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Thank you Mom and Dad教案

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    Unit 13 "Thank you, Mom and Dad!"
    ① 知识目标 熟练掌握本单元的单词、短语、句型和语法
    ② 能力目标 能够熟练运用老师所教的阅读技巧,高效地完成阅读任务
    1. 单词: 本单元中单词的音、形、意
    2. 词组:
    take place                       发生
    hold a special party for parents       为父母举行一次特殊的聚会
    invite sb. to somewhere            邀请某人到某地
    invite sb. to do sth.                 邀请某人做某事
    say sth to sb.                      和某人说某事
     have nothing to do                 没事可做
    make an appointment with sb.        和某人有约
    do some shopping                 购物
    at the bus stop                    在公共汽车站
    tell a real story                    讲一个真实的故事
    be sure about                     对……有把握
    let sb. do sth.                     让某人做某事
    be moved to tears                  被感动得流泪
    take care of …alone             单独照顾某人
    the whole world                   整个世界
    the noisy class                    喧闹的课堂
    in a special way                   用一种特殊的方式
    at that moment                    在那一刻
    become noisy                &n

bsp;    喧闹起来
    find out                          查明
    on Thanksgiving                   在感恩节
    arrive at                          到达
    grow older                        长大了
    keep sb. from doing sth.           阻止某人做某事
    make their beds                   为他们铺床
    put away                        收拾
    clean up                         收拾干净,清洁;肃清;除清;除掉;清理
    a rock concert                    一次摇滚音乐会

    a high tea    &nbs


p;                  晚茶
    in the meantime = in the meanwhile    在这期间,这时
    1. Where does the dialogue possibly take place?
    take place 发生
    happen与take place的区别:
    happen 往往表示偶然性的没预料到的事情的"发生";
    take place表示必然性的"发生" 或指是布置或策划好某事而后"举行"的。
    When did this take place?                这事是什么时候发生的?
    Where sports events take place.            进行体育运动的地方。
    We happened to be in the neighborhood.     我们恰好是邻居。
    The accident happened yesterday.          事故发生在昨天。
    The meeting took place at 8:00 as planned.   按计划会议在八点举行了。
    2. invite his mother to a movie.
    invite his mother to dance.
    invite sb. to my house        邀请某人到我家
    invite sb. to sing            请求某人唱歌
    She invited us to her party.    她邀请我们参加她的聚会。
    He invite

d me to play football with him. 他邀请我和他一起踢足球。
    3. To say "Thank you" on Mother's Day.
    say sth. to sb.     和某人说某事
    say "Hello" to sb.
    say "Sorry" to sb.
    say "Thank you" to sb.
    say " Congratulations" to sb.
    say, speak, tell 和talk 的区别:
    speak讲语言    speak to sb. about sth.
    tell告诉        tell sb. sth. /tell sth. to sb.
    say说          say sth. to sb.
    talk交谈,聊天   talk to sb./talk sb. about sth.
    say, speak, talk 和tell辨析。
    例如:He can say his name. 他会说他的名字。
    Please say it in English.              请用英语说。
    She's saying , Don't draw on the wall.   她在说,别在墙上画。
    speak to sb. 跟某人讲话,此外speak还可用于在较为正式的场合的演讲或演说。
    Can you speak Japanese?          你会说日语吗?
    She is speaking to her teacher.      她正在跟她的老师说话。
    He spoke at the meeting yesterday.  他昨天在会上讲了话。
    talk 一般为不及物动词,意思是"交谈,谈话",着重强调两者之间的相互谈话。
    例如:She is talking with Lucy in English.  她正在和露茜用英语交谈。
    What are you talking about?              你们在谈论什么?
    The teacher is talking to him.             老师正在和他谈话。
    tell sb. sth.=tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事。
    He is telling the children a story.                      他正在给孩子们讲一个故事。
    Did you tell her the news?=Did you tell the news to her?  你把这个消息告诉她了吗?
    4. Our English teacher Miss Wang did not teach us from the textbook today. She told a real story instead. She asked us if we had heard about Mother's Day. Then she said that a woman named Anna Jarvis started Mother's Day in the early 1900s. Anna asked the President of the United States to make it a special day after her own mother had died. She hoped children would say "Thank you" to their mothers while their mothers were still alive.

