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My name’s Gina教案(精选3篇)

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My name’s Gina教案(精选3篇)

My name’s Gina教案 篇1

  新泰实验中学11-12学年七年级英语上册unit 1学案

  unit 1 my name’s gina.

  section a

  一、教师寄语:a thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.千里之行,始于足下。

  二、 学习目标:

  knowledge aims(知识目标)

  key words: my name nice meet you what’s his her

  key phrases: my name, first name, last name, answer the question.

  key sentences: what’s your name?

  what’s his name?

  what’s her name? 及回答。

  ability aims(能力目标)



  moral aims(情感目标)








  4.遇见______ 5.your____________6. 回答_________7.第一的______

  8.男孩_________9. hello_________10.问题________


  ①.one  num. 1, 一:one and two makes three. 一加二等于三。

  adj. ①一个:i have one book. 我有一本书。②有一(天):one day he will understand you. 有一天他会理解你的。

  ② meet/mi:t/  v. 遇到,碰到

  【记忆法】-ee-双写,与meat 为同音词。

  【考点】to meet sb. (or sth. )遇到某人/某事:nice to meet you. 初次见面时的客套话,不是初次见面时则用see。

  【引申】meet 也可用作名词,译为:会,集会:sports meet 运动会。

  ③“what’s your name?” “my name is gina.”“你叫什么名字?”“我叫吉娜。”

  两人初次见面互相询问姓名时可用这个句型。如想反问时可说:and you?或者and what’s your name?如:

  a:hello. what’s your name?

  b:my name is ann read. and you?/and what’s your name?

  a:i’m han mei.

  ④hello! 你好!






  动词be就是我们所学过的am, is ,are的动词原形。如何使用这三种形式主要取决于主语。当主语是第一人称i(我)时,用am, 缩写为i’m;主语是第二人称you(你)或复数时,用are, 缩写为you’re,主语是第三人称it/she/he(它/她/他)或名词及代词的单数时,用is, 缩写为it’s/she’s/he’s。如:

  i am (i’m) liu ying. 我是刘英。

  you are (you’re)lin tao. 你是林涛。

  it is (it’s)3344278


  我(i)用am, 你(you)用are,is连着他(he),她(she),它(it)。




  ② hello与hi

  (1) hello与hi可以互换,都表示“喂,你好”。但hi比hello用得更多,显得更随和亲近,它尤被美国年轻人所使用。但打电话时常用hello而少用hi。熟人、朋友见面时,彼此问候仅仅说声hi!就可以了。用hello时,不能“hello, hello, hello”这样反复使用。


  ③ do 1c practice the conversation。




  (1)如果是单姓,名又是单字,则姓与名的第一个字母要大写,其余字母用小写。如:li lei李雷。

  (2)如果是单姓,名是双字,则姓的第一个字母大写,名的第一个字母大写,名的双字合在一起算一个词,不得分开。如:han meimei韩梅梅。

  (3)如果是复姓,则把复姓字母连在一起,只是第一个字母大写,名字的拼写方法同上。如:sima zhao司马昭,ouyang yunsong欧阳云松。

  中英姓名比较──中文姓名是姓在前,名在后;英文姓名是姓在后,名在前。mr用于姓前,如mr green不能说成mr jim.


  yang xi-an(xi’an)杨西安,如写成yang xian就成了杨仙。

  step2  3a、3b、4




  (1)good morning!/good afternoon!/good evening! 分别用于上午、下午、晚上见面问好。

  (2)hello!/hi! 用于朋友或熟悉的人之间相互打招呼。

  (3)nice to meet/see you. 该句答语常用nice to meet/see you, too.


  (1)英语口语中多用省略句,如good morning! 也可以直接说morning!

  (2)相互熟悉的人见面打招呼用how are you?,初次见面一般用how do you do?


  (4)how are you? 原用于询问对方身体状况,现在逐渐失去原来的涵义,成为日常生活中的寒暄用语。



  (1)i am…我是……

  (2)my name is…我的名字是……

  (3)如果询问对方名字,可以问:what’s your name?/may i have your name?


