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人教新目标英语九年级测试题 篇1

  一. 单词分类

  1. fifteen-year-olds, 2. serious, 3. kids, 4. have part-time jobs,

  5. teenagers , 6. students, 7. calm, 8. get one’s ears pierced ,

  9. silly , 10. old , 11. choose one’s own clothes

  12. be home by 10 p.m.

  13. go out with friends

  14. wild , 15. the young

  用于指人_____ _____ ______ _____ ______

  家规校规_____ _____ ______ _____ ______

  人物特点_____ _____ ______ _____ ______

  二. 英英释义(连线)

  1. teenagers a. fix one’s attention on something

  2. part-time b. for only a part of the working day or week

  3. concentrate c. kids aged from 13 to 19

  4. at present d. begin to

  5. get to e. at this time , now

  三. 根据中文意思完成句子

  1. i _____ _____ ______ to talk with her.


  2. everybody has strong points . we should _____ _____ each other.


  3. i can’t help you _____ ______ . --i’m too busy.


  4. when the comedy actors came out , the audience _____ _____.


  5. he decided to _____ ______ english , because he just failed the exam.


  6. he _____ ______ doing the homework after supper.


  7. fruits and vegetables ______ _____ _____ you.


  8. his parents _____ _____ _____ him.


  9. ____ _____ him two hours to do the homework .


  10. john has a lot of family rules.

  _____ _____ peter.


  四. 选择填空:

  1. i ______ to have a part-time job.

  a. am not allow b. not allow

  c. don’t allow d. am not allowed

  2. sixteen-years-olds shouldn’t ______ to go to an internet bar.

  a. be allowed b. be allow

  c. allow d. are allowed

  3. _____ middle school students allowed to use mobile phone at school ?

  a. do b. did c. are d. can

  4. students _____ to use e-mail english in everyday writing.

  a. may not b. can’t

  c. shouldn’t d. shouldn’t be allowed

  5. i don’t think teenagers should be allowed to drive , because they are _____.

  a. not enough serious

  b. not serious enough

  c. too serious

  d. to serious

  6. which of the following school rule is true.

  a. students are allowed to make noise in the hallway.

  b. students are allowed to wear their own clothes.

  c. students are allowed to wear earrings

  d. students are allowed to ask teachers questions in class.

  7. i have to stay at home ______ school nights.

  a. in b. at c. on d. for

  8. many students will be ______ if the class is boring.

  a. sleep b. sleepy c. sleeping d. slept

  9. -i think teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to smoke.

  -i agree ______ you.

  a. with b. on c. about d. for

  10. the national day is coming , we’ll have 7 days ______.

  a. on b. off c. up d. down

  五. 读写题

  (a)quick work

  ted robinson has been worried all the week . last tuesday he received a letter from the

  local police . in the letter he was asked to call at the station . ted wondered why he was

  wanted by the police , but he went to the station yesterday and he is not worried at more.

  at the station , he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found . five

  days ago , the policeman told him , the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred

  miles away . it is now being sent to his home by train.

  ted was most surprised when he heard the news . he was amused (感到有趣),too , because

  he never expected (指望)the bicycle to be found . it was stolen twenty years ago when ted

  was a boy of fifteen.

  answer the questions :

  1. what happened last tuesday ?


  2. what was he told at the station ?


  3. what are the police doing with the bicycle ?


  4. why was he surprised and amused ?


  5. how old was ted when his bicycle was stolen ?


  (b)the rich and the poor

  the world is divided (分为)into two main parts . the difference is that one part is rich

  and the other is poor . in the poor part , a lot of people never get enough to eat . in the

  rich part , a lot of people eat too much . in one part , child starve (饿死)and in the other ,

  a lot of people get fatter and fatter and have to go on diets (吃特别饮食), or do special

  exercises in order to lose weight.

  the poorer countries have special problems . sometimes the land is too poor to grow

  anything on . the land can be improved (改善), but a lot of things must be done first . the

  people must be educated an water must be found.

  but rich countries have problems , too . there are not always pleasant places to live in .

  sometimes the air is too dirty to breathe , and the rivers are too dirty to swim in or to take

  water from . the roads are too crowded to drive along . large numbers of people do not have

  decent (象样的)housed to live in . some things will have to be done about these problems .

  the air and the river will have to be cleaned , and more houses will have to be built.

  answer the questions :

  1. what’s the difference between the two parts ?


  2. do the poorer countries have many problems ? what for example ?


  3. can anything be done about it ?


  4. what must be done , for example ?


  5. can all this be done easily ?



  一. 单词分类:

  指人:1 3 5 6 15

  家规校规: 4 8 11 12 13

  人物特点:2 7 9 10 14

  二. 英英释义:1-c,2-b,3-a,4-e,5-d

  三. 1. have / had , no opportunity

  2. learn , from

  3. at , present

  4. got , noisy

  5. concentrate on

  6. got / gets , to

  7. are , good

  8. are , strict , with

  9. it , took

  10. so , does

  四. 选择:1. d 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. b

  6. d 7. c 8. b 9. a 10. b

  五. (a)

  1. tom robison received a letter from the local police.

  2. he was told that his bicycle had been found.

  3. it’s now being sent to his home by train.

  4. because the bicycle was stolen twenty years ago . he never expected the bicycle to be


  5. he was only fifteen.


  1. the difference is that one part is rich and the other is poor.

  2. yes , they do , they have many special problems.

  3. yes , land can be improved , but a lot of things must be done first.

  4. the people , for example , must be educated and water must be found.

  5. no , it can’t be done easily.

人教新目标英语九年级测试题 篇2

  人教新目标英语九年级测试题(unit 5)


  1. --- can you swim in the river?

  --- no, i _____.

  a. mustn’t

  b. may not

  c. can’t

  d. needn’t

  2. --- may i go swimming now?

