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Teenage problems 教案

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Teenage problems 教学案

    一、 教学重点
    To master the brief overview of the use of 'to'-infinitives.
    To use 'wh-'words +'to'-infinitives after a verb.
    To distinguish different types of sentences.
    二、 教学难点
    To master the brief overview of the use of 'to'-infinitives.
    To use 'wh-'words +'to'-infinitives after a verb.
    To distinguish different types of sentences.
    三、 教学流程
    (否定)也 注意,观察v 勇气 事实,真理n 青少年辅导员 留出
    either notice courage truth youth worker spare
    进步n 宝贵的 回答,回复 高兴,乐意 拼写n 受苦,受难
    progress valuable reply pleasure spelling suffer
    虽然 原因 复习v 吵架v&n 首先,第一 责备v
    though cause revise quarrel firstly blame
    1. get/take a bus          2. get/become angry   
    3. get/achieve a high mark  4 get/have a lot of homework   5 get/arrive home   
    6. get/receive a letter      7. quarrel with sb             8. spare some time for me
    9. turn down/up the radio   10. see your progress         11. care about  
    12. the top student        13. reply to my letter/answer the letter   
    14. pay no attention to     15. be proud of
    16. suffer from stress      17. keep your worries to yourself
    A. To-infinitives
    To-infinitives can be used as different parts of a sentence, such as: subject, predicative, object, object complement, attributive, adverbial to express purpose, adverbial to express result.
    1. It is good to hand in homework on time.         (subject)
    2. My purpose is to help you solve your problem.    (predicative)
    3. I hope to hear from you soon.                 (object)
    4. Mr Wu tells the students not to shout in class.    (object complement)
    5. Have you got anything to tell me?              (attributive) 
    6. She ran fast to catch the first bus.              (adverbial to express purpose)
    7. Li

nda came back home to find her house on fire.  (adverbial to express result)
    B. 'wh-' words + 'to'-infinitives
    We can use a 'wh-' word with a 'to'-infinitive after a verb. All 'wh-' words can be used in this way, except 'why'.
    1. Paul knows who to talk for help.
    2. Simon does not know what to do.
    3. You should decide which to do first.  etc.
    C. Sentence types
    1. 陈述句通常用来提供信息,包括肯定和否定两种, 要分清句子的结构, 是主系表结构还是主谓宾结构, 在改成否定句时要特别注意not的位置.如:Millie is a student. → Millie is not a student.
    Simon feels stressed and angry from time to time. →Simon does not feel stressed or angry from time to time.
    I understand why they are so strict. → I do not understand why they are so strict.
    2.  疑问句用来咨询信息或要求知道某件事,分为一般疑问句, 特殊疑问句, 选择疑问句和反意疑问句.
    一般疑问句是将陈述句中的系动词be提前, 或在陈述句首加助动词构成的, 通常要用Yes/No来回答; 特殊疑问句是用特殊疑问词加上一般疑问语序构成的,不能用Yes/No来回答, 要根据提问,用一个陈述句来明确地作答; 选择疑问句实际上就是在一个一般疑问句或是特殊疑问句后面并列两个或几个备选答案, 回答时要做出明确的选择, 亦不能用Yes/No来作答; 反意疑问句则是在一个肯定或否定陈述句的后面加上一个省略的否定的或肯定的一般疑问句, 回答时要注意一致性. 如:
    --Millie has lots of homework to do, doesn't she? --Yes, she does.

    --They didn't watch the football game last night, did they?
    --Yes, they did./No, they didn't.
    3. 祈使句用于提出命令或要求,分为肯定和否定两种. 祈使句为动词原形开头, 一般没有主语, 祈使句否定句则以Don't开头, 如:
    Call me at four today. → Don't call me at four today.
    4.感叹句用于表达一种强烈的感情,由what或how引导, 分别强调名词或者是形容词,副词,动词等,如:
    What a lovely cat it is!  What interesting books they are!
    How hard-working she is!  How hard Yao Ming is practicing!
    How time flies!
    Ⅲ Exercises
    一. 按要求完成句子
    She is a___________in her class, but she never __________________.
    3.我愿意和你一起分担你的困难。I'd like _____________________you.
    5.Paul used to ______________(以…为自豪) his success.
    6.Did Millie do well in Science last term?(同义句)_________________?
    7.Her classmates all call her a bookworm. (对划线部分提问)
    _____ _____ her classmates all______ her?
    8.Her favourite subjects are English and Maths. (同义句)
    She _____________________________________________.
    9.I told her what she should do in PE lessons. (同义句)
    I told her ______________________ in PE lessons.
    (  )1.Amy is good ___swimming and her brother does well___running
    A. in, at   B. at, in   C. at, of   D. for, in
    (  )2.Talk to your friends when ______

    A. feeling sad  B. feel sad  C. you're sad  D. A and B
    (  )3.She still found sport ______ for her but she could deal with it.
    A. easy    B. difficult    C. difficulty    D. easily
    (  )4.The teacher told Tom _______ to school late next time.
    A. to not come  B. not come  C. didn't come  D. not to come
    (  )5.What do you think ______ him _______ his mind?
    A. to make, to change         B. made, change
    C. made, to change           D. makes, changing
    be proud of, laugh at, pay attention to, share…with,
    be good at,  make sb. feel happy,  try one's best, 
    1. Chinese _________________ the Great Wall.
    2. Please ___________________ some mistakes in your article.
    3. Will you please _______the kitchen _________ me?
    4. No one likes to ________________ by others.
    5. We were ___________________ by his funny jokes.
    (    )1. 'We are writing a formal letter.' What kind of sentence is it? ____________ (江苏南京中考题)
    A. S+V+P      B. S+V+DO     C. S+V       D.  S+V+DO+CO
    (    ) 2. --- Will you please show me how to do the role play exercise?
    --- Sure, now let me tell you ___________ first. (南通中考题)
    A. which to do                  B. who to do
    C. when to do                   D. what to do
    (    ) 3. You should spare ______ to do body building exercises. You are too weak. (绍兴市中考题)
    A. sometime                    B. sometimes
    C. some times                   D. some time
    (    ) 4. --- We can use QQ to talk with each other online.
    --- Good! Will you please show me _________ it? (2005 山东)
    A. what to use   B. how to use   C. when to use   D. where to use

    (    ) 5. --- Are you going to buy a camera?
    --- Yes. But there are so many kinds that I can't decide _________ to buy.
    (2006 武汉)
    A. what    B. which    C. how    D. where
    6. He didn't kno

w how he could solve the problems. (简单句) (河北省中考题)



Teenage problems 教案
