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Unit 4 He said I was hard-working(精选3篇)

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Unit 4 He said I was hard-working(精选3篇)

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working 篇1

  i. teaching aims and teaching demands:

  in this unit students learn to report what someone said and tell a story.

  ii. teaching key and difficult points:  

  a.       vocabulary 

  ever, mad, anymore, message, hard-working, surprise party, report card, first of all ,lazy, soap opera, house, snacks, beach, history,  science, spanish, 

  b. target language

  what did your math teacher say?

  he said i was hard-working.

  i can speak three languages.

  what did she say?

  she said she could speak three languages.

  c.     structures

  reported speech

  simple past tense

  can for ability

  iii. teaching methods: audio-lingual methods

  iv. teaching aids:      a tape recorder

  v. this unit is divided into eight periods.

  lesson 1  speak and listen

  section a 1a---1c

  i. teaching aims and demands:

  students learn to report what someone said.

  ii. teaching key and difficult points:  

  a.     vocabulary 

  soap opera, surprise party, be mad at, on friday night, 

  b.     target language

  what did she say? she said she was having a surprise party for lana on friday night.

  did you ever watch soap opera?

  what are some things happened on soap opera? 

  iii. teaching methods: audio-lingual methods 

  iv. teaching aids:      a tape recorder

  v. teaching procedure

  activity 1. revision

  task 1. dictation

  task 2. ask and answer.

  questions about the past progressive.

  activity 2. presentation

  this activity introduces some new vocabulary and provide oral practice using the target language.

  task 1 . ask four students to stand in front of the class, and the teacher asks them the following  questions as a reporter.

  1.      what are you going to do when you grow up?

  2.      what are you going to do next week?

  3.      what are going to do after school?

  the students will give different answers, then ask a good student to report what they said.

  i am going to e a doctor.

  what did she say?----------she said she was going to be a doctor.

  i am going to have a party on friday night.

  what did he say?-------he said he was going to have a party on friday night.

  i am going to do my homework.

  what did she say ?------ she said she was going to do her homework.

  i am going home after school.

  what did she say?-----she said she was going home after school.

  say in this unit we are going to learn to use words like to report what someone said.

  task 2. read the instructions. then ask a student to read the four questions. and write the words  on the bb. explain what soap opera is.

  task 3. ask the students to look at the pictures, point out the tv screens in the picture. ask one  girl to read what marcia said.

  what did marcia say? she said she said she was having a surprise party for lana on friday night.  repeat the other pictures in the same way.

  activity3. listen and number the pictures in activity 1a.

  task 1. play the recording the first time. students only listen.

  task 2. play the recording a second time. students number the pictures. then check the answers.

  activity 4. pairwork

  ask the students to ask and answer about what the people in the soap opera said.


  1.      make up your own conversations.

  2.  write down the sentences in 1a.

  lesson 2 listen and speak

  section a 2a---grammar focus

  i. teaching aims and demands :

  students learn to report what someone said.

  ii. teaching key and difficult points:

  a.     vocabulary 

  a surprise party, be mad at, not… anymore, bring …to , happen (on), direct speech, indirect speech. 

  b.     target language

  ben told lana that marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.

  she said she was mad at marcia.

  he told me he would  call me tomorrow / the next day.

  she said she could speak three languages.

  iii. teaching methods: audio-lingual methods and ppp

  iv. teaching aids:      a tape recorder

  v.teaching  procedure

  activity 1. revision

  task1. check the homework. ask and answer.

  i am a student. 

  what did he say?-----he said he was a student.

  i can swim.

  what did she say ?------she said she could swim.

  i will ring you up tomorrow.

  what did she say?

  she told me she would ring me up.

  activity 2. listening and circling .

  task1.read the instructions. learn the key vocabulary.

  task2.point to the five sentences and ask different students to read them to the class. then say:  you will hear a conversation between two people who are talking about a soap opera on tv.circle  true or false after each statement.

  play the recording twice and students circle their answers. then check the answers.

  activity 3.listening 

  task 1. read the instructions. 

  task 2. play the recording again and check the answers.

  activity 4. groupwork

  task 1.read the instructions for the activity.

  task 2. point to the pictures in activity 2b.ask the students to use the words and pictures as they  have their conversations. 

  task 3. have the students work in pairs.

  task 4. check the answers by calling on different pairs to say a conversation to the class.

  activity 5. grammar focus

  review the grammar box.ask the students to say the statements.

  pay attention to the following:

  direct speech                      indirect speech

  am, is , am having, go, will, can      was , was having, would , could, went

  a present situation                     a past situation 

  when you report what someone said, you use words that talk about the past.


