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PEP5 Unit1 Part B Let’s learn(精选2篇)

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PEP5 Unit1 Part B Let’s learn(精选2篇)

PEP5 Unit1 Part B Let’s learn 篇1

  teaching aims:

  1.learn the words: kind, funny, young, smart, active. can listen and say the words: strict, principal. university. student.

  2.to master these sentences: who’s’ …? is she young? yes, she is. no, she isn’t  and use them in real situation..

  3.read and understand the dialogue, as well as finishing the questions.

  key points:

  1.the words: kind, young, smart, funny, active.

  2.the structure: is he/she …?  yes/no…


  cards, tape and record.

  teaching procedures

  step1 warm-up


  2.sing the song “my new teachers”

  3.show many pictures of stars, and ask the ss to describe him or her.

  step2 presentation

  1.learn the new words

  (1)present the words: kind, strict, principal

  t: hello, boys and girls, this is my grandma, my grandma is old, but she is very kind.


  what about your grandma?

  ss: my grandma is…

  t: who is not kind in your family?

  s1: my…is not kind.

  t: yes, he/she is not kind. he/she is strict.

  show the picture of our principal, and ask “who is he?” “he is our principal.”


  t: what’s he like?  ss: he is…./strict.------strict

  (write down three words, and use them to describe others)

  eg: show the pictures of lu xun and zhou enlai.(可适当的渗透一般疑问句,让学生来描述人物特点)

  (2)    present the words: university student, young, smart

  t: (show the picture of einstein)who is this man?

  ss: …

  t: yes, he is a german. and he is famous for the theory of relativity(相对论). what’s he like?

  ss: …/smart.-----smart

  t: who is smart in our class?

  ss: …

  t: we have learned this word( show the card of “young”). who can read?

  s1: …

  t: great! we know, einstein is old, and we are?

  ss: we are young.

  t: yes , you’re young. look, (出示一张大学生的照片),this is a university student. he is young, too. and he is smart.-----university student

  (3)present the word: active


  t:who are they?

  ss: they are…

  t: what’s xiao yanzi/zi wei like?

  ss:… ----active, quiet

  t: xiao yanzi is active, but zi wei is quiet.( 要求学生模仿描述句子,可选用班级里的同学等)

  2.show the word cards and read them, then lean the sentences


  t:she is young and quiet, but …is very active. and …, is she active? (板书)

  ss: yes, she is/no, she isn’t.

  2.let’s chant

  (1)please listen to tape then read after it.

  (2)pair work “make a new chant”

  two ss write down the missing words, then read it out.

  step 3 practise

  guessing game(把任课老师的照片放在一信封里,请一个同学上来抽一张,其他同学运用已学的单词和刚学的一般疑问句来问,最后裁出的同学可以得到老师的照片)

  step4 consolidation and extension

PEP5 Unit1 Part B Let’s learn 篇2

  teaching points:

  1、can master the four-skill words: bridge, house, road, building, tree.

  2、learn the words: city and village

  3、can use the sentence pattern: there are  many … in the city / village to describe the city and the village.

  important points:

  1、掌握let’s learn中的七个有关自然景物的单词bridge, house, road, building, tree, village, city ,其中前五个单词要求听、说、读、写四方面掌握。

  2、在情景中理解单词的同时掌握句型there is / are… ,能恰当地用此句型简单描述城市和村庄的景物there are … in the city / village. ,结合句型教师引导学生代换单词,描述周围事物,如:教室、校园等,从而进一步运用句型。

  difficult points:



  teaching aids:

  cards and pictures, cai.

  teaching progress

  1. greetings: what’s your name?

  how are you?

  what day is it today?

  what do you have on mondays/tuesdays?

  do you have chinese/… class today?

  2. do you have your own room now?

  what’s your room like?

  do you like your room?

  3. cai: some rooms/ a park/ a nature park

  what’s it like?  there is/are ….

  do you like it?

  4. look at this picture. what’s it like?

  bridge  bridges

  where is the bridge?

  it’s over the river/ sea….

  5. cai: look! where is the bridge?

  it’s over a road.

  learn: road   coat boat goat load

  in ningbo, there are many roads. 

  bb: roads

  zhongshan road, xingning road, jiefang road, and so on.

  can you tell me some roads in xinqi?

  our school is on henghe road, baichuan road.

  6. look, this is a picture of zhongshan road. it’s between the tall buildings.

  building  tall buildings

  the tallest building in china is in shanghai. it’s jinmao building. cai

  are there any tall buildings in ningbo/ xinqi?

  7. shanghai is a big city.

  learn: city

  let ss say other cities.

  8. ok. now, tell miss fu. what’s a city like?

  there are many tall buildings, ….in the city.

  there are many lights in the city. (city night scene)

  look. there are so many cars. the city is very noisy. i don’t like it.

  9. look at this picture. is it a city?  cai

  it’s a village. what’s it like?

  there are some small houses, many trees, some paths, small rivers….in the village.

  10. game: city or village?

  cai: change the pictures, ss say city or village.

  find out the differences between the city and village. t writes on bb.

  group work: find the difference.

  11. talk about your village/ city. s talks in class, then practice in pairs.

  do you like the village/city/…?

  12. review the words, and then play spelling game.

  13. learn the story: the city mouse and the village mouse.

  first, listen and fill in the blanks.

  then, read the story.

  14. finish the wb.

  15. homework: copy the new words.

  talk about the city and the village to your parents



PEP5 Unit1 Part B Let’s learn(精选2篇)