  --- no, you ______. you must finish your homework first.

  a. mustn’t

  b. may not

  c. couldn’t

  d. needn’t

  3. --- excuse me. where is the zoo?

  --- sorry, i don’t know. ask that policeman. he _____ know.

  a. shall

  b. may

  c. need

  d. would

  4. __________ i finish the work today?  no, you needn’t.

  a. must

  b. may

  c. can

  d. need

  5. --- must i finish my homework now?

  --- no, you _________. you may have a rest first.

  a. mustn’t

  b. can’t

  c. may not

  d. needn’t

  6. --- tom, where is your father?

  --- i’m not sure. he_______ in his office.

  a. is

  b. may be

  c. maybe

  d. may

  7. ---______________i visit lucy on sunday, mum?

  ---yes, you______________.

  a. must;can

  b. may;may

  c. need;need

  d. may;need

  8. --- where is tom?

  --- he hasn't come to school today. i think he________ be ill.

  a. has to

  b. should

  c. may

  d. need

  9. --- can you fly a kite?

  --- no, i _____.

  a. mustn’t

  b. needn’t

  c. can’t

  d. couldn’t

  10. this book _____ lucy’s. look! her name is on the book cover.

  a. must be

  b. may be

  c. can’t be

  d. mustn’t be



  (1) --- why isn't jim here?

  --- he's busy. he   (take) care of his aunt's baby at home now.

  (2) --- what's mr. clarke going to do tomorrow?

  --- he'll go fishing if it   (not rain).

  (3) linda   (make) a lot of friends since she came here last autumn.

  (4) --- did jack finish   (clean) the house this morning?

  --- yes, he did.

  (5) --- have you heard of the great wall, mr. read?

  --- yes, i have. it's a place of great interest in china.

  it   (build) thousands of years ago.


  miss wu : can i help you?

  li gang : yes, i'd like to return this book, please.

  miss wu : (1).

  li gang : no, i couldn't read it. i had a hard time reading a few pages, and then i decided to give up.

  miss wu : (2).

  li gang : it wasn't the language. it was the words. they are too small for me.

  miss wu : (3).what can i do for you then?

  li gang : well, i'd be glad if you could find me another book.

  miss wu : (4).

  li gang : yes, but one with bigger words.

  miss wu : (5).

  li gang : oh, oliver twist. this one is fine. and the words are much bigger. thank you very much.

  miss wu : you're welcome.

  a. what about this one?

  b. you can't keep the book for long.

  c. another english storybook?

  d. isn't it interesting?

  e. oh? but i know you are good at english.

  f. did you enjoy the book?

  g. yes, they are really small.


  once effendi had a joke with the prime minister (宰相). he said that the minister would die the next day. the next day, the minister fell to the ground from the horse and really died. when the king learned this, he got angry and sent his men to catch effendi at once.

  when effendi was brought to him, the king shouted angrily, “effendi, since (既然) you knew when my minister would die, you must know the date of your own death (死) . say it out, or you’ll die today.”

  effendi looked at the king for a while. then he answered, “but how can i know? i’ll die two days earlier than you.”the king was afraid that if he killed effendi, he himself would die after that. he thought he must keep effendi alive (活着) as long as possible, so he let effendi go.

  (1)this story tells us     .

  a. how effendi fooled (愚弄) the king

  b. when the king would die

  c. why the minister died

  d. effendi knew the dates of everyone’s death

  (2)the prime minister died because     .

  a. effendi killed him

  b. effendi said he would die

  c. he was badly ill

  d. he fell of the horse

  (3)why did the king ask effendi to tell him the date of effendi’s own death?

  a. because the king wanted to know when he himself would die.

  b. because the wanted to find an excuse to kill effendi.

  c. because he himself had known the date of effendi’s death.

  d. because he wanted to know when effendi would die.

  (4)the king let effendi go because     .

  a. he hoped to live a long life

  b. he was afraid of effendi

  c. he didn’t believe (相信) effendi’s words

  d. he knew he would die two days later

  (5)which of the following is not true?

  a. effendi played a joke on the minister

  b. the king was afraid of death.

  c. effendi didn’t know when the king would die.

  d. if the king killed effendi, he himself would die two days later.



  1. 选c。问句中的can询问“能力”的问句意为“你能在河里游泳吗?”如果能,则答yes, i can;如果不能,则答no, i can’t此题选c。

  2. 选a。may开头的问句是“请求许可”的问句意为“我可以现在去游泳吗?”如果允许,答句是yes, you may。如果不允许,答句是no, you can’t。如果表示“强烈的”不允许,“决不能”,则答句是no, you mustn’t。此题意为“现在”你“决不能”去游泳,应该先完成作业。因此选a。

  3. 选b。此题考查学生对情态动词用法的掌握情况。题中的情景是问路,而被问者并不知道去公园的路,建议问路人去问警察,说警察可能知道。最后一句说的是一种可能性。

  4. 选a。考查情态动词must的用法。考生错解的原因在于没有掌握它的用法。

  5. 选d。此题考查知识点为情态动词must的用法。考生错解的原因在于没有掌握must引起的一般疑问句的否定回答。

  6. 选b。情态动词may后接动词原型“be”,表示一种可能性或推测。

  7. 选b。此题考查情态动词的用法。may用于征求对方的意见。请注意may的这一用法。

  8. 选c。本题主要考查情态动词。汤姆今天没来上学,他可能是生病了,也有别的可能。所以只能是一种推测。故应选c。

  9. 选c。

  10. 选a。must be与may be 都表示推测,must be表示“一定是、准是”;may be 表示“可能是”,相比之下must be 的把握性更大些。


  (1)is taking

  (2)doesn't rain

  (3)has made


  (5)was built