  1.      review the conversation and the vocabulary.

  2.      write the sentences in grammar focus.

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working 篇2

  unit 4 he said i was hard-working.

  一. 教学内容:

  unit 4 he said i was hard-working.

  二. 教学目标:


  三. 教学过程:

  1. 重点词及短语。

  1. 直接引语和间接引语。


  1. ever:  adv. 曾经,永远

  (1)do you ever watch soap opera?

  (2)i hardly ever(几乎不曾)go to the concert.

  (3)true love should last for ever. (永远)

  2. mad: adj. 疯狂的,狂热的

  (1)be mad at/ with sb. 生……的气(同义词组be angry with sb. )

  (2)be mad for sth. 因……事而生气

  ex: he is mad _________ his son _________ telling a lie.

  3. not … any more   不再……

  (1)he didn’t live here any more. 他不再住这里了。

  (2)she wasn’t mad at me anymore. 她不再生我的气了。

  4. first of all 首先

  5. message: n. 消息,信息


  ①take a message _________sb.

  ②give sb. a message

  (2)给某人留个口信:_________ a message _________sb.

  (3)传信给某人:_________ _________ a message to sb.

  ex: ①he left a _________ saying he would come back in a week.

  a. information   b. message   c. news     d. word

  ②can i _________ a message for you?

  a. bring      b. leave     c. take     d. pass

  6. pass on 传递,继续前进

  ①学生们在传球。the students are passing on a ball _________ each other.

  ②请把这支笔传给tom。please pass _________ the pen _________ tom.

  7. suppose: 假定,认定,期望

  be supposed to do sth. “被期望或被要求做……”,相当于“should do sth. ”

  (1)我们应该努力学习。we are supposed _________ study hard.

  (2)他应该在这次考试中获奖。he is supposed _________ _________ a prize in the exam.

  8. hard-working: 形容词(adj)“努力的,勤奋的”;

  hard work: 名词短语,“辛苦的工作”;

  work hard: 动词短语,“努力工作”

  (1)he works _________ (hard) every day. everybody says that he is _________.

  (2)what a _________ man!

  9. do well in …“在……方面做得好”,相当于be good at …

  well 和good的比较级是_________,最高级是_________。

  (1)in english, i’m _________ at reading than listening.

  (2)in this math test, jim did _________ of all.

  (3)i can do better _________ physics.

  a. at    b. in    c. on

  10. in good health: 介词短语,表示一种状态,意为“健康的”,其同义词为_________

  (1)if you exercise often, you can keep_________. (保持健康)

  (2)the children are in good _________.

  11. report card 成绩单

  直到拿到成绩单我才知道我的成绩。i didn’t know my grades _________ i got my report card.

  12. nervous: 神经紧张的,不安的;

  (1)我一考试就紧张。i _________ nervous when i take exams.

  (2)别紧张。don’t _________ nervous.

  13. luckily: 副词,“幸运地”,反义词是unluckily;



  (1)祝你好运!(wish you)good _________! 或wish you_________!

  (2)做你的学生我很幸运。i’m _________ to be your student.

  (3)_________, he lost his life in the accident.

  (4)he fell off the bike, _________, he didn’t badly hurt.

  14. worst: 最差/坏的。其原形为bad 或badly,比较级为worse.

  (1)of all the cinemas, this one is _________.

  (2)i did _________ in the exam, mary did _________ than me, and tom did _________ of all.

  15. true:  adj. 真实的,其副词形式为truly,名词形式为truth(真相,事实)

  (1)is it _________ or false? (… t or f)

  (2)please tell us the _________ about the accident.

  (3)you are _________ my friend. (同义词为_________)

  16. disappointing: adj. 令人扫兴的;disappointed: adj. 失望的,扫兴的

  eg: we are _________ at hearing (=in) the _________news.

  17. copy: v. 复制;抄袭;   n. 抄本,复制品

  (1)we shouldn’t _________ others in the exam.

  (2)copy one’s example 仿照……的样子

  18. own:

  (1)adj. 自己的 this is my own car.

  (2)pron: 自己的(代词)the car is my own.

  (3)vt: 拥有(动词)i own a car.

  (4)owner: 拥有者(名词)i’m the owner of the car.

  19. get over: 恢复,克服,原谅。

  (1)get over the illness 克服/战胜疾病

  (2)get over the difficulty 克服困难

  20. village: n. 乡村,村庄  town  城镇,city 城市

  (1)he lives in a mountain _________.