  (1)如果见了长辈或年龄比自己大的人,最好用mr. ,miss, mrs.等称谓词+family name(姓氏)。





  1.what's ____________ name?(you)

  2.his ____________boris.(name)

  3.nice to ____________ you.(meet)

  4.____________ name is gina.(i)

  5.____________ this?it's a book.(what)


  1.what's your name?____________name is jenny.

  a.i   b.i'm     c.my

  2.i'm hardy.____________to meet you.

  a.like   b.happy   c.nice

  3.is this your brother?what's ____________name?

  a.her     b.his    c.your

  4.mary king is ____________ new teacher.

  a.i   b.she   c.her

  5.hi!this is ____________ new teacher;____________ name is yangyan.

  a.your;my  b.his;your  c.your;her


  【例1】―          your name, please?―my name is          .

  a. what’s, jim green       b. who’s, jim green

  c. what’s, green jim       d. who’s, green jim

  精析  what’s your name, please?询问对方的姓名,回答时用my name is…英语国家人的姓名结构顺序为:名+姓,故选a。  答案  a

  【例2】―hello!    ―           !

  a. yes    b. hello    c. good      d. good morning

  精析  hello!与good morning!都是问候语,它们的答语就是其本身,故选b。如:

  ―good morning, joan. 琼,早上好!―good morning, wen bo. 闻博,早上好!

  答案  b

  【例3】you           a teacher. i           a student. my sister          a student, too.

  a. am; is; are     b. is; are; am   c. are; am; is     d. are; is; is

  精析  动词be在一般现在时中根据不同的人称有不同的形式,在本题中,you与are连用,i与am连用,my sister为第三人称单数,应与is连用。答案  c


  (1) mike:hi,                        li lei:i’m li lei.

  mike: nice to meet you.         li lei:nice to meet you, too.

  a:what’s your name?    b:i’m mike.

  (2) miss king:that’s a nice dress.   ann:            .

  a:thank you           b. no, it isn’t

  精析  (1)某种情况把迈克和李磊聚到一起,他们意识到双方必须相互了解,相互做自我介绍。因此气氛比较随便,自报姓名往往是为了打听对方姓名的一种策略。对别人自报姓名所做出的回答一般是自报自己的姓名。


  答案  (1)b   (2)a


  (1)i         in row 6.

  (2)what         your name?

  (3)           you ten?

  精析  本题考查的是系动词be的用法。系动词be(是),随着主语的人称和数的不同,又分为am, is, are三种不同的形式。am用于第一人称单数;is用于第三人称单数;are用于第二人称单、复数和第一、三人称复数形式。如:i am…; it is…; you are…。下面这则口诀可帮助记忆:我(i)用am,你(you)用are,is跟着他、她、它,一切复数都用are。答案  (1)am  (2)is  (3)are


  1. she is a student and       name is kate.

  a. she   b. her   c. hers    d. his

  2.this is miss gao. she        your new teacher.

  a. be   b. am   c. is   d. are






  unit 1 my name’s gina.

  section b

  一、教师寄语:where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。


  knowledge aims(知识目标)

  key words: from 0 to 9,telephone,family

  key phrases: telephone number,id card,family name.

  key sentences: what’s your telephone number?

  what’s her telephone number?

  what’s her family name? 及回答。

  ability aims(能力目标)



  moral aims(情感目标)


  三、教学重难点 询问和给出电话号码。




  四    八          三        九        二        五      七      六      

  电话号码           姓氏          


  ① number

  n. ①数,数字;②(数目)大量,许多

  【考点】a number of 一些,许多(后接可数名词复数):a number of students took part in the sports meet. 许多学生参加了运动会。the number of……的数量:the number of boys in my class is fifteen. 我们班有15名男孩。in number 在数字上,总共:they are 18 in number. 他们总共18人。

  【引申】an even/odd number 偶/奇数;lucky number 幸运数字;number ten (英国的首相邸)唐宁街10号。

  ② -what’s your phone number?你的电话号码是多少?

