your partner for advice about the kinds of volunteer work you could do.

  things i like to do volunteer work i could do

  1. reading in english help teach english to those poor in english

  2. surfing online help getting useful information online for the farmers

  3. collecting ancient coins help give a speech on ancient chinese culture

  a: i like to reading in english. what kind of volunteer work do you think i could do?

  b: you could help teach english to those poor in english.

  a: i like to surfing online. what kind of volunteer work do you think i could do?

  b: you could help get useful information online for the farmers teach english to those poor in english.

  a: i like to collect ancient coins. what kind of volunteer work do you think i could do?

  b: you could help give a speech on ancient chinese culture.

  closing down by reading an english poem

  falling asleep in class

  i fell asleep in class today,

  as i was awfully bored.

  i laid my head upon my desk

  and closed my eyes and snored.

  i woke to find a piece of paper

  sticking to my face.

  i'd slobbered on my textbooks

  and my hair was a disgrace.

  my clothes were badly rumpled

  and my eyes were glazed and red.

  my binder left a three-ring

  indentation in my head.

  i slept through class, and probably

  i would have slept some more,

  except my students woke me

  as they headed out the door.

I’ll help clean up the city parks 篇2

  teaching  design

  unit8  i’ll help clean up the city parks.

  (the first period)

  . teaching aims and demands

  1. knowledge objects

  (1) key vocabulary

  clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give out, volunteer, food, bank,  clean-up, sign, put off, set up, establish, come up with

  (2) target language

  i’d like to work outside.

  you could give out food at a food bank.

  2. ability objects

  (1) train the students to express offering to help with the target language.

  (2) train the students’ listening skill.

  3. moral object

  offer help to the others as much as possible.

  . teaching key points

  1. key vocabulary

  clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give out, put off, come up with,

  put up,hand out

  2. target language

  how to express offering to help with target language.

  . teaching difficult points

  1. teach the students how to use the new phrasal verbs.

  2. teach the students to express offering to help with target language.

  . teaching methods

  1. teaching by giving sample sentences and making up sentences.

  2. teaching by showing pictures.

  . teaching aids

  1. a tape recorder

  2. some pictures on volunteers’ offering help

  . teaching procedures

  step warming--up

  get the ss to enjoy a song to cheer them up.

  get the ss to do a guessing game

  step leading―in

  show some pictures on people who need help.

  step talking about

  talk about how we could help people then learn the new phrasal verbs: clean up, cheer up, give out. make sure volunteers are great. encourage the ss to learn to help others.

  step listening (1b: p60)

  listen and complete the sentences. check the answers. explain the new words and phrasal verbs.

  step pairwork 

  practice the conversations using target language:

  a: i’d like to work outside.

  b: you could help clean up the city parks.

  step listening (2a, 2b: p61)

  listen and check the ways to tell people about the clean-up day. then fill in the blanks. learn the phrasal verbs: put off, come up with, put up , hand out.

  step consolidation

  consolidate the new phrasal verbs by doing more exercises.

  step homework

  talk about the volunteer work the ss could do.



I’ll help clean up the city parks(通用2篇)
