English Teaching Design(精选2篇)
English Teaching Design 篇1
english teaching design
computer, picture,ppt, sb, wb
教学目标 teaching targets
teaching contents 功能目标
functional targets 语言目标
language targets 情感目标
emotional targets
oxford english 2b m1 using my five senses
u2 touch and feel
period 1
1. use yes/no questions to find out facts
2. use adjectives to describe how objects feel
3. learn the sounds: p,b 1. using adjectives to describe how objects feel: soft, hard, rough, smooth
2. using yes/no questions to find out facts: is it …?
3. using imperatives to give simple instructions: touch this bag. 1. to know one of our five senses: touch and feel
2. to know the objects with our hands in a different way
3.to learn to describe how objects feel
教学过程teaching procedure
pre-task activities
step 1
show a picture of a birthday cake and sing the song “happy birthday” together
step 2
suppose it is kitty’s birthday, sing and ask them to guess the gift for kitty.
--- guess whose birthday it is?
---(show a bag with a ball)here is a gift for her. touch and guess what it is.
---what is it?
--- what color is it?
while-task activities
step 1
have the students play a guessing game to learn the new words.
----here is a big bow. what’s in it? touch it and guess.
----yes, it’s a ... it’s … (watch, bag/hard, soft, smooth, rough)
step 2
listen to the recording for ‘look and say’ on page 6. then ask the students to act out the dialogue in pairs.
eg, s1: touch this bag. is it smooth?
s2: no. it’s rough.
s1: is it hard?
s2: yes, it is.
step 3
practise the rhyme in ‘listen and enjoy’. then work in pairs to create a new one using different object names.
eg, a pig, a bear,
i can see.
soft and nice,
for you and me.
step 4
1) learn the sounds: p, b.
p, p, pig, pig.
b, b, bag, bag.
2) ask the students to say more words that contain the sounds ‘p’ and ‘b’.
eg, help, pen, please, etc. bed, bicycle, banana, table, ect.
post-task activities
step 1
stick the picture in the chart on the blackboard and play the ‘bingo’ game.
eg, t: pineapple
s: (take away the picture of pineapple) it’s rough. it’s hard.
step 2
play a guessing game in groups.
one student describes the object in his or her picture, then the other students in the group guess what it is.
板书设计blackboard writing
watch, bag, soft, hard, rough, smooth
is it …?
yes, it is./no, it isn’t.
课后作业 assignments
课后反思 reconsideration
1. listen to the tape for unit 2 and read it three times.
2. copy the new words.
English Teaching Design 篇2
english teaching design
computer, picture,ppt, sb, wb
教学目标 teaching targets
teaching contents 功能目标
functional targets 语言目标
language targets 情感目标
emotional targets
oxford english 2b m1 using my five senses
u2 touch and feel
period ii
4. use yes/no questions to find out facts
5. use adjectives to describe how objects feel 3. using yes/no questions to find out facts: is it …?
4. using formulaic expressions to answer questions: yes, it is./no, it isn’t.
5. using adjectives to describe how objects feel: soft, hard, rough, smooth 1. to know one of our five senses: touch and feel
2. to know the objects with our hands in a different way
3.to learn to describe how objects feel
教学过程teaching procedure
pre-task activities
step 1
sing a song “ good morning”
step 2
1) show the flashcards. have the students read and spell the new words.
2) take away the flashcards for the four adjectives and have the students name out the objets the teacher talk about.
eg, ----it’s smooth and soft. it’s blue. what is it?
while-task activities
step 1
bring some objects to the class. ask the students to touch them and answer questions.
eg, (show a cushion) ---touch this. is it hard?
show a book, a banana, a doll etc.
step 2
play a guessing game in pairs.
eg, s1:(put the pencil behind him or her)touch this. is it hard?
s2:yes, it is.
s1: is it smooth?
s2: yes, it is.
s1: what is it?
s2: it’s a pencil.
step 3
a) explain the brief idea of the story in ‘say and act’.
b) play the recording and then ask the students to practice the dialogue in groups of three. then invite some groups to act out in front of the class.
post-task activities
step 1
play the recording for ‘play a game’ while the students look at the wall picture. then ask them to work in pairs and make a similar dialogue.
step 2
have the students work in pairs and do task ‘a gift for you’ on wb. then ask several pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.
板书设计blackboard writing
watch, bag, soft, hard, rough, smooth
is it …?
yes, it is./no, it isn’t.
课后作业 assignments
3. listen to the tape for unit 2 and read it three times.
4. do workbook p14-17
5. recite the new words. 课后反思 reconsideration