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三年级英语Do you like pears教案(精选2篇)

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三年级英语Do you like pears教案(精选2篇)

三年级英语Do you like pears教案 篇1

  unit 4 do you like pearslesson 3part a let’s say; let’s chant. part c culture.teaching aims :1. be able to listen, say, recognize the words: orange, peach, pear, queen, quiet.2. be able to listen, say, read and write these two letters: oo, pp, qq.3. be able to know the culture “ doggy bag”.focus points & difficult points :distinguish o with q, p with q.teaching preparation:1. letter cards ,some word pictures.2. a little blackboard with four-line format.designing for the blackboard:

  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p qteaching steps:step1. warming up  1.sing a song<an apple a day>   2. free talk between ss.    s1: hello, s1. how are you?    s2: fine, thank you. i have so many fruits. do you like peaches?    s1: yes, i do./ yeah, very much.    ……   3. memory game:      s1: i like peaches.     s2: i like peaches and oranges.step2.presentation.  1. 1)t: well. boys and girls, do you like oranges?      s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.      t teaches the word of orange: / /, / /, orange.      t: can you find the same letters in “ok” and “ orange”?      s: o.      t teaches the letters oo.2). t shows pp and teaches the pronunciation.   t: p for……?   s: p for peach, pear, pen, pencil, pencil-case, panda……3) t teaches the pronunciation of qq.  t shows the cartoon: she is a queen. he is a king.  search game.  in the progress, t says “be quiet!”  2. let’s chant.a.       chant with t.b.      chant with the vcd.c.       chant by themselves.step 3. practise.  1. writing.1) t: now, let’s write them down. look at the blackboard.    t: first, let’s write down big letter o. one. now, let’s try together. show me your finger.    s: my finger.    t& ss: one.    t teaches the writing of small letter o.   2) t: guess! where does o live?     s: the second and third floor. (no.2 and no. 3).                           homelet’s write down it. show me your finger.     s: my finger.     t & ss: one.     t teaches the writing of small letter o in the four-line format.      write them on your exercise book.     teach the writing of pp.( pay attention to p. up, down.)     distinguish q with o, q with p.  2. culture.a.       watch the vcd.b.      learn the word “ doggy bag”.c.       make a dialogue in the restaurant.step4. assessment.1).complete the writing of letters and exercise on the activity book.

三年级英语Do you like pears教案 篇2

  unit 4 do you like pearslesson 6part c story time; let’s check; cultureteaching aims :1. be able to understand and say "i want some……” “i’m full. i’m hungry” “it’s cheap.” and use these sentence pattern to communicate with others.2. be able to listen, say the words: peas, tomatoes.3. be able to know the culture of “doggy bag”.focus points & difficult points :the pronunciation of “certainly”teaching preparation:1. food cards2. vcd and tape.ss: a picture of fruit or foods.designing for the blackboard:peas  tomatoesi want some ……s.doggy bagi’m full.teaching steps:step1. warming up  1. greetings.  2. watch the cartoon movies.  3. free talk    between s1 and s2.         step2.presentation and practise.  1. continue to the free talk.      t: do you like peas?      t shows the picture of peas.      s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.      t teaches the word of peas and tomatoes.  2. t: if you like apples, you can say to the salesman “ i want some ……s.”a.       say by individual.b.      have a competition.s1: i want some apples.s2: i want some apples and bananas.s3: i want some apples, bananas and oranges.s4: i want some milk.3. story time.watch the vcd.t teaches the word “buffet”.t: zoom and zip are going to have dinner in a buffet.what happened? let’s watch.main words meaning.t: do you know “what’s the meaning of ‘doggy bag’?  let’s watch the culture.watch the culture.①    doggy bag.②    i’m full.watch the story again.read after the tape.act it.         step 3. assessment.1) let’s check.2) t explains the meaning of the task.  3) ss do it after the class.



三年级英语Do you like pears教案(精选2篇)