  -it’s 2842942.             2842942。

  (1)这一句型同我们学过的what’s your name?属同一类句型,前者是询问电话号码是多少,后者是询问某人叫什么名字,但都用what表示问“什么”的词放在句首来提问,这种疑问句叫特殊疑问句。它的回答是针对特殊疑问词来回答的,不能用“是”或“不是”来回答。

  因此对该句的回答是针对所问的内容(phone number)来具体回答的,回答是2842942。注意回答时用it指代上文的phone number,以免重复。

  (2)what’s…number?是用来对自行车牌号、房间号、电话号码、身份证号码等进行提问的,答语是it’s+号码。此外还有另一种提问方式:what’s the number of…?如:

  what’s the number of your telephone?你的电话号码是多少?


  learn 1a、1b、2a。


  learn 1c、2c、3b、3c。

  5. 梳理归纳



  ① tel. no. 32687591(读作:tel. no. three two six eight seven five nine one)注意:tel.是电话telephone的缩写词。

  ② room 304(读作:room three o four)注意:房间号码中的0读法为字母o的读音,也可以读zero。

  ③500698(读作:five double zero(o)six nine eight)


  ① 表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词,本课所介绍的是形容词性物主代词,它们一般放在所修饰名词的前面,同时它们也有人称和数的变化。形容词性物主代词的前后是不出现冠词的,这是在书写句子时最容易犯的错误。如:my father, his desk, our room, their names. your aunt等。

  ② 形容词性物主代词的用法


  this is my bike. 这是我的自行车。

  miss gao is our english teacher. 高小姐是我们的英语老师。

  i don’t know her name. 我不知道她的名字。



  形容词性代词 my your his her its our your their

  中文 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他/她/它们的









  1.a:good morning!     b:____________!

  a.hi     b.good morning   c.hello

  2.a:____________?     b:his name is john.

  a.what's his name   b.what's her name  c.what's your name

  3.a:hello,ann!how are you?   b:____________.

  a.how are you    b.nice to meet you  c.fine,thanks

  4.a:this is my new students.____________.   b.nice to meet you!

  a.my name is dick    b.your name is dick  c.his name is dick

  5.a:hi,jeany!nice to meet you!   b:____________.

  a.hi!      b.nice to meet you,too c.good morning!


  a:good morning!

  b:____________ ____________!how are you?

  a:____________,thanks.____________ ____________?



  【例1】she is a student and       name is kate.

  a. she   b. her   c. hers    d. his

  精析  因为少形容词修饰名词“name”,排除a项和c项,又因为主语为she,故选b。

  答案   b

  【例2】this is miss gao. she        your new teacher.

  a. be   b. am   c. is   d. are

  精析  这一题考查be动词am, is, are的用法,am与i连用,is与第三人称单数主语连用,are与其他的人称连用,这里she是第三人称单数,故应选is。答案  c


  (1)what’s you name, please?

  (2)my name is han mei mei.

  (3)wei hua! hello!

  精析  (1)you与your虽然只有一个字母之差,但意义不同,在句中的作用也不相同。you意为“你、你们”,作主语;而your表示“你的、你们的”,后面必须再接一个名词。(2)汉语中的“名”用英文表示时须连写,不能分开,只要第一个字母大写即可。(3)英语中称呼语和问候语连用时,常将称呼语放在问候语之后,而在汉语中,习惯先说称呼语。

  答案  (1)you改为your  (2)mei mei改为meimei  (3) hello与wei hua位置互换


  误:i can’t find the my raincoat.

  正:i can’t find my raincoat.

  精析  若名词前的物主代词修饰时,其前面就不能加任何冠词。


  1. what’s        telephone number?

  a. she   b. he     c. him   d. her

  2. what’s your family name?(同义句)                                           





My name’s Gina教案 篇2

  年级 七     课题 unit 1  my name is gina._(_section a )__

  时间 .9.25_______ 学习目   标 1.      1、 正确听辨运用what’s your/his /her name  my name is…/ i’m …并会使用形容词性物主代词。  2、能运用hello, hi等打招呼,学会见面后的客套用语nice to meet you 。3、掌握英语姓名的表达法。





  一、             复习回顾1.将26个字母按发音分类(写出与所给字母含有相同音素的其他字母) aa _____________________ee _______   ______________   ii ___________ __________     oo ________________    uu ____________ff ____________      ____rr _________2.我们在预备篇中学过的问候语和称呼还记得吗?