  (2)beijing is a capital _________.

  21. graduate

  (1)v. 毕业(动词)he graduated from a famous university.

  (2)n. 毕业生(名词)he is a peking university graduate.

  22. volunteer: n. 志愿者

  23. thin: adj. 稀薄的;瘦的;薄的

  (1)at first, the thin air made he sick.

  (2)the ice is too thin to skate on. (thin ice 薄冰)

  (3)she’s becoming thinner and thinner.

  24. decision: n. 决心,决定;decide: v. 决定,决心

  (1)make a decision (to do sth.) =decide (to do sth.)

  (2)---when shall we leave? - you decide.

  25. husband: 对应词 wife

  26. open up your eyes to the world  放眼世界

  27. danger: n. 危险;dangerous: adj. 危险的

  (1)be careful! there’s _________ ahead (前面). (其反义词为_________)

  (2)it’s too _________ to cross the street now. (反义词为_________)

  (3)they are in _________. let’s go and help them

  (4)tigers are _________ animals.

  28. hometown: n. 家乡,故乡

  29. influence: n. 影响

  (1)it’s a good influence in children’s lives.

  (2)the bad weather influenced our work.

  30. start: n. 开端,开始;v. 创设,开办,开始,起动,出发

  (1)n. 名词,开始,开端it’s a good start in life. (=beginning  反义词:end)

  (2)v. 出发:when shall we start?

  (3)v. 开始:when did you start learning /to learn skating?

  (4)v. 创办:they will start a school next year.

  (5)v. 起动:there’s something wrong with the car. i can’t start it.


  1. he said i was hard-working.

  本句是一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句,主句为he said,从句为i was hard-working,这句复合句又称之为间接引语。如果主句的动词是过去式形式,则从句用过去时的某种时态。例如:

  (1)she said she _________(be) having a birthday party.

  (2)marcia said she was not mad at me any more.

  (3)she said that she _________(will not) go to jim’s party.

  2. ---what did your teacher say? --- he/ she said…


  1. 引用别人的话一般有两种方式,一种是直接引用别人的原话,称之为直接引语。一种是转述别人的话,称之为间接引语。间接引语在大多数情况下构成宾语从句。

  2. 直接引语变为间接引语,涉及到的几种变化:


  ①he said, “i think english is fun.”

  he said he thought english is fun.

  ②tom said, “i will leave for new york.”

  tom said he would leave for new york.

  ③marcia said, “i’m not mad at you.”

  marcia said she wasn’t mad at me.

  ④lily said, “i’m studying at this moment.”

  lily said she was studying at that moment.


  ①our teacher said, “the earth travels around the sun.”

  our teacher said (that) the earth travels around the sun.

  ②he said, “light travels faster than sound.”

  he said (that) light travels faster than sound.

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working 篇3

  section b (1a-2c)





  1.注意在直接引语转为间接引语时said 与 told 的区别。

  2. 掌握情态动词can表“能力”的用法


  1)擅长             2)在、方面做得好         

  3)能做的更好          4)擅长听          5)擅长说  

  6)懒学生                    7)应当做的更好                 

  8)在英语方面           9)在英语方面,比起听力来我更擅长阅读                


  11)我认为你非常努力               12)他说我是勤勉的                      


  stept 1 (1) chect the sentences that are true for you .

  stept 2  pairwork  talk about your answers .

  stept 3 listening 

  任务一:(2a)listen and fill in the speech bubbles  

  任务二:(2b)listen again .which is scott’s report card ?

  任务三:fill in the blanks .

  mother : did you get your            today , scott?

  boy : uh-huh.

  mother : so, how did you do ?

  boy : i did ok in some          .

  dad : what did your          teacher say ?

  boy : he said i could do                .

  dad :that’s not so good . how about spanish ?

  boy : oh , ms mendoza said i was good at          

  mother : that’s nice .

  boy : and mr ricardo said i was           .

  dad : what does he teach again ?

  boy : he’s my          teacher .

  dad : that’s         how about science ?

  boy : oh ,well ,           is very hard .

  dad : yes ,but what did your teacher say ?

  boy : umm…she … she said i was           .

  mother : oh ,scott ! you’ll have to try harder at science .


  stept 4 (2c) pairwork

  language points

  1.i am good at speaking . 我擅长口语。

  be good at doing sth.  擅长做某事。

  例如:i am good at playing the piano .

