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Good Friends Shouldn’t Fight

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Good Friends Shouldn’t Fight

    Studying Aims:
    1. 掌握的词汇及短语:enemy ,behave ,gentleman ,honest.
    2. 掌握商议的说法: Let's have a meeting.  Shall we meet at 7:30?   How about tomorrow evening?
    3. 识别的词汇及短语:thief ,unhappy, agreed.
    Main steps of teaching new lesson:
    Step 1:Revision. A:学生课前五分钟自编短剧表演,老师点评。B: ask the students to translate the sentences into Chinese in oral (附幻灯内容)
    Step 2, Lead-in and presentation. Ask the students to talk about it freely (附幻灯内容)
    Step 3, Learn the new words and explain the important and difficult. (附幻灯内容)
    Step 4: listening ,ask the students to listen to the tape ,and answer the question. "When and where will Danny ,Brian and Jenny have a meeting? Listen to the tape twice ,and answer it .
    Step 5,Reading ,ask the students to read the text carefully , and answer the following questions . (附幻灯内容)
    Step 6, ask the students to read the text aloud, and let them try to retell the text in oral.
    Step 7,explain the difficult and important. (附幻灯内容)
    Step 8 , do some exercises . (附幻灯内容)
    Step 9, homework, debate which character is right ,Danny or Brian. Why do you think so.



Good Friends Shouldn’t Fight