  1. hi,hello         2.goodbye            3.good morning/afternoon/evening

  4. mr.   mrs.      miss ________  5.--how are you? i’m fine,thanks./i’m ok.二、预习感知:想想译译

  1.我的    2.名字     3.是     4.时钟     5.我    6.是    7.好的,令人愉的      

  8.遇见,相逢      9.你,你们        10.什么        11.你的,你们的    12.喂    

  他的______;她的______;14.name’s =         15.i’m=           16.what’s=  三、合作探究你了解英文名字吗?1、在本单元中找出下列人的姓名并分清姓或名。詹妮         吉娜        艾伦        玛丽        吉姆        托尼        汤姆        鲍勃        迈克        格林        米勒        杰克        史密斯        布朗        琳达        尼克        金        汉德        2、英文姓名排列顺序为先名后姓,这和中国人先姓后名的排列顺序刚好相反。例如:tony smith ;__________ ________ jack miller; _______________  gina brown;___________________ zhang mingming3、mr(先生)、mrs(夫人)miss(小姐)ms(女士)等称呼语只能加在_____前,而不能加在_____前。4. 你会询问别人的姓名吗?what’s your name? ___________________      回答 :_______________________what’s her / his name?_________________      回答 :__________________________问题发 现


  年级 七    课题 unit 1  my name is gina._(_section a )__

  时间 .9.25_____




  馈1、填空。(1) this is _____  ( i ) quilt .(2) what is ________ (you) name ?(3) this is my good friend. _____(he) name is alan .(4) mary king is ______ new teacher . (we)(5) ______ name is gina . ______is a girl .( she)(6)―hello !  ______ name is dale .   hello!  _____  am frank .( i )(7) this is a boy,and ______name is tom .(8) that is a girl , and ______name is kate .(9)my name is kate miiier . my ___ name is kate , my ___name is miller . (10) his father ______(be ) a teacher .(11) what’s that _______(girl) name .(12) my brother’s name is jim green , jim is his _____ ______.(13) you and i _____( be) students .(14) my name is zhang li . my family name is _________.2、补全对话。a: good morning .b:_________ ___________a:my name is alice . ________ your name ?b:tom .a:______ ______ _______ __________.b:_______ _______ _______ _________ , too .a: _______  _______  you ?b: i _____fine. ________ you . and you ?a: i’m fine , _______.3、按要求完成句子。1)his name is david .( 改同义句)________  ________ david .2) the girl’s name is  mary    (对画线部分提问)_________ the girl’s ________?3)i am tony .   (改一般疑问句)   _________  _________  tony ?4) his family name is green .  ( 对画线部分提问)

  _______ _________ his ________ name ? 我 的收 获


  年级 七     课题 unit 1  my name is gina._(_section b )__

  时间 .9_.25_____

  学习目 标 


  it;card;family;telephone/phone number  family name

  2、what’s your telephone number,li xin?  what’s her family name?学习导航一、预习感知:按照规律填入所缺的数字1)______ one two _______ four     2) two four_______ ________ten 3) ten ______ ________ seven six  4) one three  ________ _________ nine5)ten         six                   zero写出你家的电话号码,并译为英文和熟练读出。    your telephone number:                                                                                   二、合作探究:语法聚焦你能分清基数词和序数词用法吗?1、基数词表示数目的多少,常用来表示门牌号、电话号码、车牌号等。如:204号房间  room 204     一班class one  二年级 grade two 2、序数词强调顺序。 如:第一课 the first lesson 3、请准确读出下列电话号码。2899788        5781106        4411426        3564189 2596375        6628010        1013742        8794218四、练习句型 what’s your telephone number …? it’s … 来询问四位同学的电话号码,填写电话号码簿。五、制作自己的身份卡。                                                                         first    name:                                                                                     last      name:                                                                                    telephone number:                                                                                                                                                                问 题发 现