  2.i am not hard-working . 我学习不努力。hard-working努力用功的。

  上面的句子可以改写成:i don’t study hard .


  . complete the sentences with correct words.

  1. i’m _____ _____(做得好) reading than listening this term.

  2. she broke my favourite gift from my mom.  i’m _____(恼怒) at her.

  3. backham is a _____ _____(众所周知的) football player in china.

  4. the little girl is always shy.  she will be very _____(紧张的) when she makes a speech in public.

  5. history is the _____ (最差的)of all his subjects.

  . rewrite the sentences.

  1. “what are you doing, tom?”    i asked tom what ____________________.

  2. “do you often come to school by bus?”

  my classmate wanted to know if ____________________.

  3. “why can you finish it so soon, children?”

  mom asked the children why ____________________.

  4. “li xin is better at english than maths,” said the teacher.

  the teacher said that ____________________.

  5. “my father has been to hong kong twice. ” he said.

  he said that ____________________.


  section b (3a-3c)


  1.掌握词汇和短语: be in good health, report card, nervous, envelope, luckily,

  semester, worst , true, disappointing, lucky






  1.  预习 section b 部分出现的生词:report card  nervous  envelope  semester  true  disappointing.( 小组长检查读写情况)

  2.  听课文录音,大声自读课文,写出下列短语.(1)近况如何            (2)感冒           (3)上周        (4.)身体健康           (5)紧张          (6)做某事很困难 ,很艰辛           (7)期末考试         (8)我的最差的报告         (9)变得紧张                    (10)另一个令人失望的结果         












  1.    预习情况交流.

  2.    学习策略的培养:

  1)read the text and find alan’s report card in activity on page29

  2)read the text again and complete the following language points:

  (1) in good health 身体健康也可以说be healthy healthy 是形容词 health 是名词


  (2) end-of year  exam年终考试


  (4) luckily 副词“幸运地” lucky 形容词“幸运的”  luck 名词 “ 幸运”

  good luck 祝你好运    you are lucky. 你是幸运的。


  (5) have a hard time with sth.  在某方面感到很困难

  have a hard time with sb. 和某人关系处得非常不好


  (6) disappointing 使人失望的;另人失望的

  another disappointing result was in history. 另一个令人失望的结果是历史课。介词in “在…方面”

  辨析:disappointing 与disappointed ( 考虑学过的surprised / surprising , interesting /interested , amazed/ amazing )

  disappointing “令人失望的”, 做表语时主语是物;disappointed“感到失望的” 做表语时主语是人。

  be disappointed to do sth做某事是感到失望的        be disappointed at sth 对某事感到失望

  i am disappointed to hear the news.                  i disappointed at the result. 

  【学习成果展示】: pretend to be scott. use the information from activity 2b to write a letter to your classmate about your report card.

  【pairwork】imagine your teachers are writing your report card .write what they would say . then tell your partner what your teachers said



  1      (lucky), she caught the last bus and got home.

  2 i find science          (real) difficult.

  3. he got a        (disappoint) result in spanish. he was so      (disappoint).

  4. he said he       there next month.(go)

  5. the teacher told us that the earth       around the sun. ( travel )

  6.it isn’t a      (true) story. please tell me the     . ( true )


  1.his father is very old but he is in good h    .

  2. my english teacher said that i was h     .

  3. you are so l     that you passed the exam.

  4. l     , i passed the english exam.

  5. the result of our exams are very d     and each of us feels d     at it.

  6.don’t break (撕掉) the stamp on the e     . it’s impolite.

  7.don’t be n      . you can answer this question.


  1. i found      to make everyone be pleased with me.

  a.  that difficult  b.  it difficult  c. that difficult  d. it be difficult

  2. i am not good at chinese so i have a       time with chinese.

  a.   hard   b.   good  c. nice  d. easy


  1.this news is very disappointing.

  i                             this news.

  2.i am good at english.

  i                        english.

  1. i think he will come on time. (改为否定句)


  2. “i’m typing a letter to my penfriend,” linda says.

  linda said that ____________________.

  3. an american will come to our school tomorrow.

  our teacher told us that ____________________.

  4. michel does well in playing football. (同义句转换)

  michel _____ _____at playing football.

  5. “why do you think it’s a good idea?” i asked lucy.

  i asked lucy why she ____________________.

  6. where does your father work,could you tell me?

  could you tell me ____________________?

  7. he doesn’t want to eat anything.

  he said he _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.



  write your own report card.



Unit 4 He said I was hard-working(精选3篇)