    tell sb. a real story  讲一个真实的故事
    be alive   活着
    The fish we caught is still alive.    我们所捕的鱼还活着。

5. Then Miss Wang asked us i


f we knew when it was Mother's Day. Nobody was sure about the date except Dave. He told us that in North America, Mother's Day was the second Sunday in May. He explained to us that he did a special breakfast for his mother on the last Mother's Day, and let her eat it in bed! His mother was moved to tears because she hadn't expected that.
    be sure about        对……有把握
    Be you sure about that?                这事你能肯定吗?
    I will not be too sure about that.          这件事我不太有把握。
    You can be sure about their interest in it.   你可以肯定他们对它很感兴趣。
    6. We begin to understand why Miss Wang started the topic. Mother's Day was just around the corner! Then somebody asked if there was a Father's Day? "Yes", Miss Wang said, "Why there wasn't? Who knows something about the Father's Day?" "Nobody answered. She told us that Father's Day was the third Sunday of June. The first Father's Day began in 1910 in the United States. Mrs. John B. Dodd wanted a special day for her father. Since her mother had died young , her father took care of his six children alone. She wanted to tell the whole world that her father was her hero!
      around the corner    在角落里;即将到来
    the whole world     全世界
    a whole cake                   整个蛋糕
    They told me the whole story.      他们给我讲了整个故事。
    the whole truth         全部真相
    ①有时这两个词含义大致相同,只是位置不同:all 要放在冠词、指示代词、物主代词等之前,而whole 应放在这些词之后。如:
    all the family / the whole family 全家
    All the children enjoyed themselves. 所有的孩子都过得很快活。
    The whole building was burning. 整座大楼都在燃烧。
    注:它们在意义上有差别:all指"一个不剩"(即"全部"); whole 指"一点不缺"(即"整个")。
    ③在不可数名词之前一般用all,而不用 whole (但偶尔有例外:the whole time / all the time; his whole energy / all his energy等),但在物质名词前是绝对不能用whole 的。如:
    误:the whole money    
    正:all the money 所有的钱
    误:the whole food      
    正:all the food 所有的食物

    误:the whole wine
    正:all the wine 所有的酒
    ④在表地点的专有名词之前, 一般用all 而不用whole 如:all China (全中国),但可说the whole of China.
    ⑤在时间名词(如day, week, month, year等)以及季节名词( spring, summer, autumn, winter )之前,两者都可用。如:
    all (the) day / the whole day  整天
    all (the) spring / the whole spring 整个春天
    注:在表示时间的hour和 century 之前,一般只用whole, 不用 all
    如:I waited for her the(或a) whole hour. 我等了她整整一小时。
    7. Suddenly the noisy class was quiet. We were all wondering how we would thank our parents in a special way, and what presents would please them most. We were imagining how happy and surprised they would be at that moment.

    noisy  嘈杂的, 吵闹的, 熙熙攘攘的
    a noisy crowd   喧闹的人群
    a noisy boy     吵闹的孩子
    the noisy city    喧闹的城市
    The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance to the citizens.城里的交通噪声总是使城市居民烦恼。
    I wonder. In England, each man speaks a different language.
    I wonder at his rudeness.       我对他的粗鲁感到奇怪。
    He wondered why people built ugly homes, when they could have beautiful ones.
    I am wondering how to do it.    我想知道怎么做这个。
    Ted wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday.
    I wonder why James is always late for school.&nb


sp; 我想知道为什么詹姆斯上学总是迟到。
    (1)直接引语如果是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,要用连词whether 或 if 引导(选择疑问句必须用whether 引导)。同时把原来的疑问句语序变为陈述句语序。主句中的谓语动词是said时,要改为asked。没有间接宾语时,还可以根据具体情况加一个间接宾语,动词的时态和人称同时做相应的变化。
    "Are you a student of International Middle School?" she asked me.
    → She asked me if I was a student of International Middle School.
    "Are you going to the party or not?" Mike said
    → Mike asked me whether I was going to the party.
    "When will you finish your story?" Mary said to Grandpa.
    → Mary asked Grandpa when he would finish his story.
    "How did you cook the dish?" Grace asked Lin Li.
    →Grace asked Lin Li how she had cooked this dish




Thank you Mom and Dad教案