  年级 七     课题 unit 1  my name is gina._(_section b)__

  时间 .9.25____




  馈一、按要求写出下列各词的相应形式1)boy (对应词)_______   2) i (形容词性物主代词)_____         3) her(对应词) ______    4) phone (完整形式)______   5) your(人称代词)_______  6) it’s(完整形式) ________   7) first(对应词) _______   8)too(同音词)________       9 )hello(同义词)______   10) family name(同义词)___________二、选择正确的选项填空。(    )1. can i have your last name , please ?  --______________.a. emerson green     b. green    c. emerson     d. em(    )2.---what is ___________ telephone number ?     ---________ telephone number is 886677.a. your; your       b. his ;he    c. her; her     d. your; i(    )3.last name means ________.a. first name      b. given name  c. family name  d. names(    )4. this is _______ brother. ________ name is tom.a. your ; his     b. my; his     c. my ; his      d. his; my(    )5. which of following is not a first name? a. sam         b. kate        c. millar       d. nick (    )6. this is tom smith. ______ is ________ first name.       a. tom; his     b. tom; her     c. smith; his    d. smith; her 三. 完形填空,选择最合适的答案填入空格。nem good morning! my name is nemo .  what’s   1   name ?dory:     2   dory.   3   to meet you ,  nemo.nem nice to meet you   4   , dory.  do you know my father(父亲)?dory:  your father?  what’s   5   name ?nem his name is marlin.(    ) 1. a. youb. yourc. my(    ) 2. a. i b. my c. i’m(    ) 3. a. niceb. sorry c. excuse(    ) 4. a. twob. to c. too(    ) 5. a. heb. hisc. her

  我 的收 获


  年级 七     课题 unit 1  my name is gina._ 知识反馈_ __

  时间 .9.25___

  (时间:90分钟 总分:100分)

  一、完成下列短语的缩写形式。(10分)1. what is                              2. her name is                     3. number_________            4.  it  is ______________ 5. i am __________            6. 身份证 ______________ 7. 英国广播公司_________            8. 千克 ______________ -9. 中国中央电视台                  10. 联合国               二、把下列单词补充完整, 每空一个字母。(18分)1. a __ s w__ r       2. f__ __ s t          3. n__ __ber           4. f__ m__ l y         5.  _ __ one         6.  _ i __ e     7. l     k            8. n __ m__         9. w__ __t       三、用be 动词的适当形式(am, is , are )填空,每空一分。(10分)1. his brother’s first name _______tony.2. i_______ gina. nice to meet you!3. what_______ your father’s phone number? 4. ____294-2936. 5. i ______white. 6. you __  in black.7. my last name _______ white. 8. white___ my mother’s favorite color.9. _____ it a ruler?10. it __not my ruler.四、选择填空(10分)(   )1.______ name’s ann. what’s _______ name?a. you; your                   b. my; your                     c. your; i(   )2 ―what’s that in english  ―______ a phone.a. it                               b. it’s                             c. that is(   )3. his full name is chris topher supa. his family name is ________.a. supa                  b. chris                          c. topher(   )4. “h” _______ one of the letters.a. is                               b. are                              c. am(   )5. this is my good friend. _______first name is tonya. she                            b. her                             c. his(   )6. my girl friend’s name ____________gina.a. is                  b. am                     c. are(   )7. ________ name is alice.a. my                b. you                     c. my(   )8. what ’t  it ___________ english?a. a                  b. in                 c. an(   )9. ―what color is your backpack ?    ―it’s _________________.a. a green           b. blue             c. my; green(   )10.i am a boy. my name is ________.a. frank            b. mary              c. tom五、连词成句。(注意大小写及标点符号)(10分)1. how, gina, are, you_____________________________________________________2. father’s, number, phone, what, your, is, it 2863696 ,is________________________________________________________ 3. name, her, linda, is.________________________________.4. telephone, is, number, his, 3345654._______________________________________5. color, is, what, his, jacket._______________________________.六、根据汉语意思,完成英语句子(20分)1. 他叫什么名字?他叫tony. ______ ______ ______ name?  _______ name ______ tony.2. 你姓什么? 布莱克。what _______ _______ _________ name? ________ _______ is black.3. 你的电话号码是什么?我的电话号码是4778596。________ is ________ _________ ________? ―______4778596.4. 我是布鲁斯,见到你真高兴。______ bluce _______ ______ _______ ________. 七、完成对话。(12分)a: hello!                            b: _____1______a: _____2______                     b: my name is jenny.a: nice to meet you.b: _____3______a: what’s your phone number?          b: _____4______ a: _____5______                     b: his name is jima: _____6______                     b: it’s 477-5358.

