Unit 1 Looking and Seeing(精选3篇)
Unit 1 Looking and Seeing 篇1
unit 1 looking and seeing
教学内容 speaking
1. use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners
2. open an interaction by asking questions
3. maintain an interaction by replaying to questions
recognize differences in the use of intonation to differentiate questions and statements
教学目标: 知识与技能:掌握特殊疑问句及常用词
教学重难点 1. using nouns to identify things
2. using predicative adjectives of colour to describe things
3. using modal verb ‘can’ to talk about ability
教学准备 cassette 3b and a cassette player, colour cards, word cards
教学过程 教师活动
pre-task preparation
a review classroom vocabulary.
the students make and place labels on: blackboard, chair, door, bag, rubber, pencil, book, desk, ruler, and pen.
review colours: red, orange, ye/low, green, blue, black, white, pink
ask the students to read these words and spell them out
b 1 stick the word and picture cards on the board. introduce: brown and grey.
2 ask students to point to objects of a certain colour.
3 play the cassette. the students point to the object and repeat.
4 pick up a classroom object. ask: what colour is it? to elicit: it's ...
while-task procedure
1 put some classroom objects on your desk. ask: what can you see? to elicit: i can see a. ..ask: what colour is it? to elicit: it's
2 divide students into pairs.
have student a blindfolded and student b put a classroom object on the desk. student a asks: what can you see? what colour is it? to elicit: i can see a ...it's ...from student b. then student b puts a few more of the same classroom objects but of different colours on the desk. student a takes off the mask and chooses the correct object.
3 split the class into two groups. group a looks at the front of the classroom. group b turns the chairs and looks at the, back of the classroom. use photocopiable page 2. ask students ito colour the objects that they can see in the classroom on the sheet, then write down the colour. when they have finished, ask the two groups to share their work. ask the more able students to point out the differences if there are any.
post-task activities
1 workbook page 2
a read number 1 with the students. ask them to colour the desk with the correct colour.
b complete number 2 orally. the students fill in the blanks.
c invite individual student to read the completed sentences.
2 play a guessing game with the students. choose an object in the classroom. say: i can see something beginning with (letter). it's (colour). the students guess what the object is.
copy the new words and the dialogue
listen to the tape then repeat.
教学效果反馈 本课的目标是让学生通过对教室里一些常用事物的问答,复习与巩固前面学过的what can you see?和what colour is it?利用学生身边的东西进行提问,让学生相互之间进行问答,学生的兴趣较高,也乐于开口与同学合作。在之后的练说中,学生在颜色的回答中加了a,把grey抄写错误。总体来说,大多数的学生学的比较好,在默写中的错误率教低。在周练卷中学生把what colour is it?what colour can you see?混淆起来。
Unit 1 Looking and Seeing 篇2
unit 1 looking and seeing (3)
教学内容 speaking
1. use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners
2. pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its open syllable form
identify a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its open syllable form
教学目标: 知识与技能:掌握形容词的一般疑问句的用法。
教学重难点 1. asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out various colours students see
2. using modal verb ‘can’ to talk about ability
教学准备 cassette 3b and a cassette player, a piece of paper, scissors, colour pen, toothpick
教学过程 教师活动
pre-task preparation
. revision
what can you see?
i can see…
what colour is it?
while-task procedure
1 divide students into groups. use photocopiable page 1.
2 read make and play instructions as i demonstrate making the spinner on page 4 of the student's book. (the instructions are passive language.)
3 students make a spinner per group. they can stick the circle on a card. students spin the spinner. members in a group ask and, tell each other about the colours. what colour can you see? i can i see ...
ask the group leader to make a record of all the colours the group members see.
encourage them to pick out the new colours. ask the more able students to show the class how colours mix together and form new colours.
learn the sound
1 play the cassette. students listen.
2 play the cassette again. students follow.
3 students repeat after you.
4 ask individuals to read the sentence.
homework 1. play the spinner and say.
2. .2write the new sentences
教学效果反馈 本课是让学生在做做玩玩中学说句型what colour can you see?i can see…课前我让学生在家里预习并把它做好,在课堂上请一些学生说出做的步骤,在说的过程中,学生把本堂课的内容也掌握了,在他们遇到一些单词不会读时,正好进行教学,效果挺好,在随后的learn the sound中,适当的结合以往的单词教学,使学生在复习中学新知识。但在学生边玩边说的过程中,还是有一部分学生回答成了it is green。
Unit 1 Looking and Seeing 篇3
unit 1 looking and seeing (4)
教学内容 speaking
1. use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners
2. open an interaction by asking a question
3. close an interaction by using appropriate formulate
1. identify key word in an utterance by recognizing the stress
2. recognize differences in the use of intonation to differentiate questions and statements
教学目标: 知识与技能:掌握一般疑问句的问答
教学重难点 1. using possessive adjectives to show possession
教学准备 cassette 3b and a cassette player, pen, pencil, book, ruler and so on.
教学过程 教师活动
pre-task preparation
a review the names of some classroom objects, e.g. pen, ruler, book, etc.
what’s this? it’s…
is this …? yes, it is.
no, it isn’t.
b ask: is this your ..., (student's name)? when i give my students' belongings back. give some of the objects back to the wrong student deliberately. prompt the students to say: yes, it is./no, it isn't.
1.take someone’s book and ask him:
is this your book? p: yes , it is.
ask the other pupils.
is this your book? p: no, it isn’t.
2.teach the question. is this your…?
3.ask and answer each other.
4.write down the new sentences then read.
5.change the sentences.
while-task procedure
1 play the cassette. the students follow in their books.
2 play the cassette again. students repeat.
t: now listen to the cassette and read after it.
3 invite students to read the dialogue.
4 divide the class into groups.
ask students to clear their desks. each member chooses three objects from their drawer. with their eyes closed, students put the objects on the group's desk at the same time and mix them up.
5 students are to find out the owners of the objects.
they use the dialogue in ask and answer while they are doing the task.
post-task activity
workbook page 3
a read number 1 with the students.
b give the students a few minutes to prepare the other three questions.
c invite individual students to complete the exercise orally. the rest of the class check their answers.
d students use the completed dialogues in pairs.
recite the dialogue and say it with your friends
教学效果反馈 本课要求学生能利用一般疑问句与物主代词进行相互问答,知道一般疑问句的回答,利用课堂上的问答引出本课内容,然后同桌或三人进行问答,在这之前先复习一下人称代词与物主代词的转换关系。整堂课学生练说的积极性挺高。但一些学生对于我的与你的具体的区分还是不够明确。在随后的练习中,选择好人称代词后没有进行相应的变化,对于you’re my的用法有不明确