My name’s Gina教案 篇3

  unit 1 my name’s gina.

  (the 2nd period section a 2a―2c)

  teaching aims(教学目标)



  language points(语言点)

  1.要求掌握以下句式:what’s your/his/her name?

  my/his/her name is ……

  2.要求掌握下列词汇:his, and, her, question, answer, look

  3.语法:了解缩略形式what is=what’s ,i am = i’m等;初步了解代词my,your,his,her的用法(此知识可在今后学习中进一步巩固)。


  teaching steps(教学步骤)

  1. warming- up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

  (1)sing abc song1

  (2)greeting (say hello between the teacher and the ss)

  (3) review introduction

  t: good morning. i’m diana.2 what’s your name?

  s: i’m xu dong./my name is… nice to meet you.

  t: nice to meet you ,too.

  2. presentation(呈现新知识)

  t: boys and girls,let’s play a guessing game,

  “what’s his/her name?” 3 ok?

  show the students the famous persons, let

  them guess the names of these persons by using:

  his name /her name is ……4

  i think his/her name is…5

  is he/she……?


  1. 为活跃英语课堂氛围而进行的活动。


  3.从guessing game中引出what’s his/her name? his/her name is……。让学生利用名人的图片来进行猜测,熟练新的句式。

  4.板书what’s his/her name?

  his/her name is……

  5.对有能力的同学,鼓励使用更多的句式来表达。is he/she…? i think he/she is… i think his/her name is……

  3. summary (short forms)

  my name’s ______.  your name’s _______.

  his name’s _______.  her name’s ________. 6

  4.work on 2a(完成p2-2a)

  t: now, look .at the  pictures on p2, listen to the

  four conversations. just listen.

  (play the recording for the first time, students

  only listen.)

  then, listen to the recording again, and number

  the pictures . check the answers.

  5.work on 2b(完成p2-2b)

  listen again. circle the names you hear.

  the first name is done for you.

  play the recording. students listen and circle

  the names they hear. then check the answers. 7

  6.listen and repeat(听音跟读)

  t: now let’s listen to the tape and repeat.

  please try to read like the tape. 8

  7.work on 2c(完成p2-2c)

  t: suppose you are new students in no. 1 middle

  school. you are from different countries. you

  meet for the first time. make up a dialogue in


  8. grammar focus(老师用中文总结这两天所学的语法点)


  my name is ……  i’m ……

  what’s his/her name?

  nice to meet you.

  回答what’s your/his/her name?

  的答语用: my/his/her name is….

  注意几种缩略的表达法:what’s=what is

  i’m=i am      name’s=name is10

  6.小结物主代词my , your, his, her 的用法。



  conversation1:jenny, tony

  conversation2:tonny, jenny





  10. 指导学生阅读grammar focus时,注意使学生理解question, answer, look三个词。

  9. exercise

  workbook p1 ex.1 find these words. circle the words.

  p2 fill in the blanks in the conversations..11


  oral work: (1) listen to1a, read and recite it.

  (2) read the sentences in grammar focus.

  (3) go on making up your dialogues with your partner and polish it.

  written work: (1) finish workbook p1p2e

  (2) bring some photos to school. 12

  11. 练习册的两个习题巩固本节课的语言重点。

  12. 准备若干亲友的照片,若干生活中常用电话号码的图片(急救、报警、火灾等),为下节课准备。



My name’s Gina教案(精选3篇)
